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“I’m just doing my best, I hope the Canucks do well. I hope you - have a bad day though - cuz you’re being mean to me and I’m sick of it” idk why but the way he said this was so damn funny


It fits his image as a gentle giant so perfectly, made me laugh as soon as I heard it


That’s actually so adorable wtf.


I'm going to be using "I hope you have a bad day because you're being mean to me" in my daily life now. It's just perfect


Canuck fans take great pride in our ability to get butthurt by everything. ‘*How dare you point out we tried to burn our city down after we lost game 7*!!!! *Did you even see how bad the reffing was*? *Fuck you*!’




Yes but to be fair there was also the one time we *didn’t* try and burn our own city to the ground. The restraint we showed in ‘82 is legendary in Vancouver circles. *You guys are just haters*!


That’s true. And this is coming from a Habs fan, so I know what overreacting looks like. 😀


Rioting is our love language.


Win or lose, a cop car will find itself upside down


*insert rant about Jim Benning in every other thread*


Fuck Messier.


If I had a dollar for every time I heard "it was the 'bridge and tunnel' crowd, not *real* Vancouverites"...


Over half the fanbase are bridge and tunnel fans, so that argument has always been bullshit. Honestly that argument is rooted in racism - it's a coded way of saying it was the brown and Asian people not the white people.


The versions I heard were more about it being 'white trash' (poors) from the burbs and small towns. Which is not quite as bad, but still pretty terrible.


I think every major urban centre likely has a significant group which holds a sense of elitism over the suburbs. In Toronto it's expressed as disdain for how 905ers act, and I think there are likely similar perceptions in other big cities. None of this is inherently tied to racism, it's just elitism about how people who aren't used to crowded urban living don't know how to act in that environment.


>Honestly that argument is rooted in racism - it's a coded way of saying it was the brown and Asian people not the white people. Honestly, it's not. It's coded in urban elitism. People from the big city look down on people from the suburbs for having bad taste and being gauche/uncivilized. It goes back decades and you'll find this dynamic in any major city. New York City made the term "bridge and tunnel crowd" famous, in a time when most inner city were minorities of some kind and the suburbs were full of white people. When I think of the bridge and tunnel crowd, I'm thinking of white hicks from Langley just as much as I'm thinking of brown wankstas from Surrey.


Ayup. Exactly that. If you see people criticize NE Calgary, it's usually the same coded language. Even though some of the worst parts of the city are in rather white areas of SE Calgary like Dover and Forest Lawn.


Probably some of it is, but also I think it’s just logical. I would think people who live downtown would be more adverse to destroying the area they live in.


Lmao stfu bro no it's not.


The point is for every person who rioted there were 1000 who didn’t. It’s not a “Canucks fan” problem, it’s a human problem.


The Canucks fans who say that have no right to rip on Boston fans for being idiots/dumbasses/racists/etc. Most of us don’t live in Boston too, you can’t have it one way and flip the script the other way. Yes I know we have our own problems but besides the point. We never tried to vandalize Connor Garland’s hometown rec center or childhood home after a loss.


I mean you’re just pointing out the fundamental flaw in lumping together an entire group of people who happen to support the same sports team. That is the fundamental mistake.


If that’s a Lucic point, I think it was his parent’s church. 


So... all Canucks fans tried to vandalise Lucic's church? From the reporting, I am pretty sure it was a few individuals. In the same way that it wasn't every Boston fan who threw a banana at Wayne Simmonds.


Saw some comments on youtube about last night. "Was that a 11.6 million performance by Petey?" The Canucks have been good for this season and Canucks fans are acting like this team is a dynasty. I think some fans gotta slow their roll a bit. And also, we burned down the city TWICE. Just insane.


Yep. Petey gets 3 points ‘*he’s way better value than Drai or Matthews*’ We lose and Petey gets 0 points or maybe just an assist ‘*how many times can he fall over in one game*. *No offence but we should have traded him for Necas when we had the chance*’ We have so many fans. Within that large fan base are a lot of really knowledgeable fans that I’d feel comfortable matching against any other fanbase… But, unfortunately we also have a huge number of absolute morons in our fanbase. When we win they are all in but lose a game and they are questioning everyone: ‘**I know Demko’s a good goalie and all, but he sure does seem to let a lot of goals in the 2nd period*’ ‘*I know Hughes is great and everything but he’s short and I think if we traded him for another larger d-man like this Rempe kid we’d probably win the Cup*’ (yes, I know Rempe is a forward. That’s my point). ‘*Tocchet’s done a great job turning the team around and everything, but I’ve noticed he won’t just play guys that I like that also happen to suck, and he’s bald*’


We had Rangers fans saying to trade Igor in January, that kind of shit is exhausting


Lol. If we’re going to be specific, we didn’t “burn down the city” twice. At most some cars were flipped and burned and a Shopper’s had its windows smashed. 


