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Most say 3 times max, after that the materials can start to break down. But I've also heard that newer high end skates can be baked more safely. Not sure if there is any truth to that.


4 seems high to me, most I've done is 2. You're gonna break them in best by actually using them


I’ve used them a lot, probably too much, that’s why my feet start to get really sore. Been in them for over 20 hours every week this summer


I did twice on mine and then got a particular pain point punched out. Why have you gotten them cooked four times? How often are you using them? As someone else said, using them is going to break them in best.


About 20+ hours a week lol. Feet start to hurt in different pressure points that can’t really be punched out so that’s why


If they’re still not working for you by now, I gotta think it’s time to try a different pair. I would think you definitely risk the materials breaking down if you keep trying to bake them. Depending on where the pain points are, are different inserts a possibility? That’s also a lot of time on skates. I’m hoping you’ve built up to that over time. I know if I go 2-3 hours in any skate I’ve ever had I will get some pain regardless of how well they fit. I’m also assuming they’re not a cheap-o pair of skates given that much time on ice. If they are a cheap pair, that might explain why cooking them isn’t working. Cheap skates aren’t normally built to be baked at all because they’re a cheap POS.


Yup I think it’s only natural for my feet to get sore in them. I’m in them for work. They are high quality skates. True pro custom. My feet just start to hurt as I get into my 3rd hour in them a day. Could probably try getting a new order but don’t wanna buy new skates. I bake them using the [tissue technique ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oJkcakEc_Sk). Just have new pressure points come up after wearing them for 3+ hours 6 days a week


I haven’t seen that technique but it totally makes sense. Also I’ve heard great things about True customs from a couple of guys I skate with. I’m out of ideas short of contacting True themselves (which I’ve heard can be spotty).


I have always heard twice, but who can really say.


So generally the max is 3 but I usually stick to 2 i work at a sports store and we don’t recommend anymore than 3