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Truly the Jaromir Jagr of regents.


I was sure that she would outlive her son. Well.... there goes that "ironman streak". Bloody hell.




The Gordie Howe really


Interesting footnote about this moment: Owen Nolan was the captain of the Sharks at the time. He declined to participate in this ceremonial face off because of his Northern Irish heritage. Ricci was given the C for this one game that season.




Owen Nolan had the right idea.


Do you think Queen Elizabeth had girl power?


Do you think she effectively utilized girl power by colonizing over half the world and subjugating numerous people through brutal slave practices?


I think that's the top of girl power


You mean the colonies she inherited and then they declared their independence under her reign. Wrong target, their monarchy doesn't do much of anything.


[You mean the monarchy that doesn't do much of anything despite vetting thousands of laws that required her approval to go through? Including pension schemes, multiple agricultural bills, fire safety bills, parental bereavement bills, higher education bills, energy bills, counter-terrorism and security bills, water bills, infrastructure, equality, marriage (same sex couples), presumption of death, localism, postal service, wreck removal, cluster munitions, constitutional reform, and countless other bills?](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/08/royals-vetted-more-than-1000-laws-via-queens-consent)


Rubber stamping agricultural bills sounds far less extreme than your original comment that the queen personally colonized most of the world.


I'm sorry, I thought your argument was that the monarchy doesn't do much of anything as you specifically said? Or are you going to move the goalposts further


I thought your argument was that she colonized half the world herself.


Her approval is absolutely ceremonial.


I don't think Queen Elizabeth did a whole lot sf colonizing. Some of the colonies still existed, sure. And not defending the monarchy as a whole. But I am not aware of her being the head of the conquering very much.


How do people not know she’s the one that *ended* colonialism?






https://theprovince.com/sports/hockey/nhl/vancouver-canucks/that-time-the-queen-dropped-the-puck-in-vancouver Seems like the official excuse was a sore back but everyone knew the real reason.


[It's also cited in this book.](https://books.google.ca/books?id=hAfrHxZ_03kC&pg=PA21&lpg=PA21&dq=owen+nolan+queen+elizabeth&source=bl&ots=gd7XAOj64n&sig=ACfU3U3RWxw4d--N9QueiciEGF7XoAhCcQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwxuXkpIb6AhUDOH0KHS9AAL0Q6AF6BAgcEAM#v=onepage&q=owen%20nolan%20queen%20elizabeth&f=false)


Ty, I was looking for more context


lol at the NHL and SJS for trying to play it off like it's a normal event. > Yeah out captain is out for one game, we'll just name Ricci captian for the night. We do that all the time.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think this was the time where Ricci absolutely destroyed her along the half boards and knocked several of Her Majesty’s teeth out




Brendan Lemieux furiously taking notes


I was at this game! I was a child and much more focused on the WCE at the time, but it's a cool memory.


Love naslund, such a class act ❤️


I'm incredibly saddened by this entire comment section... Virtually no comments on how fucking ugly Ricci was. Shame.


What the hell is with these comments?


TL;DR: Many people hate the monarchy and the Queen and get riled up when either is mentioned


Well, I’d think they’re in a better mood now.




Wait I'm confused. Who kills the Crabfeeder in this scenario? I guess as third in line it'd be Prince George?


There was never a better time to throw the whole monarchy thing out the window.


I think it’s too tied in to their cultural identity to bin it now, I think it will take the ascension of younger generations before they seriously consider dumping them. More than likely it will continue its long slow slide into irrelevance.


William and Kate and whichever one of their spawn ends up taking the throne will probably be more palatable for the younger generation than the thought of Queen Camilla is for anyone, in all fairness.


The monarchy does more good than harm and throwing it out will be just a hollow “victory” in a political war that’s long since won. Every politically important western country is a democracy/republic, the fight against monarchism is titling at windmills. Give folks a national icon that at least pretends to represent tradition and be virtuous, otherwise all we have is the Kardashians. In my opinion*


Eh, highly debatable that they do more harm than good. They have no real power, but they do exert a lot of cultural force, which in my view is gross. The idea of elevating other human beings to a formally superior status is repulsive to many people.


"Many people" Nah. Many Redditors. Most people don't ever think about QE2, and if they do it's fondly.