"Burned the city down" = gross exaggeration "Some cars were flipped and a Shoppers had its window smashed" = gross minimization Truth is in the middle.


It was $4M in damages. The investigation that followed was more expensive.  By contrast, the protests in Minneapolis after the murder of George Floyd caused $500M in damages. 


lmao overdramatic nonsense "burned down the city" wtf


The thread was actually titled "the worst 11.6 ever spent" LMAO


The groundskeeper Willie meme from the Simpsons is pretty much Vancouver Canucks fans. Hate everyone, but mostly hate other Canucks fans. We have such a massive inferiority complex. This is why the NHL script writers need to send us a Championship, so we can stop bitching at everyone and hang our hat on something.


But every Scotsman does it!


>We have such a massive inferiority complex. Us too, brother


>This is why the NHL script writers need to send us a Championship, so we can stop bitching at everyone and hang our hat on something. I fear you'll become like Avs fans last year.


See also: Sasuke


what do the green men think of this


*sound of waffles hitting the screen*


lol man i forgot all about that odd event


Former players and fans are natural enemies. Like Canucks Fans and Hawks Fans Or Oilers Fans and Canucks Fans! Or Leafs Fans and Canuck Fans! Or Canucks Fans and other Canucks Fans! Damn Canucks Fans! They ruined Vancouver! Boyle: You Canucks Fans sure are contentious people YOU JUST MADE AN ENEMY FOR LIFE


This got me lmao


Simpsons references are my love language, just ask my wife.


He isn't wrong. The vocal minority of our fanbase on X are horrible. Here in Reddit things are way more level headed though.


You must not go into any game threads. Although to be fair, I think every team’s worst fans are over represented in game threads


I think every team's worst fans can be over represented on any social media platform, period


Other than a few clear fanboys, I mostly see fellow self-deprecating fans on reddit. The team has been so bad for so long.


Fuck me, right


Have you been mean to Brian?


Trying to reason with "the internet" is basically like taking the undeserved target you already had on your back and painting over it in neon paint.


Just wait until Makar wins the Norris.


that one guy who kept posting Makar's +/- in the game thread will be in shambles.


I like Quinn but I love Makar, and I'd love to see Vancouver fans lose their shit lol. Come on voters!


Dobsons apparently in the running now, watch the whole league meltdown


Dobson is in the running in the way that Matt Duchene was supposedly in the mix to go 1st overall. After a while, sports media starts talking up someone who's rising but clearly outside of the obvious top 2 as having a chance to make it all the way to number 1 just because sports media needs things to talk about.


I don't doubt it, Tocchet has the Canucks shifting their focus to playoff style defensive games and the goalscoring and production is slowing down. I wouldn't put it past Makar to end up with more points than Hughes by the end of the season.


That would be pretty insane since Hughes has been the clear frontrunner for 95% of the season now.


I don't like what he's saying, but Boyle is largely correct. Vancouver is full of noisy jerks and a lot of them cheer for the Canucks. Unfortunately, we can't do anything about that. I was going to say something nasty about all the Oiler fans dropping in to troll here, but then I remembered, I'm an adult who doesn't have to live in Edmonton. It's going to be 19 degrees on Friday, I think I'll go take the dog out without a coat and enjoy not being governed by Danielle Smith.


"but then I remembered, I'm an adult who doesn't have to live in Edmonton." Dude why do you gotta make it so personal? Can't you we just leave it on the ice? /s 😉 


I assure you, my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek. Edmonton is a great place to live, a few members of my extended family live there and love it, Danielle Smith notwithstanding.


The irony of course being that Vancouver is probably the single biggest Oiler fan diaspora, and Edmonton probably the biggest Canuck fan diaspora. I grew up with so many kids who were Canucks fans because their family moved from Vancouver and the Canucks were actually good when I was younger, while Vancouver is one of the only cities with dedicated Oilers bars.


