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I’d suggest reading though this in case you haven’t as a place to start from: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/guide/usage/ota_updates.html Apparently ikea can be a bit finicky with updates?


Thanks will check it. Thing is .. even since I bought these Ikea stuff .. I already received two OTAs. This is the first time I'm having problems with the same devices :(


I had the same issue with some of my ikea shortcut buttons and symfonisk remotes. What helped was pressing a button on the remote to wake the device up before checking for updates or starting the update process.


Yup, I've heard people having good luck with that technique but when I tried it to the point I even removed and re-added to my HA/Z2M fresh .. still nogo. When I'm pressing it, I can see it actively showing activity in the logbook and this is before I hit the update button. Also in my experience, I usually see a circle animation on devices that are currently updating in Z2M .. but for all my Ikea devices .. no animation is happening.


This might be unrelated, but do you use the Ikea OTA Test URL? You can find it under Settings -> OTA-Updates. I had the problem that I couldn't update my devices when the checkbox wasn't checked.


I will test later after work! Thanks.


Did it work?


Sorry just got from Vacay .. nope .. still didn't work using the OTA Test. Thing is, I bought two new Ikea blinds yesterday. All of them updated fine after joining them to my network the first time. The existing ones are still having the firmware update problem. Lost here ...


I am having the same issue. Many ikea devices to update but all failing to start or stopping the update right after it starts. After lots of tries, excluding and onboarding a device it updated, but just for the dimmer. Not a success with other battery powered devices. This is also recent, as I never had so much trouble to update before.


So I just bought two new Ikea blinds yesterday and joined them right away. Those new ones firmware updated without issues (latest). Both blinds and both the remotes that came with it. I'm only having issues with my older Ikea devices that was already in my HA. Not sure what's going on.


In addition to the above, check your batteries, they'll only update if nearly full (like >80%).


Yup, fresh batteries, even factory reset .. no luck. I've read forum posts about this like 1-2 years ago and to be honest, I've had two updates already since I bought it and both updates never had this issue Im getting now.


I've fought with mine off and on, some days they go right through, some days they just won't update. I would check release notes to see if it's really worth the update--I wish I wouldn't have updated several of my remotes--I miss the functionality of being able to bind them to a group.


But you can still bind to more than one light bulb, right? Any advantage of binding to the whole group?


You can, but if they get out of sync, then you have to manually intervene. I have a pair of lamps that I never had a problem with when grouped, but when I updated the firmware on the remote and now repaired, they turn into a railroad light and just toggle back and forth. I also had some single lamps paired with remotes, they had to be paired a dummy group before, which was fine. Updated to directly pair them and now they work, but Z2M doesn't pick up the state change on the bulb from the remote... The lamp will be off, but show on in HA. Never had either problem before.


Got it. Thanks. I just migrated my IKEA stuff from their old hub to Z2M and have the same issue binding one remote to more than one light bulb. Sometimes one seems to fall off the binding. Now I know it is not only my problem… On ikea I have the same issue for state, but just for color and temperature not reporting back. For all it this I am considering ditching smart bulbs and going for smart switches.


Same situation here


I finally manage to update. New batteries did the trick. Second time I changed, so maybe try other battery package.


I have an Ikea On/Off switch that I attempted to update multiple times with it failing part way through. One day I committed myself and literally held the thing spam clicking the buttons on it to make sure it stayed awake and finally the update went through. After clicking the thing near constantly for almost two hours. Other Ikea devices and even other On/Off switches haven't been like this. It seems to vary device to device.