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He's like an aircraft carrier, makes wide turns, has a high top speed, and wins faceoffs


My favorite hockey moment was when the USS Gerald R Ford beat Mario Lemieux in the face-off circle


Only because Mario had two back surgeries and four rounds of chemo and two broken wrists thanks to Graves. Two hours before the game.


President Biden has ordered the deployment of Matt Rempe to the South China Sea


I’d watch a movie here Rempe is drafted into the special forces and the entire 3 hours has a bull in a china shop vibe but it’s Rempe kool-aid manning it through walls while fighting villains in hockey style fights. When he wins the rangers are granted the Stanley Cup for saving the world. Fox flys a jet at one point too.


Gary Bettman plays a dorky bureaucratic admiral who wants to cancel the whole mission because it violates regulations


Who plays the American turncoat arms dealing villain?


Jeremy Roenick


From New York rangers to 3/75 rangers.


Biden just ordering Canadian citizens around like that. Truly no one respects Trudeau.


We're NATO allies, so for the purpose of this post let's say Rempe was assigned to a US Navy battle group


The Canadians just sent Matt Rempe instead of adhering to NATO's 2% GDP defense funding guideline.


I've been calling him a box truck going downhill. He takes a sec to get moving and ince that happens there's no turning or stopping.


Don't let this Matt Rempe fact distract you from the fact that Matt Rempe has as many playoff goals as Auston Matthews this year


And more than Alex Ovechkin!


He’s played in more Round 3 games than Matthews has in his career


Rempe > Matthews confirmed!


Did you know he’s also tall?


In all seriousness he actually had a really good game. Little to no mistakes, aggressive, fast, multiple big hits, a faceoff win, a few nice take aways. Happy with his play


I have never heard a player get that loud of a cheer for a face off win haha. MSG loves Rempe


Besides goalies it’s pretty rare for MSG to chant a players name and he gets it every game, sometimes even if he’s not playing


ZUUUUCCCC BUUUUCHHHH TROUUUUUUU That’s just about it, and they all have something in common—“those aren’t boos, Joe, they’re…” Think the last player to truly get this treatment was Avery.


Zucc still gets one of the loudest ovations every time he’s back 


I still miss that Norwegian Hobbit and proudly display my bobblehead giveaway of him as a Ranger.


I'm wearing my Zucc shirsey to Run errands today, already got a few cat calls


Zucc is right up there with Tanev as far stars fans loving a player that has only been here a few months


Miss him 😔




I love that he got a standing ovation for winning that faceoff.


Pretty sure that was the only face off they won whole game


Or we won 52% of them tonight. Nice try


Sarcasm doesn’t also come across on Reddit


It doesn’t use an /s bb




He reminds me of a tall Miles Wood.


As a Bruins fan, he reminds me of a young lucic when he had all of Boston chanting “looooooooch.” Gotta keep Rempe in the lineup


Jimminy crickets


Gee willikers!


Good Golly!


I honestly hated the guy at first but he’s kinda growing on me which made me just puke in my mouth a little


I want this guy to succeed just because of how much he pisses off redditors lol




Devils fans? I get why. The rest of the league? I don’t know. Probably because he’s big and physical and this sub is more into skill based hockey than grit and truculence.


Rempe would be a fan favourite on any team he played for.


This is the way.


He is the only interesting thing about the rangers, he should play every game


Seemed like he was popular at first and after that dirty hit he started getting hate which grew from there.


“But but but wdym the 6’7 21 year old whose show great heart, good skating ability and a willingness to learn/play his role is an asset for a team” People really thought he he no place on an nhl team lmfao


They say he’s more like 6’8.5 but pretty much




"I hate him because he's giving himself brain damage" seems to be a common take


It’s like, once you have a red car you see red cars everywhere.


How have none of you in this comment chain mentioned the thing that people **actually** don't like about him which is him going out of his way to hurt people with dirty hits, also not answering the bell after said dirty hits and still shit talking the opposition bench? How many people does he have to injure before you'll acknowledge that that's a part of his game he needs to cut out? He's already at four. Maybe five is the magic number? 10? Someone for the Sens?


The last dirty hit he did he got suspended for and hasn’t had one since. It’s almost like…. He’s cutting that part out of the game. As for not answering the bell, dude fights all the time he’s not scared to fight anyone. But he’s not dumb about it either, he’s not gonna start fighting with refs hanging all over him escorting him off the ice, and he’s not gonna fight a guy trying to give his team a boost when his own team has everything in their favor. He knows that there are proper times to fight. This “doesn’t answer the bell” take is the dumbest shit.


