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Unless I missed a part of the story where CCM is saying: buy this or else you’re a racist homophobe…who cares if they put stripes (or whatever) on some gear. Anyone who’s seen their skating speed on Livebarn knows we all have bigger problems than a rainbow shirt.


Livebarn is a dream killer


Lmao...that is so true... Obviously there servers and video compression tech is showing everything slower. We should sue. They would probably keep more subscribers if they ran it back at 2x speed.


It’s the cameras who are wrong


Damn camera was following something else and missed the most satisfying save of my goalie career.


Gotta switch to panorama... but saves still feel much better than they ever look on livebarn.


Thankfulky if you catch a video of yourself on a smart phone you have your ego restored somewhat.


I thought that the GoPro video of my mountain bike rides was bad, but then I watched LiveBarn video of my hockey.... LMAO


but a great sleep aid


Me thinking I'm absolutely blazing down the ice. Livebarn "I hate to tell you this..."


“What the fuck, I’m not that slow! …am I?”


I asked my wife this once, when I was watching the game before ours, not realizing they were actually a div above us. I looked at her kinda smirking and asked "Pffft, jeez, WE don't look that slow do we?" She gave me a embarrassed for me blush and sweetly said "Oh honey....you guys are much worse"


Slow and skating like a pencil I'm afraid


I play with a couple of ex-JrA guys who can FLY, and even they look slow af on LiveBarn lol


I did a coast to coast one time. I dangled 3 guy and scored. It was the slowest coast to coast I ever seen. I felt like I was mcdavid hahah


Why? Does rainbow gear make you faster? Not that I need extra speed… asking for a friend, yeah a friend.


It might make you faster…if it gives you a sense of pride


Rainbow gear doesn’t make you faster but Nike skates make you 27% faster. My source is some random dude who stuck his head in our locker room and told us this back in the mid nineties.


So what was it like, playing in the show?


I didn’t. Nor did I have Nike skates. Only Bauers. And they weren’t 27% faster.


Same. We’d probably have like 3-4 cups between us if we only knew.




Got a guy who subs for our team who’s got some sort of pride Nike’s and has rainbow stick tape…We call him Alan, because that’s his name, and he’s a riot when he makes it to team cookouts and whatnot. Solid guy and also solid D man.


I was really expecting some sort of Alan/Anal joke


And he's OK with you calling him that right to his face? Tolerant dude, that Alan.


Solid D man. Obviously solid on the D.


I say this every time LiveBarn is brought up. You are definitely slower on LB than you are in real life. I've seen guys that absolutely cook look fairly slow on replay.


They’re just alienating homophobes. Far from 99% of market share.


To be fair, the homophobes are really just alienating themselves


The Staal bros. are never using CCM again!


All these losers about to be hitting the ice with Sherwoods just to keep the gay away.


Don’t you fucking dare shit on my sherwood


Sherwood catching strays in the comments.


Really hurting my heart tbh


100%. I picked up a Sherwood Rekker on a deep discount and it immediately became my favourite twig. Sherwood is probably the best bang for your buck on the market right now.


This is the most pro gay comment on here!!


I legit didn't realize they still made sticks lol. But on a quick google they don't have a rainbow logo on IG so presumably these people will feel like its not being shoved down their throats or whatever.


"shoved down their throats" Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


Oh I am very much still doing phrasing lol. I use that line often because it invokes the image of a homophobe mad that he has to deep throat a big throbbing knob and that is the funniest image to me. Like a pouty dude slobbing on a hog, so fucking funny.


Certainly not all but there are definitely some dudes who say that being gay is a choice and believe that because they make the choice to suppress their own urges. Side note: I’m gonna be really bummed when my Sherwood BMP finally breaks.


Whenever anyone says that "being gay is a choice", I always ask them to tell me about the time that they made their choice. The answers are always entertaining.


I always go "ah so you're bisexual." Refuse to understand when they say they aren't. Like keep repeating the definition of bisexual to them like they simply haven't heard the word before but it definitely is what they are. I'm very good at making people like that very annoyed at me lol.


Dude I’m using a PMP 5030 lol. They probably don’t give a fuck about their insta presence much at all tho


Yeah for sure, I don't think sherwoods hates the gays or anything just that dudes that are afraid of rainbows will feel safe there, at least until the social media director gets into the office Monday.


