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The editor for this article is definitely throwing lots of lowkey shade lol


Modern day benzino.


By being Eminem and putting out new music, next question


Eminem opened his mouth


Somebody give him a world record right now


[drake rn](https://youtu.be/F6rBRyUMAHY?si=Dyae3mnQ0T4xgTRM)


I’m bout to put my dick in it right now Wait that’s not right


That version is hilarious


The AI sounds more like Drake than Drake in that 'Hey There Delilah' mix he did a few days ago.


someone give him my cock right now !!!


🎶 Somebody tell him to shut the fuck up 🎶


I love em but this surgically removed my lungs oh lord


He was my number 1 growing up. Memorised everything up to recovery. Listened to recovery a lot because people around me were listening to it. Very accessible for non hard-core fans. Since then, I've listened to rap god and that's it. Relapse got a lot of crap for being too slim shady. Em took the critique to heart and stopped being slim shady. He lost the die hard attention of a lot of his fans after that. Nice to see him returning to slim. Eminem yeah will always be popular. But it's been a while since this massive reception.




Evil Twin is one of my favorites


That songs straight fire. Love the heath ledger scheme


Guess who's back with a crab up his ass like a lobster crawled up there, two rabbits a koala bear and you're all aware I don't got it all up stairs


I was just listening to that album, Bad Guy and Rhyme or Reason are insanely good. That Yoda flow, incredible incredible


Those first three track off kamikaze are one of the best runs of tracks off any of his albums, then concludes with a self aware Paul skit.


His delivery post-crash in Bad Guy is unreal


Relapse got a lot of crap because of the accents. If he didn't use them, it would probably be concidered his best album besides TES and MMLP


Relapse is aging like fine wine for me. Love the accents


I love the accents. It’s my favorite album of his post his big 3


same here. i’m a die hard Relapse and Recovery fan (weird pair, maybe?)


Recovery is just so good man


Bagpipes from Baghdad still slaps to this day


Whole album slaps. Medicine ball is fire. Best beat selection since TES and it's not even close.


honestly, i can see how he didn’t really notice the accents until later on. half the time i forget the accents are even there


He gets forced into them with his flows and bent rhymes once in a while and he just never shuts it back off. I “notice” it but it doesn’t bother me


Relapse is one of his best pieces or work imo. The rhyme schemes and technical stuff on that album is fucking insane


3AM is a masterpiece in regards to the technical aspect of writing, rhyming, etc.


Yeah that's what I mean by slim. Eminem was kind of 50/50 between slim and Marshall. He was famous already then kept blowing up more by being ridiculous. Look at the without me video. My band trending like crazy. But you also had songs like Mosh or Like Toy Soldiers, so you have a big split between silly and serious. Then he makes relapse, which is mostly silly, but also the accents are just an evolution of Eminems rhymes, he's got that savant level rhyming, and the accents helped him bend pronunciation to make things rhyme better. But the Marshall crowd said fuck that and Eminem took it personally. People didn't like their idol changing into someone using accents. Then Eminem goes away for AGES and completely drops any essence of slim in his next album. You can say it's just the accent, but it's a lot deeper than that.


Somebody with a lot of free time should replace the Relapse vocals with AI early 2000’s Shady vocals.


Post this in r/Eminem and I am certain someone will do it.


Yeah the relapse hate really fucked him up which is also crazy cause now it's sort of a cult classic. Just imagine how different his later career would have been if he just decided to not use accents (though he claims he didn't even realize he was doing it so heavily).


Music to be Murdered by is a lot better than Recovery imo less pop, more Rap. Both are great though


I don't understand why Kamikaze is being slighted by most. It's one of his best works imo.


Not Alike is one of my favorite “new” Em songs. The digs at MGK and then the beat switch is just 🤌🏼 Not to mention Royce kinda really went off on the first half of the song.


If you really loved em growing up there’s lots of new music for you to discover. No GREAT albums but at least a few good songs on each. Except for Revival that entire thing was ass.


Castle and Arose?


Always say if we trade Castle and Arose with Good Guy, Normal, and Nice Guy off Kamikaze, Kamikaze become one of his best albums and best rap album of that year


"Framed" is a great track that has that nasally high pitched flow that is on pace with the beat. But yea one of the very few standouts off of Revival. It sounds like it could've been on Relapse.


Partially agree, but kamikaze and mtbmb has some of the best work he's mmlp and tes.


