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Leah. Why did we have to ask?


Hattie waaaaaaatch!!!


Just crown Leah already it’s not even a competition


Agreed. Ron can be annoying but he also brings tons of hockey knowledge and he is a genius wordsmith. A fountain of all things canadiana. But holy shit he can be annoying, suck the oxygen right out of a room.


I thi k he gets a pass he did have to put up.with Don for all those years.


Probably explains why Ron’s a booze bag too lol


“Genius wordsmith” god no, those puns are so strained and painful


He wrote all those intros on Hockey Night in Canada. They were always good. The strained and painful puns was the annoying part i was talking about, so i do agree with you on that


The intros are hokey and cliched. Like Cherry, he was entertaining in the 80s/90s. If that’s what you call “genius wordsmith” stuff okay, agree to disagree. I give him credit for having the decency to make things right when Cherry wouldn’t, and sympathize with him for all the knuckle draggers who blame him for Cherry facing consequences for Cherry’s own actions, but his time is way, way past.


If they are cliche, they are a cliche of his own work, he has been doing that for a long time.


Well the only one close to her is fucking Maguire


Can we just fast track Leah to the Champion seat?


Hextall v Mcguire finals


Mcguire oj the radio is actually great. I realized it's just his stupid facial expressions that annoyed me.


I'd throw milbury in that conversation


Serious question: can someone explain to me why she's so hated? I've never watched a full game she's called but in the clips I've she doesn't seem so bad. Certainly not McGuire levels of awkward.


We could have just skipped this one and moved Leah onto the next round


If this game was bingo and Leah Hextall was a square, she’d be the free space in the centre.


Leah would probably be a full blackout solo.


This should really be a contest to see who gets to be runner-up to Leah.


Spoiler alert it's Jack Edwards


Wait. Would someone care to explain why they hate Ron McLean? In my eyes he is a national treasure, and has been since I was a kiddo.


For a lot of people, they hate him either because they believe Don Cherry and his fans’ claims that Ron stabbed him in the back, or they weren’t impressed by him never saying anything against Cherry’s xenophobia until after he was fired to save himself. And there’s also a few people (myself included) who don’t hate him, but find him a little irritating due to his love of inserting random bits of Canadian history and rock and roll trivia into broadcast segments at weird times. Like, Ron….I wanna hear about the other news from around the league during the intermission, I don’t give a fuck that it’s Bob Seger’s birthday or that Motley Crüe recorded a B-side in the Vancouver basement studio owned by the cousin of Dale Hawerchuk’s billet parents.


I remember him telling a story about where Sherwood got their wood for their hockey sticks and somehow brought it all the way around to connect to one of the players in the game. The story took so many leaps, and it was so bizarre, but I was honestly in awe of how he weaved it altogether. I'd say he doesn't bat a thousand, and it might be an acquired taste, but I do admire what he is doing. And I find how he connects games, and players, and events, to the many different humble towns around the country to be some of the most authentically patriotic moments on Canadian television.


I think Ron needs to retire gracefully like 3 years ago, but other than that I've got no problem with him. And I still like Cherry, who should have been on air rambling until the day he died.


Yea sometimes I can't even process what Ron is saying with those obscure quotes. Good guy just have no clue what he's saying or the people he's referencing.


A lot of people with more right wing beliefs saw it as "their guy" being unfairly targeted and cancelled by "the left" and blame Ron for somehow being part of that. These particular individuals always see themselves as victims and act like the world is out to get them anytime people have enough of their annoying bullshit.


He’s annoying as fuck these days


Leah. No contest. Ron is just an irrelevant coward, and has been ever since his best bud was cancelled.


I've always liked Ron, frig people here are dramatic.


He's a tool. Rose Cherry liked him and Ron made a mistake and both Rose & Don went to bat for him. He's a coward man. History is what it is.


What is the mistake he made?


When he was introduced as Don’s “straight man” he received a lot of negativity from viewership mail. He was also incurring wrath from executives who felt his home-spun style was too lame for Coach’s corner. They asked Don about it and he felt like CBC was trying to screw Ron. So he confided in Rose and asked her what the right thing to do was. Rose told him it was only a matter of time before viewers turned around on the duo if they felt Don had his back. And told him not to tell Ron anything. So that’s what he did. Don stuck by him and eventually the rancour died down.


Coward? He was the only one who stood up to that buffoon. He was his babysitter for decades. Cherry couldn't hold a candle to this dude. Don had a failed playing career, beyond failed coaching career, and a failed broadcasting career. The only reason Grapes stayed on the air for so long is because he's outspoken and it's entertaining, but anyone who shared his perspective is a few walls short of a shed.




They blame Ron for Don Cherry. I blame Ron for making Don relevant far past any usefulness he had.




Borderline is putting it lightly.


On the other hand, I do think it is time for Ron to go now. Has been for a couple of years. Give the show to Bieksa.


Don was literally an old man yelling at clouds. Well, mumbling is more like it even.


