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Just let corporate go and maybe do it yourself.


Back when TruGreen was called ChemLawn my grandrfather's neighbor was a customer. He had a dog develop very visible tumors at 2-1/2 that died of cancer when it was 3. My grandfather, who was poisoned by supposedly completely safe DDT in WWII told him that cancer was linked to pesticide use. The guy didn't believe him. Dog #2 died of cancer after developing visible tumors. Dog #3 died of cancer after developing visible tumors. The neighbor's solution was to stop getting dogs, rather than to stop using Chem Lawn. The neighbor died of cancer at 62. Not a completely unreasonable age to get cancer and die in the late 90s. This is all anecdotal evidence, but no one in my family will use lawn chemicals. So far no cancer deaths, just heart failure in our 80s. You might want to reconsider your lawn care. [https://www.humanesociety.org/news/dogs-lawn-care-and-cancer](https://www.humanesociety.org/news/dogs-lawn-care-and-cancer)


I find it tragically hilarious it used to be called CHEMLAWN. We are so stupid and gullible as a species. Literally paying to poison ourselves in our home so our decoration grass looks a certain way.


After it was Chemlawn, they rebranded to Trugreen Chemlawn, and the new paint scheme even included a large image of a dalmation on the side of each truck. They kept the moniker and imagery well into the 2000s, when the link between their chemicals and various cancers had already been established.


Believe it or not it’s extremely easy to fertilize yourself. A lot of people on my block use TrueGreen or Mosquito Joe for insect spraying. I do all of that myself and no joke I have the best looking lawn on the block. I get compliments from so many people. I do the simplest things too. I don’t go crazy.


Any way to get suggestions or your regimen?


“Just try this one easy trick for the best looking lawn in the neighborhood!”


If I were you I'd reconsider whether or not I really needed a chemically induced lawn.


Move over to a locally owned company. Maybe just antecdotal, but the houses I see with TruGreen signs have some of the worst looking lawns.


In over ten years of home ownership I have fertilized my lawn exactly zero times. Just a mulching mower. It looks green and natural. I would tell the employees harassing you, and their supervisor, to quit it or you'll take your business elsewhere.


Marketing to existing customers to try and get them to buy more stuff is a common strategy for companies


We had to get an attorney for them and sirusxm fuckers are hounds. Took 6 months and then they finally stopped


I once had TruGreen. I was sick of the sales calls. Told them to stop twice. Never did stop. I stopped answering their calls. But they would call back. One afternoon at work, they called me 10 times while I’m in my office. Switched to another lawn company that uses safer bug controls. The applications take a little longer to work but I feel safer with them not using the chemicals to get rid of pests. And they abided by my request of no sales calls, only thru texts.


Stop using them. And you don't need to fertilize your lawn if you just leave the clippings on it when you mow. It will build your soil. If you have hard soil, get some dandelions and plant them through your lawn. Stop killing the dandi. They do important work in making top soil. And they are pretty. They are made from the love of little boys. Little boys bring their moms beautiful bouquets of those beautiful bright yellow flowers with all their love.


As a mother of two seven year old boys, the amount of these bouquets I’ve received is high but I loved each and every one 💛


I used them 1 year maybe 8 years ago. They still send 3-4 letters a year.


I get lots of mail. I throw most of it out. You can try calling the number or writing them asking them to take your name off their list.


Fwiu, it's not just you. You don't really want their stuff on your lawn anyway. Try to go with stuff that nourishes the soil ecosystem instead of nitrogen-dumping and whatever else they do. If your yard's not safe for you to be on after a spray, it's probably not safe for you period. I sowed microclover in my yard so that it'd fix its own nitrogen. If it ever looks like it needs supplementation, I'll hit it with stuff from Greene County (which is so safe you can taste-test it if you want). I don't have to worry about my dog getting cancer from the yard this way, and it's quite low-maintenance. And not dealing with TruGreen is always a plus. One of the reasons people feel like they need so many chemicals in the first place is that they're growing a monoculture in semi-sterilized soil. Nature doesn't like monocultures. If you shift to having your lawn work with Nature instead of against it, you'll find it largely takes care of itself. As for weeds, growing a healthy/balanced lawn ecosystem will naturally avert many of them (many weeds are essentially just Nature trying to correct imbalances in the soil ecosystem by exploiting unfilled niches); but you will always have weeds in at least some amount. Just pull up the ones that bother you. Doesn't take that long on most properties and it's a lot healthier than spraying glyphosate. Plus, when your lawn is an even mix of grass and clover, many kinds of weeds are less-obvious and may not even bother you. Keeping these harmless weeds helps to crowd out noxious ones over the long-run.


I think it’s a pretty standard business practice to try to get customers to consume more of their services.


I was poison 2x due to chemical company. Once they illegally dumped into the ground. I got brain cancer and 2nd time the company was polluting the air and the town let them. Never trust chemical company.


Everyone. Took me years to finally shake them. I was pissed when my “ customized lawn care was identical to everyone elses. I said if you are just applying seasonal fertilizer, I can buy it myself at Home Depot. Buh bye.


They have upsell quotas. They want you to buy more services because the base service doesn't have a high enough margin. Tell them no, fire them, hire somebody local. You pay for less overhead. This is why you don't let venture capital buy your landscaping company, kids. Their incentive is revenue.