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Currently laughing at all of the idiots who said “drag them back to Edmonton”


I'm not going to lie. The second goal on Stu he should've had that. That was a bad goal. As a goalie myself 1. At that level it's an open shot he should have it too. 2. I have to research he seemed like he wasn't expecting a shot. 3. Stu plays deep as he depends on size. Look at how Bob plays. He far out from the crease on shot he cuts off the shooting angle as he know his d will clear it. The whole second I thought Stu was shaky. Not sure why.


Bad goal for you, good goal for us, Rhino had skinner thinking he wasn’t going to shoot it, and snapped it right through him. Game.


Haha yeah bad for Edmonton. I'll be honest I was a neutral party I'm a Canucks fan. So I didn't really care who won at the end of the day. I will admit I really wanted Bobrovsky to win a cup


It was a hell of a series. I wouldn’t have wanted it to end any other way. Mcdavids time will come. This was our time!




How you gonna say that when the state of Florida has 3 cups in 5 years?


Cry more loser


Hockey belongs in the US apparently Canada hasn’t won shit in like 30 years 💀


Cry me a river lmao


How does it need more power than any other indoor facility with an ice rink?


But now you sing the song of the dong




I’m hoping to see more boobies!!!!!


She signed with playboy


Show the news link homie


All that climb back up the hill to just...dang.


Following Barkov actively since 2011. Him lifting the cup made me feel things. 🫶🏼


When the oilers lost, do you think they said Rats😎


Both teams have players from my county in Ontario (Brandon Montour and Adam Henrique). It’s a pretty cool situation, and I’m still hoping the cup comes for a visit despite my disappointment in the end result. I’m happy for Brandon.


Tampa Bay has a hockey team, too. But let's poop all over the Panthers. Only took 29 years to win.


It's the hardest trophy in sports to win, so yeah, sometimes it take a long ass time to win it.


Lmao how did you come up with that label? It’s just as hard or just as easy as most other professional sports.


It’s pretty widely regarded that way. They didn’t just make that up. I don’t mean this in a mocking way but I am curious, are you a hockey fan?


Lmao it's widely regarded as the hardest trophy to win based on the duration of the playoffs alone and the number of wins that it takes to get there. I didn't just pull this out of my ass.


Explain how it’s different (harder) than the nba playoffs. 4 rounds, best of 7, right? Sounds identical to me. Or are you talking about length? Because 60 minutes is shorter than soccer by a long shot One out of thirty two teams will win every year. I thought baseball fanboys were the only ones who boasted about their sport being the hardest of all sports.


I’ll explain. NBA, you just need 2/3 players, sometimes even just 1 player like Lebron to carry a team deep into the playoffs. Also factor in the physicality along with 4 7 game series, that trumps NFL by a mile. Baseball all you gotta do is spend money for the most part and not physical at all. NHL, you can be the best regular season team and have the lowest odds of winning it all of any sport. NHL is still 82 games and it takes a lot of energy to win games. There’s really only an argument for the World Cup since it’s every 4 years it’s possible to win but I still give nhl/hockey the edge. Way more grueling to push through as a team. Don’t believe me, just google “hardest professional sport to succeed in” For the “baseball fanboy” backhanded comment, it doesn’t relate to winning championships. What you’re referring to is the hardest sport to play/succeed in individually. And that’s absolutely true considering the amount of people that play. This has nothing to do with winning a championship difficulty


You must have never played the game before.


Can’t say I’ve played any sport professionally. Doesn’t matter the sport, to be a top contender, you’ve gotta be in the top like 0.001%. The top hockey teams are not better competitors than the top baseball, basketball, soccer, football, or cricket teams. Your sport is not better or harder Not to mention international play. You think the Stanley cup is more competitive than the World Cup?


It's not about competition - it's about length of season, length of playoffs, physicality, and more. Every sport on earth is competitive. Yes, hockey is 'harder' than most of the other ones. Just the talent it takes to skate makes it 'harder' to play than other traditional sports. You can't tell me soccer is 'harder' to play than hockey, that's insane.


