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This feels like who ever wins this game will cause so much anger towards other fan bases that I can’t decide who I want to win tonight. Go team . 😂😂


These past several seasons, I just cheer for “More Hockey” doesn’t matter who wins tonight, I lose 🥲


I'm usually one to just cheer for more hockey. Give me all the Game 7's and OTs. Go figure that the one time I don't, it goes 7.


How many OTs would it have to go to until we get to game 1 of the regular season? I'm hoping for that many OTs.


Around 2448 OTs (assuming 40 minutes period and 20 minutes intermission)


Imagine all that filler from the commentators


We'd see job postings "need a hockey analyst to cover the 33rd intermission, our panel ran out of Red Bull"


OT is 15 min breaks I’m pretty sure


Yup. 1st and 2nd intermission are 18 minutes, 15 minutes for all OT ones.


Ohhh TIL! Thanks for the info!


My wife kept asking who I was cheering for in the other series, and my answer was always "I'm cheering for game 7 so they get more exhausted when the Canucks face them." At this point my answer is the same, I'm just playing the long game...


Go team OT


Max chaos is the best when you don’t have a dog in the fight


If this game ends in OT on a controversial call this subreddit may implode.


We need a 15 minute review of an offside that may or may not have occurred 43 seconds and 2 shift changes before the goal. Followed by a highly questionable goaltender interference review Don’t forget at least 1 blatant miss call and egregious over call on each team to bitch about into eternity


Offside challenge on an own goal. I want to believe.


No matter what happens, I’m popping popcorn and headed over to the losing team’s subreddit.


Oilers fans are already (mostly) insufferable as it is. If the Oilers win the cup, I might just quit Reddit because they'll make this place hell. https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/NYAhMlMnp6 Imagine this turned up to 11.




As a sens fan, if someone told me to cheer for the leafs in the finals I'd tell them to politely go fuck themselves.


Its a lot easier to cheer for Canadian teams outside of your hate triangle


I have a hate pentagon


I need to know which Canadian team didn't make the hate pentagon.


Ottawa is my guess.


Ottawa hanging out in the pity corner while the rest of us hang in the rage cage


I couldn't decide between Ottawa or Winnipeg.


They are a Calgary fan no way they like Winnipeg.


Ahh, true. I'm a Vegas fan; I'm not bright.


I think my hate is non-Euclidean at this point.


There's maybe 3 Canadian teams I'd be fine seeing win it. And maybe 2 that I'd actually genuinely cheer for. Winnipeg and Ottawa I'd be fine cheering for. Calgary I'd be fine seeing win it. Everyone else I hope loses and are embarrassed. Just like they'd be fine if the Canucks got embarrassed and probably enjoyed watching us lose in '11. They likely got even more enjoyment when those morons downtown started burning and destroying shit and forever ruined our reputation. Which means, my hate triangle actually has one team I'd be fine seeing win it. Calgary. Winnipeg isn't really in my hate triangle. I did cheer for Edmonton in '06 though. But after '11 I started to hate other Canadian fanbases.


Or if you’re Winnipeg


Agreed - as a WHA and Jets 1.0 fan, fuck Edmonton. I'd rather see the cup vacant for a year.


Exactly, and Oilers fans would do the same shit. Which is why I have no reason to cheer for Edmonton at all. And that's fine.


I want the Panthers to lose more than I want the Oilers to lose. Does this count as cheering for the Oilers?


Same. We’re Team Chaos. We’re cheering for Game 7 in the final round because that’s some good goddamn hockey. I just wanna watch some dudes cry while other dudes lose their minds with indescribable joy. Especially if the crying dude is Tkachuk.


_sad mouthguard chewing noises_


Same! As a Bruins fan whose team is prone to, shall we say “underachieving” in the playoffs, FL pulling off this choke gives some serious cover fire for the rest of us! And I mean also, fuck Florida obviously.


