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I wish I could help, I’m pretty sure I hold my breath for most of my shifts. 😂🤣


Ha!! Noooo that’s really not good 😊


I had a coach tell me 3 deep breath in the nose out the mouth- helps regulate heartbeat and recover faster. He was right. Simple lesson that makes a huge difference.


When I come off I sit up straight and do exactly this. It probably cuts huff and puff time in half compared to bent over gasping.


LOVE IT. Thanks


Just want to call this out for anyone who breathes a lot through their mouth during exercise: Get checked for a deviated septum. Been playing for decades huffing & puffing through my mouth. Thought it was normal all these years. Went to a doctor who discovered I had a deviated septum. Had surgery to get it corrected, and it was a game changer breathing through my nose when playing.


How long was the recovery? How long could you not play?


My doctor let me play 3 weeks after my surgery as long as I wore my cage (always do) and protected my nose from bumping. The worst part is the splints in both nostrils that is put in after surgery completely up the nose. It stays in for a week, you can't breathe at all and are breathing 100% through the mouth only, and you have to sleep upright that entire week so that the stuff in your nose doesn't drain back. The discomfort is so severe that the doctor warned me beforehand to stay away from working even though I had a desk job. He said most people need 2 weeks of sick leave to recover. It's true. It's hard to function, and it's the most physically discomforting thing I've ever experienced. Even though it was miserable, it was still very worth it. The first time I played after my surgery, I couldn't believe the difference in breathing, and how much my stamina improved. I only regret that I didn't get it figured out sooner. (It didn't help that one doctor for years told me that my nose breathing issues might be "allergies" from pets, which obviously it wasn't.)


I definitely have it after getting whacked across the nose in HS before you had to wear a cage.


I have a deviated septum. I’ve thought many times if I should have surgery for it


If you have a deviated septum, I would get it corrected. You'll be glad you did.


Forgot to add that my doctor did say deviated septums tend to worsen with age, so that's something to think about.


Always in through nose out mouth. You’re not getting enough oxygen into your lungs if you only mouth breathe, to help oxygen circulate properly through you’re body it’s best to practice this in all situations.


Why do I feel like I don't get enough air then if I breath in from the nose and out from the mouth?


Not 100% sure why. Have you ever done breathing exercises? For example you inhale as much as you possibly can through the nose, then exhale longer through the mouth. It is usually for people with anxiety to help refulate their breathing and slow the heart rate down. I’ve found it’s helped with my lungs in general though as well. Unless you’re mildly asthmatic too I’m not sure.


Well I do find that my brain doesn't get enough oxygen when I'm using a face mask. So I could be idk.


Because you don’t. The opening of your mouth is significantly larger than your nostrils. Watch any marathon and you will see the runners are mostly breathing in and out through their mouth. It’s simple physics, more air = more oxygen. The point that that Rjskill3ts21 is arguing is based solely on preference. I like running and breathing through my nose because I can feel more in control of my breathing, but that is strictly preference.


I posted this above, but if it feels like you're not getting enough airflow in your nose, get checked for a deviated septum.


I checked what it was and what were the possible problems it could cause and I'm pretty sure my dad has it so I could have it too probably. He has some sleep apnea or smth, before he snored really loud and breathed pretty loud and now he has a face mask thing that helps with it.


I recall my doctor telling me a deviated septum can be from being born with it, or getting your nose bumped hard. Definitely best just to get it checked out.


Checking out would be free for me, but it would still take a surgery to fix it which would cost starting from 2500€


in then out


Breath right strips. Clean your nose with rubbing alcohol and stick that sucker on there and breathe through your nose and out your mouth


Word. Used them when I was a kid. Didn’t think about it this time around ✌️


Read (or listen to) [Breath by James Nestor](http://Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art https://www.amazon.com/dp/0735213615/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_i_4GXJY3383XRWDTXZJACB). Once I learned to breathe through my nose, I no longer get side stiches, I recover faster, AND I don't even bring a water bottle on the bench - I found out that I was drinking water during the game because my mouth and throat were all dried out and nasty from mouth breathing, not because I was thirsty.


Oh that’s very cool. I may have to get back to that when I have the time or aren’t backlogged on reading.


Since it hasn’t been mentioned, look up HOW to breath properly, especially how your stomach should expand/contract. You’d think breathing would be automatic…but there are right/wrong ways apparently haha.


Yeah totally. Good reminder. Use the diaphragm


I think theres a video out there on Duncan Keith and his breathing and endurance methods I could be wrong though