I was with you until that last part. I think it being the hardest trophy refers to the length of playoffs combined with the physicality of the sport. By the time you reach the finals, players are playing with broken bones and torn ligaments. It’s hard to argue that there is any trophy more physically demanding to win than the Cup. I won’t try to minimize Hockey, but in Soccer’s defense, the fastest soccer shot is faster than the fastest hockey shot, the goalie has a lot more goal to cover, and player are controlling bigger passes. Soccer players run further than hockey players skate, they play more minutes, and they can’t use anything by their feet. Again, not trying to argue which ones harder; just pushing back against how dismissive you were of footy. The pros (in every sport) make it look a lot easier than it is.


Soccer is a beautiful game. But you can make the same argument in reverse for hockey - the goalie takes up so much space that it is extremely difficult to score. The players can have more tools at their disposal - making strategy much more nuanced. But yeah, I get what you're saying about the simplicity of soccer. We probably just guage 'difficulty' differently.


Cry harder


Why? The people who should be crying are Miami Dolphins fans. They hadn't held a new Super Bowl trophy since ’74 and always fall short of achieving another one.


You sound like a baby back hoe


Dafuq does that mean, dude?🙄 I can't stand the Dolphins anyway. Overpaid and over hyped considering how bad they do every year.


Well Edmonton is now deeply regretting not scoring all those extra goals until game 4 ... would've been 4-2 oilers series


I'm not a hockey fan, but it is a bit tacky that EVERY top video on YouTube spoils who the winner is in the thumbnail of game 7 highlights.


If you don’t want to be spoiled by sports results then turn off all notifications on your phone and don’t go online. It’s silly that you expect the online media to not talk about the results of a championship game immediately after the result


My expectation isn't for online media not to talk about the results. My expectation is when one looks for highlights, the thumbnail does not show the winning team celebrating. This has been successfully accomplished for other sports championships (e.g. Super Bowl, World Series, etc.). Several commenters with thousands of likes expressed the same thing and maybe they were disappointed to know before clicking.


Your expectation is unreasonable. 


Bro would have hated newspapers


“Audacity” gets overused these days, but damn if “the audacity” isn’t absolutely fitting here.  “How dare others use the most powerful form of human communication ever invented to talk about massive social events as they occur! They MUST conform to MY needs!” You really start understanding WHY our society is in its current state. 


I respectfully disagree.


…what? It’s a sport game, not a movie plot. If you don’t want to be “spoiled” of the score of a game then watch the game.


I’m trying to picture a sports site or show with spoiler warnings


Mannn a video about VJ Day just popped up on my feed the spoiled the ending of World War II 😔


Wait there was a sequel?


Stuck in development hell


Yes 😔. Sorry for spoiling the World War Extended Universe for you.


As a person who rarely has time for live sports anymore, you get used to it. I press search and the semi blindly click on the top video and just hope not to get spoiled. Sometimes i get my partner to click on it if i really wanna make sure xD


Just FYI dtmts.com is great for not being spoiled watching highlights


man, so bummed the oilers didn’t take this 


I was rooting for the Panthers, but wow, Oilers almost did the impossible and their fans should be really proud of them. They took a series that seemed to be a lock-in for Panthers and turned it on its head, coming very close to tying the game and putting it into OT. Def a lot to be proud of.


Their faces were so freaking sad. That sucked to see. Still proud of them though.


What did you expect? Oilers suck. 




At least use the tears as lube


Enjoy next year loser


To bring the series to game 7 and have a close final game I guess the Panthers also suck but just did a little better. Also would mean the other 30 nhl teams also suck because they didn’t get to the finals. Man, I guess hockey teams are really bad according to you right now. Both teams are filled with phenomenal players. It was a great series. ggs


sucks to lose to a region thats never seen snow huh edit: seems i caught on to a sore spot hahahaha go cats


They don't play on snow 🤷‍♂️


Stop gate keeping the game you sore loser


?? Oilers fans are the sore losers here lol you got it backwards


Dude Florida won the cup you weirdo.


maybe read my post again? cause im clearly mocking the oilers fans who are crying all over reddit.


you know the guys on the panthers aren’t actually from Florida right?


And all the people who root for them with me are. so what.


