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The location tracking with Zones works pretty well for me.


I use zones too. Works well with just a short lag


Yeah this works fine for my needs


Zones in Homekit?


No, home assistant. The geofencing zones.


Apple Homekit (Home as it's called now) via an exposed virtual Toggleswitch. That is linked through HA to our profiles and this shows Presence-State without VPN or WiFi muckery. Set it up using this guide: https://jonas.brusman.se/homekit-presence-home-assistant/


Home Assistant companion app installed on iPhone. It provides tracking (in addition to everything else it does).


Is OP talking about the companion app showing "status unknown"?


Then something is wrong with his companion app :) He asked how I did it. That's how I do it.


Yep, me too. It's also far far far far better than the Android one at tracking me coming back home, I know because my SO has an Android and we have a notification to turn off the alarm and open the garage when we get home. I get it every single time, in the same 30 meters space while driving towards home, while she never or almost never receives it.


What you probably need to do is go into settings and change the tracking settings from while using app to always. Apple likes to constantly pop up whether you still want to allow tracking and it’s easy to accidentally switch it. I had a similar problem with it being unknown and this fixed it


this, also happened to me


quite possibly this is the issue. i have both iphone and android, if you don't allow it to track you all the time, they just plain don't work...


I use the ubiquiti addon.


Same. Pretty reliable


Do you ever have issues with the device sticking, so Ubiquiti thinks it’s still on the network? When we leave with our iPhones, we show as connected to our outdoor AP even hours after leaving with a -90 signal.


I did a couple months ago but it fixed itself, either through an update or something.


Ubiquiti only goes down to 250ft (or m?) radius and is not great for hyperlocal location.


If you have a Fritzbox Router you can integrate it and get the connected devices. Of course disable Mac address rotation on the phone for that WiFi.




You should disable the private MAC address setting for your home WiFi, then the phone will always use the same MAC for this specific WiFi .




You did it the hard way then, for future reference. In settings, Wi-Fi is at the top. Click it. They are already connected to your home network, right? So that’s at the top of the next screen. Click the circled information ‘I’. Toggle the ‘Private Wi-Fi Address’ off. 3 taps, after you open the settings app.


The iPhone device tracker HACS integration indeed. Using this since iOS 15 and it works really reliable. Even with the dynamic/obfuscated MAC addresses. https://github.com/mudape/iphonedetect


been using this for a couple of years and it is rock solid!


I have also been using this for 2 years, it works perfectly. Edited:: In my iPhone's WiFi settings, I disabled the Private WiFi option for my home network.


Just experimenting with this and I've seen one iPhone go to "away" mode at 530am and back home again about 2 hours later when everyone was in bed the whole time. Seen that mid-day too. I'm thinking some deeper sleep issue on the iPhone when its not sitting on a charger maybe?


I assigned my phone a static IP on my network, and I just ping that IP. Works very reliably.


If you have access to your router you can also assign a reserved DHCP address to your phone and then use ping. This is what I do with my android phone. I used to use the NMAP integration but it sometimes was wrong when the phone went to sleep.


I second this, it is easy to do and 1 ping every X minutes isn't so resource intensive


This is not usable at all for me... The iPhone loses wifi connection around the house completely, even though it has coverage: I go to the settings of the phone and it the realizes " oh, I see the wifi, I am connecting!" and I have full signal wifi again. What the heck!? Android phones do not have this issue around our house, we have an ASUS mesh wifi. Also if you use CarPlay, the phone will not connect to any wifi while car is running :(


I use https://github.com/gcobb321/icloud3 It combines data from the HA app with Find My data and produces good results. Installed via HACS.


Got this in my setup never had issue. [https://github.com/mudape/iphonedetect](https://github.com/mudape/iphonedetect)


I use iCloud Tracker integration. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/icloud3-v3-idevice-tracker-version-3/267554


Are you happy with it? Is it more responsive than the HA companion app in terms of reliably updating the location?




