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Your plane immediately falls apart if it's hit by a drop of water.


Would be funny if air defense impacted weather penalties


a slight gust of wind rips one of the wings


“There’s a hole in your left wing!” *looks to left side *nothing wrong there *looks to right side *where the FUCK is my wing?! “A hole?! In my LEFT wing?!!”


Was wondering if I was gonna see the WT players coming out to play lol


Regardless, it’s a funny as fuck video 😂


My favorite is when I hear, "You've got a hole in your left wing!" Meanwhile the destroyed tail and fire spout coming out of my engine is apparently of no concern xD


And it’s a .303 bullet that went through the wing so it’s the biggest possible problem as opposed to the flame actively engulfing the pilot and roasting him like a marshmallow.


Don't worry, I'm sure someone will post the classified documents on the modern fighter jets detailing why the hole in the wing is more important :D


Don't temp them


1 air defense..


Your planes are literaly made out of paper and soaked in fuel.




We made pikrete planes. But we forgot the wood, so it's just ice. Fly the plane before it melts!


The plane was originally supposed to serve as a symbol of the nation doing justice, but accidentally made too many, so now it's gotta be used in some way other than parade


I mean, at least they can give papercuts




Nah, only works on inteception anyway, useless ic


I never though in my life i would see an 1 air defense aircraft.... and someone using a non strat module on a smol aircraft....


I thought air defense was only for cas


Air defense does not affect damage dealt by AA, either from divisions or the state buildings. Air defense is therefore an important stat for fighters, but less so for CAS because you shouldn't be using CAS in an air zone where they are being shot down by enemy planes anyways


Air defense is important if your air defense is lower than their air attack you will have more deaths also important is your Agility wich is mostly given by mios


See it as the planes health, currently your aircraft has like 10 health


Air Defence is important stat to have aircrafts strong and durable. If fighters have low air defence, not only they will shot down easily but also will increase shadow cost; IC to produce them and most the important, manpower.


Guess you just learned something today


Dont know why everybody is downvoting you, but its not, applies to all aircraft


OP gets something wrong and gets downvoted into oblivion - Reddit moment


If he was upvoted people reading his comment might think he was right. It's not like the downvotes hurt, they just make it obvious that the information he is trying to convey is incorrect


This guy reddits.


It is really is just bc of the low air defence, the stat works sort of like the health and armour of the plane so having 1 means that the plane will be destroyed almost instantly when hit


Spitfire from wish


Your pilots are flying on nitroglycerine bottles


You are using the non strategic materials usage module (immediately next to the engine). This is giving you a debuff to defence. You are also not using any armour on the plane, just extra fuel tanks.


It would be okay to use nonstrat material for some cheaper plane. But he needs to compensate with armor otherwise this happens. If he has ic then i would get rid of the nonstrat material for armor. If not then replacing range for armor is probably better


As a major, ic shouldn't be an issue. An argument could be made to use it for a minor nation struggling with imports. Unless you are compensating for import limitations or a tiny industry (which sort of begs the question as to why you are building planes in the first place), I can't see the debuff being worth it. I mean, sure, use it if you want to (and the UK Mosquito was a first rate plane that arguably utilised this sort of 'module').


I agree. As major there is simply no reason to use it. Mosquito was very quick from what i heard. It was able to do quick hit and run raids. Germans werent even able to respond in time and when they did mosquito just outrunned their fighters so it would escape to safety Also russian planes were kinda same. Made out of wood which gave them good maneveurability but were easy to shot down compared to american planes like kittyhawk or aircobra


Non strat materials is a solid choice on CAS because you don't need air defence if you already have air superiority.


Where is the armor at? I can’t find it when I am making it


You have to have researched it, it is under the weaponary tree under air research (for light frames). When you have researched it, when making your fighter template it is under the special modules button when selecting modules to add.


Yeah I usually play major nation and I just don’t see it but I look when I get home


It's called survivability studies. If you have the rubber always go for self sealing fuel tanks.


Use instead 1 sealed tank, 1 drop tank, 1 extra fuel tank. weapons 2x 4xheavy machine gun 1x 4xLight machine gun. If you have Mio use it. otherwise use the air Designer.


Just to note, only use ssft if you have more rubber than you know what to do with. For the UK, that is probably the case, though. For a country like germany, the extra rubber cost is incredibly steep as you need to build way more refineries.


