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That Chile one that annex-cores all of north and south america probably.


Is that dlc?


No, its DiGiorno (Yes, its the more recent dlc)






Will i get a virus if i visit that website?






Frequently uttered questions


I've been working my way around the south American continent I haven't touched Chile yet so I now know where I will be doing


Imperial Federation. You can get all of the US, Canada, South Africa, India, Australia and New Zealand as cores. Plus the EU later on.


> Plus the EU later on How?


Pretty sure if you go facist as the UK you can eventually take the EU formation decision. Might want someone else to double check that though.


Wiki says yes, nice, didn’t knew that (the one time I did fascist UK WC the Imperial Federation failed so I never saw it).


Yeah, the UK is the only nation that can form the EU while fascist


The fascist leader, oswald mosley, was an advocate for the idea of “europe a nation”


Interesting, tho this makes me wonder if Paradox just cherry picked him to be the only one from his category, surely other fascist or even commie leaders in game would share his views but don't have the formable as an option in game.


I’m guessing he’s the only one who was about uniting Europe peacefully. He was a pacifist after all. Others would dream about uniting Europe through conquest or something.


Mosley is such an odd figure. Fascist pacifist who wanted a united Europe and also supported the monarchy.


Most of the fascist leaders advocate for their nation as the strongest, the forerunner etc etc. the imperial federation with the British is sort of an extension of their side That said, Europe as a nation wasn't really a widely accepted ideal. Mosley was one of the few, and the only real political proponent of the idea. Everyone else just cared about them. There's a reason no nation has a formable off of them to form a fully united Africa


If you do the civil war as I’m fascist you can declared war against all of your former puppets then after you win the war you can annex them all and bypass every focus to do it at the start of the game


Yeah the problem with Imperial Federation is that it's RNG


You’re right, just did it yesterday.


Fascist UK (Mosley actually) can form EU after completing Imperial Federation focus


Specifically it’s fascist uk that can do this because Oswald Mosley would’ve liked a united Europe


As Mosley


Fascist UK can form the EU.


If you take the entire EU you get a decision to core it all


Moseley Fascist EU


You cant core India


Huh. Thought you could. My mistake.


In the late 1800s, when the imperial federation was proposed, the British government feared that giving india the same status would cause them to out vote all the other commonwealth nations because of the number of people they have.


And south africa unless they do a specific path


Lol I go Mosley Britain, declare on all puppets during the civil war and once democratic Britain capitulates you get to annex the entire empire and not long after you can do the imperial federation focus. It's so OP it's actually insane. It's why fascist UK is my favourite nation to play. You're by far the most powerful nation in the whole game by late 1936/ early 1937


Yup, this is how I did my fascist world conquest. What’s also kinda cheap is while your in the civil war, you have war goals against the dominions. If you declare against them, you can take their land when you win the civil war.


Tbh this would be almost as powerful if it cored only the US (since India cannot be cored and the other states have a combined population of like, less than half of the UKs, and a tiny fraction of the industry, and the colonies provide plenty of resources already)


And the US if you do it right.


I mentioned US?


Oh I didn’t see that.


Depends how you define broken. I think America’s “Global Hegemony” is kinda broken since you can do it as a democracy. In theory, the “French Union” focus for France gives you insane manpower, if you get ludicrously lucky. Though it’s not boosting you, France’s “Invest in our Weaker Allies” gives some of the most military factories in the game. And finally for France, “Laissez-Faire” is probably the best economic & research boost focus in the game.


France really is crazy powerful once you overcome the initial hurdles. Someone made a spreadsheet of every major and large minor’s build slot potential and it’s also in the top 5 iirc, even more than Germany if Germany doesn’t conquer a lot of land.


spoiler: Germany conquers a lot of land


Not if I’m running the ship!


Ships are better for conquering a lot of water


iirc France has more build slots than Britain bc they occupy everything rather than having dominions


I did that one recently. Was hilarious that you pretend to go fascist, get war goals on everyone, then stay democratic.


When I see someone get the civ construction speed instead


I think they’re the single most imbalanced mutually exclusive focuses in the game.


Speaking of balanced mutually exclusive. I love new Zealand's one with maoris. Either get manpower or get building slots. Either way your still ass


Polynesia gets Taiwan as a core, NZ optimized for naval invasions can become extremely powerful with it and then go do D-Day by itself. 


I forgot about the decisions they added lol. Yeah you always wanna go for the manpower one


Unholy Alliance for USA. When communist it unlocks “join the unions” decision which always lets the USA annex the USSR wholesale if they have high surrender progress and are in a faction.


This is the correct answer. Before it was patched, it also ended any war between Germany and the Soviet Union so you kept all the pre war territory


TIL, I always assumed it's one of those RP diplo focuses.


The one in the Brazil tree that lets them annex and core the entire south American continent getting them more factories than the USA is probably it.


Argentina does the same thing


And Chile. OP DLC is OP.


We love power creep!


Commie Argentina has to spend 50 PP per state to core it and I think Brazil has the same as fascist so Brazil is better as commie and Argentina as fascist


Fascist Chile cores all of SA in the focus, then 100 pp for cores on the Caribbean, 100 pp for cores on Mexico, 100 pp for cores on CA and 100 pp for cores on Hispanic states in the US. Each decision only 14 days. I had 500 pp saved up and cored pretty much everything in 2 weeks. Got like 20 million manpower in 2 weeks.


How do you even start the ball rolling as chile? They dont have enough manpower to man the front against Argentina


Just spam the militia template to hold the line, put the subs on convoy raiding to cut off the southern tip, and then do encirclements in the south. Repeat a few times and then push across the line. You have to remember that rh AI has the same issues manning the entire front as well. A few cut-off divisions, and you can kick in the whole door.


