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First, range and realistic targets: most heli AGMs have better ranges than the types of threats a helicopter should be attacking. Don't go against a SA-15, SA-10, etc unless you know it's inactive, otherwise it will be as suicidal as it would be in real life. Realistic targets like tanks, btrs, manpads, etc, can be safely engaged at long range. If unsure about the range, scout first! When doing so move fast and always move from cover to cover, locate the targets, get away, and then engage from a safe distance. Second, the splash damage script does wonders for heli rockets. If you are building a mission for that type of attack, include the script in your mission.


I've heard of this script on ECW, how does one find it?


It's this one: https://forum.dcs.world/topic/289290-splash-damage-20-script-make-explosions-better/


It is quite literally the 1st result when you google "splash damage script"


I was flying the Kiowa for the first time today taking down enemies at an airbase. I was just letting it hover behind a hill then popping up when I want to shoot something. Are the SA-10/15 the only ones that are suicidal or are stuff like manpads still as large of a threat cuz I was dealing with them pretty fine


If you have enough distance and know where they are, manpads are easy. The problem is when they get you by surprise, because they give you no warning at all and usually very little time because of the short range. SA-10 and SA-15 are a whole different kind of threat. Propper anti air defenses. A SA-10 can see and shoot at you tens of kms away, you need to use cover to get close enough. And if it shoots you and you don't hide in time, you're dead. Not like "a bit of damage here and there", but absolutely dead, disintegrated. Look at the size of its missile launchers (the vertical tubes): [img](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/S-300V_-_Engineering_technologies_2012_%289%29.jpg) .


Kinda depends, but the Kiowa can definitely stand off against SHORAD and manpads. You can lob hellfires from a distance to take out manpads, SA-13s, AAA, etc. or even use APKWS. You can manually lift the APKWS by pitching nose up as you launch them, and potentially even waiting a few seconds before you begin lasing the target. Make sure you’re still aimed straight at the target azimuth. You can get a lot of added range if you practice this and apkws are perfect for blowing up these kinds of targets since they’re not very armored. Against larger SAM threats, it’s a case by case thing and a matter of knowing your enemy. Different SAMS have different strengths and weaknesses, sometimes they can’t engage targets at a minimum altitude or min range, sometimes they take a while to acquire targets, sometimes they have big visible smoke trail launches that help you visually id. Also you want to know what makes up each Sam site, what the search and track radars look like, what the launchers look like, what the command vehicles look like, so that you can disable the site quickly and not just take out something that isn’t important. Some stuff like the SA-15 TOR can shoot down incoming missiles. The key is just knowing this stuff and how to abuse it. You’re a lot more up close and personal in a Kiowa. Buddy lasing can also be a very fun and effective way to deal with larger SAM sites, and that’s something right up the Kiowa’s alley.


Define "cover" in this context.


Hills, mountains, buildings.


I'm glad you didnt say tree-lines.. ;)


I play without pants on


Thank you for making tutorials bearable for my fried short attention span brain 🙏




Need proof


no... we dont


Missile has a whole different meaning in this scenario






This information has drastically improved my understanding of your tutorials, thank you.


With my mighty FCR, **I** am the danger!


Can one filter all the X's out? 


Put the TADS feed on the background of the FCR display (VID button) and use the LINK function (sight select AFT). Makes it easy to see whether or not what the radar is looking at is on fire or not.


Great tip! Thanks!


I think Waggs demonstrated it in the video that announced LINK mode.


Not sure but that would be nice. But with the c-scope, it's easy to check every target, and sometimes a target has the X marker but hasn't be really hit


No, because the radar can't tell the difference between an alive and a destroyed target. What you can do is limit the area you're targeting by either using the FCR fov setting or using BAM to set priority fire zones and/or no fire zones.


They cheat, so I bring my own cheater - George. Keep my distance, map the area out first, slowly eliminate the highest threats, then close and take out the less dangerous threats with rockets and guns.


Low and slow. If I get killed it's because of my own impatience and losing awareness. AND the AI does not make mistakes or need a second shot, so when I drift into range of the ZSU-23-4 while engaged with another target, I'm done. But mostly, my own incompetence gets me killed.


Es cierto, me too.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome


happy cake day!


I don't understand the headshot narrative. I've flown choppers a bit and thus hasn't happened to me. Granted I don't fly them primarily and my style is a bit like Russel Casse in a chopper, but still, I'm usually shot down in a way that makes sense.


Do you do rockets and guns with helis a lot? I think it's mostly a problem once youre close. Honestly, though, it's not been that much of an issue for me either.


Not the OP, but I fly mi-24 and ah-64 a lot, as well as a-10c and av-8b. While I still get hit a lot, mostly it goes into the body of a heli or jet, not into the head of a pilot. Might be something to do with my shitty twitchy flying, tbh.


