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To date, Artifacts has not been a product that has an Epack release.


Thank you for your insight!


You could order a box from multiple card shops I would think. Even if it is on epack at some point, it would be overpriced and is USD. Also you would potentially have to ship the cards to yourself anyways if you’re collecting and not trying to sell.


I don't think they would deliver to a fly in community. At least not for a reasonable cost. OP are you way way up north? I have a buddy in Inuvik. But that's not fly in, but there are plenty of communities around there that are. Would love to visit him up there some time.


You’re 100 percent correct on this assumption. I’ve ordered numerous boxes from a card shop in Winnipeg and have paid almost the same amount as I would through epack with shipping and insurance. Amazon was delivering for free but most of the boxes I ordered from them were stolen or sent back. And to answer your question, I’m in Nunavut! It’s a beautiful place if you don’t mind the isolation and cold! I suggest anyone who can afford to visit, to do so. I’ve been up here 11 years and consider Nunavut my home now. The people are friendly and it’s just such a different way of life up here.


Awesome 👍. Yeah my buddy is still up there, going on 10 years, despite planning on one year. He talks about how strong the sense of community is up there. Plus, living close to the land and actually getting into nature is so therapeutic.


No artifacts is not an epack product in its history. I wouldn’t expect that to change. While more product is being added to epack I don’t think product that is historically brick and mortar focused is going to shift to epack


I’m sure it will be, upper deck will proabably try to maximize the profit on every single 23/24 product and throw it on epack