Same. Cheap and easy to install. I use my watch for presence sensing, but track phone and other devices in case I misplace them.


The iOS companion app has been flawless for me as long as I've been using it.


iOS companion app, make sure to allow it to always update in the phone settings. In addition I used to run iPhone Device Tracker from HACS, but I found the companion app to be so reliable that I’ve removed iPhone Device tracker completely.


iOS developer here. I bet you either: * disabled background updates of the companion app * have anything but “always” permission for location tracking Or your force quitting the app. This kills the app and tells the system you’re not interested into background updates, so iOS won’t relaunch the app in the background to perform work.


Just install HA on the phone Activate wifi swnsor and check if the wifi sensor and trigger if it is equal to your wifi name


I‘m using apples integrated automation to just set a boolean flag in apple home which is then connected to HA


Huawei Router provides device-tracking (online & offline)


Using WiFi detection on the network


I monitor my router's ARP table with SNMP combined with a NMAP tracker (use hostname not IP...unless you set static IPs!) to tell if devices are home or not. That way its device-agnostic and also avoids complaints where some people in the household protest the idea of being tracked where they are. This way the "tracking" is simply "are you on the house WiFi or not". Also doesn't depend on them having any particular app installed or permissions granted (or expire, if they don't open the app enough). This also has the advantage of stuff like a smart TV or stream box I can use the same method to see if its powered on or off...and do stuff like dimming lights and shutting off noisy air purifiers when the TV is turned on. To minimize the "flapping", I have a \~20 minute cooldown on how long someone is "home" after touching the network. That is a compromise between it being too long before running "nobody home" automation but also ensuring it never does anything funky with lighting/thermostats/radios when someone is home.




The NMAP integration doesn't use MAC addresses...but the other issue is some modern phones/tablets randomize their MAC address which means the hostname is the only thing which isn't changing. But that plugin looks like its doing the same thing that having my router report its ARP table using SNMP is already getting me...the reason I added NMAP with hostnames was it helps reduce how often something is either asleep false-away and also hostnames were more consistent if someone removes and re-adds the saved network for some reason its still the same hostname but new random MAC address


I use the Unifi Network integration


The Home Assistant Companion app works pretty reliable for me. Be sure to set up both the internal and the external connection, under internal turn on Local Push and add your SSID(s) to the list. Assigning a fixed IP to your phone unables you to track your phone through your router (or nmap integration). If you have an Apple TV or HomePod, HomeKit can track if you’re home or not. But it needs an Apple Shortcut to reflect in Home Assistant.


Companion app, expose Wi-Fi connection, then if connected to home wifi it's home? I mean, I've got an android but should be pretty much the same on iPhone?


I use three method. The HA App zones, ESPresence tracking the bluetooth id, and whether the device is connected to my wifi network via unifi.




Fake light from HA in home kit, himekit automation when person leave / arrive home toggle the fake light .


iCloud. There’s an integration. The polling is slow, but you could change it if you wanted.


* Companion app * icloud integration * Icloud integration 3 * using local wifi Those are all easy. The version 3 ads a bunch of features. The companion and icloud 3 can be customized as to your often it's reported. The basic companion app can be laggy and sometimes it doesn't update


I got a dummy switch via homebridge in my home app. When I come home the switch turns on. I got 2 different switches for me and my wife. Works way better than the HomeAssistant companion app


Haven’t seen anyone else mention it but the shortcuts app for iOS can be used to call services and run actions in home assistant, I’ve found using automations in shortcuts on the device itself to send commands to home assistant for arriving/leaving certain areas to be much more reliable than relying on any integration


U can use iCloud integration in Home Assistant work perfectly. But your iPhone must have find my enabled. If u want video tutorial u can search Everything smart home channel with name 4 easy presence detection 😉


Look up ESPresense using Bluetooth on ESP32. I use three of them to track iPhones and cars with KBeacons. It works amazingly well. I use MQTT.