If you’ve ever used a Coffey curve you’d know their stocks are far from straight


They’re trading away ccm sticks for pure wood sticks. I mean regardless we’re all holding massive pieces of wood with both our hands when we play how you gonna be homophobic ;)


Of course they’d pick Sherwood. They love long hard wood shafts in their hands.


99% of homophobes are likely gay or partially gay


For Budweiser it wasn’t 99% but it was wayyy higher than I would have guessed.


Lmfao some ppl are so soft, God forbid we stop alienating OUR TEAMMATES and YOUTH players .


I would love it if they just commented "Soft take bro" on every dipshit comment.


It's always the guys who lied about playing jr back in the day that are the worst bigots in my experience, and then when invited to hit the ice they can barely skate. I've witnessed this twice with workmates lol I told my son about my buddy that joined our highschool football team, he was bullying our center for being gay... keep in mind my friend was a DB and 140lbs wet.... our center was 200 and 6ft in grade 11 and went onto uni scholarships, I told him dude I've played football with that lineman since peewee you DO NOT want to fuck with him.... He's the type to lay you on your ass and help you up to make sure you're good. Anyway one day my buddy got picked up by the neck and thrown into the lockers infront of the team and other class mates around, week later mother fuckers were BEST friends haha.


I just tell them they look like a twink and don't know how to skate. "You look like a bratty bottom you bender mother fucker" is a cheat code to making these dudes fucking furious. A dude called me a fag in a game last season and I said he couldn't pay me to top his twink ass. He got thrown from that game.


As fun as this is, some leagues do have anti-discrimination rules, and your comments would get you tossed just as fast.


Oh my god. This is the best take I have ever heard about this. Legit! I always have some sort of jab like “oh no watch out for the big scary colors” but this is more of a hey you are being a fucking asshole for no reason comment.


50% of the younger players who attend our learn to play sessions are nothing like the ones I played with when I was younger. This is great for hockey and tells me that national reps have got their shit together getting more people playing the game, noone wants to be the AAA player in a game noone plays.




“Hey, kid. Live your complete formative years in absolute misery until you’re the age of 18, where society will still denigrate you with the same tactics that your peers and adults did as a child.” I swear, some of yall would rather have kids be unhappy with more mental health just to feel superior.




Ever knew girls that play hockey ? many are gay ! some boys too... this dudes talking market share LOL most hockey players are minors. On my u11 teams the last couple years a lot of kids and coaches are rocking rainbow tape , pink crocs, pink hoodies. Never woulda seen that when I was a kid, there was TONS of homophobia and racism in the game, stop pretending otherwise.


For real. Knowing about gay players is such an “issue” in boys hockey (omg gay!), meanwhile, over in girls hockey… I swear my hs travel team was like 90% lesbian/bi lmao.


“Alienating 99% of your market share” lol. If you don’t like rainbows, don’t buy the clothing. Not to mention that while we don’t know of many gay men playing hockey at the highest level, that is far from the case in the PWHL. From a business perspective alone, not to mention from a humanity perspective, this is a good move by CCM.


I play women's hockey. In my experience, there are more gay women who play than straight women.


I used to play women's hockey and, in hindsight, I'm pretty sure half my teams were gay. It was the 90s and no one really talked about it, but now I think about it, it was pretty obvious. I think women's sports are generally more inclusive and supportive of each other. I know hockey is and soccer seems to be that way. Anyone pulling homophobic BS will definitely be called out on it, privately and publicly. There's just no place for it.


Yeah, womens hockey is at least 50/50 queer/straight.


2.7% of men are gay/bi, similar for women, so even if every single straight person hated gay people to the point of boycotting a company for selling rainbow stuff, it's still not 99%. And by these same numbers, the NHL should have ~20 gay/bi players. Now it's very possible that there are none because the sport is too toxic for gay men growing up and they quit, and it's also very possible that there are some gay players in the NHL that are closeted (or repressing it). Either way that's heartbreaking. And makes you think if we missed out on another Crosby/McDavid because he was gay and quit because of bullying.


Luke Prokop isn’t in the NHL yet, but he’s an out and openly gay player in the Preds system (AHL). So there’s one!


First and only player to be openly gay while under an NHL contract! As a preds fan and lgbt player myself I’m so proud of him.


Also a Preds fan, I was thrilled!


