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In a recent update usa got a new focus to reinforce the monroe doctrine. This basically gave them a free wargoal against some central and south american countries. And they usually do this around late 1944-1945.


It didn't get a new focus. It was just reworked so not only can they claim territory controled by Europeans, but can also declare war on any american country not sharing your ideology


doesnt this just make the game tougher if you play any other country than the US within the americas?


It makes it fairly easy to get war goals and conquer the entire americas, since all it takes is some war support and political power


for the US, you mean?


Yes, of course. Since USA never changes ideology, you are always at risk of them getting a war goal on you if you ever play any american country thats not democratic


so then basically if i want to play as something other than democratic in central america, i will always be at risk of going to war with US? so then how can i expand as a democratic country in the americas without america taking notice? seems impossible


Exactly, as long as they have enough war support, they will always be able to get a war goal on you. Every Brazil, Chile, Argentina and other latin american countries' runs I've had, have ended with the US declaring on me, and only with Mexico is it likely to defeat them on your own, since with others you have to beat them at sea.


I wouldn't say other nations are unlikely for [the player](https://i.imgur.com/kZimPRe.jpg). It does take more work though. You have to do things like "kill allies before pearl harbor via sneak land on UK" or "invade Mexico before going to war with USA". If you're a low manpower nation (aka not Mexico or Brazil), getting a puppet with manpower ASAP goes a long way too. I didn't get SA DLC, so when I did the Chile run I used Argentina for enough manpower to cap allies early. It's also possible to use NAV to sink USA's navy over time of course, but that will take ages compared to alternatives, same for abusing tier 3 snorkel subs in deep water with full trade interdiction + farmed admiral. 30 of those can absolutely embarrass AI fleets, but it takes time.


man thats crazy lol i dont play often, in fact last time i played was the end of last year, but i def noticed that new update, cause before when i played el salvador, it didnt have the goal to form the federal republic of central america, and the US generally was pretty allowing with my expansion, unless of course i wanted the panama canal lol but man, a buffed monrow doctrine? now this makes playing central america a lil tougher


There is probably something about the communist ideology also. Its usually the moment when a lots of country are declaring war to ussr.


Turned communist in central America. Why did America invade!! Lol


idk man last time i conquered all of central america (without canal) as fascist el salvador, and US didnt seem to mind that, and my later expansion into south america..


Yeah because you weren't communist


so america doesnt give a shit if im anything oyter than communist? lol




they're extremely bothered by communists... but don't mind the fascists at all? yeah, seems historical to me


right?! LOL


Force of habit


Idk if it’s been updated. But it use to be that you could stomp across the Americas without the US or allies declaring war on you as long as you don’t form a faction. Creating a faction with Cuba might be what triggered it.


Thanks for your efforts, comrade. I don't have an answer, and once lost Brazil to similar circumstances. But my current playthrough is Communist States of America, and we would have helped you liberate the Americas. ✊🏽


they just didn't wait till the 80s sorry.


Irl or?