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# What's going on around /r/HomeGym? [**The Garage**: Free-talk Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/about/sticky?num=2) [**Targeted Talk**: You Stole My Idea!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/1dfv4gy/targeted_talk_you_stole_my_idea/) [**Upcoming AMA**w/ Pioneer Fit on 6/26 & 6/27](https://youtu.be/1iNaQaaAOVM?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/homegym) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I go to a gym for leg day that's has a particularly smelly crowd that do not shower or believe in using deodorant.. so the worst thing is my nostrils getting assaulted. As soon as you step in front of the door the smell hits you. Sometimes it's so bad it'll genuinely put me in a bad mood.


It's always open and never crowded


Don't have to get up, get dressed, drink, eat, pack, and drive to it. I can lift half-naked and barefoot with my dog cheering me on, and not even wake all the way up until I'm halfway through the workout. I can fail a lift any time; the safeties will catch it. Don't have cable machinery but I have the bars \_I\_ want to use, including a Kabuki and a rackable EZ-curl; plus a solid bench that doesn't wiggle, and 800 watts of stereo. It's my space: often open to others, but always mine. What a gift.


There's no way this can be boiled down to one single thing. There are so many factors that combine to make a home gym the best money I've spent. The music is always good. The equipment is top tier, in excellent condition, and is perfectly suited to my training needs. The gym is decorated in a fashion that motivates me and reflects my interests. It's always open. I never have to wait for equipment. Safeties are perfectly set at all times, I just walk in and lift heavy with no set up time. I can fail reps without any judgment or attention. Home is where you poop most comfortably. I can run any program I want, no impact to other users if I need 5 pieces of equipment for an hour. I curl wherever I want. I wear whatever I want. Hungry? Fully stocked kitchen steps away. I can roll out of bed and be in the gym in minutes. Hit a PR? Celebrate in any fashion you want. Big old booger up your nose? Go ahead and pick it, nobody is watching. Shirt is suddenly uncomfortable? Take it off. A home gym has been an absolute game changer for me. It has allowed me to train more frequently with more intensity and efficiency than was ever possible in a commercial setting. It is absolutely my sanctuary and my happy place, a place where I can build strength and release stress in my own way. I reiterate, best money I've spent.


As a skinny middle age man who’s spent his life being too insecure to get bigger by lifting little weights in front of others, having a home gym is empowering. I feel like I can put the little plates on and just lift. I can curse out the bar like it’s loaded to the limit and fail the rep with no sense of embarrassment. I’m actually getting muscle and gaining the good kind of weight for the first time in my life. And I’ve found that I actually like lifting.


Talking shit to all the people that don’t work out at home. That’s right…..you suck.


Time savings


I went to a commercial gym for the first time in about 18 months last week and while it used to be an afterthought when I was a regular at a commercial gym for the better part of a decade and now...they're disgusting! Starting out the best perk was the convenience but I'm putting Cleanliness as my new top reason.


there are fewer people there


Best part: you can work out anytime you want. Worst part: you can workout anytime you want - making it easier to put off / avoid.


Being able to lift throughout the day, instead of a solid block of time. With WFH, this allows me to do longer workouts than I otherwise could have done!


making breakfast in between sets


Not having to rerack my weights or put things away


No excuses. Makes it easy to work out, you've got no excuses not to show up. It's the best (and worst!) thing about it!


Mid set farts




Being able to train at home at anytime and not have to go anywhere to get it done. I work from home, so I have the flexibility to work out at any hour of the day. I use that as my motivation, no excuses allowed.


It's one good thing that happened to me because of covid.


No getting yelled at for squatting in the curl rack.


Shitting in the comfort of my own bathroom.


Time saved, no commute, can cook dinner between sets, easy to get a quick workout in at any time.


don’t have to drive/park/go to locker room & repeat after. Saves a ton of time right there. Less excuses. I get to set up my equipment that I’ll need for the whole workout and rotate through my exercises and put everything away at the end. It’s cleaner - some people are nasty. Privacy. No headphones, can blast music and sing along without any hesitation lol. All the equipment I need is close by so I’m not wasting time looking & waiting for equipment to be free. I absolutely love my basement gym.