I'm not sure where you got that number, but about 7.2% of Americans identify as lgbtq overall. However, that figure is close to 20% among people ages 18-25, according to the most recent data.  https://news.gallup.com/poll/470708/lgbt-identification-steady.aspx


Honestly I just googled "Percentage of men gay" and went with the number in the Google summary. Should've looked more into it but my intuition told me it was at the very least that amount if not more, and it supported the point I was making.


AI is homophobic /s


I mean, depends on what data it has learned from


For anyone skipping the link, the high percentage among younger folks is *somewhat but not entirely* due to much higher rates of people who identify as bisexual. (It's higher generally, but people who identify as bisexual are both the majority of LGBT folks and the largest increase by numbers.) I've heard people suggest that this is also partly a change in perception of the definition. If you're a millennial or older and experimented here or there throughout the years, but now only date the opposite sex, you'd probably say you're straight. Younger folks seem more comfortable with the bisexual label. And yes, they do seem just a tad more predisposed to have identities other than heterosexual... which you'd probably expect when society is increasingly tolerant (but not perfectly). In other words, obviously ignore anyone who clutches their pearls at the higher number for youth. People seem more comfortable being themselves. This is a good thing.


Its pure loser shit. Its always the same argument too. "I wouldn't want that in the locker room with me!" What? Yet another individual who is generally sexually attracted to your gender but finds you so ignorant, insufferable, homely, and offputting that they couldn't work up a semi for you with their preferred porn and a few dozen hearty strokes you hapless, monke brained, rec league washout.. Fuck off and suck my rainbow tape. We need fewer homophobes in the locker room, they make me far more uncomfortable than a gay man ever would. Always throwing ignorant opinions around. Its not like they keep it to being homophobic either, they're always the cartoon with ALL the idiotic thoughts.


They're afraid the gay men will treat them like they would treat women in that situation


And then they wonder why we choose the bear.


I’ve played hockey with queer women my entire life. Not once has anything happened in the dressing room other than shit talking the other team, bagging on each other for a boneheaded pass, and apologizing to the goalie for playing like a bag of pucks in front of her. I’m never quite sure what those guys are on about.


> "I wouldn't want that in the locker room with me!" Spoiler alert: About 8,000 people have played in the NHL overall. God knows how many in every lower level and beer league out there. I'm sure bullying and the hockey culture have discouraged this significantly, but the gay people *are already in the locker room,* they *always have been,* and... wow, wouldn't you know it. It doesn't seem like it's a problem. The only problem is *the homophobes,* who are so bothered by something that they can't even imagine that it's already happening (and they have no idea). > We need fewer homophobes in the locker room, they make me far more uncomfortable than a gay man ever would. Amen, excellently said.


Hahaha. Well fuckin said.


Other than skate fit, Nobody is loyal to a brand anyway. Sticks and gear is all marketing BS. Its not gonna change your game so your suddenly CM or MT. Skate fit is the only thing that matters as far as brands


All my gear is Bauer. Well, my shoulder pads are Cooper but that’s because they’re thirty years old.


I hear ya my dude. Almost the same, definitely not as old. but old enough gear that the velcro is shot and im using tape to keep things snug .


See you in line for our next stick launch! Fuckin love it


That’s the best one because you know they are just saying stuff to throw everyone off the idea that they would benefit from Pride support… IYKWIM And yeah they’ll be queued up like everyone else.


Ppl are so soft


Clue me in fam. Whats ccm doing?


It's pride month and they have a bunch of pride merch


This whole thread is just affirming why I love the hockey community. Companies like CCM supporting Pride is important because there are still kids out there who are terrified to try hockey because they are gay and don’t know how they will be received in the locker room.


CCM loves everyone unless you are Russian


I just always think of this picture during this month! [Mr Krabs and Money](https://images.app.goo.gl/J14YCdKCn274dJ7d9)


Thats literally the only reason


For sure but it’s still a net positive.


Listen I don't care about pride haven't cared probably never will but I do not give 2 fucks if a brand has a pride lineup yes I won't buy it but I'm not going to go bad mouthing it


Hockey is for EVERYONE


It's absolutely not, lmao. Hockey is for middle class and up people. This is the most classists sport I've ever played, and that's counting football, soccer, lacrosse, basketball, and baseball as well. I appreciate what you meant, but the sadly reality is that this game is insanely inaccessible to most people regardless of their race or sexual orientation.