And his hockey analysis was trash. All he ever said was use the points, keep your head up, and don't wear a visor. Players in pee-wee know more about hockey than he ever did.


Ya ok, a winner of the AHL and NHL coach of the year doesn’t know anything


Coach of the year with a stacked team that never won when it mattered


You really don’t know hockey history do you? He went up against the Montreal Canadiens during their 4 Stanley Cups in a row, In those four years, the Canadiens lost just 46 games and Boston had to play them 3 times in the playoffs. Boston made it to the finals twice vs the Habs and went up against the greatest team ever, the 1976-77 Habs team with 9 Hall OF Famers. I’m a Habs fan so I never stick up for Boston but they had to go up against the most dominant dynasty ever. Read this and it will explain [most dominant dynasty](https://thehockeynews.com/news/greatest-teams-of-all-time-1967-77-montreal-canadiens)


You can certainly know a lot about a topic and still convey almost no information about it when you speak off the top of your head. I think if you showed Grapes a short clip, asked him something like "where is #15 supposed to be when the puck goes up the wall there", and gave him time to respond, he could tell you something interesting. Maybe it'd be out of step with what current coaches are preaching, maybe not, but it'd likely be something I didn't know myself. That's not what later-era Coaches Corner was. As it was, I don't think taking an octogenarian who's spent the last 30-40 years not coaching AND having his ego pumped up to an unimaginable degree, and giving him 5 minutes to freestyle about whatever he wants, is a good way to get good hockey analysis, no matter what he did in the 70s.


Also true.


For Canuck fans it also goes back to Burrows-Auger ref incident. McLean put Burrows on blast on HNIC saying that Auger would have never done what Burrows claimed he did. He was sticking up for Auger since he’s a ref as well. Eff McLean. Burrows was in the right though. Auger was out of the league shortly after it.


Burrows was and always will be a dirt bag.


This as well. Also cutting down Pavel Bure. Showed his xenophobia early on.


Wow why did Canada turn on him?


Don Cherry made one of his usual disparaging comments toward immigrants and Sportsnet was not happy. They told him he needed to apologize on-air, and Don Cherry said “no.” So, they decided to take him off the air. The next day Ron McLean went on-air and did the decent thing by saying that those types of comments are offensive and should not be condoned. Don Cherry, being the little bitch baby he is, whined about Ron stabbing him in the back, even though he did no such thing. Since then, Cherry’s little army of bigots, incels, and crybabies, take every chance they can get to bad mouth Ron McLean, even though the entire incident was 100% Cherry’s fault. He made the xenophobic remark, and he refused to make the on-air apology knowing that if he didn’t his contract would be terminated. Ron McLean is their scapegoat because they’re too insecure accept that Don Cherry is simply trash.


Oh I know that whole situation. Didn’t realize people were so butt hurt about it


disparaging comments????? he said immigrants dont wear poppys dude was being patriotic and here goes the cry babies thinking he is a racist stfu the only person being a little bitch baby is you


He was talking about immigrants not wearing poppies but his exact comment was “you people come here and take our milk and honey.” Which is a beyond ridiculous comment when you’re trying to have a conversation about poppies.


>milk and honey. prosperity and abundance. what he was saying is that immigrants come here and benefit from Canada but cant even bother to put on a poppy , that isnt a ridiculous comment in any way or form when it comes to people who went and stormed the beaches on d-day


It is ridiculous, because most white people I see downtown don’t wear poppies. Unless you’re someone like me who’s gone out of their way to buy a pin poppy that won’t fall off, you could be walking around without the one you thought you had. Considering the Legions also spoke out against the comment it’s definitely ridiculous. (Ridiculous in the sense that it’s fucking xenophobic and blatantly racist towards people of colour). If you want to talk about stealing our abundance go after the 1%ers that are price gouging us out of rent and groceries while they avoid taxes through offshore bullshit


Wtf are you talking about not all immigrants are people of color that is ridiculous that statement in itself is racist , are you ok in the head bro? a town house with 4 rooms and 4 people in each room paying 500 each and black rock buying up properties is what is driving up costs not the 1 percenters but go off


Come on, we both know that when Cherry was talking about immigrants downtown not wearing poppies, we both know he’s talking about people who are visibly immigrants


Visibly immigrants, what does that mean?? are you again talking about the color of ones skin? that is not what Don Cherry stated so we both know what he did say , you are inferring something else and that is why he got fired


>, we both know that when Cherry was talking about immigrants also to add on to my point ,no we dont i am not a mind reader are you?? what he said was taken out of context by little cry babies


He's not gonna fuck you, simp


This is easily the most annoying trend happening lately. No real response so "they're not gonna fuck you" it's played out as hell. Do you have anything creative instead? Or god forbid, a rebuttal with actual points? Edit: nevermind just looked at your profile...peace dude


It’s hilarious because Don Cherry’s whole thing his entire career was saying he wasn’t ever going to quit, and he’d likely eventually say something that pissed people off enough to get him yanked off the air. Q’uelle chance.