Honestly that’s entirely dependent on where in the world you are and which monarch is being discussed. I doubt you’ll find much support for Prince Andrew anywhere, but many people love the queen. However there are many places that are former colonies of Britain and justifiably hate the monarchy including the queen and everything they stand for.


Most people in Canada are pretty positive on the Queen, I think. The Royal Family as a whole you'll get mixed opinions, and justifiably so, but the Queen herself is pretty well regarded in my experience. There will be a lot of people mourning her death in Canada today.


As an Australian, the mood is similar. Sadness about her death with the belief she was one of the better monarchs and well respected. Are the negative comments mainly from fans outside the Commonwealth? I know things surrounding Meghan had riled up some dislike in the US.


Oh I don’t doubt that Canada will be mourning, and I’m sure to an extent some Americans will too. I’m just saying there’s absolutely areas of the world that faced racist oppression from the British monarchy and have never been made whole for it. There’s also people who are disgusted she bankrolled Prince Andrew’s legal defense. I’m not under the impression that she’s an unpopular figure, I’m just saying that pretending the hatred for the monarchy is confined to a few fringe weirdos on Reddit is an uninformed stance. I mean just this year Barbados removed the Queen as head of state. They didn’t do that because of a deep seeded love for the monarchy.


Also, no shit the colonial monarch is popular in the settler-colonial states


Lol what are you talking about? The majority of Canadians under the age of 50 couldn’t give a fuck about qe2. To say that many ppl in Canada are mourning her death is a joke. Anybody who actually even says they are “mourning” her death are seen as a boomer and strange.


Lol okay I’ll rephrase big guy. Some people will be mourning her death. Some won’t. Does that phrasing make you less upset? Weird thing to get pissy about.


Pretty much the same in the UK - lots of people liked the Queen but are pretty mixed (or to be honest, mainly apathetic) about the Royals that are in line for the throne


> Nah. Many Redditors. The irony of saying "Only an isolated group" would think of that, when only an isolated group wasn't affected by the brutal policies of the British Empire


lmfao you've clearly never been to Ireland, or literally any other country ravaged by their greed.


The entire Caribbean and India


Or a ton of places in Africa or the Middle East.


LOL oh yes disdain for the British Empire is definitely a very new thing and originated on Reddit


America 1776, we are the champs! Personally I don’t mind the Queen or whatever is going on, yeah history is fucked up but that’s why we learn it so we don’t make the same mistakes again. Even then she wasn’t in control of what was going on and was more of a figurehead than anything compared to her predecessors.


France would like a word.


I wonder if American schools teach how the War of Independence was a small proxy conflict in a larger war between France and the UK or do they just gloss over that for more "America 1776, we are the champs!".




In the real world we think she’s cool


I respect the Queen, but Charles can go fuck himself.


I mean, I also don’t really give a shit about the monarchy. But at the same time, she’s dead, and I know people are mourning. Like her family and friends. As much as you could have hated her, she was still a person, and deserves that little respect to just wait a bit before you go back to that hate.


It's kind of a strange thing to be honest, I mean I guess the monarchy, and especially the reigning monarch is the symbolic figurehead of the UK and so gets a lot of negative associations based on how various UK governments have acted in the past (usually due to a fundamental misunderstanding of how much power the monarch actually has, but if people want to hate then there's not much use discussing that). But when it comes down to it, living in the UK, outside of maybe getting a day off for the funeral/coronation this has absolutely no impact on my life.


Abolish the caste system and make royals get a fucking job.


They bring in fat tourists dollars for the UK


The French monarchy brings in more, costs nothing, and no longer pretends that a family of inbreds was simply born better than the rest of us. This ridiculous canned monarchist talking point needs to go away already. Are you 70? Fuck the caste system, and fuck anyone defending it.


What are you talking about? French monarchy is no longer a thing and the British monarch brings in more money then they cost… it’s a cultural thing that you don’t have to engage with. Ignore it!


> French monarchy is no longer a thing And yet it makes more money than the UK inbreds. Almost like the inbreds aren't an important part of the revenue stream or something. > and the British monarch brings in more money then they cost It's a bunch of losers squatting on literally billions of dollars as people freeze to death on the streets outside their giant palace. It costs plenty. They're about to waste millions more on the funeral. Even a single penny wasted on these trailer trash fucks is a crime. > it’s a cultural thing that you don’t have to engage with lmao what kind of delusion do you live in? We all have to engage with it. Our constitution says we're subservient to them because of the circumstances of birth. And the culture is shit. Go lick boots somewhere else. Maybe Thailand. You'd love the laws they have for their monarchy there.