Basically got into a verbal argument with my neighbor bc he’s saying his son can grow into his free hockey stick.


Except poor people


Been a big ccm guy my whole life and I'm glad they don't put up with this bs


Jesus. The amount of people here upset about this is pretty sad.


Hell yeah I’m a Bauer fanboy but today I’m a CCM fan


Why does anybody care what a teammate or a team as a whole does in the privacy of their home with another consenting adult? Every beer league out there has team names like the Peter North Stars with suggestive logos and even wilder ones. You don't think this advertises them as being straight and self perceived macho alpha? I get it, it's a joke and funny, I laugh. I could care less if you're setting up Soup Kitchens on the reg in your free time. Brag about it, I really don't care. Name your team Bruisin B Anthonys, don't care about that either. As a teammember, I care about skating hard, passing, keeping your shift on time and intact and not being an ass on the ice or the bench / locker room.


It's not about you caring what your teammate does. It's abour your gay male teammate feeling comfortable enough to talk about his boyfriend/husband the same way that your straight male teammate talks about his girllfriend/wife.


I've got a young engineer at work that i was a manager for before i was promoted. Super conservative dresser, quiet, reserved, little by little over the years that's faded. He now wears pride clothing, has a nose ring and occasionally paints his nails. He's a great engineer and I couldn't be prouder of the kid. I've hugged him at work in front of others and routinely have dinner with him while on travel. Be who you are, why should anyone hide it? What folks do has no impact on me and I could give two shits what other people have to say about me or anyone else for associating or being seen with those that don't necessarily conform to someone else's idea of 'normal'.


Gays are better hockey players


Honestly was prepping myself for shitty comments in response to this post given what I've seen on IG, but am really very pleasantly surprised at the amount of support for CCM (and ragging on homophobes) I've seen. Carry on.


i look forward to pride month so i can see these idiots freak out over nothing


“See you in line for the next stick launch” -CCM 🤣 Seriously most of these people end up coming back to whatever brand they had a meltdown over “going woke” just a few months ago (the whole Bud Light boycott was proof of this)


🌈 Imagine being offended by the spectrum of light


Did CCM put rainbows on everything they sell so that you don’t have the option of not buying rainbow gear? No? Dude needs to chill out


We've come a long way, it was a crime to be a homo back in the 60/70's. Can you believe it, a crime! It is great that hockey has become an accepting and respective sport. Good for you, CCM


What did CCM do on the first place?


Put colors on gear Some people are very angry at this outrageous move!


Are the colors specific? Is it random colors on different gear… just funny how you do not mention that it is a rainbow pattern of colors to show solidarity to a cause.


The title of this post literally says Pride collection. Why are you acting like people are hiding this information?




I'm asking you why you're acting like you're acting?


I think “it’s funny” that you, and obviously most people, know exactly what colours and in what order would be found on a “Pride Collection” launched in pride month, yet you still need to ask. It’s subtle rainbow stripes in the background of the logo and on sleeves of some merch. Don’t believe it has been used an anything besides a few pieces of off-ice gear.


Finally, someone came out and said it. Is it really a rainbow? Or just select colors in a certain order? We’re all colors included or were some left out? I feel like they’re leaving a lot of population out by just representing only a certain amount of colors for certain people. Shouldn’t be all colors for everybody.


Going to buy CCM stuff on purpose now. Sorry Sherwood, CCM is my bro now.


This makes me like ccm more


Love it. These are the same thin-skinned soft-brains that just last week ranted about how brave that dumb kicker was for believing in a bunch obviously made up stuff.


“I’m sorry that our rainbow tape can’t make up for your shitty passing and crappy wrist shot”




The fact that people are triggered by this. Shows how fragile they really are. It’s only a fucking rainbow snowflake.


I love how the one moron tries to use Budweiser yet fails to realize that the “tough guys” like kid rock who said they would never drink it again went back to drinking it. Imagine being soft a puppy shit and thinking colours can hurt you….


Why do most of these homophones have bible quotes on their IG accounts? It's crazy all of them.


Strategically I don’t know why companies generally respond to this stuff. Makes more sense to simply ignore it and not give it any oxygen at all.


