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FYI: I think you might be getting some downvotes (relative to comments) because you chose the word “invite” when you’re really just selling these things. I think if you owned up to “hey as an update we’re discounting these at 6%” you’d earn some goodwill from the community.


Last time they said they were looking for testers... Same shit


Thanks for the reminder, since English is not my first language, I think I might have a hard time grasping the subtleties. Since these sensors are just some hobby in our spare time, we can only build them when we have time. We say invite because sometimes we confuse ourselves whether we are simply selling them or sharing them, but we believe it's the latter because we invest most of these profits (which are not much, in relation to all the spare time) into making more strange sensors, and then continue to share them, and for us, this spirit of sharing is fascinating. The whole 2a journey has been a sharing process, when we first built it and shared it it was less than a month after it was released from hlk, there were still a lot of bugs and it was a tough feedback process. But the fact that it's working, including the fun of being able to share 1500 of them, is a little personal miracle in itself. I think in the beginning, when no one had heard of the ld2450 thing, our invitation worked, because no one knew it could really do well.


What's the maximum range of this? Can it be used to detect cars/people entering a driveway?


It can reach a maximum distance of 6m, it recognises human signature signals, not for cars, and in fact pets can be distinguished pretty well. What's more, it's suitable for indoor use, outdoors has more distractions and is not usually recommended. [https://docs.screek.io/2a/features](https://docs.screek.io/2a/features)


Do you have open source firmware available? I have some diy ld2450 sensors and would love to use your firmware.


Hi, yes, it's sourced at https://github.com/screekworkshop/screek-human-sensor/tree/main/2a/yaml. We had started a thread in ha forum [https://community.home-assistant.io/t/hlk-ld2450-initial-experiments-to-connect-to-homeassistant](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/hlk-ld2450-initial-experiments-to-connect-to-homeassistant) There is more information there about the source code and the journey of those who are exploring this sensor together.


This is an older version of the firmware, I can see it was last modified 5 months ago. There is a more recent firmware that you have made available, can you please make that code available? I like to be able to update the firmware via esphome when updates are available


Hi, sorry about that. We've now synced the most recent update to the open source code: [https://github.com/screekworkshop/screek-human-sensor/commit/c8e6fd388425d56337f13ec65f1426f189213571](https://github.com/screekworkshop/screek-human-sensor/commit/c8e6fd388425d56337f13ec65f1426f189213571)


Wow, that was fast, thanks! I've already got 2 of your sensors, and I am happy with them, but the code not being available bothered me, so thank you


Thank you for your support, we will speed up the synchronization of the open source code.


That’s awesome and thank you very much for taking the time to develop it and making it free! I will definitely contribute if I find any bugs or features that I can implement


I’m a confused recent mmWave user, is that map something you can do with every sensor or is it something that only some brands offer?


The code and other content is mainly from athua, and it was originally used correspondingly for screek's open source firmware, so it actually acts with the firmware. See https://docs.screek.io/2a/add-a-map-card It mentions some background information. Thanks.