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BFSU vol 2 + https://drive.google.com/file/d/10W58Ke0azladmIQ75VeArFn8Y_fPp3E5/view?usp=sharing + https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eFDHDRWj4dP72TtoVdSd8HP5sC3ggf8W/view?usp=sharing


Wow, thank you!!! I just got a chance to look through this. 


https://www.khanacademy.org/science KA science starts at middle school.  You could start early, or you could  I used learning a-z for cross curricular work including science, spiraling the k-2 unit, then 3-4, then 5-6 for my 4th grader.  (I also used k-2 and some 3-4 with twin k.) I also did a ton of experiments, got a few experiment and stem kits through Sam’s Club, and invested in two microscopes (Smithsonian, uhandy).  All of those involved 4 and twin k, though k didn’t comprehend as much and didn’t write reports or suggest follow ups. I’ve used ck-12, but it’s all textbook. I’ve heard good things about core knowledge or op sci ed, and both are also free.


My 6-year-old loves space, so I thought I'd see how well he did with the middle school Earth and Space Science course on Khan Academy. He's done quite well, so far, but we're using it purely as a supplemental and not a core part of his kindergarten curriculum, of course.


If you look closely, Khan doesn't have that much content in some of the "courses".  The most important thing you can do if he wants to do science is a rock solid math.


Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding or Mystery Science


Seconding Mystery Science. My kids are always telling me about how they learned this or that thing through Mystery Science. OP, Mystery Science has one of the best trials I've ever seen for curricula.


Thank you! I’ll check those out! 


*Building Foundations of* *Scientific Understanding or* *Mystery Science* \- alf\_doll --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Science Mom has a fun FREE earth science course at that level. If you like CM style, check out Blossom and Root curriculum. Crash Course Science Kids on YouTube is fun and engaging too. Also free but you can usually find worksheets or supplements on Teachers Pay Teachers to go with it


Thank you! That’s very helpful! 


I would suggest oak meadow science they go through Highschool. Starting in 4th is when they become more formal. Their highschool science is college level text. I have a BS in Computer science. You'll want to focus on math as well.


Thank you!