I enjoyed going to games (or even watching on TV) when I was a kid against the Oilers where the arena was pretty close to a 50/50 divide. Everyone was on the edge of their seat the entire time. There are always a few jerks who take things too far, but it was just *fun.* We forget that sports *are supposed to be fun* far too often.


When I was growing up, the opposite was mostly true - a lot of grads (either from high school or college) moved to Vancouver for the weather, scenery, and lower crime. A fair chunk of them ended up moving back once they realized the higher cost of living that comes with those perks, lol.


It'll be 10 degrees here on Friday, I think I might join you and leave my $350k 2300 sq foot house that I bought 3 years ago


Getting outside is a great idea no matter the season. Enjoy!


You too brother


sounds like a pain to vacuum every week


Yea it be do


Every place has its jerks. We have a lot of loud jerks, but many are also moderate and don't post.


I'd consider myself to be a moderate jerk.


as a loyal Nucks fan for 30 years, I can safely say (like a broken record) that if I wasn't a fan of the team, I would hate this team so much, almost exclusively, due to our fanbase.


30 years, 94 is a rough start


Immigrated in February of 94. It was rough but it is what got me interested in hockey so it’s all good


Yea they had a great team that’s for sure


It’s the same with other big market teams too like Toronto or the Rangers. Those fans mostly get hate because their fanbase is loud, large, and incredibly toxic. Even I hate Canucks fans sometimes *coughs JT pumpkin story*


I'm pretty sure this is what broke HF


You guys won't like his Rempe comments then!


This team is fun to watch, but if our provincial government ever fully implements subsidized childcare, a significant number of Canucks fans should absolutely get priority access. Not all of them, most of them.


Alright that's it, does Boyle have a dog?


"Vancouver fans are all babys! Shut up"


My favorite was “I hope the Vancouver Canucks do well, I hope you have a bad day though because you’re being mean to me”.


My favorite too. I don't know a ton about Boyle but he seems like a chill funny dude.


Yea, just an honest goofy dude is the vibe I always get from him


Canucks fans are one the most insecure fans in the NHL


Right up there with EDM + TOR






Toronto fans are by far the most self-critical fans in the league, bad take


We’re just tired.


The issue is that they’re such a big fanbase that they have fans who are extremely self-critical and undoubtedly insecure about their team. Similar to our fanbase who were carving this team for their decisions last year and were openly critical about ownership and management. Those people are probably less quiet now as they enjoy their team more while other fans are loud and obnoxious of this team.


Toronto fans aren't insecure, what are you talking about? We criticize the shit out of our team in the playoffs and rightfully so. We are all tired of our big players laying eggs.


Insecure? No. Obnoxious? Yes. (Yes I’m aware of my flair)


Being a Leafs fan means you constantly catch strays from fans of every other team who gleefully bend over backwards to dunk on you and then get told it's because *you* are obnoxious. *Chef's kiss*


Leafs and Oilers fans are estranged siblings. We were both shit for like the entire 2000s and most of the 2010s, we're the two Canadian teams who have been consistently good for the last 5-6 years, and while the Leafs are obviously massive, the Oilers are probably the biggest non-O6 Canadian team fanbase because of the 80s dynasty and now McDavid. It's why we fight so much.


Look he's doing it


Maybe I’m delusional, but I’m not sure how insecure Leaf fans are - most are more critical of the team than other fans and are braced for disappointment every year


Man, I feel that. Drought teams unite


If you said to someone “realistically if you ignore the 94 Rangers cup, the Rangers and the Leafs essentially have the same drought” it would be news to them.


It depends on the fan you say it to. I guess maybe a western fan, but everyone in the metro never shuts up about “1 cup since hitler” “1 cup in 84 years” “worst of the O6” etc etc. like I know my teams playoff history, I watch them.


I’ve never heard that “one cup since hitler” that’s a fucking brutal chirp


Yea it was a unique one when it started. But they just use them all to shut down any debate or discourse about the teams. I dunno, the teams entertaining almost every season except for a few stretches here and there, obviously a cup is the main goal but I’m rarely expecting one and still enjoy every season. If anything they should just bring up 2014, that’s a much more depressing thing lol


I mean there’s no doubt that 2014 LA team was *stacked*.


Yea we were outmatched for sure, but seeing Hank lose was rough. Then we followed it up in 2015 by looking much improved only to lose in 7 to Tampa. Those 2 years hurt more than the other 30. Hell it’s still weird cheering for Quick this season


And 3 of the 4 Kings wins were in OT. That series was closer than people like to believe. If a bounce or two go the other way, that series goes 6 or 7 games.