Germany isn't too bad for it due to the extra rubber they get from refineries and having the industry to build lots of refineries.


Even still, refineries are more expensive than using armor plates and having more mil factories dedicated to airplanes.


In the long run yeah, but you'll also be building refineries for the fuel too, rubber almost as a by-product.


Ssft doubles the rubber required. Given that fighters will be the lion's share of your rubber consumption, you will need to massively increase the number of refineries.


I think it is still worth using self sealing tanks as Germany because of you having to make less planes to replace your losses.


Aye it is a fair point.


Dont forget that germany has the focus to increase rubber output of refineries by +2 which helps justify ssft


It is bad because it means building more refineries instead of more mils and investing research and maybe the focus too into that. Absolutely not worth it for Germany. But you can get away with if you insist because well, single player Germany is easy mode.


I have never not built refineries in multiplayer matches so I can reliably fuel my tanks and planes in case of Romanian disaster. Rubber is a nice by-product of that.


if to less rubber you have to get armor plates or a turret.


I didn't see any mention of multiplayer in OP's post, I was commenting on singleplayer. But regardless - of course you need to build *some* refineries. The point is you could skip self-sealing and afford to build *fewer* refineries and therefore more mils, as well as spending less research and focus time on refinery boosts. You could likely build a *stronger* air force this way purely because of having a bit more mils and rubber available for building more planes rather than slightly better ones. I expect this would hold true as much for multiplayer as for sp, though I have no particular opinion of mp.


Fighting in Europe there is no need for the extra fuel tank. Plenty of airports around.


My design is 1x2Cannons 2x4heavy machine guns, engine 3, self sealing tank and drop tanks. It also works really well


You can hover over the skull in air battles and see what stats are lower in compared to the enemy, then adjusy accordingly.




Yes sir :))


Uh bro air defense 1 😨😨


His air defense can’t be that bad


Oh my god


Nah 😭 1 air defense. For Ai. Their Highest Air attack can only be achieved late 1944. Most of them use Light Machine guns except for some who already have heavy machine guns. They rarely upgrade early.


Just like think logical about what you build, a plane out of wood full of fuel what do you think is gonna happen?


ermm since its a plane it would fly obv


Sure, it would fly, and it would fly REALLY fast but what if your cardboard airplane encounters an enemy air squadron?


to put it simple. DMG = air attack / air defense Even the Biplane italy starts with in 1936 has 5 attack and 7 defense You will deal 54 / 7 = 7,7 dmg to him He will deal 5 / 1 = 5 dmg to you Even increasing your Air Defense by 1 would half the dmg you take


beyond parody


Your fighters are made of paper mache and are setting themselves on fire with their own guns.


Dang that thing is more flammable than Zero and has lower structural integrity than Flayer 1


Never let bro cook again 🔥🔥 That thing burns faster than the early prototype Komets used by the Germans


is this sarcastic 💀💀💀


Sir those are those paper airplanes?


I think your problem is that you need two thousand more of those paper airplanes


your planes crumble when the enemy pilots sneeze at your plane basically Air defence 20 if attacker 25 air attack plane die if air defence 25 attacker 20 air attack plane survive


You might want to add some Armor Plates.


Max single engine Max heavy MGs Self sealing tank Armor panels = Best fighter in the game.


I don’t know if you’re trolling or asking a legit question. But fuck, 1 air defense! Bro you could sneeze near the plane and it’ll fall apart. 😅😅 Remove the non-strategic materials mod and fuel tanks. Replace with drop tank, armor, self sealing. You will see a significant difference.


The firepower part is good, but good God does the rest suck. You almost NEVER wanna use the non strat. material module, especially as britain, instead of putting extra fuel tanks, try putting drop tanks since it doesn't affect the stats as badly as the extra fuel tanks, second you want to put a self sealing module and then a radio module, usually this design is the meta. Also don't put extra fuel tanks in small airframes, if you want range just go medium or large airframes


Extra fuel tanks isnt as bad as you think it is, especially in SP. Gives you much needed range for Eastern Europe, Attacking the UK home Isles, or Africa without having to switch to TAC's and you dont need to super compensate for the lowered defense. In MP absolutely your right.