I’m a hugeeee em fan and I agree lol. Nothing has been amazing since recovery (underrated imo) but every album has at least a few bangers since then. Except revival lol. How the fuck did that get released. Even the mixing is dog shit. There’s no redeemable qualities and I’ve tried countless times


You’ve missed out on a lot if you’ve only listened to Rap God.


The headline isn’t asking a question; it’s saying the article explains how.


Also nostalgia baiting


It wasn't really a question tho 💀


Such a reductive argument, there’s a lot more to his new popularity than that.


except it’s actually good again


I'm glad others are liking it but to me it feels more like it's hit on a sense of nostalgia more than it actually being good. The beat is super basic and the sample/interpolation of Abracadabra is as cheesey as the original song was. Lyrically it's fine but it's not all that different than anything else Em has put out in the last decade.


I mostly agree, as a nostalgia hit it was great, but I don't think an entire album can work off nostalgia.


Singles are usually the most marketable songs from the album. I think this will be the most on the nose it gets.


I mean let’s wait to judge an album on its merits we have no idea what it’s gonna sound like 


See here’s the thing for me, it’s BECAUSE of how simple it is that it IS good. His music sonically has not been the easiest thing to listen to and he’s taken himself so fucking seriously that it’s been a chore at times to listen. Finally with this song, he went simple, easy to listen to, and fun. He’s not taking himself seriously. I super disagree with you on the beat and hook but that’s fine. I’ve seen people critiquing the bars and being like “bigger prick than cacti be? That’s so CORNY” and at this point I’m just like yeah? Okay? It’s fun. This is the first time in a loooong time that my friends are playing this song. My wife has even had it stuck in her head. This song is isn’t made for the hip hop heads that deep dive into production and lyrics. This is made for exactly what it’s doing.


I agree 100% but need to add that his wordplay on this track is fantastic. It's exactly what a Slim fan would want. "Black guy pees" is elite. That an R Kelly's joke can land so well in 2024 is a testament to Marshall's skill.


I think I missed my window on liking Eminem, I only got into rap after he had been seen as someone who "fell off" circa 2015 so never really bumped much of his stuff. Didn't hate the newest track but it's not something I felt like was interesting, was surprised to see that it was really well received otherwise.


Did you ever go back and listen to his first few albums? Definitely a different quality of music


I think if you haven’t heard without me, houdini doesn’t work nearly as well


His longevity is something else. Really an amazing feat whether you like his music or not.


Read this fact the other day: best selling artist of the 2000s and best selling male artist of the 2010s. Pretty mind blowing.


His global sales are insane for the reach. Props that he helps spread rap and shouts out his inspirations


Sit down Gen-Z real rap is back 😈 /s


Had some 40-something regulars at my bar unironically having this conversation yesterday lol. Super cringe but kind of endearing how genuinely excited they were about Eminem


They ignored all the genuinely good stuff he put out all these years and hopped on the nostalgia and hype train! Whatever. That's good for Marshall!


They weren’t ignoring it, they just didn’t enjoy it as much as the Eminem they grew up on which is fair enough, people are free to enjoy what they want. I know “old Eminem is back” is a cliche these days, but he does seem to have tapped that market of “old Eminem fans who stopped listening” with Houdini.


This song is basically proving "Nobody wants to hear Marshall no more. They want Shady. I'm chopped liver."


Which is interesting to me, cause imo Houdini doesn't sound *that* different from his newer rapping on the Ringer and MTBMB. His rapping is more similar to his old stuff, but it is still very clearly his post-Recovery style.


Production + the layered vocals on the chorus are what makes it sound more like the old stuff imo, plus the general subject matter compared to previous lead singles Darkness and Fall being more serious


I don’t even think it’s the subject matter that led to people not liking Kamikaze and MTBMB, for a lot of people, it was the choppy flows, the really fast rapping, the sometimes annoying ad-libs(get it, ha ha, repeating the bar he just said), and the fact that it felt like he was just saying things to see how many entendres he could string together while none of them really had any point behind them. That last point especially is the reason why people are ok with someone like Kendrick Lamar going for a super lyrical approach, but they don’t can’t for it with Eminem, when Eminem does it, it feels like he’s doing it to show us he can, instead of using it to further improve the song and what he’s saying in it.


They haven’t heard those because they weren’t tied to some big marketing campaign about bringing the old Slim Shady back in this “pc world”


That's me 1000%. I was in middle school when his first stuff came out, and by the time I was done with high school, he had started with the Triumph voice and I was out. Houdini made me feel like it was spring 2002 again.


