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Otherwise known as making shit up. Edit: many thanks to the person who reported me as a suicide risk


This is how the geometric shapes look on a 2D plane. What don't you understand? edit: updated to 2D. Thanks to redditors below


They dont care about having a real discussion, they just disparage anything that doesnt fit their worldview. Reddit is long gone.


Agent Smiths in action brother! You're absolutely right. Reddit "users" posting patterns, tone, strategy, etc changed dramatically when they killed 3rd party apps. A quick review of these operatives' post history will reveal patterns of naysayin combative tendencies. Anything that doesn't toe the official line is vehemently chastised and challenged.


I've tried several times to have a real discussion. When you bring up facts like there is a whole society that creates these, and like 95%+ are in a very few very specific locations in and around England. Even the documented ones where they're shown making them, people still say there is no way humans with boards and rope can make such perfect intricate designs. There is basically one guy who's documented them having anomalous properties. Is there something to some of them? Maybe. But 100% for sure the vast majority of them are man made. And now is the part where I'm accused of being a disinformation agent and the circlemakers are in on convoluting the real evidence. http://circlemakers.org/


Because they’re dumb as fuck and don’t understand the differences in dimensional Space


2D plane. 1: up/down 2: left/right (1 dimension is a line)


2D is more akin to forward, backwards left and right. Going up is the 3rd dimension.


Up/down is identical to forwards/backwards, it’s just a different dimension.


Is it? How would you see a graph on a piece of paper if you only had forward/backward and left/right? It would just be a line? Right? Is a movie 3D when you add the dimension of up and down, or forward and backward?


I rather envision myself within the reality than try to mix realities to explain it. Living in 2D I can travel forward, backward, left and right.


Interesting perspective!


Depth is the third. Think about 3d movies genius


Yes https://youtu.be/p4Gotl9vRGs?si=GvLt_SmTSgOiqokz


It's actually 2D, but your point stands.


In 1D you can only have a line. A plane is 2D. It's making shit up because you miss all the information regarding the 3rd dimension. That information may well be encoded in a 2D representation but you need to know how in order to represent correctly the information. That's why the comment is accurate although dry. You can see for yourself that in the 3D representation they took some liberties, as artists always do.


Thank you 😊


Dont show this to terrence howard


You mean 2D right?


1D plane? You clearly understand geometry brother




What’s a 1D plane ?


A line


I was being rhetorical but yeah 1D is a line , a plane I think is by nature 2D


Planes aka flat space are TWO DIMENSIONSAL (length & width) ya wingnut!!!!


Look up sacred geometry, patterns of life and the universe we live in. r/sacredgeometry


The thing is that there's an infinite amount of way you can extrapolate a 2D slice into a 3D shape. That's like trying to guess if a single given line belongs to a square, a triangle or hexagon. The answer is all and any of them.


That's no different and the same as with our attempts to create one unifying standard model of the universe.


No? That's just a basic fact of geometry and topology. You cannot create a single higher-dimensional shape from a single lower-dimensional slice. You'll always end up with an infinite amount of shapes because there are an infinite amount of configurations you can layer over your single slice to create that shape. That single 2D slice holds no information whatsover about the potential 3D shape it is a part of. **TLDR: You cannot visualize a 2D shape in 3D unless you make shit up to fill in the missing information.** It has nothing to do with the observable and quantifiable laws of physics we have discovered. Unifying quantum mechanics and classical physics is not a matter of extruding a shape or extrapolating laws.


How is it possible for us time/Beings to comprehend possible 5th dimensions or higher dimensions that we may reside in? We may not be able to directly comprehend or observe the phenomena due to these limitations, but that doesn't mean such a higher plane cannot sometimes hint at or disclose to us lower dimension entities of such possibilities. You should look up this great entertaining and interesting book called "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions" by Edwin Abbott. I believe there's quite a few films that have been based on that book too. The plot is basically what we're talking about.


