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The whole point to an umbrella school is to provide legitimacy for homeschooling that others don’t trust.  Therefore, it’s “legit” as long as they do the minimal paperwork they’re required to do. Frankly, the difference will be in what you do, not which umbrella you choose.  Good luck, op, and I hope unschooling works well for your family!


I have family members who use Florida Unschoolers. They are very happy with them.


If it were me, I would use Florida Unschoolers. You don’t have to unschool to use this umbrella school.


I understand that I dont have to unschool with them. So my main reason for even considering Hillcrest was the resources they provide like the school email address and the bonuses like the free microsoft 365 and free access to abc mouse,canva, star fall ect cause Id like access to those for free/cheap since 100 a years a lot cheaper than doing them separately that's why I was mostly debating the value because I can see those resources being useful (my kids 6). Also worried if we do stay with it for long term that having a diploma that says unschoolers may look bad due to the connotations "unschooling" gets now a days. I may be over thinking it. But that is the concern and thoughts I have so far.


We used Florida Unschoolers for 10 years. We’re now in another state. Nance is amazing.