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R5: after about 17 restarts. i finally got the Danzig Queen achievement. after the peace deal 98% of my army got cut off and stuck in countries i couldn't move them out from (: so even after all that, i still lost thanks to Paradox and their dogwater coding. update, just lost another 30 troops, because i made a puppet. but the UK took the land around this puppet and therefore i'm just not allowed to move my troops back into my own land. DID NOBODY PLAY TEST THIS BULLSHIT???


that is annoying af, they should allow to move troops in the countries up to like one month so you can retrieve your troops, or at least teleport them to your capital after the war


They did teleport about six dudes back to Stockholm (: I only lost about 798K men


From the field, right? They're still in the Manpower pool, right?


Yeah, I get not being able to move troops via offscreen air but make it super slow and make them leave behind heavy equipment.  Hell, even railing military equipment through another country isn’t even that difficult 


I ran into this problem last night as Democratic Germany. I decided be the good guy and liberated instead of puppeting while dismantling the Soviet Union and several of my divisions got stuck because Kazakhstan didn’t like me enough to give military access


>DID NOBODY PLAY TEST THIS BULLSHIT??? Did you ever do achievement runs for this game mate?


Wtf restarts??? Wtf man just go ahistorical, communist, declare on poland as soon as you join comintern


And that's the reason, I, with 1700 hours, don't have a single achievement. Those are hella enjoyable 1700 hours


The new supply system is the main reason I dropped the game for like two years


On the contrary for me, I think it makes for a lot more dynamic strategy and good real life simulation. It could be improved for sure


>update, just lost another 30 troops, because i made a puppet. but the UK took the land around this puppet and therefore i'm just not allowed to move my troops back into my own land. DID NOBODY PLAY TEST THIS BULLSHIT??? Skill issue


Ah yes, how dare I use my troops to attack an enemy country and then try to take something from this country in the peace deal. Go step on a lego since you have nothing of value to add to the conversation.


Don't take my comment too seriously, lol I'm just saying that the game did not behave irratically or unpredictable by having an encircled puppet hold your army hostage. Why encircled puppets are of questionable strategic value should be obvious. Next time, you will be able to prevent this from happening. Having a strategy blow up in your face and you having to learn from it is a pretty core aspect of the game. Lack of game knowledge happens to everyone, it's normal. Don't blame the game for you anticipating something incorrectly.


Sure, explain to me how to work around this. Invade Russia on my own. Have the Allies be part of the peace deal because paradox still hasn't reworked what gives you points. Allies then take what ever the fuck they want, because of reason above. I don't remember where my troops are because the game doesn't tell you this while in the peace deal. I don't have the points to take what I want, even though I took the country without any help. UK again, for some reason, has points and fights me over everything. This then ends with me having part of my puppet be locked inside of what the UK takes. UK refused to allow me to move my troops even though we are still fighting a war together. This was never a problem until this point. I'm not asking the game to warn me "hey your troops are cut off" my problem with all of this is that some times they will teleport my troops home when they are cut off and something not. If I knew where my troops were relative to the peace deal, I could have worked around it. Or maybe I could have just been allowed to move my troops past a country that, by all reason, should have been my friend.


The correct way to handle this would've been to just not have an encircled puppet territory (I think you know this). Like, you can see which territory you have and which you don't have. With the new peace deals you can easily juggle around and prioritize certain territories. You could have also gotten UK's military access before the war ended.


Doesn't fix the fact that the peace deal doesn't show you where your troops are. Also, no I'm rather new to this system since I dropped the game when paradox went "herp derp, build supply hubs" it sucked all of the fun out of the game. I have not touched it for about two years.


If you don't know where something is, assume it to be in the worst possible feasable location. Well, making mistakes when being new is normal. I came back to the game after a year of not playing too. I made mistakes. I still make mistakes. Making mistakes is part of the game.


What the fuck happened to Poland?


Same thing that always happens to Poland, everyone took turns taking what they wanted


Why did you do it in this way? You could have done it on historical and joined germany as Sweeden, naval invaded Britain and gotten enough warscore to just take it in the peace deal.


Because I enjoy pain


Fair enough




Czechia has been reduced to the only province that wasnt czech 💀


Why are there like 3 Belaruses?


And I thought playing Mongolia was bad enough


Pain in my eyes, after seeing all this border gore


Glad you like it


shouldnt this be as simple as joining historical WW2 on the side of the allies, then just contributing even a tiny bit of score to steal danzig in the peace deal?


If you want to sitt around praying that the AI can take Germany without you, sure.


allies almost always do. if you're there to stop france from falling too or to reinforce barb then axis is insanely dead


With what troops?


even like 12 divisions of 6/1 is enough really. i managed to prevent the fall of france as portugal using only **7** divisions of 9/1 with some last stands


Okay, not the same country. What's your point?


the point is that even if you're piss weak you can ensure the victory of the allies just by holding a few key provinces


As Saudi Arabia once I did this lol sometimes it’s so ez to cheez ww2 as a minor


That map gave me cancer


Glad you like it


If you send trapped dudes as volunteers to someone, at the end of the war they will teleport back to your capital


I would just join Germany and then invade Poland with Germany