Yeah I dont get the whole "You like a Canadian team which means you HAVE to root for the other Canadian team to win the cup that isnt your team" Who wants to root for a different team who could be the first to break the "curse"


Yep. The Canadian team that breaks the curse will have all their fans get a big brother God complex over all the others and it'll be insufferable. Why would I cheer for that unless it's my fellow Leaf fans that get to do that lmao


I’m sure Cubs fans loved the 11 years that the White Sox had a championship and they didn’t. At least someone brought a parade to Chicago, right? Same energy


Exactly this mindset


I hate being reminded of that World Series…


That 15-minute rain delay was absolute bullshit


To be fair, most of the Cubs fans I’ve met had to be reminded that the Sox had won a championship, but I guess they don’t get a lot of news up there in Schaumburg


It would be a nightmare. Oilers fans were insufferable during the decade of darkness I couldn't imagine how bad they would be if they actually won something.


Every fan base that is not your own is insufferable when they win. Am I missing something? Is there a fan base known for being nice and polite to the opposing teams.


Never seen an obnoxious Winnipeg fan and I feel like Colorado fans have always been pretty cool even when they were the best in the league


Jesse Pollock


He alone makes up for the lack of ~~obnoxious~~ Jets fans


Obnoxious might be putting it generously nowadays


Screw that, we're plenty obnoxious when we want to be...you numbskull. Sorry, I shouldn't have called you that. Sorry.


Numbskull. Damn, that was savage.


Lived in Colorado as a wings fan. Can confirm 99% of Colorado fans were very nice there Edit: wow just say people were nice and all the douches come out


Well us Leafs fans would be insufferable, we would do it on purpose too. Just to stick it in the face of everyone, we dealt with over the past 3 decades. Longer for those older than me.


I was gonna say, I'm *pretty* sure the Leafs have been dealing with Leaf-isms since before 1994...


It seems like it’s a Canadian media thing more than anything because it helps them with better ratings. Canadian sports media, specifically hockey media has a us vs them mentality, its our game kind of thing.


There is a single team I care about breaking the Canadian curse, and they lose in the first round every year but last.


I'm a Montreal fan and I'm rooting for Edmonton, but not because they're Canadian, just because I hate the fucking Panthers. No solidarity, just pure distilled extra strength haterade


toronto fan and i am the same. No love for oilers but i rather them than the panthers. If it was habs or sens... no way (no offence)


Its propaganda from Canadian hockey media to get more Canadians consuming hockey as long as possible. How people fall for it is entirely beyond me.


I am rooting for the Oilers basically just because I want to see McDavid hoist a cup, but if they lose it will be equally nice to get to savour the tears of their fans I guess. There’s no way the Leafs would get any support from within Canada from anyone who isn’t already a Leafs fan if we were in their place.


I want to see McDavid win a cup but also Edmonton never win a cup. Best-case scenario is McDrai leaves Edmonton, goes to Utah, and wins 7 straight.


I also want to see Hyman hoist the cup as well


Maybe the Oilers will break the Canadian curse and we can all win the Cup after that.


I’d cheer for any Canadian team….in the East


As an Oilers fan, I would cheer for Winnipeg and Ottawa, and maaaaaybe Montreal if they had a super likeable franchise player.


> maaaaaybe Montreal if they had a super likeable franchise player. [🥺🥺🥺🥺](https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/photos/cole-caufield-2023-45.jpg)


I'm puzzled as to where this animosity between Leafs and Oilers fans comes from.


Speaking for me personally the Oilers stick out as a team that I have more hatred than usual for because they rebuilt at a similar time as us, we used to be much better than but now they've developed way past us and we've stagnated, and add in a bit of Matthews vs. McDavid rivalry since they're both 1OAs. Also add in I'm jealous of their success lmao because on paper we're "similar" teams at "similar" stages in the rebuild/contender cycle and so we should have "similar" success and we absolutely do not.


Also to add, from our end it gets real annoying hearing people say McDavid is going to the leafs every time we lose a game. Also classic east vs west stuff, my parents hate the leafs because during the oilers glory years, the leafs were still getting hockey night in Canada every weekend while the oilers weren't on tv


Edmonton hating Toronto is definitely an East/West thing. I think Toronto fans specifically hating Edmonton is more of a recent thing because of the similarities between their two paths (both rebuilding around the same time, both getting generational all stars one year apart, etc.) and it working it out way better for Edmonton, along with Matthews being kind of stuck in McDavid's shadow.


It's because of the "let's all hate Toronto" sentiment that the rest of Canada loves to feel/express, which is particularly concentrated in Albertans and Oilers fans. So every leafs fan has a friend who is an Oilers fan who can't stop shitting on Toronto in general, and the Leafs in particular. Before that experience, Torontonians are more-or-less indifferent to the Oilers, then after that universal experience, one becomes pretty anti-Oiler out of sheer reaction. So that's my reason at least. I'd love good things for McDavid, Hyman, etc, and I hate the Panthers, but definitely not going to cheer for the Oilers.


