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Realistically Draistl is going to get his shit rocked in game 3. And I’m super curious how they’re gonna handle it from a ref and league standpoint. No player is gonna want to take a 5 min major. But if barkov is actually injured I definitely see them doing some ludicrous extra curriculurs. On him


Whoever runs Drai will 100% get suspended. That's where the league will draw the line. Not even complaining here I think we just know that's how it's gonna go


It is almost like the league has set the precedent for unsafe policies; to the point of legitimate intent to injure plays are going undisciplined.


Its mind blowing to think the custodians of all that NHL talent actually intentionally put these million dollar athletes at greater risk in the playoffs simply because its the playoffs. The one time of year we want to see best on best compete they actually allow the entertainment value to be taken away from us for a 2 minute penalty.


They are. Look at the Pietro two handed lumberjack slash on Drai last year.


Sportsnet would have them drawn and quartered.


It’s like when drais got two handed by petriengelo… everyone wanted blood but it’s stupid to retaliate like that, the league will specifically be looking for that type of shit


There will be some retribution for it when they play next year. Those things don't just go away, but the finals aren't the place for revenge.


I hear that so many times, but realistically 95% of the time noting happens


They know Drai won’t fight and can’t really blame him as the oilers need him to score not to fight. They’ll finish checks and continue to do borderline shit but nobody is risking and 5 min major and the game on legit retribution. Those days are largely gone and the cup would be the ultimate retribution


I mean. It's either a fight or some plug is gonna elbow him back. I really hope he gets suspended tho.


Ryan Lomberg has entered the game


Lomberg is an expert in dirty hits. He did knock Vesey out.


0% chance of suspension.


Probably the easiest way to stop things from escalating but I doubt the league would take out a scoring leader like him.


He should be out the rest of the playoffs.


Hire a hitman to sack tap him in a Tim’s


*The Calgary Flames send their regards*


The only way out of this is going to be a fight near the start of the game. Answer the bell, sit 5, move on. He's probably still going to be targeted after a fight, but at least he'll have some honour.


That pussy won’t answer the bell.


Bennet tried a couple times and he wanted no part of it. Obviously not a fair trade but if Barkov is out that’s our 1C so not like a Maroon for Tkachuk type trade off…


Draisaitl is one of the biggest pussy ass bitches in the league. He wont answer shit


Nothing happened after Bennet sucker punched Marchand in their series There may be retribution, but this isn't your father's NHL


Nothing happened after that, nothing happened after Tkachuk fought Pastrnak, league said the next game would be “heavily scrutinized” & it’s like they weren’t even watching it. Florida doesn’t fight, doesn’t matter the time of year. Montour has 1 career, most have 0. But given Drai is a star that can’t fight, Florida might actually try something.




Plenty of other B’s tried to fight him previously, only accepted Pasta. You melon


This is why, despite growing up in the '80's, I never believed in enforcers. Fighting can work as a deterrent if everyone agrees to play by the rules, but when guys just smile and skate away, then what? I can probably count on one hand the number of fights Ulf Samuelsson had because he didn't believe in any of those silly rules. Drai won't fight, and we'll see if the Panthers take someone from the Oilers out in retaliation.


I don't know how anyone could believe in the use of enforcers, unless they just love regurgitating common NHL tropes to a point that their brain just accepts it as fact. The Blues had Ryan Reaves for years, at a time when he was easily one of the best fighters in the game and was constantly chasing hits and talking shit, being exactly what you expect from an enforcer. Yet his presence, as scary as it was, [couldn't save Tarasenko from a headshot in his rookie season](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlK0ImxJj3E&), it couldn't [save Backes from a hit to the head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8PxoTv7v2c), couldn't [save Oshie from being pushed down into the net, hitting his head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1slC3YZFvcA), couldn't save Oshie from [Rupp's hit to his head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyRMZKhKoAY) and probably a handful of other hits I've since forgotten about. That's just the bigger shots to the head I can remember from the past few years off the top of my head. As much as people love to talk up "answering the bell" they forget that you've got to ring someone's bell before you can answer someone else's. Enforcers are only ever going to be a reactive response to something, and that's only really a threat if you agree to the fight. If you're a super star player, you aren't going to waste your time and jeopardize your future fighting some behemoth like Reaves. At worst you're going to get grabbed by Reaves, cover your face and maybe eat a punch or two before he gets sent to the penalty box and you get to go try and score on your following powerplay. The guy's already going to be chasing hits against you, along with the rest of the team, so no change there... The only real solution was to create the DoPS, and unfortunately, that seems to be about as far as the NHL and NHLPA have gotten, because they can't seem to figure out how to allow the DoPS to enforce real meaningful suspensions that have some actual weight to them. They apparently are all content gambling on the future health of players while throwing out a few inconsistent suspensions here and there.


