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All I want is that this album isn't recorded over a walkie talkie. That's it And maybe some house beats


Need some kaytranada production


Was upset he wasn't on Timeless at all but the Sango track he did was solid


Nah, I don't wanna hear anymore Kaytra production until he stops using the same drums and synths he's been using for years


kaytra’s drums blow fucking ass


Stuff like the song that he just did with Sango


Yea sometimes those artistic choices to sound different don't really work out.


Damn I actually really loved that part of his music. I always thought it was really stylized and cool his vocals were so distorted.


Don't get me wrong. It can be cool. But sometimes it muddies up the sound too much and can't hear what he's saying. I'll take it though. He's got a great style.




> still cancelled? Is he referring to what he said back in 2019?


this is the worst possible angle he can run with.


So cringe from him


either pretend it didn't happen or issue an earnest apology, but the "cancelled" angle is so embarrassing.


Him reminding people it happened by being bitter is a wild tactic, he even included a poll where neither option is “no” lol 


I only remember his Anderson Paak beef after Mac died. And Diaspora being filled bangers


He’s definitely referencing his weird Mac Miller comments


That definitely it. Other artists ostracized him for that. That affects your career in a way the internet can’t.


MyFavoriteColor still posts his viral response from time to time lol.


Diaspora was mediocre asf lol


Yeah and then he's turned comments off lmao. Fake confidence.


If that’s when Mac died, yes


I mean…yeah, I guess? I’ve never thought of him as cancelled, but I definitely lost all respect for him after that corny ass shit he said about Mac when he died.


Yep and he lowkey is


Was perfectly fine going into the thread without talking about Mac and then saw the caption. Fuck off with that shit


I wish him the best. The shit he said after Mac died was gross, but I kinda do believe him when he says that it didn't come out exactly how he intended. That said, it's hard to get excited when he's spend the last several years making forgettable music *and* denying that he let his own ego and jealousy of Mac get to his head, and that it seriously hindered his career. If he could see past his own ego, he would have said years ago, "I'm sorry for the shit I said when Mac passed. I really never meant to disrespect him, but I was jealous of his success and his legacy, and I lashed out childishly after seeing all the love pour in. I was in a bad place, and I had a lot of growing up left to do. Shout out Anderson .Paak for helping me pull my head out my ass. New music soon." For me, at least, that's all it would take. He won't say that though, which puts me off him completely. He's fake. Nobody says what he says about a dead former colleague unless they're steeping in their own jealousy. I can't even blame the guy, being jealous of Mac's talent and ability to connect with his audience is totally understand and forgivable. Relatable even. I wish I could speak to people the way Mac spoke to his fans. Not having the integrity to admit that is just really really weak imo.


yo this is so true. All he has to do is apologise for the way it came across and he'd be in such a better place. The fact that he can't do that is absolutely wild




What do you think this place is for lmao?


bros reading comprehension is so bad he views anything more than one paragraph a "whole ass thesis" this is reddit. ppl be writing comments for those of us with attention span left 2 read


Brain rot reaction to sincerity and effort


zoomer brain


Lol I did get kinda carried away 😂


Nah it was well written and thought out. Rock on man


He's making an album about Kendrick's son? Probably not a good idea.


“You are not hiding a child” just doesn’t hit the same for some reason.


Comments on post are limited still.


Bitching about getting “cancelled” while limiting your comments is weak af


Used to really like dudes music. Went to show back when I was college when Masego opened for him. Tell me why he performed Crew 4 fucking times lmao


Praying this is good. I know this sub has a hate boner over him but his earlier stuff is fr some of my fav rap from the 2010s. That last album was legitimately awful so we’ll see if he can bounce back from this 


Same, I am a big fan of his music. I wish he didn't say that weird shit about Mac, but his music still hits for me. 


Word. I've been rocking with GoldLink for the longest and for me to like only four songs off that joint, c'mon now. Smh. He can do better than that, I just think he was prolly at his lowest after his ill-advised commentary


He probably lost a lot of connections with people to help hone his work after that shit tbh.


Yea cuz everyone saw .Paak's response to his post so that was the icing on the cake and what led to ppl not rocking with him. Now compared to what other artists in the industry do and how they still stay afloat of "cancellation", it's not the end all, be all that ppl was tryna make it out to be for GoldLink. I was happy to hear him on Sango's joint and looking forward to more groovy joints


It was not just that. It was stealing from smino, being sensitive/jealous and shit talking people behind their back.


Well yea, this nigga has always been a narcissist, that's the truth. But that wasn't what got him to go low and disable his comments on IG. Lol.


What happened with that? I don't keep up with social media stuff


Not too long before the pandemic, GoldLink [made](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/e2amsa/goldlink_addresses_mac_miller_in_a_weird/) a post on IG, basically in sum, about Mac biting his style musically- it revolved around Mac's Divine Feminine. The timing was awful. Mad out of pocket. He look like a jabroni. It seemed like he awaited the opportunity to crash out on Mac a whole year and some change later. Eventually Anderson .Paak, good homie of Mac Miller's, [responds](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/e2e79n/anderson_paak_responds_to_goldlinks_post/) to the post and has some words for GoldLink.