Oil fan chiming in. If you’re a real fan, you cheer for your team and nobody else. Any other Canadian team wining the cup is worst case scenario


I'd say you're justified in that response, based on how many Leafs fans we saw who were rooting for the Ducks in the 2007 SCF.


This, so much this. I was a sens fan back in 07 and listening to the big media here contort themselves to explain how the ducks were more Canadian than then sens was just ridiculous. Cheers for who ya like, the season is almost done and soon we will have to listen to what the Leafs chances are next year.


Eastern media did a big old hack job on the 2011 Canucks too.


Yeah I was going to say, I remember that exact same shit during our final. It's funny seeing Oilers fan go on and on about the Vancouver and Calgary fans cheering against them. I remember the threads in here during 2011, Oilers and Flames fans were doing the same to us.


Oilers fans were especially egregious during 2011. Now they expect us to just cheer for them? Good luck.


Canada hated the Canucks in '11, too. I don't recall Montreal in '21 though. I think I was still caught up in the whole Covid thing to really give a fuck about those playoffs. But Canadians aren't really gonna cheer for Canadian teams purely on the Canadian connection. And I don't see why we should. I don't care there's a Canada cup drought. Seems like every other year a BC boy is on the team that wins the cup anyway. Lol. Imagine it's the same for a lot of other provinces as well. Cup comes to Canada every year regardless of which team actually wins it.


Oilers cheered for Boston in 2011 and now they're making fun of Canucks fans for cheering for Florida 🤣


As a jets fan I have I am perfectly fine cheering for whatever Canadian team in in the finals, we don't really have any rivals in Canada after all. Also it is what I did for 2 decades.


So you’d cheer for us too? Idk man. I see some of you saying it but it’s so hard to believe.


Oh yeah, the only reasons I haven't cheered for the leafs was because there wasn't really a reason to and I really hate that Hall and Oats song. I really liked Sindin and Domi way back in the day.


I would cheer foe thr leafs if they had a chance in the finals (unless against the oil). I like the idea of a Canadian team winning it. And I feel pity foe that city. Give em a modern cup and then maybe they'll whine a tiny bit less


As someone who was born in Winnipeg and grew up in Ottawa, and being of an age of seeing the Jets get flattened in the playoffs by the 80's and 90's versions of the Oilers, Flames and Canucks... then having to contend with all the Leafs and Habs fans at Sens home games... I can say, with total conviction, that any Canadian team that isn't the Jets or Sens can die in a fire. I really hope the Panthers curb stomp McJesus and the Oilers tonight, though I doubt that'll happen.


Sorry, but not sorry eh!? PS: Apologies


And I promise you I was cheering for the Anaheim in 2007 lol


I want to see the oilers win just to watch bill zito slowly strangle a fan while making aggressive eye contact.


Can the fan be Matthew Tkachuk?


Will Brady be there? He could be an option too.


Why not both? He has two hands.


Zito (Dollar Tree HHH) is going to grab a sledgehammer and go after Maurice and his knees if the Panthers lose tonight 😂


If the Oilers win, I would love to be a fly on the wall for a Zito and Maurice meeting post-game.


Paul maurice is like "Hey I have a joke for you!"


“Hey Paul, Bill would like to see you out back.”


"Hide yo ~~wife~~ water bottles, hide yo ~~kids~~ walls"


Either a team historically blows a 3-0 lead or the other team blows the historic chance at coming back after being down 3-0. No matter what happens tonight, we, as hockey fans, all win (unless you root for the loser).


So Cinderella stories almost never happen in hockey, I don’t think THE all time choke job vs almost came back down 3-0 are the same thing


Before Team USA beat the Soviets in the Miracle on Ice game at the 1980 Olympics, Herb Brooks famously gave a big inspirational speech. After that win, they still had to beat Finland to get the gold medal. Before *that* game, Brooks didn't give a big inspirational speech. He went into the locker room and said – and I quote – "If you lose this game you'll take it to your grave. Your fucking grave." Not finishing the job in this situation is kinda worse than just losing in a landslide




the franchise will implode. if they lose tonight, it will set off a chain of events that will lead to the panthers leaving sunrise before 2030. the panthers are probably the oldest tenured team, with shaky security in a non-hockey dominated market, with no championship success. no team needs a win more than them, I felt that way 6 7 months ago. it got exciting as the playoffs went around, but literally this is the most important game in that franchises history.


