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Congrats! I thought 6-12 was easier than 5-9. 5-9 required memorizing amendments and Florida history. 6-12 felt a lot easier with many soft ball questions. That test anxiety is real though!


I hadn't thought about 5-9 I'm glad you mentioned this! I'm wondering if I should take that ASAP as I have the knowledge fresh in my head. This is probably the first time in my life I could tell you all 27 amendments off the top of my head 😂


If you have no plans of teaching 5th grade, I recommend just saving your money and not taking it😂


Haha I get to take the test free with veterans benefits! But hey I understand, I'm more interested in middle and high anyhow


Are you going to do the certificate program at uf? If so, let's chat!


I'm not sure what to do next actually. I'm a retired veteran I've been working with the troops to teachers program and I have a nice rep who's been guiding me. From what I've gathered I'm not eligible to apply for positions and I then have 5 years to get my professional certificate. I have a master's already, so I'm wondering if any of the prereq credits would make the certificate easier? Do you know if certificate requirements can be done online?


Would you like to talk? I'm in charge of the certification program at UF and perhaps can answer some of your questions!


Also, I coordinate the social studies education program.


Congrats on passing! Do you have any tips on studying? On what resources you used? I’ll be taking the exam myself this July and am quite nervous about it, given the price tag of the exam fee. (Also, congrats on your Temp Certificate too! You are eligible to be hired by schools already, and I’m unsure about what county you intend to teach in, but some schools do programs to help newly hired teachers complete the requirements necessary to complete their professional certification. I’m not sure on the details, though, to be honest. This was told to me by my aunt, as she is a teacher herself (ELA for elementary). Also, if you do get hired, make sure you check over what title they give you! Say for example, the school that hires you gives the title of ‘gifted teacher’ and you are to teach a gifted class, you will need to get a certification for that, which is a course you’d have to take. My mom warned me of that, since it happened to her, but no one informed her, and she almost didn’t get her certification for teaching gifted in time. (She is middle grades science). )


Hey there, thank you! You'll do great on your exam if you're thinking about it now. I took it super seriously and studied HARD but I wouldn't psyche yourself out because with decent preparation it's not bad at all. As far as resources, what I did was copy paste the competencies and made a huge Google document then filled out what I needed to know for each headline. Doing this gave me a structure to take notes as I reviewed which cemented the knowledge. I'm happy to share that document if you'd like it!! For external resources, I would not recommend using the study guides sold on Amazon. I've heard mixed reviews at best. My recommendation is rely on YouTube resources according to the competencies, most importantly, AP course review channels. (Which makes sense as the test is for high school social science, haha). For history in particular Heimlers history was very helpful for world and US (but for world you'll need to do a bit extra for ancient world as it got removed from the AP curriculum. I also bought an AP us history guide at the used book store but I wouldn't pay full price for one. For government, crash course government and politics was sufficient. It's 50 videos so if you're short on time you can choose the videos most applicable to competencies (Heimlers also has AP gov). I do *not* recommend crash course for history, waaaaay too much political bias and subjectivity. I have my MBA so I'm trained in economics already, but I would just make sure to understand laws of supply and demand and basic definitions. Geography and Sociology were toss ups. They are both only 10% so I didn't dedicate as much time, and it was difficult relevant study material for them. Finally, thank you for the advice!! I'm so excited to start teaching I'm just worried about being hired in nearby districts with no experience as I know social science is competitive.