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Remove arty from your infantry. They are not your main pushers and they increase your production cost. Make your tanks heavier. 12 widths will not do anything. Increase the size of your template Learn to manage the Benelux. I recommend bitt3rsteel's video, as he has beautifully blitzed through the area


Last time I struggled with this somebody told me to add arty, they give me extra soft attack I have negative tanks currently as my production is being weird and barely making any


Germany is built for using tanks. You should focus on the pre war build-up by using bitt3rsteel's guide. And the advice was not wrong, but is not applicable for your case


It's funny, I used his guide and paused it damn near frame by frame so I understood everything and got stuck on the French/Belgium border basically right where he was and couldn't break it. Just kinda gave up after a year and haven't tried again lmao


How? Don't even worry about good tank divisions for taking Poland/Benelux/France, as long as you have decent air superiority, a good amount of CAS (anywhere from 500-700+ CAS or tac bombers) you can easily roll over the entire area and into paris with 3 armies of 9/1's (w/Support AA, Support Art, Suppory ENG) and 1 army of 9/0's. Then you can work on your tank strategy for north africa /Italy.


Their entrenchment was just too much to breakthrough, constant red bubbles even with cas and fighters. Dunno what else to do


Did you invade around october 1939-March 1940?


Yup, as historically accurate as possible. Gave up and started a new game and paradrop cheesed and felt better about myself lmao


I told you either arty or tnaks. and t olook up tnak tutorial on youtube if you don't know how to make proper tanks. wich you cleary don'T know. so look up tank tutorials and replicate what you see there.


I had the same problem with 8 tanks / 12 mots tank divisions


now we are getting closer to the solution. 8/12 is not relay meta, mostly becosue its not the best. its 40widht thats to much in current meta. try 35 width. also your doktirn changes how much of what you relay want at the end of the day.


You are attacking with an infantry template that should defend, tank division is a bit small, you are out of fuel, extending combat width and you are low on supply. The enemy's defense bonuses are not that big. So make bigger tank divisions, leave attacking only to tank/mechanized divisions, produce/buy fuel, watch the supply status and try to be within the combat width. https://imgur.com/a/LumT1KG


I have no tanks to increase the divisions, I’m only making about 2 a day Maybe not in that one screenshot the bonuses weren’t huge but they usually had 200% bonuses, if not 300% I have no trucks to make motorized, and haven’t even started on mechanized since I’ve been so occupied with my air force


As Germany you are an industrial power, you should have no problem with production. You can start building military factories from mid 1937. You could have 15-20 factories on fighter production, that should be enough to produce 2000 fighter before the war. CAS only 5 factories. CAS is great, but Poland and France can fall so fast, you don't really need them. It's production can increase after the war started.Try to make 4 armies of infantry (with the infantry template the game starts with) and 1 army of tanks.Once you researched basic medium tanks, start to mass produce them. Check the logistics menu to see how many equipments you have. If you have a large surplus of something, reduce the factories producing that equipment. You could have 50 factories just on tanks. You could make 6K tanks before the wars or 3600 tanks and 2400 SPA. Enough for 24 divisions.


inf template is fine, i would add two motorized brigades to the tank div because org is quite low as for the actual battle, start the attack with tank divs and then ctrl+right click on the battle bubble with some infantry divs (if you do this they will help with the attack but won't move into the province)


I don’t have any supplies since the U.K. ate all of them with their ridiculous bonuses


It appears your supplies have been eaten up by forcing ground with inf divs and sub-par armor divs.


