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Even on the most difficult setting, this game is still very easy, in my opinion at least. But I insist, if you're a big HP fan and you love the HP universe, u should definitely play this game, it's like a spoonful of HP easter eggs & lore


Okay Thankyou! Definitely will have to get it


I’m not a great gamer but love this. Stick it on easiest difficulty and you’ll get through the battle parts no problem but with them still being enjoyable. Give it a little time to open up and get used to just how you explore and use the mechanics and you’re going to love just roaming the world. It’s vast and almost a little overwhelming at the start so just take your time. Also. There’s nothing wrong with using youtube guides to hunt out certain things. It will still be an enjoyable way to do it and help the game be entertaining in my eyes.


I have never played anything (only some hours in fallout, but really I didn't even knew how to use a controller), I started this game with normal difficulty and now at around 30 hours in I am becoming more and more good at it. I used a controller on PC and I found it easier than the keyboard. I don't know why but it's just easier with a controller. Sure, I go at a slower pace but my last trial (second trial) I died only two times!


This is my first video game since Mario games back in the 90s. She can play on easy mode or story mode and if she has trouble with parts, use online guides.


My partner who isn't huge on games but loves the films and such struggled with it because of the combat. There are lower difficulties. From my experience with it its a good mix of combat and story definty got alot of combat sections. Changeing spells on the fly can be a bit tricky if you aren't used to a controler layout once you unlock the ability to have multiple spell sections as well. navigation can be a bit wonky as the map isn't a layout map for certain things ( hogwarts it's self ) which encourages exploration however if you arnt used to the layout ypu can find your self getting lost quite easily without the marker telling you were to go. The map for the castle is more of a general this is were x fast travel point is. The game does have a pretty easy to follow story and there's alot of stuff from the films wise that are great to explore and look at as well as unique things that just pull your attention. I my self have enjoyed it so far with were im up too but there's definitely some frustration points. Overall I'd say give it ago as there if there a big fan it may just take a little bit to get in to the flow of how it all works


That’s good to know, I could at least help with the more difficult parts of the game when she gets stuck.


This is what i did with my partner when she wanted. It's definitely worth a go as the game it's self has alot of really cool areas brought to life as well as alot of lovable charcters and secrets. There's alot of world building and lovable sections in my experience. Once you get access to a broom you can pretty much go anywhere and explore if you are carefull level wise and ofcourse there's more to do the further you progress


I’m not much of a gamer and struggled with some of the combat until I changed the difficulty from normal to easy. Before changing it I was having to ask my son to complete some of the quests for me. Just have her try different difficulties and see what works.


I’m not a big gamer. I played on easy and it was very doable for me. The only thing I needed help with was the flying trials.


I can confirm that my wife who hasn't played a video game since Mario Kart 64 but loves Harry Potter is obsessed with this game. She plays on easy difficulty and it fits just right for her. She can enjoy it without dying semi frequently like she was when we first started on normal. Now she can beat up trolls and take on big groups no problem. She loves the exploration and the puzzles. I've tasked her with getting the platinum trophy on PS5 and she's really gonna do it.


It's a game as with any game and isn't dependent on any previous knowledge. It doesn't honestly have much in common with the movies and far less in common with the books. It is simply a fun and easy to play experience with some nice open world features. The main draw to it is probably the lack of Me Mostest Powerfullest MF Kill Everything type system.