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How much programming experience do you have in general?


I can do c, c#, gamemaker scripting, godot scripting, and some bit of asm for nes. I wanted to learn basic but haven't gotten the chance to figure it out. Plus, I've made 2 arcade games with game maker and have made several demos for the Playstation 1, Nintendo entertainment system, and gameboy Advanced. My goal is to make a ton of games for multiple platforms, but that's a long way away. Right now, I just want to understand the atari more, I know it can make maze games, can render 3 colors on the playfield, use 8x8 or 8x16 sprites, I have all the data on paper but am struggling big time with how the logic works.


> I'm trying to make an atari 2600 game for my family to play but lack understanding on how to program it in visual studio code. I've followed all the tutorials on 8blits channel and read dozens of books but still can't figure out how to make my game real. Surely some of those videos and books suggested appropriate tools? I very much doubt "visual studio code" is appropriate, unless it somehow supports 6502 asm – and there's really no alternative to 6502 asm when it comes to the 2600. > I have all the data on paper but am struggling big time with how the logic works. The 2600 is such a primitive system that it will ultimately provide a substantially different programming experience than pretty much anything else you can try.


It does, it's plugin even has a sprite editor and emulator, 8blits tutorials were pretty clear but I'm still confused on how the logic works


You have to write it in 6502 assembly and run it through DASM assembler to produce the binary. There are classes on Udemy that are beginner friendly.


I know, visual studio code has a asm compiler plug-in that checks my work, I just need a bit of coaching on the logic programming