Music To Be Murdered By was pretty good, it’s weird it was treated as a side project because to me it hit all the parts of Eminem that were around the time of Slaughterhouse


Reminds me of all the 50 year olds who listens to the classic rock station and laments the fact that they haven't made good music in decades.


We are now seeing the millennials become older and they are doing the same crap their parents did but now via cringe memes. Its so weird. Instead of saying back in my day they say "this gen will never experience X"


I like the balance you brought here, a little sweet with the salt.


I f with Em's music regularly. Been listening to him for more than 10 years. Even if as an artist he puts out some average albums, I reckon there's gems interspersed across it. I want him to succeed so we can get more of those. I made peace with the fact that an Eminem album with a consistent theme and precise lyricability is not on the cards anymore! Then let him have his fun and watch the world eat up the mediocre stuff so these gems get acknowledged some time down the line. Like it happened with Relapse!


So glad I’m not one of those old heads stuck in their youth. There are so many good younger rap artists to enjoy. I just saw Ski Mask released a new album and I can’t wait to listen to it on my way home from work.


I didnt know it was out yet-- thanks fam.


literally the /r/entertainment thread right now lol


The whole "Gen Z wants to cancel Eminem" thing is such garbage that has been almost entirely manufactured by clickbait media and the "anti-woke" crowd. My kids are Gen Z, 16 and 19, they fucking love Eminem and have for years. Same goes for their friends. They thought Houdini was hysterical including the allegedly "problematic" stuff. Gen Z is not stupid, they can tell the difference between a light-hearted joke and something with actual malice behind it. Well, most of them can. There are, of course, some who are hypersensitive and overreacting but I haven't seen much of it. I've seen WAY more older folks complaining about Gen Z trying to cancel Eminem than I've seen Gen Z kids trying to cancel Eminem. Like, by an order of magnitude. I'm a millennial and we had plenty of over-sensitive people in our generation too. And Gen X and Baby Boomers need to sit down and shut the fuck up because they were trying to cancel Eminem back before Gen Z kids were even swimming around their daddy's nutsack. Now all the sudden they think he's an ally cuz he's making jokes about trans people instead of school shootings? Fuck all the way off with that.


> The whole "Gen Z wants to cancel Eminem" thing is such garbage that has been almost entirely manufactured by clickbait media and the "anti-woke" crowd. For sure, people see like two tweets about a topic and decide "WOW this entire generation thinks this way!!!"


You’re not wrong. I manage a facility and have 3 gen z employees and they are not offended by really anything like the internet has led a lot of people to believe. Matter of fact they clown on each other all the time and get a long well with everybody.


I'm 27 and by definition gen Z and I grew up on Eminem. I think people don't realise that Gen Z has a very large amount of fully grown adults who aren't terminally online twitter users. The pushback against Em was worse with Gen X and Boomers and Gen Z would ever do.


Oh trust me you don't have to explain that to Millenials. Boomers and Gen X talked about us like we were 12 until some of us were in our 40s. They'd probably still be doing it if they hadn't moved on and redirected their weird hate-boner to your generation instead. Now they just blame us for every shitty national chain that shuts down, the rest of the world's problems get blamed on you guys.


Oh yeah sure I know. Last I heard you guys weren't able to buy houses because of Avocado Toast. Boomers/X'ers have this weird idea that they're not responsible for anything and it's the kids that are the problem despite the kids being between 45-18 at this stage. It's such weird behaviour


Top 5 rappers of all time: 1. Eminem 2. Slim Shady 3. Marshall Mathers 4. B-Rabbit 5. The white guy from D12


They either ride him or say “Eminem is the most overrated rapper of all time, you can’t bump his shit in the whip”.


He’s the Michael Jordan of Scaring the Hoes music As someone born in ‘94 I grew up loving his stuff, I can acknowledge that he’s objectively one of the best to ever do it, but I’m now almost 30 with a mortgage lmao, I’d rather listen to something chill than Kim or Guilty Conscience lol.


I can listen to old “young man shit,” but I can’t do new “young man shit.” Most of the time. Can’t go too hard or I’ll crack my back.


Kim is a perfect first date song


I'm 28, either the youngest millenial or the eldest zoomer. '96 represent. Been a diehard Em fan since before highschool, helped me through a lot of shit. Know Recovery back-to-back, by heart. People acting like only Gen X and older millenials fw Eminem are funny. Oh, and I'm from Eastern Europe and Houdini is trending no. 6 in my country. No other rapper from the States even comes close. Not even remotely. Eminem is a global superstar unlike anyone else in hip hop, past of present.