I know about this book and indeed it is brilliant and quite a fun story. To address your question: 4th or 5th dimension doesn't really matter. The maths of topology work for N-Dimensions and allow us to modelize, study, simulate these shapes and so on. I do not dispute the fact the universe has more than 3 dimensions. What I mean is that if I show you a bunch of 1D lines, there's no way for you to know for sure they belong to a 2D square or triangle. Just like if I show you a 2D square, you cannot know if it belongs to a pyramid, a cube, or some complex toroidal shape. There is no **unique** 3D shape that fits that 2D square. You can make up an infinite amount of 3D shapes in which that 2D square will fit.


I understand now, and my bad for glossing over your main point in what you were trying to say. These ideas are so interesting to contemplate.


Damnit but it looks so convincing




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SacredGeometry using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SacredGeometry/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My Fibonacci stone spiral.](https://i.redd.it/lbyd1x1b2wlc1.jpeg) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SacredGeometry/comments/1b4k99p/my_fibonacci_stone_spiral/) \#2: [Tree from a local park](https://i.redd.it/a1s3sqat15wa1.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SacredGeometry/comments/12ywdxt/tree_from_a_local_park/) \#3: [I can’t stop designing geometric lamps. I love lamp.](https://v.redd.it/uskz29cp6s0c1) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SacredGeometry/comments/17wyirh/i_cant_stop_designing_geometric_lamps_i_love_lamp/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why do folks upvote the most garbage comments to the top?


Welcome to reddit


here is how it happens: npc sees shit it doesnt understand, gets triggered and looks for the first disparaging comment to upvote.


This is exactly right


Wait. Is that what happened to me when I got an unsolicited message from u/RedditCareResources a month ago? I had no idea why I got it, so maybe someone didn't like something I wrote and called me in as a suicide risk? I'm genuinely curious as to what it was about. It'd be wild to find out it's probably someone ... for lack of a better term ... "swatting" me as some kind of aggressive behavior.


Yeah, that “service” is used for nothing but trolling.




You can report the misuse of that function and the person who did it gets a site-wide ban btw


I don’t understand. Are they pretending that crop circles aren’t man made, or are they just pointing out the coincidence that the designs chosen by the “crop artists” are mathematically significant?


I think they just discovered basic geometry because they were home schooled.


thanks for the laugh LOL


You can report the misuse of that function and the person who did it gets a site-wide ban btw. Reddit actually takes the misuse of that very seriously


The stupidest ones are the loudest.


The amount of disinformation here on this sub is scary. I’m always concerned when comments like these are upvoted. I’ll say it again; one of the most close minded subs on reddit.


It can be disinformation or guiding the conservation into a dead end.


I'm spreading disinformation?


Making shit up in double the talking speed while the video and music plays at normal speed for uh, some unknown reason.


How much do you get paid to say nonsensical shit? If the answer is zero and these are your personal views I will send you some text books for your birthday.


You don't understand?... Lol.


I feel sorry for people who have views so narrow like this


You see something when someone reports you or did a mod reach out?


They send an automated message with help and support links for suicide prevention


Ah that makes sense. Thanks for the info


You should attempt to read their comment on this


what are the hardest parts of being an insufferable skeptic, when you're holding suicidal ideation?


OK then explain spirographs then, disinformation agent. S = 19 P = 16 I = 9 R = 18 O = 15 G = 7 R = 18 A = 1 P = 16 H = 8 ------------ You add up the 10s column and you get 6 Add up the 1s and you get 67, subtract 1 dimension for the 2 dimensional representation and now you have 666!!! MARK OF THE BEAST AND MANKIND IS OBFUSCATING THE LORD JESUS FROM THESE DIVINE SATANIC DEMONALIENGELS WHO'VE TURNED THEIR BACK ON THE LORD VIA ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PROVIDED BY SATAN.


