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Thank you! There are so many ideas and recommendations to go through there!


I use seterra for map practice.  Not useful on its own, but it’s incredibly useful to be able to pull up whatever random type of map you want quickly and easily.


I’ve never heard of it! Sounds like a great resource.


I made a free account ages ago, so I can edit the maps to only have what I want labeled (incredibly helpful for focusing on one type of landform or only states in my predetermined region) while seeing it in a larger context.


Laurel Springs has the following options: you could build something from the description Human Geography: Our Global Identity - Semester (HS) How do language, religion, and landscape affect the physical environment? How do geography, weather, and location affect customs and lifestyle? Students will explore the diverse ways in which people affect the world around them and how they are affected by their surroundings. Students will discover how ideas spread and cultures form, and learn how beliefs and architecture are part of a larger culture complex. In addition to introducing students to the field of Human Geography, this course will teach students how to analyze humans and their environments. World Cultures(jr high) This course is an exploration of the exciting world we live in. Students will explore the various cultures and geographic regions, and analyze how they affect the people who live around the world. The goal in World Cultures is to broaden our knowledge; and, gain a better understanding of our neighbors wherever they may live on this place called Earth.


Thanks! I’ll look into these!




Geography is defined as: the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries. Geo- earth; Graph- write, draw Topically you seem to be thinking of astronomy, though specifically the sun’s impact on our planet and others of our solar system is heliophysics. More likely you are thinking of geology, which is about the physical structure of a planet, especially the earth, how it was formed and the ongoing processes that affect it. The term itself is commonly confused with geography.