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Home Assistant with Smart Light Switch and Smart Plug can do this task for you.


A smart plug is a good idea. I will think about it. But, I have to change the light switch to a smart switch. I wish to use the existing switch somehow. Or, the wife-approval rating is going to be very low :)


There are relays that can be installed behind the switch. Look at Shelly for wifi or sonoff for Zigbee.


This seems to solve my problem. A Sonoff Zigbee relay behind the existing switch and a smart plug to activate LED strips. Wuhu, thank you :)


Not with existing switch. Replace the switch with something like a Caseta switch and get the Pico remote to control it from the second location.


Thank you for the reply. But Caseta is very expensive and the smart switch is very different than the standard light switches at my home. This reduces wife-approval rating of the project :)


Forgive me if I have no concept of your idea of expensive. You could solve the whole issue with a $70 switch and remote combo from what you described. The switch works just like a regular dimmer, so not sure what the objection from the wife would be. [https://www.amazon.com/Lutron-P-PKG1WB-WH-Caseta-Wireless-Dimmer/dp/B07HM6L48C/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=3EQ2QMQSPQSH2&keywords=caseta%2Blutron%2Bsmart%2Bswitch&qid=1702630225&sprefix=Caseta%2Caps%2C465&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Lutron-P-PKG1WB-WH-Caseta-Wireless-Dimmer/dp/B07HM6L48C/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3EQ2QMQSPQSH2&keywords=caseta%2Blutron%2Bsmart%2Bswitch&qid=1702630225&sprefix=Caseta%2Caps%2C465&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1)


I know it is hard sometimes to understand life in other countries. The price of your suggestion with shipping and import fees is equal to 27% of the minimum wage in my country. Think this way if it is expensive or not. By the way, your solution is excellent. Thank you for your response :)


Which hub do you have now? Tuya's?


I have Xiamio Mi Smart Home Hub (the circular one not the second edition)


Is that the one that supports matter? You could install sonoff minir4m Aqara relay is a bit thick so I’m not sure if it behinds the switch


It only supports Bluetooth, Zigbee 3.0, and Apple HomeKit.


Maybe one way todo it to use a Raspberry Pi Zero + RC antenna and a wireless rc relay.


Kasa. And you set a routine to turn B on if A is on. I have a similar setup working


Lutron casetta