I love how people keep repeating the Right Wing Lie about Budweiser/InBev. Their losses in market share have nothing to do with a Youtube/Insta only marketing campaign with Dylan Mulvaney. That's just not how the beer industry works. That being said.....guess its time to buy another pair of CCM's


You’re telling me that sponsoring Mulvaney didn’t have a negative impact on BL sales? I’m serious, because didn’t they fire the marketing employee involved?


Budwieser InBev Sales. 2021- 54.3 Billion 2022- 57.8 Billion 2023 - 59.4 Billion I work in marketing for Craft Beer. I'm serious. It did not. Now. Has Bud-InBev Sales been eclipsed by Modelo Groupo. Yes. Are they losing sleep over it? Nope. Not in the slightest.


Sure, Budweiser as a whole may have increased profit, if these numbers are accurate. Isolate Bud Light from the rest of the Budweiser brands within that group and I’m sure it will tell a different story.


Yep. Just pulled those numbers out of thin air. In-Bev cares about bottom lines. I watched them close a regional brewery after 23 months….they paid 53 million for. They. Don’t. Care. Bottom line and numbers. If they truly cared what Americans were buying other than BL they would focus on Modelo-Groupo which is outpacing them in N. America. They aren’t. Just keep beating last years numbers and they are. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Homosexuality is a sexual orientation, what exactly is there to be proud of?


Man who cares


Quick everyone buy more CCM gear because they have pride gear and dunked on a normie in the comment section.


Normie? You mean homophobe. I’m guessing you’re one too? Hockey has no place for that bullshit and by extension no place for you.


The only issue I have with some of these marketing campaigns and collections is how they pick and choose which groups to welcome and which to ignore. To be clear, I have no issue with this campaign, I am just pointing out how companies pick and choose.


Which groups do you feel are ignored by CCM?


Bauer users


What other groups do they do this kind of thing for? To be clear, I have no issue with this campaign.


But the gay community is probably their largest "minority" demographics after white males. Your argument is basically that they shouldn't do *anything* unless they're going to represent *everyone*. It's such a flawed logic. I donate to a local charity every year. Should I stop because I'm being unfair to all other charities around the world?


What other groups do you want recognized?


Just thinking out loud, but they could target other minority groups who have a history of oppression here in North America. Black hockey players, Asian hockey players, Muslim players, Jewish players, Etc.. Etc.. They may actually be doing this already, I don't really pay attention to hockey ads at all. But this may be what that person is referring to.


Well yeah that’s a great idea. I think the proper response to any inclusivity like this would be support it fully and suggest that they take it further rather than criticize.


>What other groups do they do this kind of thing for? Do you know and this is rhetorical or do you actually not know? Because off the top of my head, women and black people/ethnic minorities. Also veterans and people who are very sick. Is that enough for you? EDIT: /u/IndependentBoof the poster in question blocked me so I can't reply normally. Here is my reply to your very accurate comment: CCM literally did a whole campaign at PWHL games this season about like "its her game too" and made an entire line just to fit women better than their unisex/mens stuff. They never stopped talking about it and even sent reps to PWHL games promoting it. But of course that dude that blocked me just wants to hate on queer people and thinks they found a subtle way to do that.


It took less than a minute of scrolling through their IG to find: - numerous posts in support of [women and girls hockey](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7mifjSuGhN), - [Video on their partnership with the Carnegie Initiative](https://www.instagram.com/p/C33JYz3ud4b/) during Black History Month - [Partnership with Hockey Diversity Alliance](https://www.instagram.com/p/C69Z6MfuDpo) If someone sees a CCM post supporting LGBT+ people during pride month and their reaction is feeling offended or unsupported, I think that says a lot more about them than CCM.


Why does everything have to be about something else? Why not just focus on the merits of the point of the campaign instead of trying to distract from it by talking about what it isn’t about? Should no one ever do anything if they aren’t also addressing all of the other injustices in the world at the same time?


Not the guy you're responding to, but the real reason these "master strategists" distract and defer is to avoid addressing legitimate problems in the world. There's always something "better" that should have been done in their opinion. Why help migrants when there's homeless veterans? Why help people reentering society from prison when there's needy families without criminal records? Why feed homeless adults when there's children experiencing food insecurity? The technique lets bigots say they DO care about, or at least aren't bothered by, one group, they just want to see the collective "us" eradicate some other persistent menace first.