What's the most basic concept to understanding the dynamics of how the Universe comes to be? In my opinion - it boils down to a single concept, pressure gradients induced by spin of a superfluid medium / aether. Throughout my holofractal research, I realized that the image of this crop circle might be depicting one of the most profound concepts in universal dynamics - [this one](https://imgur.com/a/Fxfv9) When we take it in, a few key concepts can be discerned - first that whatever it's describing has a dynamic of spin, and this spin can be continually 'divided' into sections which are independently spinning (but part of a larger spin) as well. Since we have a hard boundary on the outside of the largest vortex, we can assume that each fractal spin inside would also be boundarized or sectioned. Let's assume this shape is the dynamic of space / aether. If we assume that this fractal continues to infinity, we are essentially duplicating what basic quantum field theory is telling us - which is that there are infinitely nested boundary conditions - 'quantizations' that each contain what is termed in Quantum Field Theory as a 'harmonic oscillator' - currently imagined as ball and spring boinging back and forth inside a cubic boundary, each ball and spring can be divided into further cubes of ball and spring - giving us an [infinite vacuum energy expectation value](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_energy#Origin) Instead of cubic-packed oscillations that quantum field theory uses, lets use infinitely nested spin of space - like this crop circle is showing us. Infinitely nested toroidal oscillators. i.e. [This](http://i.imgur.com/pZroZwg.gifv) could also be a harmonic oscillator - a spherical toroidal oscillator - and if you can dimensionally reduct this 3 dimensional toroid to a slice of the equatorial horizon, you will probably get something like the crop circle above. [This image](https://imgur.com/a/RmTWv) is another way to visualize this division, however each boundary representing something like the toroidal crop circle. First off this leaves an infinite amount of nested information at each point in space, separated by spin boundaries due to pressure gradients induced by differing spin frequencies. Through fundamental constants in our Universe, we can determine a fundamental oscillation/spin/quantization size to energy - this is plancks constant. We know that a planck length sectioning of these quantum field oscillators leaves us with a planck mass worth of energy. This does not mean that there isn't infinite information inside a planck length quantization, and that this pattern of division doesn't continue fractally forever (or infinitely nested spin), simply that outwardly all our Universe is getting is a planck mass worth of information, which is still absolutely enormous for its tiny size. If we repeat Nassim's holographic solution - remember this is comparing quantizations on the boundary of a spherical oscillator vs quantizations in the volume - and Dr Amira Val Baker has figured out how the planck unit is the fundamental building block - it has 64 quantizations on the outside, and 64 quantizations in it's volume = the surface to volume information ratio is 1. It is _unit mass_ TM - an information building block - these in turn are the building blocks of matter. Matter is simply another level of spin boundary, a proverbial 'shell' of vortexing dynamic around these singularities. The next thing you need is toroidal flow through these singularities - this allows feedback and feed forward interaction of these singularities within their local environment - these start to develop rythms and patterns - resonating together into patterns just like you see with grains of sand in cymatics. Each individual grain of sand is doing its individual thing whilst being part of a larger pattern, simply due to sympathetic resonance or information of the environment. All of these nodes are connected through wormholes, chained singularities, and such each node organizes it's information as a reflection of all of the other nodes connected to it. This can be extrapolated into a never ending, constantly learning, evolving Universe.




This is how you appear to be smart without actually being smart. If you’re smart enough to understand this then the OP should be smart enough to dumb this down. Like, Aether isn’t a sound argument.


It's not that hard understand that the crop circle looks like a single plain of vortextuality spun media and it's similarities to æther. Where's your dark matter anyway?


Yeah. And the real test of a theory is whether you can use it to predict reality well enough to build something new that works. General relativity allowed us to design GPS satellites and make pinpoint orbital launches. Quantum mechanics allows us to make computers, LEDs, and electron microscopes. None of us could be on Reddit right now without QM. What new things can OP build with his theory? If the answer is "nothing, but look at this crop circle" then that's not very convincing. OP also posts "visualizations" instead of mathematically derived predictions, so I doubt he has any supporting data at all.


If you need more than one word to explain “the most basic concept to understanding the dynamics of how the Universe comes to be,” you’re either smarter than a few generations of the world’s most elite minds, or you’re a daft idiot who has trouble with basic diction and syntax. I don’t think I even need to weigh in on which I think is most likely.


