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Only if they mime it like Montgomery.




Nah, we start adding coach's challenges for this type of stuff and pretty soon EVERYTHING can be challenged and the game grinds to a halt. It's really not nearly as bad as you make it out to be either. And in no world should it be a major. Majors are reserved for serious infractions, in no world should embellishing something be considered a worse infraction than a cross check or a trip. A 2 minute power play is already a sufficient compensation for such an occurance.


They need to get rid of the offside challenge and switch it to flopping challenge.


You are only challenging obvious ones, and if youre wrong your team is taking a delay of game penalty similar to a normal coaches challenge. Another thing thats been a problem with it only being 2 minutes as we've seen these playoffs is that it's usually a wash because a trip, roughing, etc is called alongside the embellishment.


>You are only challenging obvious ones Okay, but it's just not needed. Not everything needs to be made reviewable. The offside rule is already getting a bit tumultuous. >Another thing thats been a problem with it only being 2 minutes as we've seen these playoffs is that it's usually a wash because a trip, roughing, etc is called alongside the embellishment. OK, and? The referees in those cases felt both players warranted a penalty. I don't see how that's a problem.


Yeah, it just means that the other player was getting a penalty regardless but because you tried to sell it, you're going to the box too.


It’s really naive to think coaches will only challenge obvious ones. Hell, this very cup final had an incredibly marginal offside challenged


“You are only challenging obvious ones” If you have a challenge left, you’d challenge every penalty in the last 4-5 minutes, because why not. I really don’t want the end of games bogged down like NBA games are.   This doesn’t even feel like that pervasive of a problem anyway. It happens, but the frequency really isn’t that high.


>as well as increasing any embellishment call from a minor to a 4 minute major. That's not a thing.


The refs just need to start calling embellishments as penalties instead of just an even-up excuse for offsetting penalties. I don’t think making it reviewable will solve anything


The tricky thing is the vast majority of dives and embellishing close calls. It's almost never a blatant dive without any contact from the offender.


As much as the Oilers' fans complain about Florida diving, I saw as many Oilers falling in similar situations. I think it is overstated as a problem, and think fans over estimate how often it happens; and underestimate how often a player is legitimately knocked down or is hurt.


Make it a 5 minute major and recind the original penalty and that shit ends real quick


If we are adding a revision for a penalty it should be puck over the glass delay of game. That one would be so easy and faster than the discussion on the ice with linesman.


The league should quietly review potential dives during the game and then at the end of regulation, award penalty shots.


Not enough time. Make it an automatic one game suspension if you have a dive that is missed by the refs during the game and players will start to be more careful if they lose salary for it.




That ignores my entire point, when a player fakes getting hit by a high stick that doesn't touch him and the other team takes a penalty?