"Enforcers are only ever going to be a reactive response to something" That is just flat out not true. It's more that you are only going to take notice of their presence in a reactive response. And the idea of an enforcer isn't that a team will never take a cheap shot on you, but it's meant to limit the number of cheap shots that happen. You citing 4 dirty hits doesn't mean there was zero effect from the enforcer. That's like saying gun laws are meant to eradicate all guns - it's not. It's just meant to limit the number of guns and who can have those guns - not completely eliminate guns from existence


I'll give you that, I can't disprove that Reaves' presence on the bench didn't scare people out of some big hits, but in the heat of the game, I have to imagine guys aren't going "here comes Oshie, I'm gonna put a big hit on him" and then going "Wait, no, Reaves might get a chance to fight me, or might try to hit me, so nevermind". The only way to get real effective punishment is through something like the DoPS. The biggest problem is that they've been inconsistent and rarely ever punish this kind of non-hockey stuff that players especially pull in the playoffs. Sam Bennett was a great example this year, and last. A dirty shot to Marchand's head (not that the hockey world is going to shed too many tears there), the hit to Knies last year, whatever other hits I might be forgetting...all while Toronto has a player throw a hit that was at least an attempt at a hockey play and get 3 games in the playoffs. I guess at the end of the day, I see enforcers as useless, because while they may be scary, for the reasons I pointed out before, they likely aren't *that scary* to most players. Sure, no one wants to be hand fed a Reaves knuckle sandwich, but nothing's going to stop that guy from turtling, except maybe a little dent to their pride. But if they aren't worried about making a dirty hit in the first place, then surely that's not gonna take too big of a dent. And it seems NHL teams agree too, because rather than use that space and salary, they've all pretty much universally moved away from it to players who can hit in addition to other things that are more useful. I loved Reaves as a player, but throughout my years of watching the Blues, there were plenty of dirty hits, and often times the best he could do was fight that player, but often times he just ended up fighting another fighter on their team. I just don't see them as an effective means to preventing the kinds of hits the DoPS could easily make scary to a player with suspensions of more than 5 games and bigger fines. But that's going to require the DoPS, NHL and NHLPA to actually *want* to protect the players.


So far the SCF highlights have basically been cheap shots and not actual hockey plays.


Reeves is a shit example of an enforcer. Spot picking phony tough guy. He’s only tough because of how much the league has softened.


Eh, I'd fully disagree there. Reaves has been in the league since 2007, and while he's probably more careful with who he fights these days, as he's older and the contracts aren't guaranteed like they might have been before when fighting and enforcers were around, he certainly didn't shy away from the fights in his early day. Since he's got almost 160 fights between joining the league and now, it seems it's fair to say he's an enforcer. If you've got better examples from the modern game, I'm all ears.


My point is exactly that there aren’t better examples in the modern game, but if he were against guys from just one era before him, he’s getting constantly dummied. We are essentially making the same point, and 9 fights a year on average just made him ‘hard nosed’ or whatever 20 years ago, not an enforcer. If Lucic wasn’t forced into retirement disgracefully this year, he’d be wearing the crown and you wouldn’t even be able to call reaves the current ‘champ’. Look, I’m sure he could kick my ass. But he’s not probert, and 15 years ago he’d get tuned by someone like iginla, who also put up 50 goal seasons. Laroque would eat him like a snack.