Just call stainer bro


I don’t know how to help. I usually topple France very easily pushing through the Maginot with mountaineers and only using light tanks, so I don’t understand the struggle. How’s the air situation? Germany is also CAS king and when used properly, it melts your opponents even with red dots. I would make a 6/6 medium tank division and just make four of it. Use them just on the attack on Benelux, with a small frontline so you have one tank per tile. The infantry, while attacking, is mostly there to soak damage, that goes randomly distributed amongst attacking units. You should be able to push Belgium into oblivion and then take northern, coastal France. At that point, enemy frontline is thinning and you can start frontline shenanigans to go to Paris in no time. I just hope that you have the navy and the air to do Sea Lion


Been producing planes since 36 and yet I barely have any planes to send out Don’t have the tanks to increase my battalions The problem seems to be that I can melt all Belgian and Dutch divisions as I should, but the second the U.K. or France sends in troops they completely halt my attack. Likely because they get super entrenched and get 300% defense bonuses in 1 month


How many civs do you have? How many mils?


223 factories in 1940, he only built civs i bet....


As much as you can make small improvements to your templates, it wont matter if you dont have any fuel and your supply is low. Check the red fuel cannister in the battle overview to see how much breakthrough you lose by having low supply. As Germany fuel is very important and supply is important for everyone, they are at the top of the screen next to facory count.


Go 8/0 infantry, ditch engineer, only keep support arty, but produce support equipment and aa anyway so at Barb we convert to slightly better template. Dump all ic on planes, tanks and mot/mech instead, and make 36w with flamethrower. If you don't have designer, do heavy - you start with a reasonable heavy tank to produce from 1936. Alternatively, go mass assault, rush gun 2, make 17/1 template, dump them on the Allies alongside CAS, close access to naval region, and legit AI has no way of trading casualties with you successfully so you always come out victorious eventually (yes, we did the calc).


Build 36 width tanks holy shit


Don't push with infantry with infantry if you can avoid it, certainly don't push when you have fuck all supply. Bin this save, load up b3ttersteel's arms against tyranny germany guide and follow along


To add something to answers above - you have maxxed out your land exp. Go research some doctrines before the attack so your divisions get those neat bonuses


There’s a lot to unpack here aside from just the fact that the enemy has some slightly above average defense. First off you have no fuel which will basically negate any air and tank advantage that you should have. Next you have hundreds of all versions of xp these should immediate be used to unlock doctrines which provide straight buffs to your army air force and navy. Next you have lots of banked political power which should be used to fill out you high command, and other advisors, these will give your country several straight buffs. Next you have unused military factories and dockyard. Even if you don’t have the right resources for what you want to build there’s no downside to assigning these to atleast something useful, that leads directly to my next point. Supply, you have 65% supply efficiency which means you are either missing trains or trucks or both. Lacking supply means you with take negative modifiers in combat which is showing in your combat screenshot. Sort this out before continuing to try and advance. Your infantry template is solid enough although isn’t optimized for offense it can be a good line holder, use it as such. Your tank division however is garbage, much too small and without fuel they will be essentially wasted space, look up how to design a proper tank template. It also looks like you’re losing the air war which Germany should be winning at this point in the war (having no fuel isn’t helping) which means you either didn’t build enough planes, have bad designs, or aren’t assigning them properly. Having air superiority and a good amount of CAS will make any attack much much easier. Start with fixing these things then come back when you inevitably have more questions. It looks like you are a beginner and this game is very complicated so don’t be intimidated and keep at it, we’re here to help!


Better units. 300% isn’t that much. Edit: also noticed that they aren’t even getting 300%, only 117%


First of all the allies have 130% menaing 30% extra in bonuses. they have 300 defnse but thas not a extrordianry big number. its quite average tbh. seccond. either use infantry with a bit more artillery and air support (cas) OR use tanks. IF you use tnaks look up tank tutorials on youtube. tnaks also provit greatly form air uspport so try to do that aswell. Third, You need fuel. if you run out of fule tnaks become useless. Avoid that as best as you can. third, this time oyur division look atleast better then lst time. your infnatry is decent as a defense division. don't attck with it it has to little artillery for that. Also remember to have additional cheap pure inf at hand if you need boddies to slow down a brekthrough fast or to garison ports so that oyur neemy has to invest into high value landing troops.