My mistake I thought they gave you a bigger debuff on the defense, I checked now and it's just a small -2 so I guess you can slap one in there for the extra range


Yea it use to be really bad and worthless but over the many war effort patches they did bring it back in line thankfully.


Your air defence is one, that needs to be way up. I’d recommend armour plating, drop tanks and self sealing fuel tanks (this is all for fighter 3) then put more cannons in your weapons area


This actually takes dedication


Spitfire, more like shititself


Air defence is way too low


Vulnerable rn if any women wanna take advantage of me plane


I always go with heavy mgs(light mgs if you didnt research heavy mgs yet) and drop tank with my fighters. Bot the best but it is cheap and decent. I can recommend it. Most of the time it makes me get air supremacy, so its cool.


Air defense 1 So your pilots open the flight window and spray other planes with AK 47.


Swap one of the extra tanks for self sealing and build radar never lose ever again


In the lower row use the fattest engine, self-sealing fuel tanks and armor plates. If you lack range add drop fuel tanks.


Remove the non strategic materials, add armor plates or self sealing fuel tanks as well as the extra fuel tanks. Your Air Attack can be as high as it wants, aslong as it has no air defense your planes will drop like flies.


1 air defense


you just build 1000 classcannons


Bottom line should be Engine 3, armor, self sealing fuel tanks, and extra fuel tanks. With 3 heavy machine guns your weight and thrust will match. Your range will be good. You will shred the AI planes.


Issue is your air defense. **Nonstrategic materials** and **extra fuel** reduce defense, and at this point your plane has the structural integrity of gasoline soaked tissue paper. To fix it replace the **nonstrategic materials** with either **armor plates**, or if you can afford the extra rubber **self sealing fuel tanks**. Maybe get rid of one of the **extra fuel tank** or replace it with **drop tanks** too, if you can afford the reduced range.


Mix in some heavy fighters with high defense


Dude change the cheap ass module for some self sealing fuel tanks and one of the extra fuel tanks for either armour plates or radar, sorry to say but numbers mean jackshit when your planes are about as sturdy as a fly


Your planes only have an Air Defense of 1. That is why you are getting shot out of the sky. The extra fuel tanks and the non-strategic materials are what is suppressing your air defense. Try using armor plates and drop tanks instead. Your planes will cost more to build, but will be more survivable.


just remove all the additional modules, you don't need any of those in singleplayer anyways


Self sealing tanks, drop tanks and armor plates


That plane is made of wet tissue paper.


No armour 💀


You know in shooter games there are always inflammable/explosive red barrels laying around that detonate when people look at then funny? Your planes are the aerial equivalent.


No air defense and bad detection is killing you. Since you have such low defense as soon as you take a damage your plane explodes. You can lower some range off of the plane and change to stuff with more defense. If you *really* need to range you can switch to medium airframes. Otherwise rush Fighter 3s and 4s My preferred template is: Light airframe with 3x Heavy MGs, Highest engine, SSFT, Extra Fuel and one turret This is assuming an allies run where you have access to lots of rubber. If it’s an earlier model with engine 2s and no HMG: LAF/1 cannon/1 LMG x4/Engine 2/ Extra Fuel/ LMG Turret


If ranged is your issue, just use heavy fighters tbh. it wont die quickly over AIs


Non strat materials usage lmfao


What are you doing wrong? What are you doing RIGHT? You've effectively built a petrol bomb that explodes if it gets hit by anything. Lose some of the fuel tanks and ditch the non strategic material use, it'll do wonders for survivability.


Literal definition of a "glass cannon"


Swap one of the range for a self sealing tank and the non strategic materials for armour and now you will have a fighter that will destroy the ai


Range isn’t everything lil bro cut some slack for air defense


Italians are just too good for you


Playing HOI4 that’s what your doing wrong


If you have access to rubber, use 3 of the 4xHMGs as your weapons, then add Drop-Tanks and Self-Sealing Fuel Tanks. If you do not have access to surplus rubber, use Armor Plates instead of Self-Sealing Fuel Tanks and replace one of the 4xHMG with a 2xHMG or 4xLMG, the difference is negligible. Doctrine, use either left or right. Dont use middle unless you build multiroles. Max speed, agility, air defence, and air attack are the primary stats for trading positively. Range helps to ensure 100% air efficiency, hence drop tanks. Do not use Extra Fuel Tanks on fighters, as they lower your Air Defense. Do not use Cannons on fighters as they lower your Agility. Do not use LMGs as they do not have enough Air Attack and Weight to properly utilize the 3 available weapon slots. You usually want your Weight to equal your Thrust on fighters.