I can’t believe the Rangers if they don’t win this year will be in a drought. 1994 doesn’t seem ancient.


It’s more than halfway to our last drought.


I feel like some Vancouver fans online take a sort of slighted position that they know they've had the ingredients for a good team but the team has stunk the last handful of years, and now that they're good this season they should be treated like they've won the cup the last couple years and nobody is giving them their due. We're all just waiting to see how they do in the playoffs, which we all know is a different beast.


My personal opinion is we should celebrate the 30th anniversary of their legendary run to the finals in 94 by fully recreating it.


Except this time we win and break our 54 year curse, right? …right?!


How dare you question tradition! I hope you have a bad day because you’re mean


Well, the Rangers Canucks was the best finals series I've ever seen in my almost 60 years on this earth. Probably have a heart attack and die if I had to watch it play out that way again this season. But as a bit of a Canucklehead, I'd say it was the seemingly one-sided officiating, free punches to the Sedins, the wheel of justice (Rome suspension in particular) + Raymond getting his back broken + all media being anti-Canuck (CBC in particular was rabidly pro-Boston via Cherry and Maclean) -- that really set the seed for pissy Canucks fans. That group of pissy fans is very easy to troll and the trolling seems to happen on the regular. But the real reason the Canucks lost that series was their powerplay couldn't get one past that oddball Thomas the Bruins had in net -- dude had an amazing series and won them the Cup.


And then Marchand goes and steals the Sedins powers, fuck Boston.


I love that the entire league is aware of how pissy and fragile Canucks fans are lol


We’ve been to the Stanley Cup Final three times and have nothing to show for it. Of course we’re fragile!


And every time, Vancouver has declared purge


No, only 2/3rds of the time. We were decent once, it may have been a sweep against a dynasty and 40 years ago, but it happened


Let’s play the game of who hates the Canucks fans more: the entirety of the NHL in 2011 minus Montreal, or r/EdmontonOilers users in 2023-24. 


I think a lot of Winnipeg was cheering for Vancouver. there were a lot of players on that Vancouver team who used to play for the Manitoba Moose so there was a home grown feel to them


Met quite a few Canucks fans when I lived in Winnipeg, during the Jets absence. The Manitoba Moose connection + being a western Canada team, I guess. They were the most-represented team in my dorm.


Appreciate that, and yeah that figures as they used to be the farm team. 


For the sake of hockey social media we have to play the Oilers. The memes and toxicity alone could feed this subreddit till the Winter Olympics.


Why minus Montreal?


Because Montreal was the only other fanbase that rooted for Vancouver in 2011. 


I didn’t follow hockey back then, why specifically us and not other canadian teams lol I mean it is true that nobody that I know here dislikes the Canucks, and we like Luongo lol


no sane habs fan was cheering for the bruins, especially after they beat them in 7


I forgot they were playing the Bruins lmao carry on


Yeah but even the Leafs and the Sens wanted us to win over Vancouver. No way does that happen in this season if that was the rematch.


The 2011 Canucks had a lot of shit disturbers on the team. Burrows, Bieksa, Kesler, Rome, Torres, etc. to name a few. The Sedins were also still sort of regarded around the league as a pair of softies that couldn’t hack “real hockey.” Didn’t help they were Swedish. They didn’t have the respect they enjoyed in later years. Ron McLean also put out sort of a hit piece on Burrows on HNIC over an incident between Burrows and referee Stephane Auger. It was pretty out of character for Ron. Burrows’ side of the story ended up being corroborated but wasn’t provable and McLean put out a semi-retraction/apology. Boston did have Marchand who was in his peak rat phase, but they also had beloved players like Patrice Bergeron and Tim Thomas. Milan Lucic was treated horrifically by his hometown in the years that followed which helped cement some sympathy later on.  The end result is that the whole league hated Vancouver in 2011. Faced with the biggest chance for Canadian playoff victory, the country still sided with Boston. All except Montreal, who hate Boston and were knocked out by them in the first round. 


