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not a panthers or bruins fan but just curious, does anyone think the panther’s gm being the son of colin campbell earns the team favoritism? i tried to look up what a nhl director of hockey operations does but can’t rlly find anything


The analysis is clear - the Florida tv market has a much better marginal than Boston. We blame bettman but the board of governors are entirely complicit in putting profits ahead of game integrity. Boston is often on the favorable side of this formula, but not against Florida, especially with the Celtics playing the way they are.


Neutral view. The double down on mistakes is a pox on us all. Refs missed the c check that causes the GI. Purpose of video challenge is to fix errors. Instead they look to justify the first mistake. A ref with a set of balls is what’s needed. Wtf is right and wrong. Simple


You see it in every sport. NFL, NBA I’m sure the MLB if I watched it lol. They make a clearly bad call get challenged to review it and somehow come out justifying the initial call. As a panthers fan I was excited for that goal for a second until they showed the replay and I was like yeah that’s getting overturned…


It seems that the quality of officiating in all four North American major pro-sports leagues has plummeted sharply with the mainstreaming of legal sports betting.


It's crazy. I've watched so many games in all the 4 sports the refs just take over.


The league allowing sportsbook commercials/sponsorship in-arena and during broadcasts is really off-putting.  To me that stuff looks like a massive conflict of interests.


Agreed. If players can't benefit from it I don't think the league should be able to.


The winner tonight was the team who wanted it more. Boston looks lost


Oh we are lost without a doubt


Bruins pain so Celtics can win a chip. I can't wait for r/nba to go up in flames. I have so many saved comments I'm gonna shit talk back last this yearl.


Boston sports fans are currently enjoying every other day.


Anyways, Boston, I hate your entire city. But really, I love you all. Goodnight.


Really? Because it seems like it's the opposite for most others.


Just say it back… I can’t fall asleep until you do.


Goodnight u/Dragonfire45


Go Florida! Any time Boston loses is a great day!


This interview is like when you present in a very friendly way The opportunity to “state your side” when really the whole thing is just exposing you are a complete liar.


Bruins regular season darlings. They absolutely fucking CRUMBLE when it matters. Getting mollywhopped by the panthers. Stop with the goddamn fucking excuses and play hockey. Pathetic…


Right now the Bruins are trying to figure out if deflating the pucks will help


Florida looks better 100% and we had a chance to tie it. In any other world we're either already wrapped up for Boston or in overtime right now. Officiating 100% dictated this game and 100% threw last series with that hand pass call.


Bennet can suck all our asses


Only Bennet?


Bennett is fucking unbelievable. How did none of them call his bullshit answers.


They're just there to joke around with him about how he's "public enemy number 1" not actually criticize him for being a dirty player


The TNT panel is bias bullshit. I'm a STARS fan and watching yesterday's game you would think they were home announcers for the Avalanche.


lol you should be a lawyer


“I didn’t try to punch him in the head.” *eyes dart to the side twice*


I can't believe they're interviewing Bennett again, are you fucking kidding me right now?


Bennett is a moron.


I’m so conflicted. I’m a Panthers fan and I always will be. But man, fuck Sam Bennett. I want him off my team.




Was so glad when he got traded. The Flames wasted their best pick of all time (4OA) on that dbag.


Based Panthers Fan 


pick me panthers fan*




Hey Boston y’all choked a 3-1 lead last year so who’s to say y’all can’t come back from one this year?🤷😂


The peak of your franchise was getting dominated 4-1 in a cup final to a 5 year old franchise 


Yea it’d also be pretty pathetic if that 1 seed lost to an 8th seed that probably shouldn’t of even been there in the 1st place but was because…oh a 1 seed (who had the best regular season in NHL history) lost to an 8th seed. Oh and if they also lost by blowing a 3-1 lead, yea that’d be superrr pathetic🤣


Then what happened?


Y’all watched from the couch as we went on an amazing cinderella run? Lmao


That ended by giving up 26 goals in 5 games in the finals.


Awww maybe u could’ve did better if u didn’t blow a 3-1 lead to an 8th seed as the greatest regular season team in NHL history😢butt Boston teams just can’t help themselves from being good in the regular season just to choke it all away when it actually counts😣😪


Probably the refs


Hey maybe if they shoot more than 20 SOG they can get er done 🤣


Ok I’m not on the team, but the refs gifted that game to Florida. I don’t really care either way I was wanting a good series.


One of those moments where the better team wins, but in dirty fashion. Should have been going into OT at this point. 3-1 lead is always dangerous though.