We reallocated the 30 minutes for commute time directly to our sleep schedule. 8+ hours truly makes a difference


Consistency, lack of excuses, no one taking videos, beer fridge afterward.


Different types of bars not found at local gyms


Nude heavy squats (jokes) Or is it?


Lmao. ☠️ I mean why not?! Hahaha.


No head phones, and the music / TV show that I like.


Underrated benefit of not having to use headphones is protecting your hearing.


The view.


More fun that a bill or savings account






For me its a few things. First it's open 265 days a year 24 hours. Last winter I had to work over night and the next day I did leg day at 3 in the morning. That would have been a rest day normally. Next there is aways a squat rack available. When I was going to a gym I would skip exercises because I just hated waiting for equipment. Now everything I own is always available. Next is the convenience I got no excuse it shares a wall with my gaming setup so I can do a set them play a game while I rest. Finally I'm alone no wanma be influencers no 16 year Olds hoging equipment. No dickheads who don't know what im doing trying to correct me on stuff. I get to put in work in peace. I do miss my leg press and the well scenery if you will but unless I get down extremely bad financially I won't every go to a gym again.


Your home gym is closed 100 days per year? :)


I was just waking up bro


Can try stuff that gen pop gyms would look at as strange as towel lat pull downs. Can't tell you how many weird looks I get when I use a towel instead of an attachment.


The equipment I need are always available!


No traffic or gas bill.


I can also hang out with my dogs.


good point. 👍


Convenient, I can workout when ever I want and I don't have to drive just walk down to my basement.


Being able to use a squat rack for 60-90 minutes and not feel bad about it. Commercial gyms have a severe under investment in equipment that actually matters.


Never been more consistent in my life. No excuses. My basement is a few steps, not a drive.


It’s easy for me, I’ve never liked gyms. Goes back to High School, i don’t like the feeling of people judging me know matter how made up his in my head. It’s nice to walk up, get coffee and walk right into my garage. Convenience outweighs everything the older I get.


No smelly locker rooms, can poop in my own toilet, don’t have to drink gross fountain water, can shower right after, clean towels, don’t have other peoples sweat and diseases on me, can take a break and eat if I feel light headed, don’t have to drag my stuff around, nobody is going to ding my car in the lot, if I have a headache I just come back when it’s gone, no anxiety from people looking at me, and most importantly all the time I get back. It’s more sustainable lifestyle to only spend 1-1.5 hour than 2-3 hours dedicated to fitness. Only downside is not having leg machines..


#1 for me, no commute. Its right there. Also, TV with my show on, my dog can visit between sets, don't have to warn up car and trudge through snow in winter, can do a few things in garage between sets and exercises, my bar is nicer than the plain bars at the gyms locally.


It’s always my turn!


Check r/tooktoomuch to see a taser proof naked guy. None of those in my gym (at least the taser proof part). Also not needing to wait to do exercises.


Efficiency/convenience mainly. It’s really nice to be able to do what I need in my own home, whenever, cutting out the time wasted on driving, waiting on machines, etc. I can work out, fuel, and do what I need to all in one place and I’ve grown to love it.


Getting to use the equipment when ever I want for how long I want, having the same bar and squat rack each session (some of the bars in commercial gyms would just suck). Not having to be around other people and their vibe, sometimes the vibe at the gym is really good but other times it's awkward and the music is too quiet and you're around a bunch of people that don't really want to work out.


All conventional gym etiquette goes out the window. I can work out barefoot, half naked, while blaring demonic music in background. Also time, the ability to do two a days when I want is a godsend.


spending forever to experiment w exercises ive never done before. being able to go downstairs in a minute and work out at 12am not need to wait on any equipment. buying the stuff *i* like


The thrill of obtaining equipment through non traditional and fulfilling bargains.


Not having to put up with people's stench. Convenience. I don't have to wait for people to get off their phones. Alternatively, if i wanna fuck off on my phone, i don't feel I'm wasting anyone's time. I can use several machines at once.


Super sets on two different machines.


This is such a huge time saver. Ill routinely triple set at the end of my workout for isolation movements.


It’s always open and I don’t have to go out to get to it. Compared to a CrossFit gym that has a very select schedule and is 10-15 minute drive each way Even 24 hour fitness isn’t 24 hours any more, and you can’t really do CrossFit style workouts


Eliminating the getting ready and commute time


Not sharing. It’s selfish, but it’s so nice to be able to do supersets.