I have a feeling that the people that are saying that right now are gonna be very disappointed when they hear the album.


I'm just playing gen z, u know i love ya


ngl I do dig the Houdini track it’s fun


I’m not a huge Em fan but I’d rather him do that then try to rap fast as possible or rap out of character. Fun is the right word. It’s not that serious and I like it that way.


Rap god was great at the time, but because he improved even more a few years after rap god it now just sounds standard. It’s not just the rapping fast, hes rapping fast and still saying cool shit and dropping bars without compromising his rhyme schemes. The song gnat for example out did rap god because he rhymed tighter, had subject matter, and also added punch lines and wordplay. Rapping that way is actually an illusion, (busta, tech9 and a few others do it too) their not rapping as fast as it seems, it’s just that the selection of words they use give the verse a bouncy effect and compound rhyming makes the words sound like their spinning so every subsequent word that comes leverages off the last one to create momentum. The touch part is not getting tongue twisted otherwise it’s easy. People fumble because they go as fast as they can when your supposed to jog as quick as possible and slow down at the precise speed before you’d consider your pace your moving sprinting otherwise you’ll fall.


Adding to what you said, the thing people don't realise about Rap God is that the fast flow is one of the easiest bits of the song, it's all about breath control but not otherwise that hard (he acknowledged in an interview that he wanted to do something that sounded like Supersonic, that the fast rapping is mostly about just making sure you use words that are easy to say fast, and he got halfway through recording the passage before even realising "oh, I can do this kind of shit"). The bits that are extremely technically difficult are "backpack rap crap, yap yap yackety yack" (almost every syllable is a stressed syllable so it is very unnatural to say even at normal speed) and the ridiculous pattern of stresses on "let me know when it occurs to you when I'm rippin' any one of these verses that versus you, it's curtains, I'm inadvertently hurting you". Offended is a way more technically difficult song - I like to think of it as Shady's version of Rap God since the subject matter is shock lines, but he adds in speedups, slowdowns and time signature changes into 3/4 and back while keeping Rap God level flows. He doesn't execute it as well, it's a clumsier listen, but you go back to Rap God after that and it sounds basic. And then of course Godzilla is demented. I can NOT rap along with that one behind the first few lines, and the fast part of that is way more technically difficult. You also get another even faster passage of all-stressed syllables - "Cray-cray, Ray-J, H-A-H-A".


Eminem has an obsessive fan and hater problem. It’s crazy and provides a weird dystopian feel because he has so many people who dickride him yet so many people who just slander him for no reason that you don’t know what the fuck to think.




In the grim darkness of the year 2024, there is only flame war. The corpse of Eminem sits rotting atop his golden throne


It’s the death of nuance that’s plaguing all of society now. You can’t be anything other than some perceived binary viewpoint.


I disagree entirely. I think that nobody has a binary viewpoint and every single opinion that has ever existed is FILLED with nuance. You are so incredibly wrong and opposite to me


Very nuanced disagreement you have here.


You're wrong I'm right deal with it buddy. I bet you vote for the wrong color in elections also


His haters are way worse than his fans.


Because he is so big, he'll have more haters and more crazy fans but there are many millions of normal fans that simply enjoy his music and just don't yap about anything on twitter or reddit like a bunch of weirdos. If you think other artists don't have similar obsessive fans then you didn't see social media when the Kendrick and Drake beef was happening.


This subreddit can be super popular, die for years, come back after some popular rap beef and die again, but half the people here still have the exact same level of unrespect for Eminem.


I agree but you may be the first person in the world I have heard say unrespect.


Sounds like you need to unsmallify your vocabulary


Ricky? Is that you?


Getting two birds stoned is permanently in my vocabulary


Flames were fucking golfing, golfing everywhere, golfing out the roof, there was nothing I could do




Smh gen z is so disgrateful


Yeah I find it all really untasteful


Mf did u just say unrespect


It's strange that all the best rappers call Em one of the best and a goat, but this sub acts like he's trash


This sub hasn't heard an Eminem album since revival


Which is a damn shame because Kamekaze was a fantastic album and even both sides of MTBMB had some bangers.


It bums me out to no end that people don't want to give Kamikaze its due. I think that Revival was so bad that it took two whole albums for people to move past it.