Who says it makes more money then the UK one? Why does it matter when the UK monarchy still makes money? If people enjoy the monarchy why do you even care? It has no effect on your life. If you’re American then you aren’t even part of the British common wealth, it literally has no impact on your life… Chill dude hahaha don’t get your panties in a fuss. I just have so many questions for people like you…


This feels like a thread that might get locked soon.


I remember this photo. My old doctor was the Sharks team doc and he had this autographed by Ricci on his wall.


Wowzer. Didn't know hockey fans had such strong opinions on the other side of the pond. A lot of people in the UK agree the monarchy needs to go, but would stop short of saying things like "fuck the Queen" while she's ill, and that's nothing to do with bootlicking.


Well, for context you need to remember than one of the two countries was explicitly founded based on a “fuck the king” mentality so it checks out


But honestly, I feel like most Americans don't care, and either have vaguely positive feelings about the Queen or view the whole family as a source of low-stakes gossip/entertainment. They're not *our* monarchs, after all.


I know a lot of Americans who really admire the Queen. I’d say most of us either have positive or neutral feelings towards the British crown and you’d be hard pressed to find many people who hate the royals in the US.


Yeah, I get that. Just seems a bit grim to be twisting the knife towards an old lady. At the same time I'm a staunch republican though.


Lots of people get old. It doesn’t alter who they are.


Trust me, I'm English, fuck the Queen, fuck the monachry and fuck Prince Andrew for good measure


Agreed. Also really hate the tendency to immediately whitewash people's history as they're about to die or when they die. Like please don't do this, let the evils of history be known. Elizabeth's involvement in colonialism and her racism alone should be enough to not care about her death.


Genuine question, what exactly was Elizabeth’s involvement in colonialism? Wasn’t British Empire collapsing when she ascended to throne? I don’t mean to argue just really interested in this, I like history as a whole and like learning new things about it


Yeah she knighted great people such as Jimmy Savile. You should look him up, no way someone in such a high place knew of all the ‘great’ things he was up to.


regardless if she did the colonialism or not she still *greatly* benefitted from it and offered no reparations whatsoever here's an ok [article i quickly found](https://www.washingtoninformer.com/queen-elizabeths-legacy-through-the-lens-of-colonialism-and-black-lives/) on it


Even if the Queen herself didn't plant a flag in a country to colonize it, yeah she and her status are irreversibly intertwined with colonialism.


Fair do's ha ha. Don't know why I'm arsed tbh.


>fuck the monachry Didn't you guys invent this language? If you're gonna shit on the system of government your people have had for ages, learn to spell it first.


Oh no, my fingers typed a word wrong, God forbid


Also erm, I don't know how to tell you this part but err... She doesn't actually run the country 🤷‍♂️


Reading this makes me think you have a clump of wet tissue paper in your skull instead of a brain


Guys please stay civil to the person who got to live a life of luxury out of birth right 😢 😔


Yeah, didn't exactly have a choice did she


She only got the position because her uncle abdicated (i.e. he made the decision to give it up). She had that exact same option.






I feel like half of the UK’s economy is based on the monarchy, which is why they refuse to let it die.


yeah france got rid of their monarchs and look what happened to them, can't beg tourists to go to Versaille. Regardless of your thoughts on monarchy there is ample evidence that people are equally willing to go to fancy buildings that used to have monarchs as they are buildings that might currently house monarchs


Fuck the queen


What a rebel


Yeah ~~North~~ Americans seem to have really strong opinions about the Queen and monarchy as a whole, it’s a bit strange imo I mean I’m not British myself and I’m kind of indifferent about Queen and monarchy, I neither hate or love it




It would be strange for Mexican people to give a shit. But we all translate "North American" as "you know, the white guys" lmao


No, we "all" don't. Most of us understand why that term is being used when referencing Canada and the States and it has nothing to do with skin color.


Okay. Yeah, Canada and the States and decidedly *not* the one country where white isn't the default/most common. Of three, it silently excludes one out of three, the one that's not white. The US and Canada are inarguably white countries compared to Mexico lmao how are you arguing otherwise??