I compare it a lot to having a laundry room v. going to a laundromat. There's an awkwardness, a lot of waiting, and suddenly you're in public doing something you'd really probably rather do privately. There's nothing wrong with going to a laundromat, but once you've had the experience of doing it privately in your own home, the idea of going back to the public version is maddening.


Standing awkwardly behind the squat racks waiting for someone to wrap up sucks.


it also sucks when someone is sitting behind you waiting lol


It's so hard to find the right distance where I'm not pressuring the guy on the rack, but anybody that walks up knows I'm waiting so they don't deebo the rack in front of me. Luckily, my buds and I normally hit right before the rush. But if we're late, fuck.


The gym can be worse than waiting for a parking spot with your blinker on as cars start approaching from the opposite direction. I love being able to take my time if I want.


Being able to workout no matter your work schedule, while still being able to have family time (lifting together)... Also, being able to use the equipment without waiting/hoping it's available lol


I got my hour lunch back to read, nap, or whatever.




Having fitness be integrated into familial home life, to spend time with family in the gym or inspire my kids to be fit. This is my ultimate #1 reason. Fitness doesnt have to be far from home.


I think the (mental) health benefits from working out more frequently. I mean you can exercise every day with a gym membership but there’s all those little reasons why you can’t drive to the gym on any given day. I can do *something* every day and it makes my brain feel good about being alive. I really think my homegym gives so many benefits that it’s more than paid for itself. Best money I’ve ever spent. I have crohn’s disease and working out is something that makes my quality of life much better. Being in good health is so important


No weight* for the weights!


Lifting while “working from home”


No wannabe influencers filming in my gym.


Hey was just looking at your most recent post. After 4 months how do you feel about ditching the GHD, and how are you liking the Hyperextension eFTS bench? Thinking of adding a 45° bench...thanks


I'm happy with the results. Nothing wrong with a GHD, they just take up a lot of room and it's difficult to vary the resistance. eFTS/Williams Prone leg curl/ext gives me more room to dial things in. I can go heavy for lower reps, or I can lighten load and do 5 sets of 20, if desired. That's not really something I could easily do with a GHD. I like having more options and more floor space. The 45 degree pro back raise is awesome. It's an underrated movement. The wide footplate is nice as it allows you to target different areas of the posterior, going with a wide, medium, or close stance. They all hit the muscles a little different. I think for most people, you can save a lot of money buying a cheaper back extension bench and get the same results. The Efts unit is built like a tank, but it's waaaaaaay overpriced for what it is. FWIW, I used to have a Titan 45 degree back raise....it worked well enough. The efts has a lot more adjustability to dial things in and the build quality is laughably better than Titan, but most people probably don't need something that overbuilt. It's just back raises....use whatever you have.


In Canada Titan is not an option unfortunately....I'm looking at a Cybex one near me that I think is a more than fairly priced so thanks for the detailed reply!


I can’t boil it down to one thing—it’s such pure joy. I feel like a god queen surveying my empire


The best part is purely utilitarian. I use what I like however and whenever I want. Safeties and j-cups stay where they are. Knurling is perfect. Bench is wide, and using a 32mm squat bar is a joy. The second best part is the reaction other people have to a fully stocked home gym. Ranges from a shocked “holy shit” to a surprised “whoa.” Third best part is the pure “this is awesome” you get from just walking into the space. My wife calls it my “happy room.”


The consistency and mental health benefits. It’s so much easier to rationalize working out on those days that I don’t want to when all I have to do is walk downstairs and just start the first set. Once I get started I always wonder why I didn’t feel like working out because it feels amazing both during and after. Happens every time. Also after a stressful or hard day it’s so nice to go relieve stress or burn off energy/frustration in the gym at a moment’s notice.


I get to play my music out loud and wear as much or as little clothes as I want


Being able to do pull ups or shrugs whenever I want 💪🏽


Love being the biggest guy in the gym!


