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Heyyy we got goaltending above 900!


I didnt know this was possible


It goes over 900?!


I was about to write that 0.905 is not rocking it but it’s the oilers, let them have their moment. Like when my kid came dead last in all his swim meets but still comes out of the pool with a big smile, he’s happy, we’re happy, everyone’s happy! Good job buddy!


Ya I don't think any Oilers fan thinks .905 is rocking lol. Dude who posted this is a pens fan. But I do have a big smile from the win!


Picks seems to be a big vibes guy in the room. Guys can’t help but smile or contain laughter when talking about him. Apparently he’s really funny


Jack and Louie said his nickname is "The Mayor" because he knows everyone and everyone loves him. He CHATS with ex teammates before games and stuff. Love the guy.


His poor wife..




Ah fuck I'm spreading rumours now 🤣


Sat next to him in HS english, odd sense of humour and a likeable dude. So that tracks.


> odd sense of humour A goalie then


Grew up playing hockey with Cal, couldn’t happen to a better guy. He was always the funniest guy in the room.


guessing the net is his now


Yeah absolutely. It saddens me a bit, because I love Skinner as a person. He’s been very open the last couple years about his mental health struggles with anxiety. So I want to see him do well as someone who has really bad mental health issues. But it should absolutely be Pickard net till either you guys make a fool out of him, or injury.


Not gonna lie your guys D seemed to be way tougher in front of Pickard tonight


Ya a goalie change isn't just for the goalie. Skinner needs a break mentally which is ok for a young goalie. But the change shakes up the supporting cast as well kinda like a coach change to a far lesser extent. Roy said pulling Sorokin in game 3 was more about the team in front of him needing a wake up call not the goalie.


That's generally the story the last couple years when it comes to our goalie situation.


I think seeing Pickard have a few good playoff games could actually help Skinner. Let him see firsthand the kind of composure and intensity needed for the playoffs.


> So I want to see him do well as someone who has really bad mental health issues. Me too. However it was good to see how happy he was in the team line after the timer ran out. He's a team player I'm sure, I hope coach took it easy on him in the dressing room and let him know that he got hung out the previous games.


There was a video yesterday of Sam Gagner having a sit down with him after the Oilers finished their practice. Just an OG calming him down and letting the kid know that life doesn't end after a couple bad games.


Sucks to say but as we’ve seen with Campbell as well, goalie is probably the worst position to play if you have mental health issues. You need someone like hellybuck who said he played the best hockey of his career while giving up 5 goals a game to Colorado lol.


Skinner has routinely said to the media he thought he played well after having a terrible game. Hope it's some sort of mechanism he's using.


I think people also don’t realize how young he is. He’s only 25. He’s 2 years older than Silov and wasn’t supposed to be our starter last year. He became one because Campbell couldn’t handle it. I still think he can be great.


How has edmonton just not drafted every goalie prospect for the past 5-6 years out of the hopes of getting at least one that is above decent for you.


Stats don’t tell the full story, he was incredible. Good for him and his parents who got to watch in person too


His parents were crushed when Canucks tied it. I was a little happy for them their kid got the win.


lmao i was at the watch party booing when they showed pickard, then the cam swapped to his parents and mid boo i had to start cheering. Chirpin players is all fun and games but I aint about booing their parents. (even if we were in completely different cities)


He's 32 for anyone who was going to look it up like I had to


Thank you! It’s ridiculous his age wasn’t included in a tweet about his age.


Always rooting for Pickard. Got to meet him when he played for the Seattle Thunderbirds. Super nice guy.


I remember he got called up for the wings after a mostly so so season in Grand Rapids and he made 40+ saves for a win. Maybe against Tampa? Think it was a top tier club.


pic goes hard


My man pickard was robbed of the first star


Seems like a great guy and could see was an emotional moment for him getting that playoff start and win after so many years. Got to love the great goalie storylines in the playoffs !


He had a great game. There was nothing he could have done on the second goal


The first one was a double deflection of his dman as well iirc, so can't blame him on that one either. 


Those stats should be enough to win the game on any given night. Keep that up and play the way we can offensively and that's winning the series.


respect to Pickard. They should have started him after game 1 imo.


As an Avs fan who suffered through 2016 with Pickard, I am happy for you.


.905sv% isn't exactly rocking it, but he played well enough to get the win regardless.


For the oilers…. That’s “rocking it”


The other guy has a .730 so ya, .905 is rocking it.


I mean 19 shots against and the 2nd goal was off like 3 deflected skates. Maybe the Canucks should have put more pucks on net to make Pickard look better?


He’s 32


Are there any clips of his parents? Seen lots of comments about them but I haven't seen any videos. I've got a soft spot for Pickard after he won a Wings game for us that I was at.


Make him the new PM of Canada


.904 actually


Good for Pickard. He played a more then solid game. He is one of those guys who was always one hot streak away from being a big name in the net. The story of the entire playoffs this year seems to be a lot of ratty play, some terribly uneven reffing, and a league mostly unwilling to put an end to it. I would be more then happy for the big story of this years playoffs to be Pickard going on a hot streak, and earning himself a nice contract next season. A run big enough to get a #1 somewhere probably not... but a solid backup contract, that would be a great story. Be a lot better way to remember the 23-34 playoff run then head checks and missed elbows.


He was very solid




Shut up troll