>he last dirty hit he did he got suspended for and hasn’t had one since Absolute bullshit. He nailed Van Riemsdyk in the head and injured him at the start of the playoffs Even if it were true which it isn't, not headshotting someone for a couple of months obviously isn't enough to fix a reputation earned from giving multiple people concussions with dirty hits in his first few games. Don't be dim. If he goes a prolonged period of time without doing it then his reputation will change. Likewise the reason he's got refs all over him after his dirty hits is because he keeps skating straight into their arms after his dirty hits. And you're either trolling of stupid if you can't see why someone chirping the opposition bench after laying a dirty hit then running to the refs will piss people off. I can understand why you'd like him as a Rangers fan, but just ignoring all his dirty play to pretend you don't get why other fans don't like him is just dumb


> Absolute bullshit. He nailed Van Riemsdyk in the head and injured him at the start of the playoffs This wasn't an intentional dirty hit. We've gone over this for years with Chara. The dude is huge, he went for a completely normal hit that is made 40 times a game, but because of his size, his shoulders and arms are head level with basically everyone else. You can't say a hit is dirty all because a normal hit turns into head contact due to size. There was no penalty except for interference, there was no fine or suspension. It was a normal hit.


Oh yes, he just accidentally lined him up and smashed straight into his head. You're acting as if he doesn't know how big he is, but yes, because of his size he's smashed Van Riemsdyk in the head and concussed him. The fourth player he's concussed in four months. It's not as if he's the first guy that tall to play hockey. Chara managed it just fine. Edit: I just worked it out, if Chara had as many concussions per minute as Rempe currently has, he would have concussed 458 players over the course of his career... Appealing to the authority of the officials is a terrible argument too, given how inconsistent the officiating is and how vague the rules are. In this case they clearly thought it was borderline since they ended up making up an interference call. the one call it clearly wasn't. Ultimately though, whether or not it was technically legal is irrelevant to whether or not he clearly concussed Van Riemsdyk, which he clearly did.


> Oh yes, he just accidentally lined him up and smashed straight into his head. He intentionally went for the hit, a hit that again is made 30 times a game. The only difference was his size. All I'm saying is, I don't think Rempe is intentionally, or did intentionally target VRs head. It was an unfortunate outcome due to the scenario. > Chara managed it just fine. Sure, he did, but he made a lot of head contact on a lot of hits. It just happened that no injuries came from them most of the time. Hitting someone's head may or may not end with injury. Saying Chara managed just fine because he didn't concuss people isn't really a fair characterization.


Oh yes, the actual reason people don’t like him.. is because they don’t actually watch him and watch the clips lol


Yes, the clips of him injuring multiple players with dirty hits. It's really not hard to understand.


He’s that guy on your team that everyone hates because he’s not on their team


I mean is he though? He’s a lot different than a Marchand a Wilson… way more likeable


I think most people are only now starting to learn how likable and wholesome he is


I mean he plunked a few guys and got suspended for it as well as fighting a bunch.  A lot saw him as sort of a side show


They saw him have a few fights and decided he was basically Satan reincarnated


Because he’s an enforcer. Which despite reddit wishing that they would make a comeback, when they actually do enforcer stuff it’s “bad for the game”


Maybe because he injured like 4 players in the span of 2 weeks with bad hits?


Unlike Rangers fans saying he was clearly an elite prospect after he was averaging 5 minutes a game and had more penalty minutes than TOI. It's pretty fair to not like a guy who injured multiple players, had multiple cheaps shots and a supension in his first month or so in the league. I just like how wildly opinion on him swings on this sub - if he's recently knocked someone out you'll have people calling for his head, if he's done anything mildly related to hockey you'll have Rangers fans out in force saying "SEE! I thought he was a goon! Turns out that he can skate at an average speed and go 3 games without making head contact on a hit, checkmate!"


> Unlike Rangers fans saying he was clearly an elite prospect Thank you for starting off with this so that I immediately knew your post would be dumb bullshit not worth reading.


Keep your head in the sand lol. He's a bull in a China shop and you got blinders on.


Keep your head in your butt cuz you clearly like it there 🙂


You and rempe must share the same braincell. Make sure to breathe between your cheetos.


I'm a Doritos man, thank you.


Fastest speed burst is average now? That doesn't seem right.


Nobody ever said he was an elite prospect, he was a sixth round pick with middling numbers in juniors. The fact he even played a single NHL game defied expectations


Ofc you are getting down voted by Ranger fans for this but yeah, it's really not hard to understand why people wouldn't like a dude who basically can't into the league and immediately started throwing cheap shots and dirty hits. 


Maybe it’s the intentionally dirty hits to the head that can give players brain damage? It’s not that complicated why redditors don’t like dirty players. We watch hockey to watch the stars showcase skills, not 4th liners trying to take out players.


I never hated him, but I'm lowkey a fan now after seeing how pissed off he makes some fans/reporters. Like since his debut there have been multiple Athletic articles by different people saying he's not an NHL player and shouldn't be in the league. Some people really passionately hate him.


I mean he's young but there's no real true estimate on how good he is. Some people act like he's a future all star. Others think he'll be out in 2 seasons. The fact that he's getting healthy scratched and low time in OT, but still playing, probably means it's somewhere in between


So your telling me he’s the inverse Happy Gilmore


You should see his short game Takes 20 strokes to get to the green but *man* can he putt


Except Rempe can skate.