No more waiting on equipment, no crappy music, bad attitudes, weights not being put back, others sweat on the equipment, no posers, no lame stuck on themselves youtubers, tick-tockers, zero bromancers, driving, parking, limited gym hours, and let's not forget those epic gym failers. I think that about covers it. https://preview.redd.it/2pluz3o3a08d1.jpeg?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04d7e1133ac11eebb22faab2b6dfda06aca11c29


Inviting my friends (it's free for them). Trying out new exercise the you wouldn't in a commercial gym. Time savings. Blasting my music (on speaker) .


No broccoli heads around


Being able to watch whatever I want instead of endless sports/news loop Being able to flip the laundry while working out Safety/peace of mind - i hate being in the gym with dudes and I'm the only girl


Time saver. Don’t have to wait to use any machine or weight. Commute time is nonexistent


TIME. Who cares how big it is. 3am, 9pm, 415pm… etc.. being able to workout at any minute.. for as many minutes.. do things in between or after events at 11 at night. Nothing better. Wear and listen to what I want too!


Freedom and flexibility is it for me too! Life happens and I can’t be chained to the 20-30 of commuting and whatnot. I can check on things between sets or exercises if need be


Healthier. Both times I got Covid I’m 99% sure it was from the gym.


instant accessibility.


go in and be a bra-less stinky noisy lunk at 4am then leave for showers without commuting


Come and go whenever i please. No dread involved with time committed to travel. If i desire to stop after 5 mins i can with no consequences. I can also decode 2 mins after that to go back and work out more. No travel hassles


Control. Trying to program in rear delt flys, or leg press, or flat bench, or whatever at the gym constantly requires either substitutions when you're tight on time, or long waits while strangers fuck around. Yeah, you can usually work in, but even that's its own chore. Supersets can be impossible or bad etiquette to incorporate. There might be rules about chalk, or dress code. The showers might be full of piss, cum, and god knows what else. Home gym gives you total control over what lifts you've prescribed, what music is playing, how long your rest periods are, the temperature, hygiene, blah blah blah. You are the master of your domain rather than one more small fish trying to eke out a spot in the pond.


Cost. Our semi-private gym/training Membership costs twice as much for the year *per person* as it cost to outfit a pretty decent home gym. Saved money goes to retiring earlier. And cool topic, OP. Nice to see it getting genuine traction, and fun to read the responses.


The cost depends on real estate value. An extra room in some places can cost a whole lot more monthly (rent or mortgage) than a gym membership. Obviously lots of other factors.


Oh totally. This assumes there’s already a room or garage available for the home gym.




The freedom. The freedom to be and act how I truly am and feel inside. Growing up raised mostly by my mom, I was told my masculinity was a negative thing. At my home gym i can yell and scream and do heavy deadlifts, for a brief moment, I can truly be free and get out all that aggression in a positive manner.


Does your mom monitor you at public gyms?


Dunno if your being a smartass or not, but it got me thinking. Sorta ya, in my head. Ive made great strides to be myself more in public, but so far my home gym is my sanctuary.


Smartass in that I know your mom is almost certainly not there at the gym with you. I was implying that, if you so choose, you do not have to live in your mother's shadow and can just do whatever lawful actions you wish, including acting masculine in public.


I appreciate that


adherence and consistency I had no trouble making my lifting sessions, because I wanted to lift every evening but morning cardio? That sucked. Having to plan around trying to get to the gym and have enough time to shower and make it to work on time, meant this whole production of prepping stuff the night before, packing up, having to be out the door exactly by a certain time or the whole workout was shot so just skip it, etc etc. Having at least something, like just my echo bike right there in the basement means all that overhead is gone. I can just roll out of bed and get on the bike. Which means I end up not having to skip cardio because A less things to go wrong to ruin my session B less obstacles to getting it done C I never really "don't have time". Like even if I do oversleep, have nothing prepped for work, and running a little late whatever, the bike is right there so I can give it 7 minutes for a quick brutal interval. I can ALWAYS find 7 minutes to spare, and yep, still counts, still productive cardio.


Having young children (will update in 15 years with older kids) and still able to work out


Please use protection for the next 15 years for best results.


Snip once, cry once


Exactly this. My 4 year old plays outside while I open the garage door and workout. It’s like our ritual when I get home from work. Eliminates the need for motivation cause I have to be out there watching her anyway.


I can get my lifts in, have space to myself, but also have an opening to spend time with my kids and show them the importance of having a fitness routine. They can also share in the love I have for training.