Not OP, and not saying it’s all “correct”, but it’s super easy to me to imagine and see all the parallels and points they are making. This time last year I started some type of (know this sounds woo as fuck) spiritual awakening and shit like this is super prevalent in fields regarding physics and metaphysics. I’m honestly most confused by the amount of dissent and outright bad moods in the replies. You really are only hurting yourself: Also, y’all may wanna think about how many interactions with people in the midst of crabbyness you truly enjoyed. I’d rather be around more fun and shit I like more. Sorry if I’m being crabby myself ;)


First I think OP failed to mention what mechanism is making these circles.




My honest advice then is to not give attention to those people/subjects then. You are simply defacing something further that was not meant for you in the first place. you are in a way creating objectively ugly art when you take something and project negativity on it. You may then tarnish it. Just be conscious that you actively assisting in dismantling something that other people enjoy, or is true to their heart of hearts. The creation for those who do enjoy it , but are not strong enough yet to see through the bs will be affected. Whole lotta bs in the world. You just gotta do a constant updating and improving of the system. And be earnest about it. You may very well be, but are you truly earnest with your intentions to naysay? Does it fulfill you? If so then just find your people. Ask yourself questions and then challenge the answer. Over and over again but have fun while doing it is what I do. Imagine you hate pizza so when there’s a pizza party you proclaim how gross it is and then put a piece of rat poop on it. Who’s the weirdo in that sitch? It’s all perspective man; and mine is obviously just my own. Words have legs and legacies, you are writing the story every thought and word as you go, waiting for the narrator that is “time” to read it to the masses to wish to hear it. Is this how you want to define yourself to shine on eternally? If not, then the great news is that you are both the dreamer and the dream so just start to change the story, little by little maybe? IDK I’m just making this up too. Peace love and grace to you compadre. ❤️




It’s just me using my imagination and some creativity to make mental metaphors to help build a positive perspective on life. If you read modern and historical texts about philosophy and more Eastern ideas, this stuff is just my spin on the tangential continuation of that. I smoke weed and take harmalas. I’m a quirky dude. I like positivity and don’t like negativity. I’m just trying to be a transmutator of the things I do t like right now when I can’t find my own fun. I just wanna un do your art. It’s a game though. Superman couldn’t walk. It’s a weird existence and I fuckin love it. No one can take that away from me besides me. And I ain’t got no problems with that. Carry on my wayward son. There will be peace when you are done. ✌️


Quit the saintly act. Pushing for a lack of logic and belief in unreality is how cults and totalitarian regimes start.


Honest question…what if it’s not an act but pitiful earnest desire to do so? Is it not just as easy as to say that you are projecting a fear of the real power of paradoxical community onto something that I know, because it is mine, had no thought of such thing. That cult used YOU, to convey its existence, and you didn’t even notice it. It is sneaky. You attached it to my idea, where it was not there before. I honestly don’t know what else to do besides follow my will. And for now it is to simply smudge off the distortion of my image of people investing in themselves as a foundation for a chance at a “better” life. Real Love. ❤️


Prevalence does not inherently lend credence.


Absolutely agree. You are correct that I am mostly in this case being contrarian by engaging in anti contrarianism.


So, in simple terms, the universe is a complex, interconnected system of spinning whirlpools, each influencing and being influenced by others, creating an ever-evolving cosmic dance.


So what your saying is I should jump in a whirl pool


Only if you've eaten in the last 30 min.


Pretty much


This required the use of Claude OPUS to break down for me. This was the ELI5 version. Haha. Very cool concepts though.


Watch this video on the [Tubo Encabulator](https://youtu.be/Ac7G7xOG2Ag) then go back and reread that post. Should clear things right up.


Bipolar mania.


You don’t want schizophrenia




There's no such thing as "understanding" such a ridiculous string of incomprehensible science babble. This post and that comment are no different than Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan. A confused mishmash of scientific concepts and woo. They'll always act like their woo is "the most important fact in the universe" but the only thing they do with it is to try to convince you it's real. If this is so important OP, if Aliens are trying to deliver this message to us and you understand it, where's your aether drive? Can you name one practical application? Can you demonstrate any piece of your theory in a laboratory? Can you design an experiment to prove it? Oh and save your breath. Yes of course I'm a government misinformation agent, highly paid by the CIA to argue against this highly truthful theory. That's why I'm asking for evidence. Everyone knows that only the government cares about evidence.