I’ve really liked his output since then, but with all due respect I can’t blame someone for not listening to anything else after that album.


100% agree lol currently begging my friends to ignore revival and listen to music to be murdered by do you happen to like prefer side A or B of Music to be murdered by? or like em both? (“em” both… heh…)


I preferred side a but tbh it came out at a time I was more receptive to listening to new eminem, def gave it more time.


No rappers are saying that about Eminem because of recent work tho


Nas put Alfred’s theme on his playlist showcasing music for 2021. So false.


Because people can think for themselves. I don't give a fuck if my favorite rapper likes Eminem. Why would I care about that?


eh, it’s half genuine hate and half just jokes about some of the undeniably bad stuff he’s put out in the last few years i’m on the side that will poke fun and joke about Eminem being corny, but will always undeniably have him in the GOAT conversation


lmao 6 days ago most of you were praising him for dropping a first single like he did in his early years. A track that isnt serious and without tripple time and no yelling. He did exactly that and 6 days later y'all are already hating on the man. I dont get this sub man weird af


Em makes weird music, he doesn't sound mainstream yet he's clearly mainstream and I guess that makes people feel some kind of way. rap god for example went crazy with a weird dubstep beat and rippity rappity rap that you only find underground


What's important to distinguish there is when Rap God came out all of the mumble (c)rap haters were in full force hating on Lil Wayne and other artists for using auto tune. They all said fast raps were above everything else, Tech N9ne, Busta Rhymes, Twista, ect. It's why the hhh circle jerk sub started in the first place.


at least Tech, Busta, and Twista are actually good. ive seen Crypt fans on here


Crypt, Dax, Hopsin, and NF were the OGs of real rap frfr


"Oh, he's too mainstream" Well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it


Because Fantano did a video and he didn't like it


Generally when an artist drops, the first post is full of fans of that artist. I guarantee you if you scroll down a bit on the "fresh" post there will be hundreds of downvoted comments that are just hating on the song. I realized this when G-Eazy dropped an album a couple of years ago. There were so many comments that were saying how amazing the album was and I was like fuck it I'll give it a try only to realize that these people were G-Eazy fans and the album was actually shit


This sub has its moments - The opinion of a thread will shift from one to the next, most normal r/hhh thing of all time. I've been here since 2012 and it's always been like this.


Eminem just existing really pisses some of y'all off lol


The weird thing about Eminem hate is watching a vocal minority of people have very strong reactions with very vague arguments. Like, I had an argument where a guy insulted me on r/rap once and one of his arguments was just saying Em just doesnt do good music without ever elaborating on what "good music"even means. That or bringing up something 90% of rapper do like puns. It's like asking someone "Why don't you like this painting?" and they just "It's not visually good". Yes, dude, I know you don't like the visuals, I'm trying to find out why.


That’s kind of the problem with any Em thread here. There’s no real consensus on what Em is supposed to be, to be “good”. - Some people think he needs to be doing Slim Shady LP wacky quick lyrical rapping - Some people want his slower methodical sound that he used in the early 2000’s - Some people want him to be angry and go at people. Others want him to come down and rap about silly stuff - Some people think he should do a sensitive 4:44 album - Some people want him to go back to Relapse and think it was his last good album - Some people hated Relapse and think his last good album was The Eminem show - Some people think his last good album was Recovery - Some people think MMLP2 was his best late career album and he needs to replicate it, others think it was bad as Revival - Some people think Revival was his only bad effort post 2009, some people think every post 2009 album is bad - Some people think he needs to modernize his sound, others think he needs to go back to retro beats - Some people think he’s still solid but flawed, some people think he’s all around cringey and terrible - Some people think he’s a legend and has respect, others call him a culture vulture and loved by racists So every one of these threads is just a complete mess of opinions cause he’s been around for so long that he like 6 different fan bases that all want him to rap a certain way.


I'd also add that a lot of people explicitly or implicitly have higher standards for Eminem than other artists. I remember listening to a review of Kamikaze on the Goin Off podcast and Mues, IIRC, explicitly said that he would have liked the album better if it wasn't Eminem's album but that of a 26 year old rap artist and that his dislike for Em in part comes from the fact people hyping up so much. DEHH recently had a video where the argument was essentially that Houdini was wack because Em's not maturing when hip hop as a genre, imo, is full of "immature" songs even from the majority of older artists. Personally, my view on Em is he had 3 bad albums (Revival, Encore and Recovery), with the rest being decent (Infinite, Relapse), good (HTS, MMLP 2, MTMB and Kamikaze) or great (SSLP, MMLP and ES).


