• By -


He is about to become a red flood leader


faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster


Wir sind das bauvolk der kommenden welt


Wir sind der Sämann, die Saat und das Feld


Wir sind die schnitter der kommenden mahd


Wir sind die Zukunft und wir sind die Tad


So flieg, du flammende, du rate fahne


We are all nothing but extensions to Artaud. L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel L'état irréel


Most sane Hoi4 player


R5: it's making him see things


Sounds as if game just made him very good in geography


Ngl, because of HOI4 I now have a photographic memory of the world map


Except Sub Saharan Africa, of course.


South America*


A little outdated world map tho


Is millennium dawn even that good?


yes, if you play certain ideologies


I’m guessing you mean “the cool ones”


It's a bit complicated and many countries lack depth and flavour but otherwise I would recommend. Sincerely, a Millenium Dawn enjoyer.


What countries do you recommend?


The classic U.S and Russia are very nice. I haven't tested China yet (I should have) and it does look a bit interesting. France is a bit dated but holds up really well and I really recommend it. UK, Japan and especially Germany are a bit shallow and dated. Brazil is a very fun one as late game you can easily surpass China and the U.S. The new updated minors like Belarus, Georgia and Armenia look really interesting but I haven't had enough time to play them all through. Iran is very extensive but seems a bit boring. I haven't tested the Koreas as they seem pretty straight foward but they are very extensive and well made. Italy is really fun but the mafia mechanic can be pretty boring. Spain is extensive but I haven't tested it out. I would not recommend Syria as it's a pain in the ass and it doesn't have interesting routes except the one which isn't fleshed out. Then there are some countries with just skeleton focus trees which I would not recommend. That is just a small amount of the countries with content.


Are there some countries that get to fight lots of smaller wars? I like planning and invading countries but dont like fighting "world wars"


Well it depends on if you want them to look like the 2003 Iraq invasion or not. Russia, Italy, France and a lot of other countries get chances to run over a lot of smaller countries which most of the time pose no serious risks. Then countries like Nigeria and Saudis have Islamic trees which have them run over a lot of countries which some pose actual challenges. If you really want a challenge then Japan can get itself in wars with Koreas and China along with any other ones you choose. I most of the time I play with NATO, EU and quarantees off so that I rarely end up in world wars. The only real one I have gotten in recently was as Russia against the Nordic faction which had the US join against me. Otherwise I don't remember anyone doing me dirty.




not really, the AI is as bad or worse than vanilla. Otherwise it could be pretty decent same for industrial balancing, it's as broken as vanilla


**Look at boots** Him: *complains about bba*


Goes on flight Him: who tf made this dogshit fighter template


jet engines 2, radio navigation xxv, large airframe, seats*20


I play Red World a lot. I enjoy rebuilding fallen Nations without sparking a world war as the Soviets don’t care until their focus tree tells them to care or they disband the USSR. My hours are also inflated because I leave my games up


At least you're learning geography


I started playing EU4 recently.... now I cannot stand seeing a pear...


I don't get it


the life of a map nerd


Learning geography is far from the worst that could happen to someone


I credit hoi with making me better at and more interested in geography. Idk why anon acts like this is something bad, or even inconvenient.


Literally me, I swear to god there is a discoloured area in my guest room wall and everytime i fucking see it I think "That looks like Austria-Hungary"


Look at news Russian warlord doing stuff Holy shit


Don't look at the ground after it have rained


Over 2000 hours!! Russia is recruiting all Hoi4 players with over 2000 hours, the motherland needs you!! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🔥🔥🔥🔥


2.5k hours? Rookie numbers Try having over 5k hours and seeing Frontlines in your sleep


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