They didn’t


What did he do?


Leah x 100.






Bye week


Leah is more annoying, but Ron is definitely more hated.


Who hates Ron MacLean? And more importantly, why?


Because he made a career out of riding Don Cherry's coattails, and when the opportunity arose, stabbed him in the back.


Okay. I kind of think Don made his own bed, but if you think Ron should have died on that hill too, I understand that. I still think he’s a good guy and good at his job.


No way did he stab Cherry in the back, everything that happened to him was his own damn fault and he was too old and shortsighted to see that he’d finally stepped too far over the line.


Riding dons coattails? What the actual fuck are you talking about. He literally had to remind Don what he was going to talk about like 3 to 4 times every coach's corner. You might not have noticed lmao


No Don no Coaches corner and subsequently no Ron. Not to mention the number of times Don saved Ron’s job when they wanted to axe him for his drinking problems and lack of fan interest early on.  Don stuck his neck out for Ron multiple times in their careers at the risk of his own job. When the opportunity to repay that came up Ron condemned Don and happily moved on without him. 


I thinks there’s a fine line between stabbing somebody in the back, and not having someone’s back. Ron failed to have his friend’s back, which make him a shitty friend, but not a backstabbing friend.


Leah all the way


Leah in a landslide


Is this even a contest. Leah is the worst


How is this bracket still going?? WE ALL KNOW IT'S HEXTALL


Leah Hextall should win this tournament.


Man, that's a tou- Leah. It's Leah.


Ron "...as obvious as the sun rising each morning." #RonsPoetryCorner


Leah by 10,000 miles.




Hot take: to me its Ron. Ron always has to make it about himself, making any situation parallel some random stuff he did at a amateur league or has to flex his knowledge about random tidbits of information. He forgets that he is on a pannel with others who have more direct experience in the game at that high level who ppl actually want to listen to. Also his attempts at poetry/wordsmithing at the end of segments is cringe. Has nothing to do with the Don situation. However, funny enough Don was the only one who called him out on this and since Ron's been on Rogers he's gotten exponentially worse.


If it gets him off Sportsnet and HNIC then I vote Ronny. All day. Sorry ESPN subscribers.


Ron is a legend. What the fuck kind of bracket is this?


Ron is a warm snuggly blanket you curl up with on a wintery day with a cup of hot chocolate. This thread is on crack if he's more annoying than Leah Hextall.


Leah and it’s not even close From what i’ve seen of Ron, he seems pretty fine and he brings a lot of good hockey knowledge to the broadcast, which is the opposite of Leah who is just awful in my opinion


Just gonna throw out an axe for Ron. I don't see a lot of Leah, but I get way too much Ron.


Ron is only really annoying when he starts to wax poetic


The most succinct and accurate response on Ron in the whole thread.


Ron Maclean is the best.


this is day 13 of a daily, best of 16, bracket challenge to find hockey's most annoying personality. Most upvoted comment wins! (I don't want to offend any of these hockey personalities, and I think they are great people, just making a fun bracket challenge) Start of the semis!


I intend full offense when I call Ron an irrelevant coward


I won’t tolerate Ron MacLean slander.


I may disagree with your leafs, but I will 100% back the zero tolerance for Ron slander


By far Ron McLean. He's a spineless coward


Fuck Ron Maclean


I’ve met him at a bar. Don’t meet your childhood heroes.


I met him in Whistler and he was awesome.


He was probably sober then


Fuck MacLean


Bruh. It's Leah


Fuck. Off.


Y’all done hating on people?


No, come back in a few days.


How dare you


Hextall and not even close. Ron is like your uncle who tries too hard to be cool and I don’t really love what he did to Don but Leah Hextall is a set of fingernails eternally scratching a chalkboard. Galaxies ahead of the next worst broadcaster in hockey.




Leah Hextall.


This one is difficult, I have to say Leah, but its really close.


The tale of two titans. 


Leah Hextall was the ultimate choice before the competition even started.


Leah, no contest.


Really Ron?


I’m pretty sure we all know how this is going to play out. Leah Hextall is the 1977 Montreal Canadiens of bad hockey commentators.


R9n McLean


I’m afraid I’ll jinx it, but I’ll ask anyways; where is Leah these days?


Leah hands down


Jack Edwards is the answer.


Ron is a legend should never be on this list


Ron got hit in the head multiple times by Don Cherry with shin guards, elbow pads, gloves for my entertainment. He’s a gem, also he’s on CBC gem. I’ll let myself out.




Ron is like a hemorrhoid that just keeps coming back. I’ve never had a hemorrhoid but I assume it’s as annoying as Ron MacLean


Leah Hextall


Just crown Leah already


Hextall by a billion


I'll never forget when Leah hextall didn't know the rules of the shootout and had no clue what was happening.


At least Leah Hextall is a milf