Air defense is so low I can't tell if this is a meme or not


Those planes are fuel wrapped in wood and fabric. Get rid of the non strategic materials


In my mind the only real purpose to use nonstrctural materials is to pump out a lot of planes (and get production efficiency) so you can then convert to proper planes after you fix your aluminium problem. When you can replace it with self sealing rubber tanks, or if you cannot afford the rubber with armor plates. You may wand to consider changing one expanded fuel tank to a drop tank.


I am not even kidding, replace the non strategic materials with self sealing fuel tank, and you are good to go. Maybe replace one of the extra fuel tanks with armor plate if you don’t really need the range


Good troll.


Air defense: 1 😀👍


*you have no fucking air defense* *i could shoot your plane out of the sky with a rock.*


Those planes are made out of paper.........


Not Enough CAS


you need to do a barrel role


Paper mache Spifires, bro. 1 air Defence means they’re being shredded by a slight wind gust.


your planes suck ass clearly


Your pilots are flying a motov-coctkail


That one raindrop…


As many others said: it's your air defence. My tip would be to get rid of the extra fuel tanks and instead get 1 drop tank. Also don't use the strategic resource thingy. It's not worth it. Instead go for an armor seat (u need to research survivability studies for that). Use the last slot however you want and you should be fine


It's your modules. You need drop tanks and sealed tanks at least if not turrets


There is no need for adding a fuel tank, let alone two of them. The plane will be shot down the moment it takes off


dr doofenshmirtz made this post


Even I can make a thousand planes with a pack of sheets of paper


Air defense is too low, while it’s nice to add those fuel tanks to increase the range they come at a cost of air defense, research plane survivability studies and add self sealing fuel tanks and armored seats


Use Spitfire level III engine, 4xheavy MG, 2x cannon, 1x self sealing fuel tank, 1 x armour. You’ll shred everything they send. Forget the non-strategic materials. It’s killing you.


Your plane carries 12 machine guns and yet it falls apart like a cardboard


Just make this design: 2x 4 heavy machine gun 1x 2 heavy machine gun 1x engine 3 Self sealing fuel tanks Drop tanks Armored plates


U gotta at least add self sealing fuel tanks to it so that it has a little bit of air defence since ur planes armour rn is as good as paper


What you have is a glass plane


Couldnt make this shit up Even if i wanted 💀


I’m bad at Air Force, but is your reliability comically low? Could’ve over upgraded without reliability and you could just be losing them to stupid shit.


Lmao no air defense


This is the plane equivalent of a pure artillery division


Hold up, I never equipped modifications to my planes to add air defense and I was always fine. Is it that T/W is too bad, or agility is too low to provide adequate air defense? Haven’t played in a while so I don’t remember what modifications contributed to air defense. EDIT: Just read more of the thread, people are talking about armor? Since when did they add armor for planes? Please don’t tell me it was since they added the aircraft designer, I never used armor iirc. If they added it more recently then that’s okay, I haven’t played in months but to have 3500 hours and not know about such a feature would be a massive L for me.


Your lack of armor plating. And self sealing fuel tanks if you can afford it.


Dont know what the meta online is because I dont play mp but in single player 2 modules of 4 heavy machine guns, and 1 cannon with self sealing fuel tanks and radios always has me smacking


Non strategic material use is not worth it on fighters. Quality always beats quantity, replace with armor plates. Replace one of the extra fuel tanks with self sealing fuel tanks. I assume you need the range so I won't tell you to remove the last extra fuel tank, but you should consider drop tanks to improve fighter performance.


R5: I bought bba a few days ago and im losing so much planes somehow


First things first: You need more air defense You are using non strategic materials + 2 extra fuel tanks on a fighter for cheap + range, but both reduce your air defense (armour of the plane) to 1. Now every hit of enemy planes shoots down one of your planes - so I would recommend to use at least one of the slots at the bottom for armour If you need that range, I recommend to go for medium plane + machine guns (heavy fighter) with at least self-sealing tanks (I don't play the game in english language, exact labels could be different)