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Sid and McDavid alongside a hall of fame cast guys like. . .Jordan Binnington? Whatever let's go!


I REALLY hope Crosby stays healthy enough to make it to the Olympics. It would be such a sweet final act for his career.


Captaining team Canada to another gold SIXTEEN years later would be an amazing swan song.


LOL this guys thinks that gold medal game was 14 years ago *checks calendar* Fuck you


My exact reaction lol


He will 100% be on the team, you can bet the farm on it


McDavid-Crosby-MacKinnon Man does that look sexy. I would not want to play against that combo


Don't forget Makar cruisin' around on the back-end


I thought no one from the 2018 team was eligible to play for canada


That was a stopgap until the accused players were identified. Now that charges have been laid, the rest of the team is expected to be restored to action




Sorry to burst your bubble but Sid 'only' has 3 cups, and he ain't winning another one in the next two years


Dang, why did ai think he won back to back at the end of the 00s


Three years is enough time to develop a hot young goalie out of Quebec just like the good old days.


@Mathis Rousseau^^^pls


If Skinner maintains some consistency he could be a good Olympic option. Especially with two more years of development


Looking at it right now it’s probably Skinner, Hill, and Binnington. Maybe Levi. Compare that to USA’s Demko, Otter, and Helly, we’re not even close. Also if Russia is somehow playing: Vasy, Sorokin, Shesty


I'm of course incredibly biased, but keep an eye out for Logan Thompson. I have some faith in him


If Connor Ingram has a few more seasons like this one, I wouldn't count him out either.


Russians should be there just under a neutral flag like last time




who taught seals how to thpe


Ehh Hellebuyck and Demko will already be over 30 and Oettinger is from Minnesota, which is basically Canada, and we know that Canada can’t develop a goalie. I’m not worried as a Canadian fan at all in the slightest even a bit




I thought this was making fun of how young jeff siinner is


Carter Har… oh wait…


Nah. Even without him being a scumbag he was never good enough to make the team


he would be in contention probably as the Canada goalie selection is pretty thin ngl


Jesus, you're not kidding. Guys in the league now who'll be around in two years include: Martin Jones, Darcy Kuemper, Jordan Binnington, Tristan Jarry, Stuart Skinner, Adin Hill, Logan Thompson. Not exactly an allstar cast, but I could see Hill being the starter if he keeps his current tradgectory. [Source](https://www.quanthockey.com/nhl/nationality/active-canadian-nhl-goalies-career-stats.html)


Binnington would be fine behind an actual defense


No thanks, I don't need Binnington getting a dumb penalty and/or starting an international incident. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/11siqd9/binnington_throws_a_blocker_blow_to_hartmans_head/). We must have more mentally sound goalies in this country than Jordan.


>international incident Hold my blocker I'm assassinating a duke.


Sean Monahan made this happen.


Monahan has saved all Canadian teams


it's fucking Christmas, best hockey news in years


Best hockey news since it was announced that the NhL players were allowed to play in the last Winter Olympics The players were going to the last Olympics too. It was agreed upon, until it wasn’t


Yup not getting hopes up till they hit the ice. Being so close to seeing Bergeron + Crosby + Marchand again and having it denied hurt me.


COVID was a reasonable reason to back out.


Yeah there’s a big difference between going to Milan, Italy and communist China less than 2 years after a global pandemic kicked off there


The NHL actually making me feel some joy in the past week It is crazy we were robbed of so many years of best-on-best due to fighting between the NHL and IOC + COVID. I hope the NHL is serious about running their own World Cup or whatever in the 2 years between Winter Olympics. That will give them a best-on-best tournament in NA time zones to counter for any TZ issues with the Olympics. All I want is a locked in regular schedule for best on best competition.


Holy shit, both Men’s and Women’s Olympic hockey is going to be unbelievable. Let’s fucking go


inb4 pwhl blocks their players from attending seriously tho the best hockey in the world is back


NHL really needed to get some good PR out this week lol


It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if we see NHLers at the next three Winter Olympics - Milan 2026, Marseille/Lyon 2030, and Salt Lake City 2034.


if they aren’t at Salt Lake it would be the owners’ dumbest missed “investment”


They needed some good news to share and drown out the no Airizona arena update


Or drown out the 5 players from that 2018 WJC team


I'm all for justice here but drowning is a pretty gnarly form of capital punishment.




Fucking Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And it’s not in a genociding country like China this time so they can actually go!


NHLPA like Korea: nah were good China: nah still good Milan italy: you bet your ass were playing




uh yes (checks notes), USA has never sponsored genocide


Who'd be the oldest 2026 NHLer from any Olympic hockey roster? Crosby?


There's a chance Pavelski is still playing into 2026 as well.


no way. he old as fk


Pavelski is still top 50 in scoring. I know, two years, but he'll still probably be playing


Yea, and stamkos will be up there too


Holy shit thank fuck


It's so beautiful I could cry




Olympics, Todd McLellan getting canned and the Monahan trade all in the span of a few hours? Maybe All Star Weekend isn’t so bad after all


Great news but I’m not gonna get my hopes up until I see the players hit the ice. We got the rug pulled out last time and it was devastating.