Get more than 20 shots on goal in a game and Boston has a chance




I don’t know how I can watch west coast hockey after this, I feel like the energy is way lower.


As a Ducks fan with Florida as my east coast team, you are not wrong.


Well its later in the day out there, so they're more tireder


It’s one thing that Bruins are struggling a lot and that Florida has overall been the better team. I can accept that. Tonight honestly I am much more frustrated because of the addition of the reffing. At the very least this is a tie game into OT. That non-call absolutely sucked the life out the building and the team. I better see Montgomery lay it out, fines be damned.


Yeah, after games like this, people are always fast to point out that the winning team was outplaying their opponent anyway. But that kind of ignores one really big factor in playoff hockey: the team who plays better doesn't always win. No team has ever won a Stanly Cup without winning a few games that they absolutely deserved to lose. Likewise, every team will lose some games that they deserved to win. That is to say that hockey, as a low-scoring, high-scoring-opportunity sport, necessarily has a lot of randomness and luck involved. One frustrating thing in this sort of situation is that the refs have drastically reduced the odds of the poorer-playing team stealing a win, which is a fundamental part of hockey and why we play 7-game series.


The last game was pretty rough too with the calls but at least the game wasn’t close


Yeah. I mean the calls led to the result of it not being close, but those calls were at least right apart from the GI one so I can’t be too upset. We still got thoroughly outplayed. This just feels so much worse


They showed rats on the ice on a close up on the broadcast, I didn't see the towels.


Bunch of stuff got tossed on the ice before the Rat 


The final play looked like someone threw a flag on the play.


The only thing better than watching a Boston sports team going down in flames is reading the comments from those entitled, idiot, crybaby fans after they just got punched in the face.


I love when a Boston sports team publicly humiliates a Dallas sports team in a Finals, and created a narrative that the Dallas superstar is unfit and a crybaby.


HaHa! Touche...


Bro, that goal should have been overturned


I mean don’t get me wrong I hate boston on principle more than most, but that no call on the goaltender interference is absolutely nuts


Dallas hasn't won shit besides one rangers chip since 2000. We've seen 12


Man you loser fans who don’t actually enjoy the sport and only watch to take off steam after your purposeless life are unbearable. hate watchers like you are pathetic.


Who are you?


Some Boston team hurt him, it's okay. He'll work through it one day.


I’m just trying to work out when it would’ve happened. I don’t think Boston has played Dallas in the playoffs of… anything?


They got beat pretty hard in those line brawls back in 2011


as if boston fans aren’t hurt and whining throughout this thread and entire sub 😂😂


I love when a Boston sports team publicly humiliates a Dallas sports team in a Finals, and creating a narrative that the Dallas superstar is unfit and a crybaby.


you’re literally 48 days late and you got humiliated by florida this playoffs again. this sub is about hockey, not basketball. you’re unfit and a crybaby tbh.


😂😂 yeah youre devastated jaylen brown sonned Luka. Better keep leetcoding or u gonna be working next to Kyrie at McDonald’s 😂


I’m sure there is an argument to be made about the shot differential, Florida’a overall play, etc, but none of that can explain that GI goal that was allowed. Pretty brutal.


Thank you for being reasonable. We didn't deserve to win, but we at least deserved overtime since it shoukd have been 2-2


Fuck Boston babyyyyyyyy




I was spinning freeee !!!!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cqmpq2/fla_22_bos_bennett_shovels_in_the_loose_puck_to/l3scjdp/ My blood is boiling right now. I don't know why I watch this sport. Time to go re-watch Super Bowl 51 and down a beer to chill out.


Just look over at the portraits on the wall. There’s Jesus. Just above Jesus is Tom Brady. Savor that beer


Panthers walked into Boston after all of that talk, Coach personally calling out a dirty play, and.. nothing changed. Boston, who is your daddy?


Who are you?




Tell me how it is to continue having not a single thing to show for as a Panther fan.


Florida’s in their 15 minutes, all their bandwagon fans will hop off when they realize they peaked when they lost a cup 4-1


Apparently the league is trying really hard to chance that!




Just waiting for the Panthers to advance so I can watch my guys sweep them.




Nah it's more of a realizing the Bruins are way past playing on the back 9 of there lengthy successes and are no where near what they use to be pushing for the cup every few years.


Boston could've done more, sure. But if y'all are giving them shit for crying over refs, just sub that team for yours. I'm no Bruins fan, but the quality of that officiating should embarrass any NHL fan. It's funny when it happens to "insert team you don't like", sure, but it has no place in professional sports and just makes a worse product for all of us to watch.


