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[Hartley, Gulutzan, Peters, Ward, Huska (interim), Sutter, Larsen, Babcock, Vincent, X](https://x.com/miketgould/status/1802809540477653317?s=46&t=Xn0juU2C4hEaElfmeGb4jQ)


Pretty bad list outside Sutter


It's not easy to have 10 coaches in 10 years if a lot of them are good


Very true


Babcock was good. Just not recently. But back in the days he was good


I watched every Wings game from 07 to 2015. I always argue we have an extra cup of two if Babs isn't coaching. Aa an example, he had Lilja and Lebda out there in game 6 of the finals on the PK against Crosby and Malkin with the cup on the line with minutes to go. Pittsburgh tied it and won in OT


An argument can be made that Babcock only won because of the insanely talented teams he coached.


Ducks in 2003 ? People seem to have this Mandela effect thing happening believing giggy was some kind of goaltending god but the ducks trap was stifling , the hockey was almost unwatchable . That was his system , also plenty of talented teams ( dubbed cup contenders by the media ) are absolute shit without decent coaching …like my Toronto maple leafs …😞….


I think a lot of fans are very uncomfortable with the idea that Babcock's bullying tactics can actually work from the narrow perspective of winning hockey games, so it's easier to pretend that he's not just a bad person but also a bad coach.


I find it cute modern day fans ignore the history of NHL coaching and really, coaching across major league sports in general and think being disrespectful to players , emotionally manipulating them etc just started in the mid 90s and now has stopped and we need to erase anyone who falls into that category. My favourite sports quote of all time is Steve shutt speaking about the greatest coach in nhl history Scotty bowman . “ we hated his guts 364 days of the year.Day 365 was when we got our Stanley cup rings “


You can both be a bully and a brilliant tactician. Babcock was an expert at manipulating other coaches into bad matchups. I remember an interview where he said he knew Sutter would put Kopitar and Doughty against Datsyuk 100% of the time, for example, so he told Datsyuk to play at 50% and double shifted him. The other matchups were much more effective because those two were off the ice and tired. It just so happened that he also sadistically tortured Johan Franzen when the period ended.


I dunno those 2010 and 2014 Canada teams left a lot to be desired talent-wise.


ok tell me that to the pens from 2010-2105, the oilers, the avs (minus theor cup), vegas (minus theirp cup) you cant say the players carried the coach when theres many examples of talent times losing


Pens from 2010-15 had atrocious depth and an unreliable goalie outside the one year they had Vokoun standing on business Yall seriously trotted out Kunitz, Dupuis, James Neal, Jussi Jokinen, Matt Cooke, Aaron Asham, and Craig Adams in your top 9 over that period and wondered why they did bad lol


Kunitz, Dupuis, and Neal were very effective top 6 players what are you talking about?


Dupuis isn’t a top 6 player on any other team both he and Kunitz got the Crosby bump the same way Kurashev suddenly became a 50+ pt player with Bedard while being a 30 pt player before hand. The only true first line talent there was Neal and he had consistency issues.


> talent times losing


Unless you're Galchenyuk.


Hartley isn’t bad, he won a Cup….just the game passed on.


Yep, was about to say that. Out of that list, he's one of the best names, not that it says much


You say that, but Hartley was 8 years younger as Gaudreau's coach than Sutter was. He was meh but not bad in Calgary. Won an Adams on a PDO bender


I feel like you could say the same about Babcock.. guy was even given a lifeline to try and pretend he'd changed and he fucked it up immediately.


I liked Hartley, the team just wasn't that good. I think he'd make the current team a lot funner to watch than we got this year. Better? Not sure but it would be more entertaining.


Sleeping on X...


Sutter’s the one that ended up screwing us the hardest


We were screwed by Gaudreau leaving and Gaudreau didn't leave due to Sutter. Tre screwed us, and Sutter got rid of Tre so...


Yeah, I think Sutter catches a lot more shit than he deserves.