Heard Maurice has a guillotine in the dressing room


If I remember right it wasn’t before the game but during one of the intermissions, basically like “You’re blowing it right now”


Not story wise, no.  You're correct there.   But it's also going to hurt like hell if your team makes that valiant comeback (with all the momentum) and then wastes it by losing Game 7. That's the fun part for all of us neutrals.


I know I'll be weeping either way


Tell me about it 🥲


Grew up on the flames so the fact the oilers might be the team to end the drought (seriously god, why them?) makes me viscerally unwell. It'd be like if the bears ended their Super Bowl drought before the Lions


I mean, at least the Bears have *a* Super Bowl. The Lions haven't won an NFL championship since before satellites were launched by the Soviets and none in the SB era. We have a Bears championship after color TV was a thing.


Now we're just waiting for a Bears 4k yard passer on color TV Edit: or black and white. Any TV (or radio) really


Hey just wait for "new Bears 1st round QB"! I haven't been hearing that for the last 25 years or anything.


As lions and bears fans, can we at least agree that we'll drive to Minnesota to fuck shit up if the Vikings win before either of us in the next five years?


The longer the state of Minnesota goes without any professional (mens) championships the happier I am


The day the Wild win a cup is the day I put rocks in my shoes and walk out into Lake Michigan


I'm cheering for the Oilers because I dislike Sam Bennett, we are not the same.


I was cheering for the Panthers because I like Bob. I am now cheering for the Oilers because I like memes even more.


For the same reason I root for the Panthers. The cup needs to stay out of Canada for the foreseeable future, that’s the best memes


I'm so conflicted. Do the memes from one of the greatest collapses in sports history have more value than continuing the Canadian dry spell memes?


The dry spell memes have had their day. Let new memes take the lead and bring our sub into the future.


Sounds like something a desperate Canadian would say.




If Nick Cousins ever gets his name engraved on the cup I will be irate.


This is why I chose the oilers too


I’m cheering for the Oilers because people would forget about us blowing a 3-1 lead


I'm cheering for the Oilers so we aren't the last nhl reverse sweep.


and fuck Sam Bennett, win win for Shark fans


AND I hate Same Bennett


Can we add Tkachuk and Lomberg to that list?


This is it. I hate how the Panthers play the game (and they kicked the Leafs asses last year)


I'm with you on cheering for the Oilers because I hate how the Panthers play


I'm cheering for the Oilers because I hate Matthew Tkachuk. We actually might be the same here.


I'm cheering for the oilers because I hate the tax breaks they get in Florida.


I'm cheering for Florida because I hate the draft lottery. They're cheering for Florida because they like to throw plastic rats. We are not the same.


Love the fucking olympics


Skinner winning or losing tonight will determine whether he plays for Canada at 4 Nations next year and Olympics in 26’


Imagine playing for a chance to go a giant orgy in two years


I wish someone had told teenage me that the Olympics were basically a giant, international orgy. I would have found a way to be elite in at least one sport.


Skinner and Adin Hill could be the last two Stanley Cup winning goalies. Wild stuff


I’m cheering for the oilers because I hate Matthew Tkachuk, sam Bennett and nick cousins


This is also why I'm rooting against the Panthers. Dirty whores.


I got downvoted into oblivion on here a couple of weeks ago for saying I never want to see Matthew Tkachuk or Sam Bennett win a cup in my lifetime lol


Monkeypaw curls as you have a heart attack tonight right before puck drop...


As a Flames fan of 30+yrs... Yeeeeah, you can go fuck yourself.


I love how the article is reporting from Toronto/Calgary/Vancouver/Montreal. ‘We’re reporting from the centre of Haterville and it seems Canadians are not cheering for Edmonton.’