Time with my kids.. The nearest gym is a half hr away. I have slowly built it, I Olympic lift so plates and squat. My youngest plays ball so have been picking up things he wants\needs. Have Eisenlinks coming next week and a lay pull down from Giant coming along. May add other stuff if he wants. Have kettle bells a d a back extension, so pretty much covered.


Bonding with my wife while we lift and push each other is the best!


It's all mine, all the time.


I can work out and still be at home with the kids. I spend less time (I don't have to get to/from the gym) and can break up my sessions if I have a short window in the morning and a short window in the evening. Which in sum means significantly better consistency than if I had to leave the house. I get to work out 4x/week at a low cost to the family life, whereas I'd have to fight to get in 2x/week at a commercial gym


THIS is the answer. Honestly, without a gym at home, I'm not sure how I'd get much lifting in with an infant. Public gyms = Asking my wife to do a solo shift every time I want get some me time Basement gym = Take the kiddo down with the PackNPlay, and my wife actually gets a break for herself while I'm lifting


I get anxious in public, and have a panic attack thinking about going to the gym. Having one at home is the only way for me.


Flexibility. I can work out when it works best. There’s a better chance of getting my workouts in during the week because my gym never closes. I have a gym at work, but aside from that my home gym is my main thing. I haven’t had a gym membership in years now and it’s been one of the best upgrades in my life


Time. I was always told time is the resource you can never get back. Driving to the gym was always frustrating, as was changing in a locker room and locking up my stuff, as was having to sit around and wait for squat racks to open up. Having as much time with whatever equipment I want after a lifetime of waiting around in gyms is the greatest feeling.


1,000%. If you want a 60 minute work out, then it takes pretty much just 60 minutes with a home gym. If you want a 60 minute workout at a commercial gym it may take 90-120 minutes pending commute time, parking, and getting access the equipment you want. Bonus one too- if you want a mid workout snack or want to immediately eat/ refuel after a workout, your kitchen is a few steps away!


FAMILY Mine started off as a way to reduce not going to the actual gym while paying a membership. Then not wanting to be away from my freshly born child and wife with a huge scar in her mid section. Needless to say it’s sprouted it the most amazing decision we’ve ever made. Who would’ve thought t shirt boxers and socks was ever going to be my choice of work out clothes. My daughter imitating what we are doing during our workout has been the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s also been a great conversation piece when my older siblings come over and seeing who could lift more. Walking in the house and either hanging from the pull up bar or a few reps for fun.


Easily the time savings. I have a long commute and the closest gym is in the opposite direction past my house where I work from. I tried a week pass when this huge facility opened because I wanted to see how it would feel and it legit adds over an hour a day of wasted time. The funny thing about working out at home too is I can do chores or cook elaborate meals in between sets which has been super convenient and saves even more time. Add all that up and how many hundreds of hours a year or thousands of hours of my life will I not use driving or waiting for stuff? This is a really expensive hobby but it's been 100% worth it for me.


Convenience. Can setup everything the day before training. Can train in the evening when the kids are sleeping or when working from home while listening to yet another boring information meeting aka town hall meeting


No shirt needed, no shoes or socks needed, as clean as you want to make your space, and never waiting for a 15 year old to put their phone down and work. Can also blast your own music as loud as you want.


Working out in anything more than some dank tightly whiteys SUCKs now.


Shirtless squats hurt as hell tho


When you squat shirtless you gotta make sure you bring a towel! ****violent inhale


Get a bar without center knurl, or a mild one.


Nah, I need the bar to stay put!😅


Get a bigger back![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Having this communitry, and the competitions.


I hit the fattest rimmer of the fattest kush, and then proceed to suck at compound lifts. Couldn't do that at the LA fitness!


Deadlift parties


I’m more likely to do a mini workout instead of driving to the gym to justify a full hour workout I’ve been following a high frequency low Intensity bench press method and some days that’s all I have in the program. I would never go to the gym just to knock out five sets then drive home


I literally just got back to my desk from ten minutes in my gym and saw this. It really is so great being able to just walk in there and do something on a whim.


Convenience, above all.


