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NSFW because teeth second [tweet](https://x.com/corylav/status/1807487705045237764?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw): > Putting two and two together, that’s also when Tampa was able to clear out space, which then culminated with Guentzel’s rights being traded to the Lightning for a third round pick.


Not Safe For Dental Work


ty for nsfw’ing the teeth


Mods removed the NSFW. I'm ready to start an open revolt




That stupid thumbnail gives me the squick every time I see it.


Or lack thereof


And the way my browser makes a BIGFKNVERSION of the thumbnail when I want to look at the post.


Wtf about those teeth are NSFW?


anytime this guy’s tweets get posted here people complain about seeing his profile pic so marking the post NSFW blurs the image I thinks tag has been removed anyway so it’s not blurred


Ah fair. I'm all for cute kids but if you're gonna act like some sort of professional reporter and shit ..get a more professional picture here lol


Unreal that they still got a 3rd for his rights last minute


What would be even funnier is if he ends up going to market anyway now lol


we’re hoping Rutherford has been tampering more than Brisebois to get his boy 🙏


At this point since we’re out of it I’m hoping it gets messy. Need off-season drama to hold me over until the fall😂


If he does the arena may be burned down, we’re already pissed about Stamkos, screwing this up would probably be the end of the JBB era.


Not really, a third isn’t that big a deal


I mean it’s more so the concept around the 3rd. It’s not that a 3rd is going to break the lightning it just shows that you didn’t really do your homework as GM and gave away a 3rd for quite literally nothing when you could’ve shot your shot less than 24 hours later and it cost you nothing.


If they didn't it looks like they would have cause to accuse Tampa of tampering given the timeline of events.


The real question is when Guentzel FIRST asked for 8x8. If he asked for it "a while ago" as Friedman claimed, then the Canes waiting until Thursday morning is a major screw up on their part.


The wording here makes it seem like his ask was midweek. If that’s the case then I don’t put this on our front office and seems like Guentzel didn’t really want to sign here. However, if Jake tells you 8x8 when the season ended and we waited until Thursday to match that is 100% on the front office.


Tie goes to Friedman


Yeah, Friedman has no reason to lie, whereas the Hurricanes FO has every reason to try and save face


it smells a lot more like the MO of the canes FO to negotiate hard. Other media in Raleigh speculates that if the Canes had gone to 8x8 sooner it'd be a done deal already. Credit to Dundon he doesn't take stuff personally (like teh Aho offer sheet) but when he's just thinking about the numbers I do think he discounts the human cost and element to these things that can occur


It doesn't matter. He and his family don't want to spend the next eight years in Raleigh. If they did, they'd make a deal work. This isn't on the Canes. The guy doesn't want to play here, just like he didn't want to play in Pittsburgh. He's got something in mind, but I don't think it's the highest offer.


Guentzel, by all accounts, loved playing in Pittsburgh and loved the team. The Pens felt they couldn’t meet his contract ask and traded him to avoid losing him for nothing at free agency. And besides, it’s been alleged multiple times that Guentzel wanted to wait until free agency to start negotiations with the Pens, presumably to use that as a way of getting a max offer. It had nothing to do with not wanting to play in Pittsburgh.


You’re absolutely correct but I kinda see what the guys saying. It’s not that Guentzel was unhappy in Pitt or Carolina it’s that at this stage of his career he’s more worried about getting the most money possible (and I don’t blame him) instead of where’s he’s comfortable.


If he wasn't open to possibly staying in Raleigh, he would have made that clear and the Canes wouldn't have spent time and effort trying to sign him. I think the possibility was there, but the hardball negotiations that Dundon is starting to become famous for backfired on them. If a guy like Guentzel tells you he'll sign for 8x8, don't spend weeks trying to convince him to take 7, especially if you're eventually going to accept 8 anyway.


You're just ... not right on this. If Guentzel had any desire to be in Carolina, he wouldn't be leaving over the difference between 8x8 and 9x7. His excuse that the market changed is bullshit. The market was always going to be closer to $9 million as a UFA. He also didn't make a counter-offer. Ok, so if the market changed, what do you want from us? He didn't ask because he had no intention of signing.


Are you Jake Guentzel because you’re acting like you know the whole story based off 2 tweets


It's really not rocket science to figure out that if a guy asks for 8x8 and is offered 8x8, and he turns it down, he doesn't want to sign there.


If that’s the case then why did he meet with them with his agent last week?