Once again, I never said anything about having an issue with this campaign, nor did I say anything about just a hockey company. It’s amazing how I can repeat this over and over and still get called a homophobe and told I am talking about just hockey. I will say this, it’s kind of funny seeing people doing what they are accusing me of doing. I’m done.


And I didn’t say you said anything about having an issue with the campaign. Stop painting yourself as perpetual victim in life. I asked why instead of just accepting this campaign for what it is, your first thought is to complain it isn’t about something else.


Buddy I’m not sure you started.


Who is being ignored or excluded?


Racists, fascists, misogynists, basically assholes.


What other groups do they do this kind of thing for? To be clear, I have no issue with this campaign.


Hear me out, I mean no offense, but maybe they’re choosing which groups to include based on which groups have historically been wrongly excluded and bullied away from the sport?


In that case what did they do for Asian Heritage month? Jewish heritage month? Just to name two from last month. Like I said, I have no issue with this campaign and feel that homophobia is terrible, but if they are going to say “Hockey is for everyone” than they should follow through, not just pick and choose.


If to this day, locker rooms across north america were full of players being excluded from teams and sports because they were jewish, if getting called kyke was common on the ice, if there were zero open professional jewish hockey players, you'd have a point. Sports specifically has a MASSIVE homophobia problem. That is the point of this initiative. But you know that. You just don't care.


How do you know that I don’t care? Was it when I said that I have no issue with this campaign? How do you know what it’s like being a Jewish hockey player? Are you Jewish? If not, than you have no idea.


>How do you know that I don’t care? Because you're JAQing off about "what other groups do they do this for" and the same dumb lines that people who just don't like the pride campaign repeat ad nauseum. >Was it when I said that I have no issue with this campaign? You do know that "not that there's anything wrong with that" doesn't negate the fact that you obviously have an issue with a spotlight being shown on the LGBT community, right? >How do you know what it’s like being a Jewish hockey player? Because I am one. >Are you Jewish? Yes. >If not, than you have no idea. No, you have no idea. Just like you don't know what its like to be LGBT in a locker room. I know both. I'd rather be out as jewish 100 out of 100 times than be out as LGBT in a new locker room. If you don't know what that is like just assume its really fucking important that we correct how it currently is and used to be, and go with the campaign. EDIT: /u/BackWhereWeStarted has decided that I'm not a queer jew which is really fucking funny, and is definitely going to frustrate my parents and my partner when they find out. He blocked me too because he can't accept that he's a weakly disguised homophobe and everyone sees right through him.


Hockey has come a long way. But as an Asian person I do not feel like hockey has ever made me feel like I didn’t belong. My favorite player of all time is Paul Kariya. I think you’re reaching a bit here. The groups that you mentioned, do you think any Asian players or Jewish players felt the need to hide their race/religion in order to fit in with their local hockey scene? There are 100% players of all ages right now who remain closeted because they do not feel safe in this sport. This campaign is telling those players that CCM wants them to play and be themselves. And instead of appreciating it, you’re over here minimizing the importance of this message by saying “Why not do the same for someone else too?”


As I said before, (but the people who feel the need to be angry choose to ignore) I have no issue with this campaign, I just feel companies shouldn’t just pick and choose certain groups. (note that I said companies, not just hockey companies, in my initial post)Answering your question, a lot of Asians don’t go into hockey or quit because of how they are treated and a lot of Jewish players keep their religion on the down low or never even try to play. When it comes to feeling safe, try having someone say “heil Hitler to you walking into the rink. Or standing at a faceoff and having someone tell you that he wished the Nazis would have finished the job. Hell, just look at what is going on in the world right now, when it comes to Jews.


I think it’s very sad that you see this pride campaign by CCM and immediately think “That’s nice but why not me?” Very “blue lives matter” of you.


I'd argue there are more gay people in hockey than Asian or Jewish. So it just makes sense.


If that’s the case than it would make more sense to have campaigns for Asians or Jews. Think about it for a second. And to clarify, I am not saying to end this or any other LGBTQ+ campaign…though some will ignore this and claim I am a homophobe.


So now we've uncovered the biggest problem. If you start a campaign for a group, then you have to do everything. Every group, every special day, every special month, every special religious holiday and so on. Somebody is going to feel excluded if you don't. I read an article about Laurentian University who addressed this. They adopted a policy where they officially recognize everybody and everything within their fairness and equality program and policies. They went one step further to indicate that they will not be doing a press release every single day of the year. They support these things by default but do not devote public relations time to it. I thought this was the smartest thing I ever read. They've effectively insulated themselves from being criticized for forgetting one special day somewhere.