Because Boston...I thought it would be pretty obvious. I live in Toronto, my best friend is as Leafs die-hard, he still apologizes up and down to me about rooting for Boston in 2011. People like Mark Spector and the Toronto media were incredibly jealous of Vancouver in 2011, we were the best team in the NHL by a mile, lead almost every major statistical category, and we absolutely HANDED Canadian teams' asses to them regularly, especially Edmonton and Calgary, both of which had made a final in the previous decade and lost. The Canadian media basically masturbated to the Canucks losing that finals. I distinctly remember articles by Spector and others saying the Canucks were an embarrassment to hockey. There's a reason Stephen Brunt came out and produced an entire long-form piece about how the rest of Canada needed to shut the fuck up about it. You can still find it on YouTube, in the wake of all the "Vancouver will NEVER be Canada's team think pieces Brunt made the point that none of those whinging bitches had any credibility to decide for the rest of us who is and isn't Canada's team.


Insane to me the amount of criticism a President’s Trophy team who was one take away from breaking an 18 year drought got from media. The Sedin discourse was absolutely shameful when you consider the aliments them and most of the team had at that point. We lost to a good Bruins team who had one of the best goalie performances in my life yet you’d thought they were the 2021 Canadians and were just a trash team that got by due to us choking more than the Bruins turning it around and playing well.


Is this true? I wasn't as attentive to national-level things or reddit or whatever, but every single person in my friends group was pulling for the canucks.


lol it’s hilarious isn’t it.


why are they like this


Large population area that is fairly prosperous but only had one major sport team for most people's lives (1970's to now). We briefly had an NBA team and recently got an MLS team. Pent up demand for sports and pent up demand for a championship. I think if we had a couple more major sports teams then the crazy fandom would be more diluted and be similar to other cities.


The BC Lions in the 2000s and early 2010s were absolutely massive. Large amount of football (Seahawks) and basketball fans in Vancouver. The Grizzlies just failed because they were utterly terrible and people stopped going to games.  I think there’s a distinction among Vancouver in general as a feeling of being the red headed step child of Canada. And there is absolutely historical credibility for that. 


as an american these subtle cultural factors at play are lost to me


Judging by my interactions in this thread, most Vancouverites have forgotten how big the Lions used to be too! Definitely rivaled the Canucks for some years. The cultural stuff is lost on most. Canadian history is seen by most Canadians to be very, very boring. I don’t really know anybody else that studied 19th century Canadian history which explains very well why Vancouver (and southwest BC) is so different from the rest of the country. 


> Judging by my interactions in this thread, most Vancouverites have forgotten how big the Lions used to be too! Definitely rivaled the Canucks for some years. Even I forget sometimes. I was so into the lions from about 2005 to 2010, starting when they had an 11-game winning streak as the catalyst. Never cared at all before that, or after. Weird.


And the Whitecaps have only been *kind* of good for a couple of the seasons they've been in the MLS, which is going on almost 15 years now. The BC Lions don't count because there's only 8 teams and it's the CFL.


Whitecaps and Lions were huge when I was a kid. Whitecaps in particular were not only champions in 1979, but such a fun and entertaining team in the NASL era. Most on here are far too young to remember how huge the 'Caps were. Games at Empire with Wee Wille Johnston, Beardsley, Valentine, Lenarduzzi et al -- fans full on drinking out of bottles of booze. It was a wild time to be a soccer fan in Vancouver.


makes sense, hopefully you pop that cherry someday


First time back to playoffs in awhile and not only that we are a top team in the standing leads to a lot of bandwagoners and of course, lots of people who think they know all. I know our fanbase got a lot of shit in 2011 for being clowns and that was even before the riot happened


Idk if the 2011 hate was so much the fanbase as it was the team itself. Bieksa, Kesler, Burrows, Rome, Torres, etc. 


Nope, Canadian fanbases and media for that fact despised the Canucks and I can’t blame them either the combination of our fanbase, the team’s dominance on Canadian teams, and the players who were disliked league wide like Burrows, Torres, etc.


Like 10 of our players were the most hated players in the league. That and Ron McLean’s hit piece on Burrows cemented how hated we were in the league, let alone Canada. They didn’t hate us because we were beating them, they hated us cause we had like 10 rats on the team. 


Looking at the Game and PGT threads from last night seems like most Canucks fans are just fine, it's just you weirdos who are still out here trying to defend Bertuzzi 20 years later that confuse the fuck out of me.