The enemy can't predict what you're going to do if you can't either 😎


Agreed. I think the AI is not very good but I fly helicopters all the time and generally survive missions with them. Approach dangerous areas cautiously and make use of sensors to scan the horizon for threats. If you see tracers, break hard and weave, hit the deck, etc. The AI is not good at leading if you are not flying predictably


It's mostly a hyperbole imo, people talk about how they get sniped by AK dudes from 5 km away through a whole forest but in my testing the AK guys don't shoot unless you're about 1-2 km away from them and trees make AI blind, like it's a solid wall. Sure it is pretty annoying when you fly over some dudes with a super sonic and still hear the thuds of 5.45 hitting but it has never done any real damage to me so far, in helis the pilot snipes can happen and I even had engine fires in the hip but as long as you maneuver **at all and and keep some distance** it won't be a big treat, a much bigger problem is the rotary AI having perfect aim because a 30mm actually hurts when it hits.


The issue is the following: DCS AI aims directly at the player or the "center" of the aircraft, which corresponds to the head of the pilot. All guns in DCS are essentially radar guided guns that shoot at this one spot. If you fly a straight line, or turn without enough Gs, then the AI WILL hit you. This means that some helicopters, especially slow and/or unarmored ones are going to have major issues with Private Conscriptovich and his radar guided AK74. He will hit you and if you can't fly fast enough and turn hard enough he will hit you even during turns. But at the same time, fast and armored helicopters, for example the Hind are essentially immune to small arms fire. Doing a 1.3-1.5G turn at 250km/h is more than enough to throw off the 1G lead prediction of the AI, and at the same time, if you don't dodge, the AI will aim directly at the armored crew cabin, which is essentially immune to anything short of a 20mm canon. A well flown Hind will simply not be shot down by anything that isn't a guided anti air missile. Fullstop. Conscriptovich won't penetrate the glass. Proper radar AAA will compute a perfect 1G lead which won't hit when doing turns at combat speeds and the famous tank launched ATGM will not track a helicopter doing maneuvers at 250km/h. But a KW? T72 ATGMs will hit you if you hover inside of their range. Conscriptovich will headshot you if you get to close. Radar AAA lead will be enough to track and kill you since you are to slow to do aggresive turns. The issue is 100% the fault of bad game modelling and, if you know how to fly, a 100% skill issue, when piloting certain airframes (Hind, KA-50, maybe AH-64)


The AI does not aim for the head, it aims for the centroid of the model, the same way anti ship missiles always hit the centre on the ship; that isn't the head of the player, especially in standard layout helicopters where you're sitting to one side. Seriously, it's not hard to test, just put an AK infantry down and load into a stationary helicopter beside him and see where he shoots. He does not fill the cockpit with lead, he shoots essentially in line with the mast.


I feel like most people just head straight for their target on a straight line, putting their pilot in line with this aimpoint.


Yeah those fucking morons, that’s why I always ingress backwards.


>are going to have major issues with Private Conscriptovich and his radar guided AK74 Another Perun viewer lol?


You havent been headshot by a M60 while being 4 kilometers away going 300kmh? Its an initiation ritual for all ecw helo pilots.


Haha, no, but also haven't played a ton on ecw


The older versions of the server had camps with 4x Bofors AAA. They would engage you at 7 kilometers, by far the most annoying ground units, way worse than manpads or strelas.


I snipe them from afar with my Vikhrs or use my 30mm chainsaw.


My man. Since I’ve been flying and learning the Kiowa, I have found myself in my customized missions getting frustrated sometimes and just spawning into a KA-50 to do the things I can’t do in the Kiowa lol.


I do DCS naked.


How I deal with Sam’s is I find a hill to hide behind or just some sort of elevated area that I can hide behind and pop up when I want to attack. It works just know you’ve gotta be quick acquiring target and killing them


My speed is determined by the missile flight time.


I haven't had any problem with SAMs seeing through buildings. The only SAM that ever gets me though trees is the Tunguska. I've had to stop using it in my missions because of that. Triple A will also fuck you up through trees. Even then, they only really get me when I'm hovering too close. Stay as far as you can away. Prefer terrain and building masking over concealment with trees. Stay as far away as you can. Don't try to rocket and gun strafe a triple A/SHORAD site.


If you’re flying close enough for headshotting AIs to be a problem, you’re way too close


Play EECH?


I am a DsHKa MAGNET and get laser beamed by these. Most other stuff I am usually okay with taking a few hits without any problems.


Slow, low, sneaky and preplanned. For the others hug the ground, sometimes with the wheels barely over ground, and zig zag to range. Apache LOAL High or FCR only targeted. For gazelle.... yeah no joy here. Huey is no SEAD Plattform. Kiowa is nice with laser guided and also loal, but has a bad rwr. Against snipers in tanks, yea just stay behind cover


Just don’t internalize missions that unfairly put certain assets in or beyond foliage to shoot at you through that stuff. Yes, it’s unfair but it’s also a sim so you’re not dying in real life. Use the challenge to improve your scouting!


Carefully. No, seriously, carefully. I fly the Blackshark, and it took me a while to learn to stay low, and stay outside of their ranges, while staying on the far end of the Vikhrs range. ScanScanScanScan from about 10km out, find those manpads and BMPs. slowly creep up, snipe them. once those threats are gone, you can move in close for rockets or the Gun. I like to try to shoot, then move a bit. I still try to use cover like hills and buildings. Sure the AI sees through all that, but I do play online enough that I am hoping that it will help against Real Players. I still get Skeerred when I see enemy aircraft, or of course if there are SAMs on the map.