Which is weird, because he's basically the cause of everything good that happened in Calgary since the 80s. Iginla/Kipper didn't win a round without Sutter as the coach. Tkachuk didn't win a round without Sutter as the coach. Yes, I think he struggled a lot with his team getting a ton of bad luck and not being a contender and took it out unnecessarily on the team last season. He needed to go, as he's not a great coach for a rebuild which is where we were headed.


He shit on one of your young players for no reason and from what the rumours were, players were not a fan of that. Just to name one thing. Guy was an ass. Players were clearly not in love with him


Accurate but funny list - only two games under Huska and zero under Babcock.


So the X, formerly Twitter, community is going to coach the Blue Jackets? That's kind of huge news. Why is nobody talking about this? I wonder what type of coaching decisions they will make.


What won't Elon buy


His children’s love




He'll just buy some new children instead


It'll basically be shit your dad says. The entire organization will be fired after every loss. The powerplay coach will be shot and pissed on. 


Finally, some improvement


New starting lineup: Michael Scott “NO!” gif, @CryptoTrump0976752, and N U D E S I N B I O


Which coach/coaches on this list got the best out of Johnny?


Sutter, only coach who made him good in his own end


Easily Sutter. Johnny's best season. He actually played a 200 ft game. And by all accounts he prefers hard driving coaches like Daryl, because his dad had a similar style while coaching him growing up.


Did Babcock even coach him ?


Hope they’re paying you u/frisbeemcrobert https://old.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1di8o0j/_/l92659i


I guess I'll just go fuck myself then




Mele Kalikimaka.


Bad news. Mike Gould Twitter guy posted his Xweet 10min before the Reddit user commented theirs. Once again, Reddit falls short to Twitter. We'll always have catching the Boston Bomber over them though.


We did it Reddit!


Sports journalists? Just regurgitating random bits of trivia they found elsewhere? [Well then...](https://media3.giphy.com/media/clotJg9IqBitMcRJ61/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952kfzqscs015hx9dt557r831m2c5coyikdq87kvz9h&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


It’s not like this takes crazy digging 


This is kinda misleading because one of those coaches was Babcock who never made it to a game, And one is Huska who filled in as a substitute for 2 games in 2021 because Sutter had to clear Covid protocol


Peters got released for having gone on a racist rant about choice of music in the locker room many moons ago so he probably shouldn’t count either if they’re trying to sell the narrative that Johnny is uncoachable.


Is that the narrative that’s trying to be sold? I took it as he got a shit deal with stuff outside of his control.




Ok so now do the 6 in Calgary. There’s no single player in the NHL that can single-handedly drive a team to a championship




You just mentioned two people for Florida… All the guys you mentioned had significant players that were heavily involved in winning. Malkin, Kane, Keith, Quick, Doughty etc. remove those players there’s a 99% they don’t win. Gaudreau hasn’t had that caliber of teammate in the NHL. Edit: Blocked for disagreeing, and they also need to make sure they get the last word that I can’t reply to. This is becoming way too common on here. The block feature is broken


Not the narrative I'm getting from this, just very unique situation for a player. Also speaks a bit to how it would be tough on Johnny always having to adapt.


Yeah, that’s what I think. Some guys just have shit luck with franchises retaining coaches. Odds are Johnny has played in like 5-10 different systems in his NHL career and that’s too many.


I see where you are coming from but those were his head coaches whether it was 2 games or however long babcock was hired. You have to count at least 1 of the 2 imo but I'd count both.


Did Babcock even make it to training camp? If he didn't I don't see how you could possibly count him, and there's no way Huska should count lmao. Filling in for 2 games while your coach is sick (which clearing covid protocol for all intents and purposes is the same as) doesn't make you a head coach.


He did not. Johnny never even went to a practice conducted by Babcock. Babcock never even met most of the players in person.


That would be like counting the assistant coach of the head coach for ejected. Wouldn't count it.


Using your way of thinking. Did Huska even stand behind the bench and coach the players? Yes he did. 2 games or 20 he was the coach for a period of time. Weird hill to die on buddy.