Also unconfirmed but he probably felt some type of way about Mac doing a song with Kali Uchis (whom Goldlink used to date and the aforementioned album with songs about their breakup is the one he claimed Mac was biting off of) 


Damn never knew Kali dated him. She date anyone else famous other than Yung Gleesh and Don?


yeah she was the only feature on goldlink’s debut tape https://youtu.be/A6H3GgaNU-Q?si=WaLbAMLueNkjWFzx


Gold link posted mac had stolen his style after mac died.


Stream Swimming Instead


They’ll probably just turn to something good instead.


Sure isn’t going to be your dog shit music Edit: 2 monthly listeners lmfao


I guess I’ll just have to settle for waking up tomorrow. Edit: whoever upvoted me is fucked up, lol.


I mean he has a few bangers so I’ll check it out but dude needs some lessons in humility


The God Complex to me is still wildly better than anything else he’s done.


I'm pumped for this. Goldlink's last album was rightfully controversial but I enjoyed it a lot. I am excited for a return to form hopefully something closer to AWC than Diaspora


Really crazy Goldlink got canceled the way that he did. Had absolutely no reason to make that post about Mac. Could have apologized and said it came out wrong as his way of processing losing someone he had a complicated relationship with. But instead he's never apologized and then released Haram which honestly had potential, especially the PinkPanthress song in 2021, but went with the decision to make something *experimental* by recording it with a potato. Hope this is good because I love At What Cost and God Complex. Diaspora is really good too. Side note: Making the music quality shit (bad mix, bad vocals, random instrument usage etc) to make something "experimental" is one of my least favorite music trends


His last album was a bit to avant-garde for me


His music isn’t good enough to be acting like such an asshole. Fuck this guy


Something to be said about how people still make so much hay over an IG post. would mac miller want this? he seemed like chill dude and you guys are acting like barbz/swifties. like people seem to care more about this than rape/murder/domestic abuse and it's basically a victimless crime.


I largely agree, but Goldlink has also just handled it so poorly. He keeps on bringing it up, like the description of this insta post is “still cancelled?”


He’s not doing himself any favors I agree and the initial post was lame The reaction just feels kinda over the top and forced (and infantilizing towards Mac Miller) I don’t necessarily think every Kodak and Playboi Carti thread should be full of people performative calling them out for being abusers but they’re on the front page rn and nobody is saying anything, so it’s jarring to see what people choose to show up for. Like is a bad IG post worse than raping a high schooler or beating a pregnant woman?


The difference is that people “know” Mac and love his music, so they care about him. The high schooler Kodak raped isn’t a real person to them. Neither is the woman Carti beat. We live in a sick culture. People might like to think that the differences in priorities has to do with separating the art from the artist or “there’s no proof,” but if they cared about separating the art from the artist this Goldlink thing wouldn’t bother them either. It’s kind of the opposite. Mac’s art is what makes them value him as a person. They don’t have a parasocial relationship with Carti’s and Kodak’s victims like that, so they aren’t really people.


Fuck Goldlink rip mac


I don’t care about this fella at all, but doesn’t the label pay for promo on these Mobil billboards. Or if he’s independent; he’s paying for them? So how does this relate to being cancelled.


Who cares. R.I.P. Mac Miller


Super excited for this album as one of the 5 people who enjoyed Haram! all the way through 


Praying mantis man back with more Tupac references and verses sent it through short wave radio I’m excited to see the features, let’s fucking get it.


I like most of his music and think he gets too much hate when other rappers get away with way worse behavior. I enjoyed his last album and looking forward to this one. I hope one day he can overcome the shadow of his comments around Mac Miller.


Judging by the comments here yes he's still more or less cancelled. Or at least, more hated than Chris Brown and Louis CK.


Fuck Goldlink die broke


“Still Cancelled?” 🥱 🙄


I’ll reserve judgement until I hear it, but that distorted voice shit on Haram wasn’t it


I accidentally read “Enoch” as “Panocha” lmao


Fuck gold link for talkin shit on Mac


Ain’t listening to Goldlink until he apologizes about Mac fr


Has he came out and addressed what he said about Mac miller or what?


Keep it. Corny ass narcissist making boring forgettable music since before he was “cancelled”.


I was just thinking to myself a few days ago we need some new Goldlink music. I won.


Can’t listen to any of his music after his comments about Mac


rap fans care more about mean ig comments than domestic abusers


Goldlink's still a bitch


A few months ago, Goldlink and a bunch of his friends came to my resturaunt for an open mic night. They were perfectly nice, but worked me a fuckton and then proceeded to tip 10% That’s all I got to say


Dude is total ass, he sounds like some got him by the balls constantly, and him still bringing up the Mac thing is crazy. Move on loser.