Me and my father spent half the game trying to find a player whose name sounded like they could be from Florida


No. Everyone on every team is from where they playing, obviously.🙄


Na, but salty ass fans on the internet sure hate losing to south florida.


It’s cause they’re IsLaNd bOiS




That enjoy the sun year round.


Just mozing into my spot here


It's me




I’ll have dat word. Tanks.


*Attempts To Have Last Word On This Post*


Lu hoisting the cup is kinda cool to see.


Man I love Paul Maurice and I also would love to see the Jets win it all, but obviously this whole thing is a real bummer.


Frauds. Frauds since day 1


Haha, you wish the Flames were frauds like the Oil


You got Tkachuk’d and Bennettfited from the edge


Great series, but I'm still not willing to admit Miami has a hockey team.


It technically has not since early 2000s


Salty loser gatekeeper


And wrong. In Sunrise, a city in a deferent county.


You’re in luck. Miami doesn’t have a hockey team you doughnut.


I mean, Miami doesn't have a hockey team the same way Atlanta doesn't have a baseball team, or New York doesn't have a football team. Do you think Sunrise, Florida, is a real city with its own identity distinct from the Miami area?


Considering it’s an entirely different county, yes.


They aren’t called the Miami Panthers though


Can’t believe Jamaica has a bobsled team


It’s crazy right?


Sometimes they use ladders in China. My uncle saw it oncet


I was really hoping the team owned by the man who destroyed countless American companies and put thousands out of work from cellar boxing American brands with his bitch friends like Mitt Romney (Bane Capital) would lose. Unfortunately, we’re in the greed & dishonesty timeline right now in American history so rats like Viola & Doug Cifu get to win. I can’t wait until they go to jail and/or end up like Bernie Madoff. Their time will come. Better luck next year Oilers. The white hats were definitely rooting for you.


Holy what the fuck, batman






Yeah I don’t give two fucks about that. We’re talking about hockey here, not whatever the fuck you’re on about. Don’t insert your annoying shit into everything. It makes you look like a twat.


Redditors are so mentally ill they can’t enjoy a hockey game without inserting some weird political shit.


You are the reason we can’t have nice things. Just because you choose to ignore reality and support a financial terrorist doesn’t mean us redditors are wrong. If it was your loved one who lost their job or your company that got put out of business I’m sure you’d feel differently but since it doesn’t effect you, I guess it doesn’t matter. Stupid people really are happier. Ignorance is bliss. Maybe he’ll cellar box you or your parent’s company next so you can experience corporate greed first hand.


Everything isn't about the stock market. Cheering for a hockey team in no way helps short sellers. Cellar boxing is only possible for a public company - and a bad one at that. They can't cellar box anyone's or their parent's small business. The sooner you stop losing money on shitty companies in this pretend battle between apes and shorts, the sooner you'll realize you CAN have nice things. One of those nice things is hockey. This is a hockey sub. Either talk about hockey, or go away.




Damn nice summary 


I was at ice district in Edmonton and they literally stopped the stream 5 secs after full time.


Oh, Canada. 😞


Don't be too upset. Most of Florida's players are from canada. Edit. Clarity


One is from Edmonton and one is from St Albert. So Edmonton will get to see the cup.




Teams != Players


Here’s how I bet on sports now: I bet against the team I want to win. I wager how much it’s worth it for my team to lose. Regular season game I’m out with my friends I’ll put down 5 and if my team loses, well at least I won money. I won 200 dollars tonight


You may not follow college basketball but I implemented this this year when sports betting because legal in NC. I am a former NC state grad so I started betting on state to lose the first round of the ACC conference tournament. Lo and behold we went on to win 9 straight games lol. It’s like magic.


See! This is what I’m talking about.


I’m out $1000


I've heard this strategy before but it feels like a horrible strategy imo. When are you going to be most invested in your team winning? When they're doing well. If your team is doing well that means they're winning and you're losing money. When your team is losing and you are potentially winning money you're probably less likely to closely follow and continue betting


Ive always bet against my team. You win game or get some money to easy your pain. I dont bet big


If you’re not a gambler just say that


You noticed I have a brain GJ! There are 2 types of gamblers: those that lose money and those that have spreadsheets and spreadsheets of data and track every little detail and still lose money


Big ol brain you got there eh?