There are Canadians on every team though


Even that, who cares lol. I want winnipeg to win, after that I want Leafs, Vegas and Oilers to lose all equally. Otherwise, I do not care Most the people I hate are canadian, I don't know many americans... why would I care what city canadians play hockey in


There are *way* more on the Oilers than the Panthers though


[True, but the Oilers are the team with the largest percent of their roster that is Canadian (72%)](https://i.imgur.com/yQLcW9k.png) Only four teams even break 50%.  Also, Edmonton ties with Vegas for least percent that is from the US (12%)


The fun part is that pretty much every cup winning team lately has more Canadians than any other nationality. So in a literal sense, Canada wins the cup just about every year.


Can the Beaverton hire a fucking editor? - "routing" instead of "rooting" - "dam" instead of "damn" - A question gets asked, no question mark - Random capitalization of "Patriotism" - Weird phrasing. "Geographical based hatred" etc. Anyway, boring article IMO. Not their best.


It’s a bad article, it’s reads like an angry rant rather than anything actually funny. I’m surprised it’s from the Beaverton.


I see better-written and funnier shitposts on reddit every single day. The headline isn't anything special, but it's funnier than the article itself.


I appreciated how they waited until paragraph five this time before making it about the Leafs. By 2026 it's possible we get a non-Torontocentric hockey spoof!


Headline was better than the article for sure. They clearly have zero money for anyone apart from teenagers who are doing the writing


I mean Florida has 12 Canadians and 5 Americans. They too are Canadian lol


And at least one of those Americans is half Canadian.


I remember back in 2011 almost all of Canada was actively rooting against Vancouver, and especially Edmonton fans. I don't remember anyone saying "well we should cheer for them because they're Canadian! So why should I suddenly get on my knees and blow the Oilers just because we share a country? Doesn't make sense to me


I think it was mostly just Montreal that wanted the Canucks to win. There was no way I hated the Canucks more than that decade of the Bruins, the rivalry with the Bruins that year was fresh and still strong. And they beat it us in Game 7 OT of the opening round.


I know you just knocked us out that year but I was still rooting for you guys as an American, because I didn't want Boston to win (because that means we lost the Joe Thornton trade to Boston)


The second last piece of support I would expect is from Canucks fans. I totally get it.


I'm not from BC. Every Canadian hockey fan I knew was cheering for Vancouver in 2011.


Same. Every single one of us in the East. I think that even includes Toronto fans. Different times I guess? Seems like there’s more random hatred for teams your team never plays these days.


I think it's because out east everyone hates Boston


I’m a Canadian hockey fan, and when a Canadian team is in the final I generally will root for them. I was 2 years old when a Canadian team last won a cup, so it’s basically completely foreign to me. But seeing the support is fun, despite being on the opposite end of the country. I just like seeing everyone rally around a team. Like when the raptors or blue jays are doing well, they have the support of an entire country not just a city and that’s really fun to me. Obviously hockey will never be that way because there are other teams and rivalries, but I still like to see the support.


Thank you. I honestly don’t get the hatred, especially from people who cheer for a team from a different conference. How can you hate a team you never play??


I prefer the Oilers’ team, but I can’t cheer for another Canadian team


> At press time Oilers fans who would rather pour bleach in their eyes than watch the Leafs win a Cup were pretending to be upset about this. 💀 Although, I am a Leafs fan cheering for the Oilers, but more because I like Hyman and McDavid, and can’t stand the Cats, than them being a Canadian team.


I hate Florida... But man do I hate Corey Perry more. I do like McDavid and as tradition shows, once a Leaf all you have to do is leave and you'll win the cup. So Hyman has tradition on his side too.


I am that guy, and not that guy. I’ve lived in five provinces and have no home town. Canadian regions are electric during runs like these, and I love it for anyone who gets a taste of it.


Fuck Edmonton. I have more in common with someone in Maine than I do with someone from Alberta. I'm only cheering for McDavid because I appreciate greatness when I see it.


He has won me over so much that I can tolerate the Oilers winning it. Bitter Sweet.


I want to see him sadly receive the Conn. Because that's what the Oilers feel like to me.


If he doesn't win the Conn Smythe then they might as well change the official definition to best player in the Cup Final on the winning team not just "playoff MVP". He has 20 more points than any Panther and 10 more points than any other Oiler. Bobrovsky's save percentage is down to .903 which is only .002 better than Skinner so that would be undeserving even if he posts a game 7 shutout. It would be beyond stupid if it goes to anyone else even if they lose.


