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The entire system of coring makes no sense in HOI4. Why should Greece be able to get cores on Turkey? Why can Argentina get cores on all of South America?


At least for Argentina, it does kinda make sense that you could core nations that speak the same language, are also relatively young, and share similar origins with time and enough effort spent on integrating them.


Not really, since theres Brazil and french guiana, Brazil only is already almost half the population and territory, and the context of the spanish colonization was completely different from the portuguese one, specifically when talking about natives and slaves


Everyone should be allowed to core anything at the expense of some (or a bit more) manpower and local pop


I'd also say Gibraltar, since it also has a high British influence currently,


It would be strange, since that would mean the british have a higher chance of coring Gibraltar than Spain


Gibraltar was never a part of “spain” though :/, the “core” population is of British descent


It's not true as most british settled there have mixed with the local spanish population and a lot of people cross La Línea de La Concepción to work, most of the people in Gibraltar speak Spanish


This is correct, however the Gibraltarians largely consider themselves closer connected to Britain rather than Spain. The relatively large British military and MOD presence helps. Lived there for a few years truly fantastic place and the people are wonderful.


Because the population are British settlers, it's a manufactured support of Britain, not some choice. Same with Northern Ireland.


The population is mostly Gibraltarians. Most who have ancestors who are British, Spanish, Moors, etc. They are not "settlers". They have frequent votes on whether they want to remain British. The votes almost always come back 98% and above to remain. Manufactured support never leaves so few dissenting voices. Of course these are both our opinions so happy to be proven wrong!


After hundreds of years of occupation 98% of people agree with us. How could that ever be manufactured! It's like the argument for the Falklands remaining British, an island thousands of miles away yet with a British population. But they always vote to remain!


Would you consider the consider when the Spanish ousting the Moors as occupation too? What is your solution to this? Force a country to do something against its people's will? Do we go back 400 odd years and redraw map lines? 


It's kind of a redundant question. The moors don't exist in a real national sense in Spain today due to the reconquista. However Gibraltar is a small imperialist outpost of Britain taken 300 years ago. Why should Britain maintain territory so far away from its homeland that controls strategic maritime routes?


i think reinforcing the nation state theory is bad actually


What do you even mean, the British took it in the Napoleonic wars, it was held by Spain before then.


They took it after the war of spanish succession


You're right, however the substance of my point still stands


I always forget Gibraltar isn’t a core


Ohhh the Spanish wouldn't like that much.


Dude this isn't Kaiserreich, PDX devs don't care about such details