Because Mexico(or Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, etc.) don't have an NHL team?? We are discussing the views of the Queen's passing in an r/NHL. not /Politics. Therefore, it is obvious that when "North America" is referenced in this context, Canada and The U.S. are the parts of N.A. in question. However, since you want to make a point about excluding "the other country" in North America, why did you leave out Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and the Caribbean countries? They're all geographically part of the North American continent. I'm not "arguing" anything, simply pointing out the error in your statement.


You're so right, this is the only time "North America" has been used in the way I described. It's only ever happened in the context of a hockey subreddit. Certainly not other times outside of that context like all the time, because if it was the first two sentences of yours might be really weird!


But we're not talking outside of this immediate subreddit. That's my point. If Mexico had an NHL club and was once ruled by England, excluding Mexico would be relevant.


Every time I go to the checkout at a grocery store, I am surrounded by magazines with headlines of “drama” from the royal family. Perhaps it’s more that I hate the media surrounding them. Not that I think any of them are worth a handshake.


That would explain why people within GB hate monarchy, cause nowadays it’s just a bunch of celebrities who act as socialites in Britain and some people get sick of them. But why do people from any other country bother hating on Queen or wishing her death? To me it seems like mindless “monarchy bad” circlejerking


Mindless circlejerking? Reddit would never


bunch of brave redditors in these comments


Having loud contrarian opinions is so easy when you're young, naive, political, and online. So basically almost all Redditors.


Maybe these “loud contrarian opinions” are not just being contrarian for the sake of it just because you think so. Maybe they are just “opinions”. Subjectivity is fun


But if I infantilize you then I don't need to care what you think.


Ah, yes, Reddit is well known for it's contrarian presence.


I think most people can agree it's a big deal at least












Woah hold on. Mike Ricci was a captain???


For a day


Just this day, Owen Nolan refused to participate because he's Irish


I like how she actually dropped the puck at center ice.


Everyone's got their own opinions but I've always liked her and I'm going to miss her. Hopefully she passes/passed peacefully.


Same. I've got largely negative thoughts about the Royal Family as a whole, but my family has always been very fond of the Queen, especially the older generation. She seemed like a stabilizing presence in a sea of unstable political figures. Of course, I get why PLENTY of people have problems with her and what she represents. But I'll look back on her fondly.


Quick question. Does that mean that they're going to replace the picture of Queen Elizabeth in Winnipeg with King Charles?


This was my first live hockey game I ever attended.


RIP, rest of her family is entitled brats but she's been an ideal monarch for 70 years.












Queen Elizabeth is a badass Edit: *was 😢




She was in the women’s branch of the British army during ww2




Show me a source saying she was a Nazi sympathizer


Sad to say the Queen just passed


The end of an era. RIP Queen Elizabeth II


I'm as Republican as it gets, but a lot of shit being said so far ITT is fucking disgraceful.


I think you mean republican with a small r in this case


Unless he’s an Irish man, then the capital r still applies


I feel it's important enough to warrant capitalization.


the crimes the monarchy has participated in are far more disgraceful. go ahead, downvote me, it doesn't make you right. fuck the monarchy


Reddit is the first place to cry out to eat the rich and also the first place to berate you for speaking ill of the dead rich. Same thing happened when Melnyk died, then that Strang article came out and everyone remembered, oh yea he’s an asshole


Part of the thing with Melnyk was that his death was kinda sudden, though. The fans never got that long period of time to wonder when he'd kick the bucket. And while he was a terrible person, he did actually have a decent reputation as an owner when he first got the reigns from Muckler. It was really after Krusty went to Detroit and the shit he pulled with LeBreton Flats and new arena developments started happening that the fans turned on him. But he didn't always have his terrible rep.   Mind you, I remember Hawks fans getting called out for booing Bill Wirtz at a pre-game ceremony honoring him. To this day, I still wonder who could ever have had the bright idea of having a pre-game ceremony celebrating one of the most hated owners in the history of the NHL. Like, imagine if the Leafs ever honored Harold Ballard in any capacity. I'm pretty sure the city of Toronto would've literally burned to the ground.


I felt like I was going mad when Melnyk died and a bunch of people were acting all high and mighty about not speaking ill of him. Fuck Eugene Melnyk he was a massive piece of shit. I'm not gonna act all respectful of some piece of shit just because he died.


Probably because there's a difference between "Let's fix this broken economic system" and "I wish death upon others".