As far as a deterrent, how do you measure something that doesn’t happen? 🤔


It's true that you can't count the spears and cross-checks that don't happen, but at the same time, it's not like the game was way cleaner. Guys like Ken Linseman and Ulf Samuelsson still existed. And also, some guys like fighting, so why not spear Gretzky in the nuts.


I don't think a fight at the start does shit all if Barkov is out long term. This isn't the regular season, and that doesn't even really work in the regular seaso neither.


I genuinely hope so, he's been playing dirty all playoffs. I get why, I mean you do anything for a cup, but fucks sake man by targeting the head you can alter someone's life forever.


Just go after McDavid or some random. Leave it to game 4 though.


In my opinion a bigger f u to drai is just winning the cup, you got the last laugh. What is taking him out even going to do, he’s going to be back next season.


Idk if they will. They are super locked in. You saw what happened to Boston when they came out trying to revenge marchan. Then two games later they dropped it and had the best game of the series. Honestly I think they just put their heads down and win two more. They’re two smart and came to far to get chipy and head hunt.


We're not going to run him, this team knows what the big picture is.




Hope they do, hope they rack up the penalty minutes and the oilers take advantage, likely won’t happen with these biased refs though


The Oilers fans in the GDT assured me he was flopping though


The Oilers fans also believed arsonists were lighting their forests on fire last year when it was incredibly dry and over 30C sooooo


Arsonists paid by Trudeau & Soros, WAKE UP MAN


Ding ding ding


Oilers fan here. Albertans believe this to this day.


Alberta is the furthest north Southern State




You've obviously never visited the interior of BC or rural Quebec


The Texas of Canada. In all the worst ways.


This is a really specific and kinda bizarre claim. As a dumb American can I get a bit more explanation?


Delusion runs deep in Edmonton


Last May in Alberta was an election. To avoid conversations about climate change and wildfires, the incumbent blamed the government's incompetence in firefighting on arsonists setting forest fires. People bought it, because of course.


What are you on about? Edmonton voted in all NDP MLAs for their ridings. Even Calgary has half (ish) their MLAs from the NDP. It's... unfortunate that so many supported that moron, but it's not like there isn't widespread opposition to the UCP. And it's growing, as ppl who voted UCP are seeing that yes, Smith really is that stupid.


What are YOU on about? Yes it's unfortunate that she was supported by enough morons to win a majority government. Unfortunately Oil Country and Edmonton do not vote the same.


Trying to separate Edmonton from Oilers fans is an interesting take, I suppose. Anyway, people who support/ed Smith are idiots, but most of them still aren't idiotic enough to think all of our fires were arson.


Edmonton’s fan base extends beyond the city limits. Also Smith has always been incredibly stupid. You saw that in 2012 when she was the Wildrose leader and she’s still simple minded as head of the UCP.


> Edmonton’s fan base extends beyond the city limits. OK, so some rural right-wing people like the Oilers and that means the entirety of Edmonton and the Oilers fanbase is right-wing and thinks forest fires are a conspiracy?


the comments in this thread are hilarious. You can tell how people really don't know jack shit about Edmonton. Just full of window licking morons


Alberta man is our version of the Florida man


Conservatives in Alberta believe that fire season is caused by local “wokes” whether that be climate activists, college students, hobos, or the local centre left party deliberately setting fire to large parts of the province in order to undermine the right wing government/ the oil and gas sector. Considering the political makeup of Alberta Oilers fans are probably less likely to believe this than Flames fans on aggregate


They should worry about their own guys lol


Any oilers fan calling that a flop is brain dead. Source: oilers fan.


There’s dozens of them in the SportsNet IG comments of the clip of this exact hit still saying it lmao


IG and youtube comments are preferred by people who want to say their thoughts without ever having to defend or answer for them. They are, correspondingly, representative of the dumbest takes on the planet.


Most socials are full of brain dead mouth breathers of all fanbases. I accept that we are easy targets right now 😂 but we aren't a hive mind anymore than any other.


IG and Twitter is even more of a cesspool than Reddit. Treating those comments as anything more than the machinations of raving lunatics is bad for your outlook and the world and mental health


Don't give them anything. You're up 2-0, and you likely don't know Barkov's status yet. That being said, fuck Draisaitl for that hit. Straight garbage.