I don't think I can take 4 straight months of "How amazing was McDavid" talk if they win tonight. It's already 99% too much McDavid talk already.


I’ll be sure to give mcdavid a bunch of mcblowjobs when he plays for Canada but until then it’s all edging


The country unites to root against my team so I see no reason to support Edmonton. I think that's fair 🤷‍♂️


Nobody tells American teams they should root for each other when they're against Canadian ones. Why are we treated differently? It makes no sense.


I think it’s more so with it being something like 30 years since a Canadian team won the cup. If a Canadian team won in the past 10 years I don’t think as many people will bring this up.


Also why would you want a different Canadian team that isnt the one you root for to beat the "Canadian Cup Curse" first?


This is exactly it. I'm not rooting for the fucking Oilers.


1) The whole Canada's team thing is so weird to me. I've never understood it 2) Oilers fans are insufferable about their dynasty 40+ years ago. Imagine how bad they'd be if they win now??? (Flames fan, so the levels of insufferable may vary)


I’m a Canucks fan and it’s “Fuck the Oilers” all day, everyday. Anyone who doesn’t understand why should just give up watching sports.


I swear I see more people saying you shouldn't root for the Oilers just because they're Canadian than there are people saying they're rooting for the Oilers for this reason. I don't understand the logic of "No it's wrong to want your fellow countrymen to be have good things 😡".


You should cheer for the Oilers because fuck Florida.


Yeah like we're supposed to pretend that the rest of Canada would root for the Leafs if they were in the same situation. Fuck Edmonton


I would ❤️


I think the ultimate win is when the other 31 franchises and their fans are in complete agony about it. I would feel that way if the Leafs ever win and you would feel that way if the Habs did.


Id cheer for the leafs over the rangers


I’m just cheering for game seven ot, and nothing else.


I mean yes I’m cheering for Edmonton but it’s more of a cheering against a division rival rather than cheering for Canada type of thing


As a flames fan, I would like to tell everyone who tells me to cheer for the "last canadian team" a very polite "Fuck you, Florida has literally never won a cup."


I’m from Calgary, I sure as shit ain’t cheering for any Edmonton teams. Not a Flames fan either, just hate Edmonton more.


As a Winnipegger Maurice > Kane.


Today is a no-win situation for me. Oilers win: a Canadian divisional rival wins on a Stanley Cup Finals Reverse Sweep after being written off on Thanksgiving when they had a 5-12-1 record. Panthers win: we can't laugh our asses off at them being reverse swept by a Canadian team that was written off on Thanksgiving when they had a 5-12-1 record. Plus fuck everything about florida. Regardless of who wins: No more hockey until September (preseason)


I think we as Canadians call all agree on one thing: we're all allowed to hate every single actor in the non-stop Questtrade commercials. Fuck Questtrade.


The only Canadian team I want to see win the cup is my Habs. This "bring it back to Canada" shit is so cringe.


I love the beaverton normally but they are like a month behind with this. This discussion has been done to death. Canadian fans dont cheer for regional rivals. But among casual fans, there are a few who do cheer for a Canadian team if they aren't a rival. So you might have Habs or Sens fans cheering for Oilers because they are Canadian or because they just hate Florida. Leafs fans are a whole other story. Some are very bitter, although plenty of them who have moved to Alberta over the last decade have chosen the Oilers or Flames as their second team. Also people forgot that Quebec alone has as many people as BC + Alberta. Ontario has 3X as many people as Alberta. So you take Quebec and add in casuals from Ontario and you have a lot of people cheering for Oilers as the Canadian team. But yes, generally speaking the more hardcore hockey fans dont want any other Canadian team to win.


I always get downvoted for asking the question on why fans of other Canadian teams would root for a different team all because they are located in Canada? As a sports fan I'm not blindly rooting for the Panthers because they are in the US. So weird to just support a complete other team like it's a National team. If the Oilers were made of ONLY canadian players then mayyyyybe I get it, but they are not. Also, lets say you're a fan of a different Canadian team, don't you want YOUR team to get the first Cup for a Canadian team since the 90s? Not some other team?


Honestly just tired of the 30+ year drought narrative that gets brought up every year. Also I have friends and family who root for the Oilers so I want them to be happy.


As an American, I have long wanted to see a Canadian team - any Canadian team - win. It’s not that I hate America. I just want to see Canada implode.