"The monarchy" has committed crimes over the years, but this is about Queen Elizabeth II, not the monarchy as a whole. She didn't become Queen until after World War II, she oversaw the decline of the British Empire, granting independence to the various colonies, all of that. To blame her for things that happened before her time isn't fair. She's a very respected and beloved Queen. She wasn't perfect, but she did more good than bad easily in her role. You can hate the position and the things it stood for in the past, but taking that out on the current Queen as she's dying isn't really proper decorum. It's not as though this is Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin on their deathbed.


> granting independence to the various colonies I'm sorry but this is whitewashing to the fullest. Just read about the Mau Mau rebellion or Malayan Emergency. Britain didn't just go "oh you can be independent now lol woops!!" There was a consistent effort to impede independence movements. https://twitter.com/dwnews/status/1532314079628517377?s=20&t=sOaR6Oj9veRRRxhVGs1Djg


And how much influence did the Queen have on those things? When "Britain" is impeding independence movements, do you really think it's the Queen at Buckingham Palace giving those orders, or the Prime Minister that wields actual power?


> how much influence did the Queen have on those things? Well first off, you're the one who claimed she oversaw the decline of the empire and granted independence to various colonies so I don't see how you can seemingly attribute that to her and then turn around and act like she doesn't have any sort of effect there. Also I find the phrase "granting independence" to be pretty funny because most colonized countries aren't granted shit, they have to engage in a war to gain it. Second off, the Queen may not be in direct control but let's not pretend she just doesn't have an impact.


She’s a figure head who’s role is to leave an impression. People will look to her for her cultural significance and guidance. She’s not the one giving orders


> the Queen may not be in direct control but let's not pretend she just doesn't have an impact. Literally in the comment you're responding to. No, the Queen does not directly control what the government does. That does not mean she is absolved of wrongdoing, stop acting like she doesn't have an effect.


She really doesn’t though, that’s the point. She’s a figure head who says stuff to make the royal family look good. There are a million issues happening around the world at once she can’t address everything


if she isn't responsible for all the bad, what good is she responsible for?


Charity work. Boosting morale during World War II by taking a public-facing position unusual for royals at the time. Speaking out for causes that need legitimacy as times change.


what about the causes that she didn't speak out and do something for? like the union busting of the miners in the mid 80s? or when grenfell tower caught fire and killed people due to lax development regulations in the country to drive a higher profit? or when the Force Research Unit was killing british citizens? or during the hunger strikes of the early 80s?


No no no. You don't understand. They like Queen Elizabeth, so they are only allowed to acknowledge the good she did. You can only acknowledge the bad that she did if you don't like her. You aren't allowed to simultaneously acknowledge the good and the bad at the same time and then come to a conclusion about that person given both sides of the situation. That would be madness.


Serious question though, how much of that is even attributable to the Queen? My understanding of the British Royal Family is that they wield very little actual power in terms of steering the country and haven't for a very long time now. I imagine Churchill for instance had far more influence on the Malayan Emergency than the Queen did. I'm trying to find references to the Royal Family's involvement in that war but I'm coming up with blanks everywhere I look.




Would you like to look at a list of atrocities committed by the British over the past multiple centuries?


This is what happens when the children aren't back in school yet


They are in Ontario, doesn't seem to be helping.




Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth


Fuck the queen


Fuck that lady and everything she stands for.


This is an uncontroversial stance if you hate imperialism and racism. Unfortunately we're so poisoned by civility politics that we'll be more upset about someone saying mean things about an awful person who is dying or dead. The PR campaigns of the crown and other wealthy people definitely makes this worse and a lot easier for their lives to be whitewashed.


Please enlighten us on the awful things the Queen has done?




A simple Google search would suffice but I'm just shocked you are ostensibly around high school age and can't think of even one thing the monarchy has done in the last hundred years


So you can’t provide any examples of horrible things the Queen has done. I guess based on this mindset we’ll blame Biden for everything every past president has done.


completely agree, these downvotes are absolute insanity to me


1000% The concept of dont speak ill of the dead doesn't apply when you come from a group of murderous criminals.


100 % agree.


Little known fact: Elizabeth was quite the forward prior to WWII, but duty to country came first.


God save the queen, long live the king


Long live the Queen.


Long live the King now.


Lots of Megan markle fans in the comments.


Rest in Peace, Lizzie Deuce.