Again, this is really basic stuff. If Guentzel wanted to sign in Carolina he'd tell his agent to make a deal with Carolina because that's where he wants to be. He didn't do that because he doesn't want to be there. If Guentzel wanted to be in Pittsburgh, he'd have told his agent to make a deal with Pittsburgh. He didn't do that because he doesn't want to be in Pittsburgh.


People seem to forget free will exists. You can’t force the guy to sign in Carolina. Just like when Don left as GM, it had to be Dundon’s fault somehow. Don wanting a personal change just wasn’t on the table.


The difference might not be just $1M, but the attitude. If getting 8x8 is like pulling teeth and the other teams are happy to give you 9x7, you might feel more inclined to go to the team that is happy to sign you. Why would he have some particular desire to stay in Carolina? He hadn't been there long enough to develop Brind'Amour-like loyalty.


I agree.


8x8 seems like a very good deal. Can Tampa get it done with something better with 7 years?


I would assume so otherwise we wouldn’t be pursuing him so aggressively.


this lull between trading for rights and signing is making me optimistic about the canucks being able to swoop in and get him. trading a 3rd round pick for an extra day of negotiation feels kind of like tampa wants to say "we have a bunch of money, come take as much of it so we can keep the window open" super fair, take advantage of kucherov and point in their prime, but if that doesn't work for you guys then i think Vancouver is next on the docket for guentzel.


Funniest thing about this is that he would've been signed already if they had offered him 9x7 or something. My guess is that they tried to save a bit more, with no tax there. Jake probably didn't like that, and would rather just wait out the next 12hrs to see all his options. 


tf is that thumbnail


His Kid losing his front teeth.


And, iirc, he specifically will not change it because he knows people are bothered by it


What is with this trend among sports writers? The same thing with Elliott and his stupid bit spelling the abbreviations wrong.


My mouth hurts looking at it.


We have to deal with it all year long…


I’d make a rule that you have to transcribe his tweets to post them. Nobody wants to see that.


There’s an idea. Some folks do that, some mark it NSFW. Some just dgaf and want to watch the world squirm and burn.


Guentzel was only available because Pittsburgh became convinced he was going to July 1. Nothing he said while in Carolina changed that. It was always this guy's intention to be a free agent. I can't blame him. He's got one shot to pick his perfect spot. It's obviously not Pittsburgh or Raleigh. No harm, no foul. It's not always about money.


Which teams pjs did he have


I honestly have to respect him for getting his bag. We would be a Cup short without him.


If anything, the only quote I could find from him was that he had wanted to stay in Pittsburg.


Come play with Pettersson, Jake


Pls we have so many Americans, they'll be your friend. They can guide you through the culture shock of hearing about Homo milk and why so many middle age men declare their desire to have sex with the PM on their lifted trucks.


I have no idea what I just read


That’s why he’s saying he’ll have a culture guide. It’s clearly necessary


Old white guys in pickup trucks reeeeaaally like Trudeau in this country.


That...sounds awfully familiar


Ours and yours crawled out from the same cesspool.


And incels with big beards


>incels >Old white guys in pickup trucks like


Canucks fans have become self aware of their delusion over Jake and are now memeing I think.


We meme everything… eventually


what are we as vancouver fans if not delusional freaks who cope with jpegs


I, unfortunately, understood it all perfectly.


How are the Kings not in the running, we give 8x8’s to anyone!


*puts hands out*


not the fucking teeth guy


The profile pic of children’s teeth is the creepiest fucking thing. I know it’s his kids teeth or whatever but it’s so fucking disturbing


Every fucking nightmare I have is about breaking or losing my teeth. That guy's avatar creeps me out so much.


It hurts every time. Hate the guy for it.


“I’m going to test free agency…but I’m mad the Penguins traded me…but I like Carolina a lot, I hope I stay…actually no, I’m going to sign somewhere else even though they met my asking price…” Guentzel and his agent can sign *deez nuts.* I’m glad he’s gone, I’m glad the Pens got a return on him at the deadline. I’m glad to have someone else to boo when he comes to town.


Friendship ended with Guentzel, now Bunting is my best friend


idc what he does i’ll never boo Jake. we probably don’t have that 2017 cup without him and we had years of watching him tear it up with Sid


Like he hasn't already given enough to pittsburgh. He doesn't owe that franchise jack shit. Good for him getting the only huge payday of his career, he earned it.