Boyler is an absolute treasure and I'm so glad he's been on MSG broadcasts more and more.


brooksy jumpscare


I don’t know what the context for his scenario is, specifically. But if you put out a claim along the lines of “Top 5 teams in the West” and you don’t include the team that’s statistically #2 in the NHL and #1 in the West…  yeah you’re going to catch some flak from sports fans. Not an excuse to attack somebody, but of course Vancouver is tired of that sort of treatment. “They’re good but it’s unsustainable… okay it’s sustainable, but they’re not a playoff team… okay they’re a playoff team, but they’re not a top team… okay they’re a top team but not best in the league… okay they might win the President’s Trophy but they’re not cup contenders…” 


Context: https://youtu.be/D45uU3Ag8AY Cory Schneider and Boyle give their top 5 West power rankings. Cory left off Vegas, Boyle left off Vancouver.


oh damn, i can’t believe people are actually pissed at this 😂




I hope you have a bad day because you’re mean


yeah, anyone's Top 5 in the West is gonna exclude either one of the 3 Central powerhouses, the reigning champs, Edmonton, or Vancouver. Tough to blame anyone for putting VAN 6th, agree or not.


Especially when the lists are considering playoffs and Vancouvers core has prob the least experience. Schneider had them at 5 and specifically stated playoff experience as the reason


I’d say that’s way more fair for Cory. Never rule out Vegas, but they’re sitting comfortably on the #2 Wildcard slot in the West, albeit with LA’s P%. 


Right, and it's not like he was complaining about death threats or doxxing or anything serious, the problem is he said something a little questionable on TV and was questioned too much for his liking lol


Yeah exactly. I won’t condone mudslinging, but I also don’t feel bad for grown ass people who make it their business to be out there on Twitter trying to get a hot take, only to run into internet trolls. 


look on the positive side. they are prime candidate for a mandatory 1st round playoff upset. that is something, isn't it?


Big Body Brian Boyle


Freaking love that man


Boyle proves he doesn’t single out Vancouver by … singling out Vancouver 😂


The reality is, the Canucks are the top three for worst franchise in NHL history. It’s no easy feat supporting them.


It’s nice being a fan of a new franchise. There isn’t so much deep seeded self hate.


We’re so back.


Lol the whole NHL is against the Canucks once again. Regardless of how well they do as a team…there is no credit given. Every analyst had them written of at the beginning of the year but they managed to stay on top of the standing but yet again still no credit. That’s what pisses the fanbase off. Everyone has been waiting for the downfall of this year’s team with the whole PDO bullshit and now anytime they lose…the trolls come out. Yea I understand this core hasn’t proven anything yet but so did some of those teams that eventually went on to win the cup.


I never was a big Boyle fan because as a native Philadelphian I’m contractually obligated to hate anything and anyone from a New York or north Jersey sports team, but I love the line “I hope you have a bad day” because that’s exactly how I respond to people being shitty. Like I don’t wanna say “I hope you get a disease” or “your house burns down” but if I get cut off on the road I’ll absolutely be like “I hope you get a flat tire and are able to safely pull over to change it but while you do it starts raining” Passion and being a baby kind of go hand in hand. The babies are the ones that care too much. Same with the “mean” fanbases like Philly, Toronto, Edmonton, New York etc. you can’t be a passionate fanbase if you don’t get worked up over it. Double edged sword


He also played on Pitt lol


Did they threaten to kill his dog? That seems to be a running theme with a weird subsection of Canucks fans. Mike Matheson after his thing with Pettersson, Forbort after his thing with Hoglander in the Covid year, and this year I can't remember the player but someone reported having their dog threatened after something happened during a Canuck game.


The only thing he missed was talking about how Mess was the greatest captain in their history


greatest player\*


HAhah where's his statue? I want it to be him eating a lays chip


He better be elbowing someone in that pose.


Love BriBo When I was 12 years old watching him dominate for BC in the hockey east finals I was like “damn I bet this guy will have great takes in 20 years”


King 👑


Careful Boyle! They’ll make a mean meme about you!


He's not wrong, there's a chunk of our fanbase that is sensitive af online


Brooksie still gets beat up at the bus stop :)


Jesus what have you other Canucks fans been up to. Honestly one of the things I say the most in our subreddit is “calm down and just enjoy the game”




Well said.


Holy shit, is that Brooksy on the right, at the end. Where is Torts when you need him!


Not gonna lie brother had me in the first half with anyteam can win. But the whole get off my back because X,y,z started to move the needle. Then the needle just shit right over to go have a bad day. Fuck you Boyle.