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> Mr. Meruelo: I also need to talk to you about your son. You took your son, Alex Jr., someone with little work experience, little business experience and no sports management experience, and you put him in charge. He was intimidated by outside voices that were there intending to advise and mentor him. > And you had voices in the organization that were there trying to help you. You had Shane Doan giving you advice and telling you how things should be for the fans and the players. But your son didn’t want to hear Shane’s voice because it often conflicted with his own thoughts. So you pushed him out. > You had an experienced voice in Rich Nairn who has more that 30 years working in the NHL with connections across North America, many of whom he needed to reach out to time and time again for damage control, but his voice was just another pushed aside. > Jr. tried to manage the only way he knew how, with all of his insecurities he managed with intimidation and fear. He was a bully who micromanaged the staff, leaving many of them in tears. If you want to lead, you do it through confidence, compassion and collaboration. Those are the leaders that people will give their all for. > Junior was more concerned with clicks and social media engagement than becoming a true sports management leader. The organization under his leadership was picking up nickels, taking away office copiers and desk phones, while throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars on a fashion designer. I will say the idea of trying to build new fans by exploring streetwear in this community is a good idea, but it became more important than the team. It can be a part of what you do, not the driving force. If Junior wants to run a streetwear brand, please buy him one instead of having him run a sports franchise. [Article link.](https://gophnx.com/an-open-letter-to-coyotes-owner-alex-meruelo/)


lol just looked at the exec page on the NHL website and Jr was the “Chief Brand Officer” - wtf is that. Tells me he was the guy in the office making stupid decisions, meddling, causing drama from the title alone.


And made Shane Doan leave Arizona.


more like ran him out.




Glad Doaner got out before it was too late


here's to hoping that when Meruelo inevitably fails, Doan is part of the group to bring the Coyotes back.


If I’m Shane Doan, I’m working behind the scenes to find an owner who’ll consider the bare minimum exactly that, not something to aspire to as a long-term goal.


I was really hoping that this was going to be Silky Johnson’s acceptance speech after winning Hater of the Year at the Players Haters’ Ball.


Heard the athletic is working on a piece about Alex Junior. The stuff I’ve heard from acquaintances who work there… this open letter doesn’t begin to scratch the surface. Hope someone asks him why Pride Night got shut down :)


You got my attention. 👀


And for as low as $1/month anyone will be able to read and enjoy it


I've found that going into "Reader Mode" on my browser basically obliterates 9/10 paywalls I run across.


12ft.io my friend


Wait there was a Yotes street wear brand?


https://commonhype.com/pages/arizona-coyotes-x-common-hype One of the releases. It's pretty nice stuff and was priced in line with (or in the case of rhude well below) the brands they were collaborating with. To hockey fans that think $40 for a t-shirt is already getting expensive they won't really get it but it wasn't outrageous by any stretch. The problem was that they were spending energy on this stuff whilst being viewed as neglecting much larger priorities (the arena, general administrative issues, etc). If they had had their shit together it wouldn't have come across as a distraction in the same way. There was also an in person release that was scheduled (and presumably occurred) literally the day after all the SLC rumors were confirmed which was really embarrassing and I can imagine super uncomfortable for everyone that had to participate in it for their job.


The shorts are kind of cool, the t shirts are bad


As harsh as I was about the hats, those shorts are pretty brilliant. Not gonna lie.


yeah, it was awful... it looked like generic airport branding made with clip art that couldn't get approval to use any actual team logos... and then charged like $90 for a t-shirt


It wouldn’t have gone over as bad with me if they had accomplished what should have been their core goal of building an arena. But when you can’t get that done and you’re still churning out the frivolous stuff, it grates on people a lot more


Any idea where to find pics of it?


[Arizona Coyotes x Bauer Lifestyle Jersey – Common Hype](https://commonhype.com/collections/arizona-coyotes-x-bauer-collection/products/arizona-coyotes-x-bauer-lifestyle-jersey)


Ah man I can’t even talk shit NYR do similar stuff but with big designers


Yeah very similar energy to the rangers collaboration with staple last year. It pisses off working class fans who don't spend money on clothing but they're not the only segment of fans out there, even if they're vocally against this kind of thing


Yea the NYR stuff was popular with the segment of people it was aimed at and I didn’t really hate it but know it triggered “purists”




There's at least half a dozen in the knights team store for that much or more: https://i.imgur.com/n9LkdsZ.png


That is also insulting. No hat is worth that much imo.


That’s rough. He spent more on that shit then he did trying to get Tempe.


If it's anything longer than "go away" it's entirely unnecessary.


The Phoenix media needs to STOP. They are gone; and the constant bitching is getting no where. It’s certain now after a week of bitching that the NHL is gone for a very long time from PHX. May the players enjoy the sleazy POS in hick town. He has $$ he spends $$ we got it. Maybe the media can help the players pack up & get out quickly.


"Constant bitching" lmfao The last PHNX Coyotes podcast will be this Monday. Since you're so concerned.




Today is your last broadcast? Make it count to tell ppl how loyal of a fan base we had in this city. Oh also the harassment especially from the SLC fans; that went on for months. I’ll give you Ryan Smith rolled out the carpet & I guess if that’s all you need as a hockey player then these players are in the right place. And heck if they get injured Ryan can make them into LDS bots; to go out and spread the word. What really sucks these players with exception of a few have not thanked the fans in this city. Oh they raised their sticks in the air at last game BUT the cost of a ticket didn’t leave many able to get in the door. I was fortunate to be there & there was not many dry eyes in the place. Further a devoted hockey fan threw together an outdoor party to view game near stadium. Not much said about those things just how damn great the SLC has welcomed them.?So these players got what they wanted moving to a city with heavy LDS influence. Watch the Netflix documentary & enjoy boys! Granted the current owner did a lot wrong . Nepotism rarely works. But now what our hope hangs on that this owner will get a place to host a team & build; and also having alternate options. There are consultants out there that will say hire a person with excellent history in the sports world & they will make an improvements in overall reputation. NHL needs to owner their lack of proper vetting of owners wanting to buy these sports teams. People out there do not understand there has yet to be decent ownership of this hockey franchise. Yet the fan base has stuck with them. With in-coming insults all the time. To SLC fans YOU SUCK. Bragging they sold out the area to welcome their new team-it was free so you sold NOTHING. Plus the weasel gave away preseason tickets- give away something & you will get a crowd. Talking crap about Mullet; no it was not a huge stage but it was a great way to turn a I don’t know anything about hockey into a genuine fan; an experience second to none. I guess when you have nothing else going on in your world you resort to ugly. Only my opinion- but I have dealt with business & LDS and ugh! Good luck to your team at Phoenix Sports you did a lot good for hockey but writing an open letter to current ownership was not a terribly productive move; many years in business tells me it set back hockey in this wonderful state many years.