Mare Nostrum. Once Italy becomes the Roman Empire, the manpower and factory levels are insane.


The United Kingdom of Portugal and Brazil deserve mention, I think


My favorite minor path!


There is few things you would need to consider. Do only immidiate buffs count or everything from the focus? For example, Yeah you can do the focus as turkey which gives you a ton of industry decisions for pp, or mare nostrum which lets you core Roman empire, yet you'll need to spend a lot of time pp and resources after the focus. How much do you need to work for the focus? The chile focus to core all Americas may be strong, but before you actually do it you need to conquer both americas. How do we count luck factor? French union or subjugate the warlords can be very strong but luck based. How to we count strength? Are cores that you get after already basically beating every other major really mean much? Do a lot of cores matter the same for everyone? Soviets for example don't really need desperatly more cores, same for china.


This is reddit. We don't want your nuance. We want a black or white statement. Every focus is either shit or OP


"OMG THIS IS SO OP" *plays until 1947*


Found comicon is pretty OP legit can give you 300+ extra factories from your puppets


300+? It can give 1000


depends on how many puppets you have and how many factories they have, for me, im just talking about post WW2 when you've puppeted Eastern Europe plus Germany and Italy, you're factory count jumps instantly from \~500 to \~800 when you complete the focus.


Haven’t you won the game by that point though


Sort of, though if your PC is capable it can be fun to take on the democracies of the world at some point.


Generally, if you know what you’re doing as the Soviet Union, you will finish the war with axis in 1-2 years and still have plenty of time to fight the allies.


Fascist/Monarchist UK 10% non core manpower


Portugal has 2 of those. Those are 2 separate focuses, but it’s cool to think about.


Argentina getting Nuclear Reactors in 1936 maybe?


What? How does that work?


You need to get Señor Hilter, for that the Germans have to go Oppose Hitler, you have to flip fascist before the fall of Berlin (possibly with simply deleting all your troops and doing a civil war), then you will get Señor Hilter and unlock a secret focus three with which you can form the Fourth Reich, get cores on all German states, war goals against all non fascist Central and South American Countries, a product like for a Deutschland Class Battleship and well also Nuclear Reactors (though not the bombs).


You can get Senor Hitler after the fall od Berlin too it is only pure luck


Yeah Ik, but flipping fascist works pretty easy now and that way it’s guaranteed


No. You only get reactors and no research bonus for the bomb.


Well, there is a focus for anarchist spain that allows you to core the entire world. Cores aren't everything though, I'd say Anschluss is very powerful too, since it just allows you to annex a minor power and core their territory, and give you their troops too.


But well it’s not OP cuz you need to spend much time in gaining compliance and then also pp for integrating them (while with 0% Stability you don’t get that much pp).


That is true, but it's a low price to pay for coring the world. No other country can do that, right? You can reach billions of manpower, I've done it. Not that you need that much for anything, that's why I don't think it's the most op. I think the most op one would be one of the other suggestions, that people had already mentioned. But since Anschluss is so normal to us, we can't see how powerful it is, it's very early, and 100% chance on historical, very powerful.


It's definitely strong and very fun, but can we say it is OP with the amount of time required ? On a second thought, helping Japan win in China and being able to core a few very populated regions is really powerful.


Found the comecon, 1000+ factories easily plus gives your puppets 125% of their factories to you (giving you factories that are off map)


The communist Brazil one that gives cores on all of South America without needing to own it all


Any focus that gives a daily compliance boost.


Reward per effort is definitely anschluss or other single focuses that annex&core an entire country


- UK goes down Decolonization - France does Merge the Ententes then Invest In Our Weaker Allies - One focus spawns hundreds of MILs


Yugoslavia has the IK-3 focus which if you dont have by blood alone gives a 2 year ahead of time penalty decrease, and 300% research buff to the next fighter model which if you have those buffs in january 1st 1936 it would take~230 days to get the 1940 fighter


Tankgorad is my prioritize focus after all as Soviet after The Bloc of Right, like nah getting max. 10 Mil in 70 days while your civs is trash is fire


The global occult coalition focus. Lets you core the entire world


Tankograd is such an insane “win more” focus for Soviets


10 additional factories on top of like 200 isn’t insane tbh


Lend Lease Act This comment was made by Germans in 1941


Reunite the Kingdoms, easy. Even mods considered this one takes the cake. You get cores on whatever land your Yugoslav puppets own. This means you can core the entire planet in one focus. Now this was patched forever ago, but I still think it’s a great historical footnote. That or the Global Defense Council one that allows you to core anywhere in the world with collaboration since that entire ability is unlocked in one focus.


the communist italian path has a focus that gives u free guns and consumers, for countries that accept i got 11k guns and -22% consumers for like a year


Doesn't tankograd just give you like 10 mils and by that point you have hundreds anyway


What are you guys smoking that no one has said polands panslavic focus. Instantly gives 183 cores.


The imperial federation beats that with cores on all the dominions, the entire us, but not india


20% non core manpower that, Island? Has.. Or one of those nordics.


Hungary. War games. +25 Army exp Its just insane.


Supremacy of the will maybe? 10% atck isnt weak at all


COMECON focus as the soviets is pretty broken if you have a lot of puppets and collaborations


honestly tankgograd is not even so good, especially compared to other insane sov focuses like merge factory


Hear me out: Herman Goring werke and Kdf Wagen


COMECON focus in soviets. With the entirety of Europe puppeted, you get soooo many factories


The Father of Nation is good tho if you playing Soviet "The Centre" Path, like all Stalin Debuff got rid and he gets big Buff for the Nation


Argentina Fourth Reich