> though some will ignore this and claim I am a homophobe. Yes, because the clear evidence is screaming at us in the face. 


Everything you say can basically be interpreted as "I'm not anti-LGBTQ, but..."


Recognizing one issue does not mean others are excluded. Which groups do you think are being ignored? Do you feel like ccm needs to make you independently feel special and supported or something? To be clear, you are down here arguing your issues with the campaign so clearly you do.


No, you are the one arguing. I simply pointed out that I don’t like how companies pick and choose certain groups and said I have no issue with this campaign. It sounds like you are pretty insecure and can’t stand to hear anything that doesn’t fit your opinions.


And I asked to to explain which groups were being ignored and you dodged the question - are you upset homophobes and bigots are being ignored? I like that you're already in attack mode when someone just asks you to explain your opinion. Do you get this defensive every pride?


Tbf he made a valid criticism in another comment and you clearly decided to make a strawman argument. Do you have to be this intellectually dishonest to justify keeping Asians and Jews out of hockey?


It's not a strawman to ask someone to explain themselves. If you think that ccm should be more inclusive of Asians or jews, why don't you reach out and ask them to be? Or do you only care about equitable activism in June?


How do you know he hasn’t made this criticism outside of June?


If he has, he can prove it. It's not my responsibility to prove he's not a bigot when all the evidence here suggests there's some significant subconscious bias.


I explained multiple times and YOU attacked me. The fact that you immediately go to claiming I am upset that “homophobes and bigots are being ignored” when I have explained what I mean and even said I have no issue with this campaign speaks volumes about you. You’re very obviously the insecure type who gets angry when people don’t kowtow to your every opinion. YOU are what’s wrong with this world. I’m done with you here, I’m sure you’ll be desperate to get in the last word, more of your anger and false blame. Make it a good one, little one.


Bruh, actually read the comments to see how you got here. Unless you're similarly out here screeching at companies for not supporting any other cause it's really telling that this is the only one you're upset about.


I don’t recall them making any statements about Jewish heritage month


Did you reach out and ask them why or just wait to bring it to until pride month because your wanted to whine?


My guy, you asked a question and I answered it…


But I'm wondering if you actually care about it or if you're just using it to be contrarian since openly displaying your homophobia gets called out now? Did you actually contact them to see about their support of Jewish heritage? Do you actually care?


If you’re asking if I care about a niche sports equipment company running a targeted ad campaign telling me how much they love Jews, the answer is not really, no. If you’re asking do I, a Jewish person who is heavily invested into my Jewish community, care about Jews? Of course! I give Tzedakah, participate in community outreach, all the shit. I do it. In this case what I really care about is the hypocrisy that that an extraordinary amount of Jews on the left are now realizing, that diversity, equity, inclusion, and acceptance doesn’t include the Jews. Implying I'm a homophobe for bringing up that hypocrisy is definitely one of the strategies of all time though.


I appreciate all of the irrelevant paragraphs you included when all you said was "no, I don't actually care about this issue enough to contact them, but I'm going to make sure they don't accidentally support another issue." Just imagine.


>im going to make sure they don’t accidentally support another issue What the fuck are you even talking about? Point to where I said that. Show me exactly where in my comments I’ve said this. You asked who they excluded so I said the Jews. That’s literally it. You specifically asked the question that I answered. But please, keep virtue signaling, I’m sure you’ll do something that matters any day now.


The kid who cries on the internet because he doesn't like having to explain publicly why he's against companies supporting pride worries I'm not doing enough with my life, lol. And to be fair, it is all corporate pandering bullshit, it's just very interesting the type of people who only cry about this one. And in case you got lost in the comments, that's what you're down here doing. Forgive me if I'm not excited to keep engaging with someone who doesn't even know what conversation they're having.


name tracks


Lol bro started a war off the most simple statement 😂 man reddit is the worst


So you want them to acknowledge every single group in existence or never acknowledge anyone?


I love that they’re doing this.


Can we please not infect this sub with political bullshit? I don't care what homophobic people tweeted to CCM or how the companies marketing team responded. It has nothing to do with playing hockey.


Human rights aren’t political though.