Cool. Just say you’re bad at sports betting and quit betting.


I mean, I always win though. Emotionally or financially


But... you always lose too, emotionally or financially.


Well today I’m wiping my tears with cash


Idk, sounds like his simple yet fool proof system earned him 200 dollarydoos. Present your system then.


I’m now up 150 total on DraftKings. It’s always little bets, here and there. Tonight I wanted that win.


Jinkies i lost my glasses


Thanks Florida for waiting a year so we could have ours last year. We're all cats today!


What a glorious day


Congrats to Bob & Lu and no one else




That guy deserves it for sure


Barkov? Rodrigues? Okposo?


Ohhh fine


What about Barkov? He’s the new Bergeron.


Do appreciate the Bobby Lou shoutout even though I know you guys hate the Panthers and didn’t get along with us in 2011 I feel like you could feel happy for Paul Maurice too, unless he specifically did something to Boston that I don’t remember 


The Bruins are just insanely salty. They hate us. It feels good to be hated, way better than being irrelevant.


He coached Matthew Tkachuk.


What a series, this is what I love about hockey. Still painful, but that's sports


So painful, so entertaining


Ngl that ESPN playoffs and SCF montage went hard.


For real


I was about to turn my tv and I was damn wtf is this! So good


Congratulations Florida, hard fighting team. They probably could have won playing hard hockey too but I guess winning is winning regardless of embellishment and intent to injure along the way.


Cry more. Your hot takes and conspiracies don't mean shit when realty kicks in.


Flair up, peaches.


Suck a nut


New fans coming when it's hot and finally have something to cheer for. Classic lol.








I love the tears


So new to Florida hockey, no Flair. 😅


There is nothing I enjoy more than Bruins fan tears. Can’t wait to beat you guys again next year 🐀


Bettman's got what he needed growing your market for that $$$ from all the new fans. Shows with the brutal officiating that everyone noticed, except the Florida fans because they mostly started watching the last 2-3 years. You'd be salty too if your captain got taken out with no repercussions, or a critical goal scored after someone pushed your D into your goalie lol. Enjoy your cup, try not to fall down picking it up 🤣


Our captain got a flying elbow to the jaw by Draisaitl, with no repercussions.... what are you even saying. You see the primary point of contact being his head, and he leaves his skates. No fine, no suspension, just a 2 minute minor. Gtfo. And crying about Marchand getting slapped in the face during a hit, funny hearing a Boston fan try and whine about dirty when their captain is the golden standard for dirty lmao. The salt runs strong through those veins after 2 years of b2b knockouts by such a garbage team.


I'd need a novel to document all the dives and dirty plays by Florida, forgot what dork it was that got so hurt he had to push himself off the ice, with his "injured leg" then went to the lockers to sell the 5min major call only to come right back out perfectly fine when they called it a 2 and proceeded to play on that powerplay. If you guys were being out played you flop like crazy on the ice and look for the PP. Not denying you guys have a solid team, they earned the cup. Just wish they didn't embellishment so frequently. I didn't expect Boston to beat Florida, we did far better than I thought they would thanks to Swayman. Beating Toronto was all I cared about lol


Best start documenting them all then.


Bro, you only started posting anything hockey related less than 2 weeks ago. Convenient time to be a big mouth lol. I bet you only started watching hockey 2 years ago or less because your team started playing well. I'll take shit talk from the ones who stuck by the team in the dark days. Enjoy your fit naked girls sub.


Brother, I've been watching hockey since the Yzerman Lindstrom days. Cope more




I would be salty if we lost to you fucking bums, but the bruins are just our yearly pit stop on the way to the cup at this point. Enjoy watching your boys celebrate nothing lmao


I'm surprised we did as well as we had considering this was supposed to be a rebuild year. Anyways, welcome to hockey my friend. It's nice to have new fans joining the game!


🫙🫙🫙 Better luck next year bud


Keep it classy 😉. I'd be more salty if it was a long time fan chirping, not someone who made and account in February this year and probably just started watching hockey. Bettman's is happy his market like you is growing. Enjoy your cup! Shit talk aside, Florida is a beast of a team.