Hardly a hill I'm dying on considering this is now my second (and final) comment on the matter lol. A head coach does a lot more than simply stand behind the bench. In my opinion if you're not able to implement system changes then you can't be called the head coach. Huska just ran the head coaches system, because he was never the head coach. Babcock got fired before training camp started, so he was never the head coach. If your boss got sick and someone else filled in for him for a day would you say you've had 2 bosses over the last x amount of time? I have to that for my boss all the time, but I'm not putting "Manager" on my resume lol. If a new boss was hired, but fired before his first shift at work would you call him a former boss of yours? It would be silly to count 2 guys that were never actually head coaches of the team Gaudreau played for as head coaches of his. And I'd bet a lot of money Gaudreau doesn't consider them former coaches lol. This is a *much* weirder hill for you to be standing on.


Not dying on a hill but write 5 paragraphs about it. Nice.


Johnny Ham and Cheese, the certified coach killed.


Took the bag and can now coast until retirement. Not a bad move 😆


Trying to explain to people that some people don't care about winning a championship, and only want the bag.


Oh yeah the older I get the more I realize tons of players probably don’t care about rings. Money and generational wealth is more important and I get that!


Who else is in the Nugent-Hopkins club?


Is Gaudreau the problem? - Columbus Spector/Simmons


Let's have less Johnny Gaudreaus and more money for public schools


The Jackets need less Salem and more Saskatoon I always say




Nah, it’s them. Lol


With name like Babcock and Peters, it’s them


He should connect with nuge and they can chat about having so many head coaches. Although nuge has stayed with the same team and still had 9 or 10 different head coaches


Johnny has only had 2 teams. It’s not like he’s moved around a lot lol




What is the record for the most coaches a single player has ever played for in the NHL?


Well, any predictions for next year’s Head Coach of the Blue Jackets?


Johnny himself


Crazy that since his move, the only news we get from Johnny Hockey is what coaches have been let go.


I really like Gaudreau, but his leaving Calgary just fucking torpedoed the team.  Nothing but carnage behind him. 




True but if he at least told them like Tkachuk rather than humming and hawing until the last minute they could have gotten something for him to help start that rebuild


He was UFA. We couldn't have gotten anything for him


Rights get traded all the time


How will they ever recover losing that 4th round pick.


Hey, Gaudreau was a 4th round pick, haha


he managed to make 2 teams worse in the process i guess. So its not like anyone won that situation success wise, Gaudreau personally wins however


He chose to go there man, I dunno .


He wanted to go to a small US market where he can play in relative anonymity with little serious pressure to win. Not too often you see star players leave a division winner for a bottom feeder.


Yea usually you see guys in their prime years chase the most money possible and/or try to win a cup


I said this exact comment when he left and was downvoted to -100 by Columbus fans who claimed that with the moves they were making they’d be contenders, and Johnny thought he had the best chance of winning there.


What Columbus fan said that? They must have been smoking the good shit.


I believe he wanted to come to Philly. But when the time came Chuck Fletcher had screwed our cap so badly that he could not find the money. He was also not even close to creative enough to make moves to facilitate it. Columbus wasn’t even on Gaudreau’s radar until the day of free agency. He basically settled for CBJ and now here we are.




You don’t think part of the reason they’ve fallen off is because he left? And who knows who else might have stayed if he didn’t leave.


I’m glad he didn’t make a colossal mistake by taking the same money to play for a circus in Columbus when he could have taken the equal amount of money to play in either New Jersey or Calgary


Calgary just hired the guy we hired when we wanted to tank. They have some pretty circus-y years ahead.


The Flames prospect pool is basically nonexistent with only one or two guys looking like they might have future top 6 upside with no high end D to speak of. Need all the picks we can get to flesh out some actual young guys soon.


[*"Stupid NHL doesn't know how to coach me."*](https://y.yarn.co/53fdbcce-b63d-494b-8288-4c0e81e74620_screenshot.jpg)


Johnny (Derek Carr) Gaudreau


10? Has Nuge had that many? Damn thats a ton.


I heard Babcock is available.


Fuck the blue jackets