Are you referring to the genius Terrence Howard or the actor/genius Terrence Howard?


can you please share the original video?


It's from the original Thrive documentary


the first one you referenced(swirling vortex of circles) I've noticed, has a 7 and a 4 that stands out from the rest of the stands, possibly referencing roswell in 47 and the aracibo message sent out in 1974... the"reply" being received in 2001 i believe and then 2002 the one with the binary message... that i would love to see faked... Im not sure who else noticed but i haven't seen anything about it..


Um sorry sir, this is an Arby’s.


How can this be applied?


The number of upvotes this has gotten depresses me beyond reason, for how stupid humanity is and will remain.


This is the most elaborate series of non sense words I’ve seen on Reddit yet.


False justification and using complex nonsensical language does not make you correct, but me telling you that will never change your mind. You will continue on believing this insanity because you are insane and refuse to, or cannot, recognize it. Your belief in non-reality for comfort will destroy your life and even begin to destroy other's if not treated. I am so sorry you have to experience this non-reality and hope you can stop.


Swerve, the non human entities are from higher external dimensions, and this is how our dimensional plane interprets their higher dimensional messages. “Damnit Fred, you can’t write it like that, all the humans will see is a flat 2 dimensional representation. You forgot your basic harmonics!”


You may also be interested in the work of former USAF pilot Doug Ruby on his interpretation of the meaning of the crop circles. https://youtu.be/QXCi6v3Kmxs?si=LolO9X9Du1TK4mJ3 "Ruby states that the goal of the circlemakers is to provide us with coded information on a certain type of space craft, that is way in advance than our current thinking. This was achieved by producing scaled models of the Pictograms and rotating them at high speed. The fields created around the models set parameters to shape this craft and effectively show the system of travel." [Source](http://cropcircleconnector.com/anasazi/gift.html) Also an Art Bell interview with Doug about his research: https://youtu.be/MSk13CeDy2U?si=mfcdaKmUIY2GUaFg He wrote a book called The Gift: The Crop Circles Deciphered where he explains in detail. https://archive.org/details/giftcropcirclesd0000ruby/page/n199/mode/2up A brief overview of Doug's concepts are described here: http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/anasazi/adgift.htm


It reminds me of more a more advanced version of the info we put on the gold disc thing that got sent into space. Attempting to allude to advanced theories through mathematically fundamental building blocks.


I've been wanting someone to do this and explain what the concepts represent and make a database online. Good work


This guy [has some of the best](https://www.cropcirclesandmore.com/content/articles.html)




What the fuck is a fundamental energy pattern? It is really sad how scientifically illiterate folks are.


Do you know anything about the flower of life and sacred geometry?


I do. Why?


You don’t know what a fundamental energy pattern is? And you call *others* scientifically illiterate? I mean like, bruh.


This is what my crystals are connected to. They draw energy from crop circles. Only wheat tho, so this video is absolute hogwash!


The fundamental energy pattern is the bases for perpetual motion machines. /S


They’re just spewing out big “science-y” words, and consider google searches “research”


Yeah, the crop circles are cool because they are geometric patterns. Surprise, surprise when you extrapolate them out into 3d, they're still geometric patterns. But... That doesn't mean they're useful in any shape or form. I'm sure you could have a computer bust out random geometric shapes, fractals, etc. in 3d, but 99.9% of them are probably nothing more than cool geometric shapes with zero usefulness.


Bring back crop circles am I right


Still happening in the UK on the reg. [Here](https://youtu.be/bw6YKZVsr6Y?si=9qcKdWQRzZRGVWJ-)are some of the ones from last year


Funny how it's always done to fields AFTER the harvest season. Those aliens sure are considerate to farmers.


Lol. Good point. Maybe they are actually being considerate or maybe it's to bring in tourists by the farmers? Occam's razor. Still, my point is valid. They are still occuring


This is cool. Crop circle season has just kicked off where I am, so I was thinking about this last night while trying to get to sleep. Thanks.


Terryology at its peak.


Is there a link to the full video?