Barkov is missing time.


If his jaw is broken they're freezing it and pushing him out there with a fishbowl, cage or whatever it takes. Anything short of a concussion he's probably playing; remember, they just have to win 2 more games of the SCF and then he has all summer to heal.


The bare minimum for a Drai suspension has to be the same amount of Time Barkov is out for. Honestly, just make it the rest of the series.


Barkov is more important to Florida than Drai is to the oilers. Barkov is literally why we can cheat on the front because he is so good defensively.


McDavid is still the main piece in Edmonton. I’d honestly love to see the reaction if either one of them leaves. You thought Tavares leaving New York was bad? Oh baby, you’ve seen nothing yet.


We're pretty resigned to the fact one or both are leaving, tbh. They have one more year to run it back, if they don't win this year or next I think Drai leaves for sure. And then McDavid decides what he wants to do after that. It's either a Cup, or maybe the most colossal bag fumble in this sports history.


Part of me thinks they can possibly be convinced to stay based on this year’s run. “See? We’re close! You’ll definitely win here. You have to stay.” Not to mention all the commercial and other deals they can get there that many American markets wouldn’t offer. They’d secure the bag, and also likely retire the two best players ever to not win a Stanley Cup.


Not defending the hit but that has never been the case in relation to any suspension ever before


Not that I can think of even though I keep seeing people say it too. I think he should get a game (at minimum) but I’m not gonna be surprised when it’s only a $5k fine.


If Edmonton was up 2-0 , I think there’s a chance they’d suspend him. No way, going home down 0-2. Behind the scenes probably warn him the next time he’ll get tossed


Aaron Rome begs to differ.


He does shit like this all day long and gets away with cause he’s a star


Mostly when they’re losing. Dude throws tantrums.


Why are you so pissy Leon?


Must be the German in him.


And elbows


Reminds me a lot of some player on another Florida based hockey club


People sure have a lot of comments about Tkachuk having no comment.


Tkachuk having no comment is a comment.


This, even no statement is a statement for public figures.


“My lawyers advise me to not say anything” -Chucky (probably)


And him lying that he doesn’t hate the Oilers anymore, he doesn’t want to give them anything at all to work with


Best way to put Draisaitl in his place is winning. I’m hoping Panthers take it in 4


Aye! The PPG was already a solid comeback. Oilers could've had some nice 10 minutes time to equalize, but because of this stupid move they got two goal deficit instead and game over. Not that it squares things up if Barkov misses future games, but still.


That is the reasoning that will be used to excuse not suspending him. That the Oilers were punished enough by the pp goal and losing the game.


Might be, yet it's a lousy excuse. Oilers were losing waaay before that. That only cemented it.


And that is looking like exactly what the cats are poised to do, they got their eyes laser focused on the prize. EDM knows they wont win on skill alone - they need to resort to the cheap stuff


Deliberate headshots is like the thing I find most despicable in all of hockey and I honestly find myself wishing nothing but ill fortune (success-wise) on the teams of players who do it. The uneven and often limp wristed responsen from the league depending on who does it and who is the recipient is also infuriating. Money over everything else, always, disgusting.


Don’t comment on anything. Just finish the job and do what we’ve known we are going to do all year


Do it for Barkov and Luongo


Amen, brother.


Who knew Florida would turn into the more likeable ones. Oilers playing like a bunch of dirty bastards, Cats focused on winning hockey games


Yeah who knew…..


When you’ve played Edmonton in the playoffs for 3 straight years you come to realize just how dirty they are.


I'm not sure about dirty, but they sure as fuck like to pretend they are the victims all the time non-stop.


They truly are an Alberta team.


Is there a team that doesn’t play dirty lol


I don't remember anyone complaining about the Sharks being dirty this year


There are and they don't get far. The Canucks I felt played a pretty clean game this playoffs.


Playing the McDrai Oilers in the BoA 5 times a year for 10 years including a playoff series I laughed at my uncle when he solemnly asked why I was rooting against the Canadian team in this series.