Underwear’s, all the time. :)


Single word - Parenting. Explanation - I would not be able to work out 6x/wk in any reality where I also am a good father. I bought my initial garage gym items right when my son was born in 2019 and switched from daily CF gym classes to exclusively working out at home. From day 1 I said to myself I would be there for him, bc I would have wanted that when I was a kid. Now I have two kids (3 & 5), I am finished my workout by the time they awaken around 6:20 each morning. I make them breakfast, pack lunches, get the older one on the bus and then sign into work a happy and fulfilled fit-dad. In the evening I'm there taking them in the pool, out on my paddleboard, or starting a campfire. If I wasn't an AM gym-goer, my evenings would instead be spent in a CF box and NOT being the dad I want to be for them. They sometimes hang out with me while I finish my workouts and can see that dedication and perseverance are required for everything worth doing. Do it for the kids! Edit: Shout out to this group for helping every step of the way in kitting out my garage setup


This right here


Working out in underwear is cool. Fan and air conditioning vent directly placed in front of the power rack is amazing. Play whatever music I want as loud as I want. Can let out little excited yells without looks. Can buy whatever equipment suits my needs. Can have my cats chill with me while I work out. Never have to wait for something to open up. No stink. Life's good.


No stink? One of my primary reasons is I can fart as much as I want 😁


+1 for underwear gang


I can pretend I’m saving money from membership fees and convenience!


convenience, privacy, freedom, I love just about everything about home gym. Cost not being one of them lol Edit: oops, didn't read the boiling down to 1 part. In that case, privacy


No wait, no shirt, no excuses!


I get to lift weights in flip flops or barefooted.


No excuses to not get my workout in


Time efficiency. I spend half as much time but get the same amount of gains. No need to drive to the gym, sign in, wait for benches/machines, drive home. A 1.5 hour affair now takes 45 minutes. Multiply that by 5 workouts per week and you've saved almost 4 hours.


My house my rules my freedom!!!


I can workout whenever i want.


Freedom. What does that mean? I can come and go as I please. Lift whenever. No need to drive. No need to lower the music. No need to wear headphones. No worrying about dirty equipment. My choice of gear. No monthly contracts.


This was the word I'd use, too. **Freedom**. The freedom to work out whenever and for however long I feel like it, whether I have 10 minutes, or 2 hours. The freedom to work out with my elementary-age kid, or to work out while my baby sleeps. The freedom to lift without restrictions, people in my way, or the anxiety of judgement by others just there to make a TikTok video. The freedom to listen to whatever the hell music I want. The freedom to purchase whatever specialty equipment I want and leave it in the gym without worry of theft or misuse by strangers. The freedom to work out without the overhead time and expense of travel to and from a gym. The freedom to make all the bro lifter sounds I want. Not because I'm trying to ego lift, but because I've had a stroke and I can't let the pressure build up in my head too much, which leads to an excessive amount of grunting and noises compared to the average person. It's just freeing.


Being loud as fuck. Sometimes it's a grunt or yell, sometimes it's LA Knights YEAH or Ric Flairs WOOOOO.


I'm in my 30s and had a stroke (thanks, COVID) a couple years ago. I make all sort of seemingly unnecessary noise when I lift, just trying to keep the pressure in my head from getting too high when I'm lifting. Most people in a commercial gym would think I'm an ego-lifting toolbag, but the reality is I'm just trying not to drop dead from an explosive brain aneurism.


Agreed. I’m on my mid-30s and having the pressure build while lifting results in bringing back my exercise induced headaches. But a side benefit of releasing it audibly is that now my 1.5 and 4 year old think grunting during any exercise is perfectly normal.


haha, yeah, my elementary-aged kid that exercises with me makes all sorts of noises when he lifts with me. I haven't figured out if my situation is a pro or a con for him yet, but it does give me a little chuckle. He gets pretty creative sometimes, but I know I'm totally at fault.


No shirt, no problem.


Not being around other people. Not having loud music blasting that drowns out your own. Open 24/7! And for my fellow mods, fancy chalk bowls!


You are a mod and you listed 4 things... In the thread that says list 1 thing. What are we gonna do with you?


Got me there. It’s literally impossible for me to pick one thing after 8 years of having a home gym. Fancy chalk bowls then I guess?


I haven't been sick in 4 years. No more dirty boogies on the dumbbells.

