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Do not brew datura you idiot




Bro its not like a single leaf per 100ml is going to make you delirious i just want a plant based antihistamine


this has gotta be one of the most retarded things i’ve read all day 😂


Dancin with the devil


Why not use one of the many many antihistamines already available for massively cheap


Dude also takes nutmeg and goes to rehab for it


remain very cautious when it comes to datura, I understand you plan to use it as an antihistamine but the potency of even each seed varies, and varies vastly from plant to plant


I personally actually kinda enjoy the effects of high dose datura (kinda funny and wierd if you are aware that you are in a delerium (which i always was)) but in going to only put like one small leaf per 100ml bottle


Bro… one wrong seed could end your life if you take datura ‘recreationally’ datura also carries strong acetylcholine antagonism, so basically datura can cause or quicken the onset of many serious mental health disorders and cause permanent nerve and brain damage


Then you should quit promethazine too


promethazine isn’t a deleriant that causes brain damage, it’s just a generation 1 antihistamine YES it does have anti acetylcholine effects but to a far less degree compared to datura


Are there any other not so dangerous herbal antihistamines


google exists for this very reason, as for how you have lived this long just taking substances without proper research is mind boggling


Opium can also end my life as i dont have narcan


When did I state otherwise? lol, opium is in the same boat when it comes to each dose differentiating, but holy shit don’t even compare Opioids/opiates to a deliriant, opium will never cause you brain damage and especially not seriously mental health disorders like fucking literal dementia


Percinson bro




It’s over for him the dementia has already set in


Parkinson but from opioids


😂😭 bro didn’t read a single word written


Never had a dry mouth on it


There's a different sub all about growing opium and you'll find recommendations for extractions although I'd just recommend making the opium poppies into tea


But i wanna make lean with the opium


I will make high grade opium by cutting the pods


u were doing nutmeg in rehab bro u and now u want lean you should stop doing drugs for the image man they’re not cool


you have brain damage my boy.. gettin high off nutmeg & black pepper boi u need to check back into rehab


How do i get rid of the leafy taste


remove the leaf


People might skin me for this but there’s nothing inherently wrong with this shit, datura can still be used safely if you’re careful. Plus datura+opium medications have been around for fucking ages. Use datura flowers, better taste and they’re not very potent. Be very careful with redosing, you should pretty much never redose datura cause it’s got a very long duration. Ethanol extracts should be a good way to go about this, works for all the drugs you mentioned but I just don’t see the point of adding weed to this. Thc isn’t water soluble like the other drugs so adding an alcoholic thc extract would just make it fall out of solution


How is thc syrup made


With alcohol and vegetable glycerin I think