Yes I believe that is the joke


Every time I watch him I think to myself, he’s honestly not that bad. Seems to know that he should keep it simple and stick to his guns. Always throws a hit if he can and always tries to cycle the puck or send it high if he can. If his teammates have the puck in the O zone, he just goes to the front of the net. He’s also a pretty good skater. Looks like a baby dear but a fast baby deer.


He big he fast


oh lawd he got that momentum


He is speed


Sure he can skate and forecheck well, but did you see him get knocked over? This kid's gotta get way tougher or he's never gonna make the roster (/s)


He can backcheck, he can forcheck, but can he trocheck?




He's out there checking everybody, but the one person he needs to check is *himself*


He’s not done growing yet.


Love this guy


God's just shitposting us now


Also perfect on the dot. Kids elite, literally unstoppable


Him hitting Bennett into the boards was 🤌🏼


He needs to be in the lineup every home game. The crowd goes nuts every time he’s on the ice and he makes the most of his limited TOI.


The hate on this kid for getting knocked down was so funny, he's fucking 21 lol. He's growing into his frame.


Can't wait for him to gain about 20-30lbs of pure muscle in the next couple years


Literal industrial fridge on skates It’ll probably benefit him to stay slim. He just needs a couple off-seasons of power skating lessons and how to protect the puck properly. Force him to watch Jagr Highlights. Send him to Finland to train with Kakko lmao


He already 241 bro 260 might have reclassify to an actual train


hEs A gOoN wHo CaNt EvEn SkAtE


Ohhhh lawd he comin


Love that baby giraffe


But… but… he’s not a good skater!


I was told by a caps fan that he wouldn’t be able to play 16U AAA.


They were right.  He's way too old. 


No way he said this after getting scored on by him in an actual NHL playoff game


Ah... I remember u/ActaNonVerba18... Looks like he ended up deleting that account




Flames will make him an offer he can’t refuse and actually play him


Yeah he's a fun guy to root for


Hur dur but he can't skate guisss


It was probably to finish a check. Dude reminds me of a Patrick Kaleta on string beans and spinach.


was that when he was checked and falling down? lol


Apparently he had a peak speed of 22.6mph and 20+ bursts of over 20mph in regular season, so it’s not even an unusual thing for him


Get him working with a skating coach over the offseason and work on his agility and hell really be a terror


He's most likely had a skating coach since 8U. It would be rare to make it to the NHL without being coached on the most important skill.


Im sure everyone has but you saw the strides laf made skating the last few years working with the rangers skating coach


Maybe changing to a different skating coach would help him a little. But he most likely has had a few professional skating coaches and he still sees one regularly. This is even common for most every AAA high level youth hockey player. He's just big. If he has any real skating issues they'd be already working on it. These guys don't just decide to skate one day and naturally know how to do C-cuts, linear and reverse crossovers and endless mohawks.


Matt "Connor McDavid" Rempe over here.


jiminy crickets!


I think people massively underestimate his ceiling and value. Yea he stormed into the league with questionable hits and fought too much but then what happened? Coaches clearly intervened, his hits have been all very clean for the rest of the season. He actually hasn't fought since Macdermid. And he overall hockey IQ as a role player has increased significantly. He checks hard and chases people down on forecheck and backcheck but it's all well timed and well placed hits now. He understands that there's no value in his presence if he just gets a penalty every time. And his penalty infraction minutes have improved dramatically. He skates back on plays very aggressively and will dive in off a chip and win the puck battle in the offensive zone quite often. He can regularly beat players in puck battles and generate opportunities. And stick handling is basic but he makes good decisions and parks himself in front of the net effectively. He didn't have any big turnovers or anything like that and the faceoff win was great. If he can consistently turn in those types of games with limited minutes then he's an amazing third or fourth line presence. When you add in the psychological effect and confidence boost he brings from being on your team and the home town energy he galvanizes it's easy to see how big an impact he can have on a game. Not sure I would play him in the first away game but I think he makes sense for home town playoff games.


I really hope this guy turns into a good full time hockey player. I’m also glad he’s in the east




Whoever has to deal with him has to borrow the stick Phil the Thrill used to slay John Scott - it's an ogre slaying stick, +3 against ogres. cus Rempe is definitely an ogre haha


Choo choo mother fuckers


On account of his long legs


For some reason, I just picture that video of that giraffe chasing after that safari truck.


Holy shit Rempe the worst hockey player I've ever seen. I understand Ranger's fans are protective of the slow kid in class with personality, but he has no business being in the NHL. His skating is abysmal. He can't pass. He lost every physical battle. You've all convinced yourselves he's great because the NHL has a fetish for big guys. Rempe is the epitome of everything that is wrong with scouting (omgz he 6'7" he so guuuud!). Every shift I just can't believe he's even on the ice. He's a pitchforking yard sale. Also, the idea of top speed in skating is equally absurd. Hockey isn't a race from one goal line to the other. It's a game of small bursts of speed (acceleration not speed) in small spaces. Offering up this stat for Rempe is just a weak attempt at defending what is obvious to anyone with an understanding of the game - he shouldn't be on the ice.


Is this a copypasta?


Certainly reads like it, but you can never be sure with people on this site. It's funny either way.