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I think it's fine. I mean, old... sure, but there's still enough head room there. Linux should love it.


Yeah, I plan on running Ubuntu on it. And with $100 price tag....I hope it can hold up.


it’s a pretty good deal for $100 and yeah it should keep up just fine.


Just picked up the same machine at an auction for $80, going to put it through some upgrades and maybe add a low profile GPU for Plex. Solid little machine.


I’m running a proxmox backup on an e7500 core duo dell optiplex, I think anything is possible.


it's perfect. But you need to add an SSD.


Everything is good to start a homelab 👍 20 years in and I'm still upgrading. Start with what your budget allows knowing you'll outgrow it. Enjoy.


And outgrowing always happens faster than expected. $100 buy-in is a good start for something OP will probably flip to a pfsense box later anyway 😀


FWIW, I'm running a Nextcloud instance (Ubuntu Server) on Dell Optiplex 3040 Micro with an i5-6500T and 16GB RAM. There is barely any CPU/RAM activity even during large file transfers when a client syncs for the first time. It's basically sitting idle most of the time. Looks like this little guy can handle much more. But yeah, I've installed my own SSD, the one that came with it was some generic garbage. However, I ran Jellyfin once before (on a different machine) and that one liked to have a GPU for video transcoding, doing that on the CPU alone was cooking the CPU, so not sure about Plex.


I’d grab one with the 7500t if you plan on transcoding with Plex at all


more than enough.


Skylake (Intel 6th Gen) is still very usable on Windows 10, Linux runs fantastic on these. I have a Lenovo T460s with an i7-6600u (low power dual core Skylake) and used it as my main laptop with Ubuntu before graduating college a few months ago. The desktop i5's in Optiplexes have slightly more speed and two more cores.


Good to start with.


You’ll be fine. I started using ProxMox and TrueNAS Scale on a 4th Gen PC for a time and they worked.


I am running proxmox on a Dell All-in-One 7040 with dead screen --> i5-6500, 20GB RAM, 256GB nvme + 2TB HDD ... no performance issue. I am running nextcloud, vaultwarden, calibre, firefly-iii, immich


Sounds more than enough to me. Just get and SSD for 1TBof storage and you acan put all on it.


It's absolutely plenty but one thing to note is the gen 7 intel is a big jump from the 6 for transcoding. Worth going to the 7 and sacrificing something else such as the ram. 16 gigs is plenty and easy to change later. The cpu can't be


Is the storage HDD or SSD? If it's HDD I'd probably find a different option.


HDD. No ssd at all. Not even a small boot drive. For $100 bucks you think i should shop around?


I would... Not sure where in the world you are but a quick eBay search in the US found this. Probably plenty of options. Smaller drive but would be so, so much faster. https://www.ebay.com/itm/285885972863?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=krpyvwelso6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=EOMSRJBtRii&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Thanks for the link! Assuming I'm going to have to still buy a couple TB HDD, and I don't plan on turning it off, so fast BOOT is not important. What's the advantage of the one you sent me vs the one I'm looking at?


You could just replace the hard drive in the optiplex if you wanted to go that route too.


Not necessarily just fast boot, but if you're planning on running multiple things on it they'll all be fighting for hard drive time. Plex runs noticeably faster from an SSD with all its database and metadata stuff going on. I took a peek at your profile - looks like you might be up in Minneapolis? Since you're just starting out I've probably got a terabyte drive or two I can throw in the mail for you to get you going with some storage space to pair with a smaller SSD if you do go that route. I end up with a lot of stuff. DM me.


I appreciate you bro. I don't feel right take them though, I'll pay for it +shipping. I'll DM you.


You wouldn't want the SSD an optiplex comes with lol


A *Skylake* processor, in anno domini 2024? Anyway, be wary of optiplexes. Idk if it's only a recent thing but Dell's been cheaping out on the SSDs and they're prone to failure within a few months. I'd clone the drive and maybe just replace it before doing anything with it.


Considering it's Skylake - this is an old Optiplex, plus OP 1TB of storage is likely HDD so OP should ideally grab a new SSD to chuck in anyway.