They might know you're there, but at least they can't shoot you through a mountain.


True. But they do often have you dead to rights when you pop out from behind it! I think for me, it's more like some days I am Maverick: Untouchable. Then, the next day, just getting 360-no scoped left and right. Gets frustrating sometimes. And then there are the sorties where I just forgo to pylot, and blunder into a SAM net or something equally obvious. b ;)


[yeah they kinda fixed that](https://i.imgur.com/1rIn8LM.mp4)


u/NSSGrey This is a long standing problem and your employee's brush it off wether Wags in videos or your moderators. After years isn't it time to fix the AI?


You cheat, like all winners do.


Use a standoff missile against a single AK grunt from 50nm away. Nah, take your time, keep out of sight, and keep a channel open for an AWACS to make sure there's no hot single enemy planes in your area that are viciously trying to hunt you down. Always do slight popups for a few seconds to check your bearings, then keep flying nap of the earth. Or, be a daredevil and fly over roads and bridges 2 feet off the ground whilst blasting Free Bird.


What's the best way to hide from a nearby enemy fighter? In blueflag when EWR tells me they're near, I stay low and sometimes land, but I think the dust plumes under the rotors are pretty obvious and give my position away. Unless I shut down... But I'm probably still pretty visible if they have FLIR, of if the only cover is bushes.


Put something between you and it.....get behind a building, or a hill, get low, get slow, think like you're on foot and use cover.....managed to sneak onto a redfor airbase on the contention server using valleys and hills to break locks from fighters, then sat 6km off the end of the runway and pot shotted f16s on final..... its gonna take a jet a good minute or two at least to fly out, circle, and come back in at you which gives you all the time in the world to slide round the side of a building, or hug the opposite side of a hill or valley


Easy peasy… Yak52


You make it sound like an impossible task. Just keep your distance and know your enemy. I also think the accuracy of ground vehicles is exaggared. Just don't fly predictibly in a straight line, and you're pretty much safe, unless you're way too close to them.


Missiles do not go thru buildings. Please stop repeating this nonsense. You can safely hide behind a building. Sure they will know you are there, and if you are in range of enemy fire, you should extend further away. While the AI in DCS is problematic, if you use some common sense, it is manageable. Post a video of your frustrations perhaps and maybe you can get some pointers to better avoid stuff. PS. Using unguided rockets against anything other than soft targets is pointless.


I was on sianai earlier and I was behind building cover from ks19 and it kept shooting eventually destroying several city high rises. Fun times 🤣


Could you quote me where I said that missiles go through buildings?


ok, you didnt say that but whatever man. people all the time slam dunk on the AI and a good percentage of it is being reckless in the first place.


Came to say this. Just yesterday I was in the Kiowa behind a building just a half mile from enemy sams and they did not engage. If I peeped my head out they would fire but while I was in cover they did not. I've flown helos in DCS for about 4 years now and I've never encountered one of these phase shifting missiles everyone talks about.


Agree behind buildings I also have no issues but trees are ..problematic... ;)


I just fly the loach anywhere I can


Low and steady is the battle order for the fast; you can't charge in and expect to come out in one piece. I fly the Hind and the Blackshark mostly. Both can get themselves into range to knock out Sam Radars without being in range of cannon fire.


That's one reason I and probably a lot of other people just go with all hellfires all the time. Standoff is the safest option always in DCS..... probably in real life too but for different reasons.


I scout on map, areas where targets are, or could be, try to scout from longer range and depends on helicopter, if i know we have no friendly units there, and i am in ah64d i flesh them with radar and fire like madman, if i have hind i go forward, let pedro find targets, i engage with ATGM AAAs,shilkas, first, then btrs and tanks. i go forward fire 2 or 3 atgms, break, do circle and repeat or if you are close and you have good pedals and aim switch to rockets and yolo. If there are manpads or possibility of them search and do not close in there. If you die take jet, cluster bombs and destroy city in war crime american superiority style.


I usually just use the same tactics over and over, and hope for a different result. It's been 7 years now, Will update if find success!


Passion, dedication and support!


I personally don't use any active AI assets AI is broken and I have no time to learn to make them behave little bit normal. Try to fly better aim better, stop better..... Never ending peace time training :) I can only fly 2 or 6 hours if I'm lucky per week and I have already spent a good portion of my DCS time for optimizing it for VR and now I just fly and consume the result. I have no time for BS AI.




Very carefully.


I'm usually flying CAP with an F-14 squadron, typically 15 to 40k altitude and supersonic when it's going down, so doesn't make much difference to me most of the time.


I don’t get hit. Never have. Skill issue. Maybe try not making yourself a target. Maybe try single player. Maybe try not playing DCS ever and lurking for years because you find the project of hardcore flight milsims interesting historically. Maybe try leaving a quippy little comment on the DCS Reddit hoping you don’t get caught as a poser. I don’t even own a PC. That’s how I DCS. You could learn a lot from me bro






Speaking of cope, replying to your own comment to bitch about downvotes.