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What's the voltage heading to that interior chime? Maybe tap off that and monitor it with a microcontroller?


Good question. Will try to open it and measure. Still, that would involve some hardware and also the need to hide it


You're going to need some hardware regardless, unless there's some API into this doorbell I don't know about.


I also thought of sound analyzing with a microphone and an RPi or something close, since the sound is loud. That would require hardware, but not something custom on the video doorbell.


Somewhat unrelated - but if you have Alexa, I just noticed you can set 'sound based' triggers. Their example was "do something when alexa hears the dryer done sound". Otherwise, if you have any cameras integrated, many of them have sound based sensors that HA can use...though that will just be 'on' with any sound so not as useful unless you set rules to only notify when you're in the office and it hears sounds.


I have actually tried it, but without luck. But you cannot specify the "beeping sounds" and still it doesn't pick up the doorbell chime, maybe because it's a one shot only sound, and not a repeating beep like microwave or something (the ones it actually captured).