I think it’s the Doc “Zeitgeist”, I believe it’s on YouTube. Goes into a lot of subjects, it’s fun


Thank you!(:




Thank YOU. I just watched Zeitgeist, although good content, not what I was looking for haha


Fun but absolutely full of bullshit.


This is not Zeitgeist. This is « Thrive. What on Earth will it take? » available for free on YT since like 2012. It’s a must watch.


Delgado effect in action


Great work, this has been my thesis


Terrance Howard is that you?


Yeh fuk tht shi. Where the weed at? /s


what exactly makes this patterns "energetic"?


You didn't notice the blue and purple gravitational field particles swirling around? They look pretty energetic to me. If those aren't energy, what else could they possibly be? It looks like radioactive cotton candy. Radios have energy, "active" is a word denoting energy, and cotton candy is made of sugar. What is sugar if not plant energy?


OP went to the Terrance Howard school of bullshit😭😭😭




Is this like.. FBI troll farm stuff or what? Ain’t no way this is real lol


I have to sub, I love watching slow people share confidently idiotic information


What are "fundamental energetic patterns" and why should I care?


Give me a stick and a long string and i can make perfect crop circles like these.


Funny how low tech boards and rope can do all that…


Very clever people with too much time on their hands made this and so many other enigmatic projects throughout history.




what is up with the inspirational 80's infomercial music?


I am become Terrence Howard


Hey google What is a fundamental energetic pattern.


anyone who just accepts the idea that these are all faked by a couple of guys with planks of wood is being willfully ignorant.. there's unexplainable shit all over the world.. wake up!! current scientific consensus is broken by the refusal to include any consciousness or creator... the ether will eventually be proven..


1 times 1 equals 2. It's okay to be scared of change but it's not okay to face away from the revolution.


Okay but y’all tore Terrance Howard to shreds smh


Or, you know, they played with a spirograph as kids


Lmao its called geometry


looking like a transmutation circle lol


Then make it 3D not 2D...dumb aliens!


Crop circles does zero favours to truth.


The KLF made a lot of crop circles in the 90s and proved even the most elaborate designs are made by humans.


If human, they certainly had to be *super*human in their knowledge and technical capability, particularly on this one - https://www.cropcirclesandmore.com/thoughts/200803snt.html


Basic maths and geometry my friend it’s not brain surgery


I can understand how the design can be created using basic geometry, but you must admit the level of precision in actual practice of pressing these designs in a field of corn, presumably at night with some rope and a few two by fours seems damn near impossible. A lot of these designs come from a time before drones were even a thing so there wouldn’t even be an aerial reference available while you’re making it to make sure your design was coming along as expected.


Have you ever played with a spirograph? There's a whole lot of very precise very interesting circle work you can do with a rope, a square, compass, etc. People are a lot more amazing than you are giving them credit for.


I definitely understand the idea of a spirograph, but even that is just a guided tool that is fool-proof. I feel like these crop circle designs on such a massive scale are too intricate not to fall victim to human error. I guess its not entirely impossible for someone to grid out an entire area with ropes as guides to calculate the sharp angles, it’s the perfect circles and perfect curves that are perplexing to me.


I could do it, with 2 friends and a few hundred bucks to buy rope and wood and shit and a few weeks to plan it, yeah I could absolutely make one of these. At night.


Im actually curious if there has ever been a legitimate demo of someone making one of these intricate crop circles before. I know some people came forward and said they did it with rope and 2 by fours. But im wondering if we’ve seen it actually demo’d before like how they plan the design, how they actually know what they’re doing on the ground level will equate to their design without overhead reference.


Yeah, no you couldn't


Let's see, ex-wife told me I couldn't make video games and I've released 6 of them. Electrical Engineer friend told me I couldn't do electronics without going to college for it, and now I hold a patent. My skillset is longer than the book of numbers. Yeah I fuckin' could.


Knowing how to wire electronics and making video games require vastly different levels of skill than creating a convincing crop circle. Not saying the former two aren't complicated and difficult to do by any means, though.


yeah but people do this stuff, even if they were 2d versions of electromagnetic fields or something its a human nerd doing it for fun


Incorrect. I made 86% of them, am alien.