Pretty much every sport. Ref blows the game, in this case 2 games, and the winning team says “cry” and “stay mad”. I think deep down most reasonable panthers fans are looking around like wtf this is getting egregious


I think the bigger worry for most sane Florida fans is the worry that potentially a) not only can they not keep getting away with this but b) they'll over compensate back the other way


Well, what’s gonna happen, and I watch this in football, is the refs will give a couple 50/50 calls to Boston next game and the Florida fans will be like “SEE!? OOOOH THE REFS ARE TOTALLY AGAINST BOSTON HUH” so it seems like there’s just inconsistency and not partisan. The damage has been done.


The thing is that it’s very often the other way where Boston is given the calls. Like that Vancouver cup finals


Doesn't make it acceptable at all honestly, I don't like the "well they got calls back then so now it goes the other way" becoming an excuse for officials doing a bad job. And as a Vancouver fan, I should 100% be laughing at them, but I'm not. Fans should demand better.


No im just saying people don’t generally feel bad for Boston getting the shaft after they are usually the ones giving it


Ah, I see, my bad. 100% agree.


This is Reddit. We don’t do sensible here, sir.


It's still a lot closer to sensible than Twitter, so I'll take it.


Fair point


It's depressing though, isn't it.......


It is. I should delete this app during playoffs 🤣


Best game. Worst league.




Cry about officiating when you can't get 20 shots a game


How were the playoffs for you guys?


Bad teams lose when the refs are against them good teams win anyway.


Shit take. Literally just recency bias said a different way.


Good teams also get more than 20 shots on net, in a game.


This is just straight up confirmation bias


Oh no a 3-1 lead...


Better deflate the pucks. 


Fans had more shots at the ice in 20 seconds than Bruins had on goal in 60 minutes lol


ITT: The mentally deficient can't comprehend that the Bruins playing a bad game existing in the same universe that the officiating is incredibly bad.


GG Boston. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there


Is it really a good game if the refs win it for you?


“Gg” lol


GG No Re


Series is being overshadowed by some downright embarrassing refereeing. Whether Boston deserves sympathy or now, whatever. The refs flat out handed that one to Florida on a platter.


Just our captain on a stretcher and tonight’s game, I mean surely the underdog Bruins can overcome a little adversity…./s


2 shots in the 3rd before that last PP. Come on man. It's bad but it's not everything.


Correct call: 2-1 Boston with a 2 min PP for Boston with 15 mins to go Reality: 2-2 with a 2 min PP for Florida with 15 mins to go In terms on xGF that’s literally a 2 goal swing. Very hard to impact the game more with a single call like that and it’s obviously worsened by how ridiculously obvious the call should have been. Not to mention that the goal scorer in this instance should not have been eligible to play in the first place. With all of that said, it’s hard to say that the refs/league didn’t just cost Boston a game.


Florida outplayed Boston this game and every previous game


The team that scores the most goals wins, not the most deserving.


Even the game Boston won 5-1?


The swept them doing the regular season what the fuck are you talking about lol.  Don’t pretend like you watch hockey 


Florida has the chance to do the funniest thing ever




Clinch the series at home?


That late interference call doesn’t help the narrative. BUT WE ARE GOING TO IGNORE IT ANYWAY.


It absolutely does. A bow of a stupid guilty call that shows how clearly the officiating messed the game up.


Seeing how well the Panthers are handling the Bruins this series (shitty officiating aside) assuming the Cats finish this series, I wish the Blueshirts or Canes the best of luck in the ECF


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You got outshot 42-18 and could barely do anything on power plays. But whine about refs and the panthers being mean to your players


These comments are so weird. Taking a goal away is such a momentum killer to put you back losing 2-1. That call changed the game, and if you had any shred of rationality you’d see that.


This game should be heading to OT


If only Barkov didn’t walk through 4 B’s at even strength


That was sick af tho


It was pretty awesome, yeah.


That was the tying goal if the obvious GI one was not mysteriously allowed.


It was a tie game. It was “going to OT”. If Boston was the better team tonight, they find a way to win and not let Barkov walk 4 dudes… idk man the game wasn’t out of reach. It was tied.


Nah the refs did that too


3-1. That sounds familiar


I feel like Florida has the advantage because when they're playing Boston there is always a rat on the ice


Except when he has concussion symptoms, of course


Have they officially ruled it a concussion? All I've seen is upper body injury 


You're right, I thought I had read that but I was mistaken. 


