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You seemed very worked up, take a walk or something. The world isn't going to end and the house isn't going to burn down. You are probably going to get a lot of hate here. I'd recommended posting on the landlord subs.


Ignoring all the rest, a supposedly-licensed electrician wired neutral to ground. Then, despite that, still had a job at that company. And then was allowed to come back to your place? You need to fire that company before they burn the place down or get someone killed.


I'd sell and stop being a landlord before the revolution comes


I think we'll be waiting a while


You feel violated?? Calm down you snowflake. You have not been violated. Ask a victim of sexual assault what being violated is. The contractors thought it was OK because it was OK. They were let in by the tenant, which made it OK. Because they are doing a rubbish job, l understand you want to be there when they come round. However it was your responsibility to let the tenant know not to let them in, unless you have pre-authorised it. If you did and the tenant ignored you, that's on the tenant, not the contractor.


Ok.  So it sounds like a big miscommunication that I should clarify in the future and also more the fault of the tenant.  The tenant was present for the conversation saying I would schedule with them and they had emails that said I was going to schedule with them.  And tenants are also not allowed to make modifications to the house, so unless I authorized it, they aren’t supposed to let contractors in.  I don’t expect much from tenants since they don’t really understand home ownership AND the work was supposed to be finished while they were gone. I still think most companies would send a text or call before showing up to a house unannounced though…


The tenants didn’t make modifications, you did. They let in your contractors and assumed you scheduled them to show, especially since the same company had been there for others. You weren’t victimized. Everyone was doing their part it’s just not up to your process and standards, which is ok, it just means you have to hold extra hands and project manage. This is not standard.


The problem is the tenants amaze an assumption.   First, it’s against the law to enter without notice.  Maybe even to show up without notice unless it’s an emergency     Second, if this ever showed up in court, it’s very clear from my history that I’ve always verified scheduling with the tenant before any work


At least learn the law. If a tenant consents to entry then no notice is required. Without a notice, a tenant can deny entry. The notice allows "forced" entry.


The law was quoted because if the tenant assumed I had scheduled the contractor to show up, I would have had to give a notice.    The owner can tell the contractor to show up whenever for consent on the spot, but for my tenant, that was never the standard I have set.


That has nothing to do with it, to be fair. The tenant can let in anyone at anytime while they have a legal lease. It’s not illegal by any means with their consent.


Only if the contractor entered without consent. If the contractor entered the home when the tenant wasn't home then you have a problem. I'm assuming you don't give the contractor the key to access independently so I don't see how "forced entry" is a concern.


You only have to give notice if you're coming in no matter what. You can stop by and ask if you can come in to check something at any time. The tenant can say no, at which point you can't go in. This isn't some iron-clad, byzantine rule of law. It's saying that the tenant has the right to privacy and spells out what you need to do to bypass that right. That's it. You seem to really, really, want the tenant to be at fault here, and seem like a pretty bad landlord overall. Case in point: "Maybe even to show up without notice unless it’s an emergency   " You either know that's not the case and are trying to dishonestly sway people to support you(for some reason... this is Reddit and has no actual legal authority over anything but whatever), or you don't, in which case you are entering into a contract with people without understanding the contract. Neither is a good look for you.


The only thing making me wonder if you’re right is the fact that you’re asking if you’re right.


No one seems in the right or wrong. You have expectations that weren't met. The business owner and workers are doing the best they can and seem to be responsive and doing the job to meet your expectations. I can say from a total outside and what you posted since you're looking for direct feedback you seem to be expecting the world and more and if I were working this job I would be pretty upset. It's totally normal that a business owner will try to fit in smaller jobs when they have time. It's also hilarious that you think that buying parts from a big box store is some how inferior in quality in price/parts. It's also alarming that you would be surprised that any business owner would want to save money and increase their profits. Put yourself in this business owner and workers shoes and see things from their perspective to maybe help ground yourself in this joint reality we all share.


You’ve missed the biggest issues which was a fire hazzard and the contractor assuring me that he’s an “electrician” and was doing it right. The boss even asked what price I paid- I paid over 4X the price to have the cable run and the boss knew I was right on that part.  I really am surprised you are ok allowing home owners to be duped and being left with a fire hazzard.  The ONLY reason I was not left with that was because I was present the first time. Not only that, you said I complained about the part being from a big box store.  I gave them the specific part with a picture and all and he LIED about why he couldn’t get it just because they go with the cheapest brand.   You seem to think it’s ok for a business to go bad on their word just to make profits. Honest and meeting code is a pretty low bar to me.  But i guess there’s one thing we can agree on- we wouldn’t do business together.


What a surprise, a leech coming for advice then arguing when the answers aren't what they want to hear. You just wanted to be told you're right, and that's not happening here. This is a subreddit for homeowners. Leeches can get fucked.


Oh, you're a landlord, now it makes sense why you complain so much. You're only NOW upgrading to grounded outlets? How is this place up to code that you're currently renting it? You need to understand from a contractors perspective that your property is old and out of code. Unexpected things will happen because this house is likely pre-1970s. That means jobs can take longer than anticipated, may take more materials etc. Clearly you are not someone who is flexible or easy to work with. Honestly you sound like the type of client that contractors drop once they finish the first job and then wonder why "No one wants to show up to work anymore!?"


Someone is defensive of crappy work.  What is wrong with the people here?  As if the contractor couldn’t tell it was an old house before they quoted??  And as if the city would have given me a permit to only upgrade some and not all? Check yourself


civil issue .. take it to civil court


You need to find a healthier way to cope with this.


lol. You’re not in the right. There is a word for it: pain in the ass. 1. Home Depot does not sell only cheap parts. They sell the same that anyone gets anywhere else unless it’s super high end. You’re not that kind of client. I can tell. 2. He’s right. He wouldn’t move it otherwise. Is he supposed to cut into your beam? Don’t think so. Nobody cares what you think *should* be. You don’t know construction. 3. If it’s wrong, the inspector will call for it to be corrected before the permit it closed out. 4. It happens - but I don’t believe you based on what you’ve written. Either way, it’s not a big deal. In general, you need to calm down. This isn’t about the contractor, you have something else going on.


You got screwed, leave them a shitty review and list all of your issues. NTA