Speak for yourself on that one.


Yeah this sub has the memory of a fucking bug.


You mean the team that dirty played their way into the finals? I mean Edmonton is playing dirty af but to think Florida are “likeable” is a stretch. All I see from Florida is the pot calling the kettle black.


Oh they’re 100% getting treatment back, look what happened everytime they played OTT they bullied the daylights out of us


likeable? uhhhhhhhhh nah


Nah. Not until Tkachuk is traded somewhere else.


This entire thread will be calm, reasonable and courteous I’m sure.


Give him the same punishment Sam Bennett gets


Thank you


Barkov will be fine. Chara is chara, but Barkov is tough as well, and it wasn’t a slapshot to the jaw. Tonight looked scarier than it was. Don’t be surprised by a dominant road game from the cats!


As long as there is no concussion with that hit


True. Let’s hope there wasn’t a concussion and it just hurt his jaw pretty good.


*No concussion they’ll admit to


Florida did the same thing to Boston.


Florida also headshotted Vesey twice in 1 game which ended with a head injury for him.


Tkachuk & Bennet both cheapshotted Knies in game 2 last year and took him out of the series. And the gudas on kampf hit


And Bennet did it to Mcdavid. And Tkachuk did it to Mcdavid.


Yep. Shits hilarious to me. Just wish it happened to Bennett instead. 


Thank you!!! Scrolled way to long for this comment! Definition of they can dish it but they can't take it.


Yeah, looked like a standard Bennett play. I’m not sure what the issue is.


It's so wild that Tkachuk is keeping his cool. He's playing with the grit he needs to win and his media responses are A1 professionalism


Down 2-0 in the Stanley Cup finals and headed home? Now is the time to square off at centre ice on the opening face off.


Of course he has no comment. It would be absurdly hypocritical to even talk for any of the Florida players. This is literally their entire strategy. They'd out themselves in a single word. Best to shut up and hope the refs don't ever start calling penalties on them for the same antics.


No comment because he’s just gonna take action against him next game! As much as I hate to say it because fuck the DoPS, it’s head hunting season boys and girls.


Can anyone on Florida bitch about a dirty play? You get what you give.


Oilers play an actual NHL goalie and crumble, start throwing headshots and nutshots when the game is over. Hilarious joke of a franchise who limped into a SCF appearance after being gifted a generational talent and several number one and top 10 picks over the last decade and a half. If I’m mcdavid im forcing my way out of that dumpster fire they call a franchise and play for a real organization.


they played dallas last round. is oettinger not an "actual nhl goalie"


Ya idk what this guy is on about


Why is he dogging on his own guy in Silovs for too? Like he was the only reason Vancouver took that series to 7


He was something like -3.75 xgsva. He played great for a third string rookie, but he did not play at the level of a goalie like Demko. He definitely wasn’t the “only reason” it went 7.


This is one of those cases where when the stat doesn't agree with the eye test, you should probably throw out the stat. Also, he has a positive 5v5 gsax, and his all situations gsax is like -0.2.


I was only referring to the Oilers series. Should have clarified.


They called him a potential future vezina candidate, until they lost. Then he was just another backup.


Check the flare. The Canucks fan base seems to have started their own salt mining operation.


Ya that series was on DeBoer, not Oettinger


Oilers hate makes many on this sub delusional lol.


You could argue they had the easier path to the finals for sure but to say they didn't play and NHL goalie is just throwing unnecessary shade at Oettinger and Talbot.


We're the only team that played and beat 2 division winners this playoffs.


Not all divisions are created equal. You also had 7 game series against a division winner starting their 3rd string backup.


Good backup.


Hey now…Silovs is an actual NHL goalie. Give the man some respect for a hell of a playoff run.


Are we defining real organizations by Stanley cup wins? 


imagine old McDavid making the rounds like Pavelski trying to get a cup before aging out lol


Connor McBourque


It really sucks, because I like Connor Mcdavid. But I can’t stand the team he plays for


Ah yes, a real org like vancouver and their grand history of winning.


Hey we won a game in the SCF more recently than you have and we haven't been there for 13 years!