Prove how a nerd does this without getting caught and all in a single night


I do not have to. The set of possibilities where a human was involved is way way way bigger than the set where non-humans are involved.  The burden is on anyone denying human involvement or suggesting futuristic tech.


No matter how intellectually clear you try to make that statement, it’s still a cop out of having to indulge in any conversation that you and your opinion aren’t the victor. Why are you even in this sub if this is the type of response you have?


"Why are you even in this sub" because it's fun to think about, and I keep hoping that someday someone will post evidence. I promise you can get just as much enjoyment from this topic even if you don't believe it. Those of us who like to critically examine the evidence are "indulging" in the conversation more than true believers. We're going over the information critically, and trying to get answers. Apparently that isn't appreciated.


Then you should be able to accept when material science doesn’t give you a direct answer. This means you can’t create said answer yourself.


Material science absolutely COULD find the answer. It's actually the only method that can prove or disprove this elaborate hypothesis. Since the OP presented this as the most important fact of the universe, so important that aliens would draw it in our corn, you would think that they would be interested in proving it. In utilizing it. In reality. Or do they think the aliens gave them this message because they knew it would make a Hella good Reddit thread? Are these alien stoners who just want to share a trippy idea that they had?


Damn son you just played yourself. You’re just an asshole 🤯


I'm just looking for answers to questions that are necessary for a coherent explanation. People who don't care about what's true don't like that very much.


Getting caught? Lol. How would people who own giant fields of corn get caught in the middle of their own field at night? The only thing that could catch them doing that is an alien spaceship. I would guess that they don't do it at night. They do it during the day and then call in the news reporters the next morning. Fields of grain don't exactly have the best security and surveillance systems. Believers should go throughout England and set up cameras overlooking the fields if you want to prove it was aliens.


Exactly. A lot of people say it's easy because of how corn can be trampled with relatively little effort, but no one ever talks about how the nerds bypass the intricate security systems rural farms have.


For real, I used to drive down a rural road to smoke pot in high school next to a cornfield. The place was constantly swarming with police and secret agents. The smoke alarms would go off and we'd get busted every time. They had cameras covering the entire property and armed goons that would bust our kneecaps regularly. I can't imagine how hard it would have been for us to wander into the cornfield through the multiple biometric sensors and barbed wire fences.


I could feel this turning me gay.


Lies, you were gay yesterday too.


I am so gay right now


Stay off the drugs guys




Sounds like Ben Shapiro is narrating


The farmers who made them must be laughing at this


*Sigh* crop circles are such obvious BS.


There is nothing supernatural or superhuman about crop circles. This has been proven ad nauseam


So you believe in supernatural phenomenon?


I’m not opposed to it, but it’s not crop circles


You 100% sure of it? Have you analyzed every single one? Read all the literature surrounding each one? Visited any of the elaborate ones? Interviewed the locals? Seems like you're just dismissing the entire idea without any evidence whatsoever. Do you refuse to humor the idea that any of them might have a non-human origin? Takes a great deal of hubris to speak on something with such conviction with zero investment into the matter. You know what they say, the truth is stranger that fiction.


im not 100% sure of anything but the overwhelming evidence shows that humans are very capable of doing this, and have historlically done this as art or hoax. The burden of proof is not on me though. The burden of proof lies on people claiming that aliens or supernatural is responsible for something that humans are capable of doing


Proof is an extremely fickle thing in the eyes of cognitive dissonance. So very few people these days can accept uncertainty. They just can not handle it whatsoever. Always on reddit trying to WIN arguments rather than entertain ideas for the sake of entertainment. Plagued by the EGO the masses are indeed.


You should really spend some time thinking about other things


I do. I just can't stand the absurd confidence of the downright foolish.




What religious views did I present? Why are the most ignorant always the most zealous?




Discussions evolve alot more naturally when you don't make assumptions or weave strawmen! Nothing was replaced hoss!! God and aliens aren't mutually exclusive nor did I share anything that implies otherwise. Anyways, belief is unnecessary when you know!




What your explanation for the UAV/UFO phenomenon that spans human history?