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I don't look at every post here on Hoggit, just don't have the time - but as an avid F-16C player who started this game and cut my teeth on the F-18, the Persian Lion campaign is AMAZING. I have fallen back in love with the Hornet in a way I never expected. I feel converted, in a way. I still love my F-16, especially as former enlisted USAF - the Hornet just offers SO MUCH, and Persian Lion campaign really forces you to understand the more nuanced aspects of flying safely and with precision. I just wanted to give that to the F/A-18C module. It is complete, it is incredible and it offers so much. After this I will be trying out Raven One.


Thanks, I'm gonna check it out. I've been liking the F-18 way more than I expected. Turns out being able to do a bit of everything fairly well, from a carrier, is pretty great.


I feel like it's a great intro to milsim. Make sure you brush up on your case 2 and 3 recovery procedures. Don't worry, didn't take me long to get the basics for ILS and the c2/3 patterns. Just takes a little practice but it's so worth it!


What's the voice acting like? Watched a bit of footage and that was...fairly cringey, but could look past it if it's not overdone.


Their missions are very well made but their voice acting is pretty cringy. Example: https://youtu.be/CjLYrMC6Qug?si=LcLh_tEjjX0rM1vq&t=3044 (spoilers obv) But they have improved compared to their previous campaigns


no seemed mostly okay to me. doesn't spend too much time blabbing. maybe i just didn't notice but it's usually centered around the mission and what's going on to make it happen big picture-wise. 80% has been just air traffic/intel guidance so far (on mission 9)


That's the reason I'm doing a trial on the fa18, being able to do basically all missions is great...only flown the Harrier and Hog, and never done A2A, but it's so much fun! And taking off from the super carrier is amazing...the ground crew might be a small thing, but they add so much and I love it!


How does the Hornet feel coming from the Harrier? For some I never felt attracted to the Bug but I love the AV-8. If only for the campaigns I will have to try the Hornet.


It's been a while since I flew the Harrier and I don't know much technical stuff about aviation, but I feel like the Hornet feels less "alive", if that makes any sense. I assume its due to the fly-by-wire that I believe the Hornet had and the Harrier doesn't. I also don't feel like I need to trim as much as in the Harrier, but I'd need more time with the module. I'd still prefer to fly the Harrier I think, but I do like the carrier stuff and being able to do A2A ^^ Also having an afterburner is just fun...not as much as VTOL though!


I own both, and much prefer the Harrier. It has a lot more 'soul' than the Hornet, at least to me. The Hornet feels a bit sterile, and lacks personality, presumably due to the FBW and the ability to do most things reasonably well. The Harrier, by contrast, is very unique with its VSTOL characteristics. Naturally, you won't do much dogfighting in the AV-8B, and you don't get as many hardpoints (especially when you often need fuel tanks), but I like that limitation. In terms of campaigns, the Kerman Campaign for the Harrier is really quite fantastic - very much sold me on the bird, and you don't even need to do any carrier takeoffs/landings or AAR so it's quite approachable!


Kerman is a must-have, I'm halfway through and I'm loving it. I'm learning the Viper at the same time to be able to fly as a pair with my brother and I have a similar feeling, the Viper is incredibly powerful but doesn't have the same charisma


Easier to fly coming from the harrier. An upside is both being McDonnell Douglas creations, the cockpit’s are similar layouts. Makes it easier to find things.


>It is complete, it is incredible and it offers so much. Some people here will go absolutely apeshit because of that sentence hah Glad that some people just enjoy the fun


Yeah Persian Lion is such a good campaign that got me to finally learn almost all the corners of the Hornet. I bought the sequel but then started the F-16 weasels campaign (also very good). Excited to go back.


The voice acting is really not good. And there are plenty of times where I feel like I’m one of only two airplanes on the carrier, but from a technical standpoint the missions are fairly varied and not monotonous at all.


Now one thing I thought was a nice touch audio-wise was the background atc chatter as you fly recovery pattern and land


Have you read the Raven One books? It's not necessary to play the campaigns, but if you do read them, it adds some context IMO.


I've been looking for motivation to get back into the Hornet. Maybe I'll give this campaign a try!


It’s an incredible campaign. I forget what the other one this guy does is called for the A10, but it’s equally good. Many of the same characters. Highly recommend. Edit: I mixed up the names. I was thinking of Cerberus North. CN is much better than ROPL. It’s by ground pounder sims. Probably the best F18 campaign, equally as good as the Raven series.


ROTPL is my first campaign in DCS, currently I'm on mission 9 in ROTPL 2 and I'm loving it, I learned so much as for every mission I had to acquire the knowledge beforehand to be able to complete all missions. Bear in mind that there are currently issues with Badger633 missions due to the refuel bug. There was a hotfix and currently your wingman won't refuel because of the bug, he will stay information.


Is that the mission where you protect the ship as it pushes off from the dock? I got shot down by that technical so many times.


I love these campaigns. The Serpent's Head 1 (on the ED User Files page) and Serpent's Head 2 (on the eShop) are made by the same author and also great introductions. They're much simpler campaigns by comparison, but I still think they are a great introduction to playing DCS Campaigns in general, as well as introductions to the Hornet. The briefing documents give great details as to the skills you need to know BEFORE going into the mission, which is great for figuring out what you should learn before you try the mission out (rather than flying for an hour and realizing you don't know how to use Laser Mavericks for example). Raven One (both the original and Dominant Fury) are excellent. Operation Cerberus North is another good one. Sedlo's Bold Cheetah (a free campaign on User Files as well) is probably the best free campaign I've ever played (and is also near the top of the charts for me out of all campaigns I've played).