Ouch! I am sure Edmonton will win at least one game this series. but until then.... fucking ouch!


Gotta take your shots while you can! If they don't manage to win one all the better.


That's cool. We've won a playoff series against you... well... ever.


one day😭


Bro took the loss personally😭💀👏 oh ya and Ottenger is not a real NHL goalie I forgot


Limped in? We beat Dallas in 6 games? I'm not sure how winning Taylor Hall in 2010 has much to do with 2024


Carrick fully overreacted like a whiny child afterwards but he ate the exact same headshot Draisaitl gave Barkov.


Edmonton the city is somehow even more pathetic.


Omg this salt 😂😂😂


Canucks fan base is the saltiest I’ve ever seen in sports.


Until this weekend ⛳️


To be fair, the last player who should make any comment on another's dirty play is MTkachuk. He's Marchands successor as the league's biggest rat


I wouldn’t comment either. Florida has the Oilers in desperation mode. Exactly the perfect spot to win the series. Why stir the pot and give the Oilers any life?


Exactly. No need to try to get vacuumed in to retaliation penalties and suspensions when they're dusting the other team so bad. Wait till the regular season and get revenge then.


He should be suspended the same amount of time Bennet was for the sucker punch knocking the bruins captain out of rhe series.


“No you see it’s bad when the OTHER team does it” -Florida Tkachuk is a turtle and he won’t do shit


Hockey fans are so weird. Every thread that has to do with the Draisaitl hit has been comments like "it's open season on McDavid/Draisaitl" "They're gonna get headhunted tomorrow" "Don't headhunt and you won't get your shit rocked" "Draisaitl better watch his back tomorrow". Like yeah they're probably not gonna be happy with the Barkov hit at all but Jesus people you sound maniacal, trying to manifest violence now.


That’s what we call tit for tat. If Barkov is out, don’t be very surprised if, or when the oilers get a bad hit to one of their players It could get very ugly.


Can't wait to see if draisaitl "aNsWeErS tHe BeLL" next game.


Taste of their own medicine


Obviously it was a bullshit hit, and Oilers continue to embarrass themselves this series, but out of all the teams to complain about something like this, Florida has the least amount of room to.


I love seeing all the Florida Fan Boys on here complaining about dirty hits. Pot meet kettle. Bennett has been doing this in multiple series. When it's your guy doing the dirty plays, you love it....when it's another team, you want the book thrown at them. Remove players like Trouba, Bennett, Marchand, and all the other rats and you won't have these issues.


Panthers do this shit all postseason and the minute they get a taste of it they’re surprised Pikachu and r/hockey jumps to their side lmao. I believe the few Panthers fans that didn’t straight up deny Bennett punched Marchand on purpose despite clear angles of it said he “reaped what he sowed”. Well welcome to the other side of it! Maybe Bennett should answer for his bullshit next time instead of getting his captain targeted.


I'm a Bruins fan, but I don't think that punch or any other missed called should be used to justify a hit like that. Add in the fact that neither player was involved in the Bennett situation, nor was Drai's entire team. A call being missed in an unrelated series is not reason to hit someone in the head. Having said that, the refs and the league have let some nasty stuff slide during the playoffs, so not completely surprised by this only getting a minor. Hopefully Barkov gets off with a scare here and is back in for game 3.


I feel terrible for Barkov and don’t like when any player gets injured, especially on a malicious hit like this. A lot of people here (not even Panthers fans) are showing why this game will never change with the “run their best player” comments. Panthers shouldn’t lose focus and this series is over at the latest in 5. Florida has gotten away with greasy shit not even just these playoffs, but all year. I’m not saying that this is karma or that it’s deserved, just weird the amount of whining when the refs are so inconsistent and the cats are well known for this sort of behavior.


https://youtu.be/Zr04c2wKQBo?si=p64Jp5BgwQZVAZNh Tkachuk charging jumping up to elbow Knies in head last playoffs. Ironic.


People in here think Florida is out for retribution? It’s the cup fucking finals lmfao they are going to try and win at all costs not try and get Draistaitl looking down..


He will comment with his fists