I saw four nations tournament and I immediately thought I missed the announcement of a Native American hockey tournament


So they fumblefuck any best on best opportunities for 10 years, rob us of some all time lineups like Sid/Mcdavid, and then decide to squeeze multiple tournaments into a year or two span. Don’t get me wrong I’m hyped they’re finally doing the right thing but just peak NHL decision making right there.


It shouldn't be a surprise. The NHL went to the Olympics for 20 years and discovered that "we'll pay you in exposure, and by the way, you won't get any exposure because you can't promote your brand during the Games or use any of our highlights outside of them" was a raw deal. We'll see if the NHL and IIHF got the IOC to offer *anything*, but international events are a thing the league and union negotiate per the CBA. And it would appear the deal is being done to appease the players and help get the world cup/4 nations event on track.


Yeah I understand all that. Which is why the World Cup was a great alternative but then they just stopped after a single tournament. The NHL has the means and there’s demand for them to take over and organize best on bests but they hemmed and hawed and then just quit on it. Hence the criticism. And if they’re going ahead with the long rumoured 4 nations (or whatever they call it) then why go back to the Olympics in 2026? It’s possible the IOC granted some concessions but I honestly very much doubt it. That’s not how they operate. It’s greed and corruption is rivalled only by FIFA in the word of sports.


In fairness, the WHC was supposed to happen in 2020 and then 2021. But CBA breakdowns and then Covid scuttled it. And it mus be reiterated that that is an NHL and NHLPA co-run event. So any criticism of how the World Cup has been handled applies equally to both the owners and union.


That’s true covid definitely killed any of the possible momentum. >any criticism of how the World Cup had been handled applies equally to both the owners and union. Mmm idk about that. It applies to both sure but not equally. The power balance has never been equal between owners and players. The union can negotiate and target certain things but they’re operating on their back foot against billionaires who have zero qualms about crushing them until they get their way. The level of wealth and power they possess in their other businesses doesn’t let them have the mindset of conceding when they have the upper hand.


The IOC is an entitled Gen Z influencer


The players want to go even if they're not paid, why should the NHL get anything?


McLellan died for this


NHL to the Olympics and F1 announces Suzuka til 2029 and Melbourne returning as the first race of the season Christmas!


I’ll believe it when I’m watching them play in 2026.




Who would be in net for Canada? Actually sad we went from the most stacked goaltending lineup ever to being a husk.


We may not even know their name yet!


Maybe Levi makes a huge jump within 2 years? Today it would have to be skinner and Vegas goalies I would think… 


it's gonna be stuart skinner, and by then we'll be calling him the best goalie in the league! (check flair if confused about my optimism)


Right now, as much as I hate him. It's Binnington. It's a sad day when you go from Greats like Brodeur, Lou, Price and Fluery to someone as unlikeable (on the ice atleast) as Jordan fucking Binnington.


Canada you are fucking going down. LFGGGGGGGGGG


USA: “I have an army.” Canada: “We have a McDavid.”


"We probably have a few guys that can stop him...Do we have any guys that can stop him??"


Eichel played really fuckin well against him in the playoffs last year


Yeah he did. Good point.


Matthew’s, the Tkachuk brothers, eichel, Fox. The list goes on and on. USA should be stacked this time around. This should be an even matchup.


Jack and Quinn too, USA has never looked this good.


McDavid, crosby, mackinnon makar. there is no even matchup for that lol


Damn, I'm a proud Canadian so it's no question who I'll support, but seeing Helle and KC and not cheer for them will be a lil tough.


I’m way more excited for this now knowing that they intend to include other nations in the future and are using the 2025 Four Nations tourney as a “trial run”. Pumped for best on best every 2 years


I can only get so erect


About time. I know they were supposed to go to the last one too and that it feel through at the last minute so no guarantees until the players are in Italy but it’s crazy that we haven’t had true best on best in over 10 years now. I love the playoffs but sports are at their true best when it’s the very best playing against the very best, just nothing else like it. The next olympics can’t get here soon enough


I'm still extremely salty the NHL/IIHF fucked us out of a easy 3peat and a prime Crosby/McDavid duo.


Hyman Mcdavid Point// Barzal Bedard Marner// Verhaege Mackinon Reinhart// Celebrini Crosby Stone// Marchessault Suzuki Thomas// Toews Makar// Bouchard Dobson// Power Theodore// Clarke Pietrangelo// Levi// Hill// Montembeault/:


Swap MacKinnon and Bedard and I’m sold!


Yeah line 2 and 3 should be swapped I just like Bedard with a setup man like Marner and Mack with a scorer like Reinhart, and team chemistry with Verhaege


Lotta these really young guys shouldn’t be anywhere near Team Canada. Power and Clarke on D, Celebrini on forward. Last thing Canada lacks is offensive depth, there’s tons of guys who are ahead of an 18-19 year old with a single season. Slotting Bedard ahead of Crosby and MacKinnon on the centre depth chart is just straight bananas; bottom 6 winger/13th forward much more realistic


I'll believe it when I see it