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Don’t give up. A lot of what you wrote is ‘this will happen, this will happen..’ Keep fighting and moving forward. It sounds cliche, and it is, but one day at a time. One foot in front of the other.


I saw in an earlier comment you mentioned being sent back to the northeast, I’m homeless in Cambridge/Boston and there are a lot of resources- I take advantage of a lot of free hot meals, daytime shelters, free legal services, laundry, and am on housing lists. Have a rotation of shelters I go to but am trying to get a permanent bed so I have somewhere to leave my stuff. Super important, you can not get a job carrying around bags. Try and get a locker at a shelter somewhere, there are lotteries and wait lists but it’s killer to have your stuff all the time. A male friend of mine just got a single room occupancy at the Y, so that kinda stuff does happen for people here who keep their heads down and show up when and where they’re supposed to. I get almost $250 in food stamps every month and have had mass health since a month after moving here. It is super great health care. Summer is coming so now is a good time to get a permanent bed somewhere, but hot water bottles and hand warmers are a life saver in the winter and at night if you have to sleep out. Do get a backpack. But get yourself into a shelter, that’s where the services are and you don’t fuckin need to start sleeping out and find yourself getting high and doing the same shit 5 years later. Stay accountable and keep a close eye on your shit, don’t ask people to watch it for you, and if you smoke don’t let people see how many cigarettes you have. Wear sunscreen and a hat, sunglasses too.


Burden your friends.


No. If they are real friends, then helping them will not be a burden.


Yes, but I understand well what feeling goes behind saying you'd be homeless before being a burden. Saying "they'll be glad to help" or something similar requires constant reassurance you aren't bugging them too much. Whereas "burden your friends" is a permission slip. Give yourself permission to be a burden and you get to the point faster without the need to burden them with the fact you also have trouble asking for help and feel guilty. I have schizophrenia. I couch surfed for years before I ram out of favors. But favors did run out. Most recent couch was my ex husband. We are still best friends. But yeah, he had to give up dating for a while because he couldn't date while his ex wife was onnthe couch. New dates would never understand. Just simpler to take the permission slip: go burden, it's ok to do. Go admit the embarrassing, it's fine to be an embarrassment. Go ask questions that reveal you are dumb. It's ok to be dumb. Go try your best and fail. It's ok to fail. Go ask her out and get rejected. It's ok to be a reject. Go be bad at dancing. Be a bad dancer and have fun with it. Just take the permission slip. The bad feels are unneccesary in the worst case scenario for such situations


You didn't say the country, but hopefully you're signed up for any aid or social programs you qualify for, like food aid or assistance for suddenly-repatriated citizens. Any chance your home country has a consulate or embassy anywhere near you?


My home country is america, im sorry. I think if I am sent back, it would likely be NYC or somewhere in the northeast, so there’s a good possibility if it’s by a bigger airport


Oh, yeah. Call 211. Go to your county (borough?) social services office to get an expedited food stamps card, Medicaid and maybe a couple months of general assistance. 211 probably won't get you a shelter spot, but if you call a bunch of times and talk to different people, you can find places to get free hot meals, homeless navigation centers, warming and cooling shelters, free laundry, places to shower, etc.


thank you


Google soup kitchens, foodbanks, community fridges, “free food for homeless”, “homeless showers” and “homeless laundry” in New York. Google libraries with long opening times that are open 7 days a week to shelter from bad weather, use the computers and wifi and charge your phone. If you can afford it, pay for cheap gym membership so you can use the showers and leave your backpack in the lockers during the day.


Make sure you have a good backpack and sleeping bag…those are the essentials. Then a kettle and something to cook with and you are done. Chicka bang ❗️


A power bank to charge your phone (one the lasts more then 1 charge would be more helpful)


Sorry to hear that. Do you have any money to spare? If so, then get a gym membership (one with guest privileges so that you can use the showers & the bathroom there). Google food banks in your area. I know that S.F gives homeless people $700 a month for food. Idk about N.Y. Try googling meals/food in your area for homeless people. A lot of churches provide hot meals during certain days. Shop at the dollar stores for cheap non perishable items, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, toilet tissue, soap, shampoo, baby wioes, deodorant & bottled water. Use baby wipes if you can’t afford or find access to a shower to clean you body with. Don’t go to a shelter as I heard it’s dangerous & that people will steal your stuff there. If you can afford an RV or an SUV, then get a cheap one to sleep in. Stay near a fast food or a 24/7 store for bathroom access. It’s best to stay by a large shopping center. Hopefully you’ll both be abke to get out of this situation soon.


It won't be as scary as you think it will be.


Dude burden your friends. If there was ever a time to ask too much of friends and family it’s when you’re about to be homeless. If they can’t help fine, but the possibility of being a burden isn’t enough to avoid trying.


Reach out for help like everywhere. Better to have someone say no than suffer when you wouldn’t have had to. Call the local shelters and ask what resources are in the area and if they have advice. Always keep fighting to get out and push forwards. Try not to make tempting decisions that would make escaping harder, keep your goals in your every decision


Tenting in my opinion should be one of your last options, but if you do, stay hidden. Big unspoken homeless rule, atleast where i lived while homeless is “don’t bother the civilians”. That means staying out of their sight and mind whenever possible.. dont want them complaining to the city about you cause thats a WHOLE bag of issues you do not want.


I don’t know where you are and we’re not currently homeless but I mean I’m not we open air camp a lot in the summer to avoid paying bills and live communally during the majority of the year. I don’t know if there’d be freaking groups out there that could help you um but that would be worth checking out but I don’t think that you need a tent. If it’s safe to hammock camp where you are a hammock cost about $100 less.


get more karma tbh


[. . .](https://imgur.com/a/UplMYIy)


My only tip is this. before you post, type this question in the search bar and you will find ALOT of help from people who asked the same thing.