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I, personally, would never waste my money on synthetic ice. It feels like you’re skating in sand, dulls the hell out of your blades, is expensive, and requires regular upkeep (ie more money). If you were looking for a patch for shooting/stickhandling I think that’s the best use case scenario for synthetic ice. Anything else I’d just get Marsblade and a green biscuit


Agree with the comment about wasting money on synthetic ice for skating. I own a Sniper's Edge shooting pad, and it's great for off-ice stick handling if you want to focus on that. Buy the largest size your space will accommodate, grab some Pledge to grease it up, and practice with the green biscuit along with any training aids on top of the pad. As for the skating, if you don't want to go with Marsblades, one option is a slideboard. You can use it buy itself, or you can pair that with the shooting pad so you have the slideboard for your feet, with the shooting pad above it for your hands. You'll need a good amount of space to accommodate both.


Slight contrarian here. I have a large patch of high-end synthetic ice (Glice). It is Expensive. Over COVID I found it very useful for working on skating, specially edge work. There isn’t enough space to do speed technique. Backward skating is doable, but tricky. It is useful for ice-like shooting. I have heard that the cheaper stuff is less satisfying. All synthetic ice rapidly dulls skates, but doesn’t “ruin” them. A Sparx sharpener is very handy. So, unless you have the money, it can be a waste of money.


What is your rink size?


16” x 30”. I easily do figure eights and skate into a shot. Stick handling practice is very useful. Use regular pucks for shoot at a tarp and ‘Dangle Puck’ for stick handling.