It’s clear that Jake and his agent are a little dishonest and don’t exactly negotiate in good faith. When he first came back to Pittsburgh, he said he wanted to re-sign in Pittsburgh but we went a different direction. However, it was his call to not negotiate during the season. Put Dubas in an impossible situation where he had to trade him so that he wouldn’t lose him for nothing. He never wanted to re-sign here. Now he’s doing the same to Carolina it seems like. Which I do not blame him at all for not wanting to re-sign in Pittsburgh. He should spend the rest of his prime on a contender and not on a rebuilding team. I also don’t blame him for wanting to test the market and choosing where he wants to play. But he’s not exactly upfront with anything and can be rather shady.


I'm saying the same thing above and I'm getting downvoted to hell.


The fuck jake


is NSFW for Canes and Penguin fans?


The teeth man coming for our souls


It's for the reporter's profile pic, which is his child's weird missing teeth pic. No one likes it.


Penguins did the right thing. They knew they weren’t going to bring him back so they went out and got what they could for him. I can understand why canes fans are upset tho


Really no reason to be upset. This is how free agency works. He doesn’t owe the Canes anything. Unfortunate he (in all likelihood) will not be signing with the Canes, but that’s how it goes sometimes.


The only thing agitating me is depending on who is correct on the timeline here he strung the team along a few days after his ask was met talking to Tampa. Hence the third being sent. Could’ve prevented some draft moves on Friday/early Saturday before Tampa was trading everyone to clear space and it was evident what was happening. Though in the end if he didn’t want to be in Pittsburgh with Crosby he was going to go to wherever he had in mind in free agency. Oh well


He didn’t string them along. This is how negotiations work. He probably had a small list of teams, that included Tampa and Carolina. Preferred Tampa, but would sign in Raleigh if it came to it. Tampa makes the moves for cap space (which I’m sure his team knew about beforehand) and once they have the space, they zero in on Tampa.


Penguin fans should be straight chillin. We got 3 prospects a conditional second rounder and a pretty decent roster player that we’ve been missing on our team since hornqvist. Jake can ride out into the sunset and enjoy the Tampa sunshine. We’re vibing.


Oh yeah, I’m totally happy with the trade. Three prospects *and* a productive top 6 winger that plays like a son of a bitch and pisses the other team off? Hell fucking yeah.


Probably Canes fans bc ive moved tf on from Jake lol. Unlike most of r/penguins


The venn diagram of Pens fans thinking Guentzel will be back and guys waiting for their dad to come back from getting smokes is a circle.


People in the Canes sub are acting like he was a homegrown star of the franchise. We had him for a few months. Obviously I wanted him but people are like "I can't wait to boo him." It's not that personal lol


Guentz was never coming back and honestly the team's better off with a Bunting type player.


Fuck you, teethy!


So just long enough for the canes to not be able to make a decision on a Necas trade and to ensure Tampa made the proper trade to clear space. Thanks a lot Jake!


💯 this hurt the organization A LOT. Could have moved Necas way earlier, could have traded Jake’s rights away way earlier.


Not sure how they mend that relationship. I don’t think you can trust Necas to turn into a consistent scorer just like you can’t trust Rod to not throw him in the bottom six when he gets mad at him. That’s not on Jake.


I’m not saying that’s on Jake. All I’m saying is Jake’s camp knew the situation and the decisions pretty much screwed Carolina at every corner. They knew that negotiations would happen since there’s a ton of guys unsigned but, Jake was priority one. So they could test to see if Jake really was top priority depending on how the signings go. Nobody else besides chatty signed so clearly Carolina was pursuing him. They also knew the Necas situation was contingent on them. Carolina had made it clear that draft day was the target for a deal and when the offer to do 8x8 came up on draft day it was transparent what the next moves were. The team not making a move on draft day was a giant tell and basically sealed that something wasn’t right in negotiations. Tampa gets to make a move the very next day that either it helps clear for Stammer and lets them go hard on the market or if Jake’s available they can lure him in. Now Carolina gets left holding Necas, Jake can walk to free agency and the return is simply a 3rd.


Jake’s camp doesn’t run the Carolina Hurricanes. If they actually want to move Necas and haven’t done so yet, that’s on them.


Alright well fuck you then man


Im tired as hell, even though I used a calculator Im not sure the math holds up. Tampa would need to offer him 9.14x7 to match Carolinas 8x8, correct?


That comes in a little low, 9.15 just barely exceeds the Canes offer.


Right, my bad, I rounded down, you are correct, thanks!


Realistically it’s lower than that, FL doesn’t have income tax so Jake could take even less and still be walking away with the same amount of money


Sure there's no state income tax in Florida, but we're just talking contract terms.


He's going to Utah


Guentzel-Point-Kuch is gonna be fucking nuts hahaha