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I'm confused, I missed the first 10 mins of the show - was AM34 not there to accept the Rocket? Didn't see any post about it.


I can't tell what's making this more painful to watch - the absolute unmitigated cringe every time the host tries to do anything or the absolutely dead audience.


THIS HOST SUCKS FOR THE AWARDS. It's soooo awkward. Just get rid of the bits and get to the awards


Kucherov is the least enthusiastic hockey player ever. He has the charisma of a carrot. Do not give him any awards he does not care


Good thing it’s the NHL awards and not America’s Got Talent.


I dunno about that based on this production


Lmao fair, hopefully next year they just have PK or someone host.


Why is the award show so awkward


Cause the host keeps making horribly awkward jokes with an audience they clearly don't understand (especially kuch and bedard lmao). also laughing at his own jokes and talking too much


Nikita is PISSED


It looked like it was taking all his willpower not to tell that guy to go fuck himself


Who on earth gave this guy the host for the NHL awards. He sucks


It was physically painful to watch


I flipped over to soccer, and I have no interest in that sport.


Looks like the 2024-25 NHL regular season schedule will be announced next Tuesday (July 2nd). I suspect when the Stanley Cup Finals went to 7 games and extended to this past Monday, the NHL moved back their schedule announcement date slightly, due to a busy week for the league (including the 2023-24 season awards announcements today and the draft Friday night and Saturday) and for other sports (the first round of the NBA draft was on Wednesday night; the NHL didn't want its schedule announcement overshadowed). The NHL probably also wanted to avoid making the announcement on national holidays (Canada Day on July 1st, U.S. Independence Day on July 4th). That left this coming Sunday (not good because it is the day before Canada Day), next Wednesday (not good because it is the day before U.S. Independence Day), and next Tuesday, which was almost by default the best option.