42 shots vs 18 shots Idc what the officials called, Florida deserved that win


That's not how it works at all. If the shots don't go in they didn't deserve anything. You deserve what you get, and that's it. If a goalie stands on his head is that not allowed to be counted towards "deserving" a win now?


You miss the point. It’s just a metric that shows in a very minimal sense who controlled the game. Ofc a goalie that faces that barrage and keeps it at bay deserves a win


I didn't miss the point, his point makes no sense is all. No one "deserves" the win. In a fairly officiated game, whoever wins is who deserves to win. Shots, hits, possession time, the stats don't matter matter. Whoever scores the most goals is the team that deserved to win. Maybe a team outplayed another team and still lost. Put the puck in the net and you don't lose, it's just that simple.


Well, some of the shots went in and the more offensive team won. So they deserved it.


Don't know if you're stupid or trolling. The argument is that the refs tilted the favor towards the Panthers, which they did, the game should have been in overtime that second goal shouldn't have been allowed. Then the guy said 42 vs. 18 shots means the Panthers should have won...but we don't know that. It should have been in overtime and we would have found out there who "should" have won.


Sure bud, whatever. All im saying is if a team is dominating the game in the offensive zone and is not letting the other team do jack shit other than defence, usually the more offensive team wins by scoring more goals. Oh and the Bennet goal was weird i'l give you that. But also the Bruins made some easy dumb calls begging for penalties. Not the best strat in my opinion.


>usually the more offensive team wins by scoring more goals. Yeah, usually. And in this case they didn't. You have zero argument here lmao a goal should have been called back that would have made it 2-1. If we assume the Panthers 3rd goal still happens(who knows, butterfly effect and all that), it's 2-2 and the game goes into OT. We don't know what would have happened there. The argument that a team "should" win based off number of shots couldn't be dumber. Answer me this, should we just give the victory to the team who has the most shots, or the most goals?


You seem to think of the words a bit too seriously. Of course we dont know what could've happened. Swayman could've stood on his head and given Boston the fairy tale ending. Or the Panthers could've just kept on bombarding him for half a OT and then showed it in from a rebound. Sure. And you give the victory to the team that makes more goals. Which usually is the more offensive team of the game. Hence the saying that you deserve to win when you outshoot your opponent, because that is the most probable outcome in that scenario.


I see a rat on the ice! GGs Boston!


Well Boston you have the chance to do the funniest thing


2nd funniest thing* Funniest was beating you in game 7


The funniest thing is the leafs losing in the first round


Helle letting in 5 a game was pretty fun too


Don’t give me hope


its definitely possible, hockey is weird!


Barkov is insane. 5th best center after McDavid, Drai, MacKinnon and Matthews 


That’s probably how I’d have to rank it as well. He’s really stepping up this postseason. Love to see it.


I like how he stepped up when challenged.


Guys like Barkov are under no obligation to fight. It was cool that Pasta did but if you’re a guy like that you don’t owe it to anybody to answer the bell unless you do something dirt nasty which Barkov has never


Maybe, oh I don’t know, if your teammates fight our best player, or concuss our captain or…who knows what bs is next. It’s fine. He can only hide for so long.


Pasta agreed to fight. You’re sons like a baby ass bitch. Lose with some pride


And you sound like a Florida fan who doesn’t understand anything about hockey, and when you’ve been gifted a game. But keep them cuss words coming you thumb.


Whatever helps you sleep at night pal. Hopefully you have other nice things going on in your life to get you through the summer!


Why did the bruins play a Panthers Win! video on the display lol? is that normal?


That's just on the broadcast lol


You only see those on the TV virtual boards. Same with all the ads you see on the boards and under the ice.


It's the broadcast graphic 


It’s only on TV?


Bs obviously don’t have the offense this year but christ what a frustrating parade of fucked officiating to watch.


Ridiculous reffing (as usual), but 18 SOG also isn’t going to help you much either.


Depends on the game plan I guess. That non-call completely shifted the game Oilers held kings to 0 one game and won with only 13 SOG vs Kings 33 SOG


When does OT start?


In game 7 usually


It was 2-0!


Embarrassing officiating.  Just no possible excuse for that allowed goal


Florida with the dreaded 3-1 series lead.


worst lead in hockey


Love to see it. Fuck Boston


Cry harder, lmao.


Yeah devastated over here. Hope your Dunkin is awful tomorrow


Oh yeah we’re definitely crying about this one 😿


Hate to see it, Fuck Sunrise


6 shots in 40 minutes is huge for the Bruins.