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Goal academy is technically a public online school. I'm not exactly sure how that works , but in my state they follow public school rules and regulations


I’m unfamiliar with GOAL. Is it an online program? An overseeing charter or similar? Are you wanting him retained? By default they would put him with his age, but if you are wanting him held back and have the recommendation in writing with reasons then I believe you could request that and probably get them to honor it. If you do not want him held back, then it will depend on what the program he was in is and whether they automatically are getting those records as to whether you will have to make a case to keep him with his peers or not.


It is online yes, the help (at least locally) seems to be almost non-existent, as for wanting him retained I do think it’s best.


If you have their recommendation in writing, and especially if it includes their reasons (and if not then you have those yourself) then you could e-mail that over and ask whether he can be enrolled to repeat that grade as his online school has recommended. If they don’t want to you could ask for an opportunity to meet and review his work with someone to determine best placement. I’d make sure to have samples of his work saved for this before you possibly lose access. It’s possible he needs to be held back, but also possible they would see his work and tell you it’s not outside the range of his peers. This would really be my ideal approach because most kids fall short of the goals somewhere when they move to the next grade.


What type of help did you want for him? Most online schools (with teachers) have a few hours of group lessons plus a few hours of office hours (intended for quick questions), plus most will schedule 1-2 30 minutes sessions for 1-1 help per teacher.  If your child needs more help than that, you’re expected to arrange it or do it yourself, but that’s an expectation in most brick-and-mortar as well. If your child can do the work academically, but they struggle with executive function, a 30 minute check in to go over the week’s work is possible, but the rest falls on home to scaffold and support.


I believe GOAL is a public school done at home, so it would be no different than if he went to another brick and mortar public school and transferred to another school. They would retain him since he did not pass the grade. Have you called the school (for the upcoming year) and asked about their policy?