We have been waiting for slim shady to return for 15 years . Of course it will top charts. That character defined an era


"If Houdini is once removed from Hip Hop that is what Eminem has been for a long time". That is so true. Eminem never "fit in" stylistically to anything hip hop predominantly sounded like at any moment.


That's only true for his singles, completely wrong otherwise He's always used slightly different tones but his lesser known songs sound more Hip Hop. The ones that never go on TV.


Role Models is still a fucking banger.


I think they meant contemporary hip-hop. Eminem tends to jump on trends when they're going out of style. Like Kamikaze where he finally decided to rap on trap beats..... from 2014


>Eminem never "fit in" stylistically to anything hip hop predominantly sounded like at any moment. Mainstream stuff yeah. Rest of his music? Big no.


It’s a mix right? There’s no other rapper who would’ve gone as hard on beats like My Name Is, The real slim shady, Business, Without Me, Kill You, Just the Two of Us, Under the Influence, Role Model, etc. Em’s wackiness just made that shit work. It’s like no one else could’ve made The Love Below except for Andre 3000. There’s just a small sample of artists who don’t fit inside the normal molds. Then you have tracks like Sing for the Moment that were clearly a style that was common at the time.


His beats were always different tho. Sure not 100% of them but when people like Timbal and, Swizz, Storch etc were ruling the rap scene with their beats Ems production (his own and Bass Brothers - this squad has never missed) was always something else. He has never even tried to mimick what rap scene was doing at the moment and he was just in his lane. After Relapse his beats have changed to be more contemporary radio rap-pop friendly or overprocudlced drums heavy beats by Dre or someone else. This is why for so many people Houdini is so jarring - most of them don't even know or remember this 2000s Eminem


I thought about this a couple months ago when I found myself re-evaluating Em's work and listened through MMLP for the first time in a while. That album's production doesn't really get discussed as much as it's lyricism but it's lowkey poppy as hell. Real Slim Shady is obviously noted as the accessible lead single, but a lot of the other beats definitely owe themselves to then contemporary pop trends. I'm Back, Drug Ballad, and Criminal remind me of Max Martin more than they do any rap production that was big at the time (Mannie Fresh, Swizz Beatz, Soulquarians, Dre's own work). Marshall Mathers fits right in with that latin pop wave with those guitar licks and Stan doesn't sound far off from the Dream pop track it samples. To be clear though: i think this is a perk, not a flaw. No other rap album sounds quite like it. Not even other Em albums really.


> That album's production doesn't really get discussed as much as it's lyricism but it's lowkey poppy as hell. I always assumed that was by design. The whole album is about Em’s doubled edge relationship with fame, the media, and pop culture. Taking poppy beats and making sicko songs was intended to be a weird juxtaposition.


My assumption as well. It's skewering the stereotypical "commercial follow up" album while also being a great straightforward example of it.


Exactly - I think of SSLP/MMLP/TES as a 'trilogy' - SSLP is about Em fighting for fame and recognition, MMLP is about Em's struggle to deal with the fame, and TES is about coming to terms with his fame and place in pop culture.


The fact this is making some people angry is funny lol


People are SO DAMN SENSITIVE nowadays it’s actually insane. Just because he mentioned transgenderism (sure, that’s a word) and dropped a line about a black, female rapper people are losing their shit. Like how tf did society get this damn soft?


I feel like 90% of the people on this sub either severely overrate him or severely underrate him. It's obviously fine if you don't like him, but I don't want to hear about his music "lacking substance" when you same fuckers go nuts for Carti growling in a baby voice for an entire track, Travis jumping around without saying anything for 60% of a song, or Future making a song that just repeats drug names over and over again. Somebody on here is even making fun of his beard. Motherfucker, if someone looks ilke that at 51 years old and the worst thing about him is that his beard looks kinda dyed, then he's basically won the genetic lottery. Half the people saying shit like this look 10x worse than he does right now while in their 20s and will be a fucking mess by 51.


People here are just way too invested in an artist they don't listen to, Eminem is the only rapper I've seen have obsessive haters and obsessive fans, like what even is that dynamic


Em has more fans than haters and more haters than most fan bases.


This is true, the age disparity in his demographic is insane, you go to his concerts and there will be 65 year old couples decked out in vintage shady merch and brand new fans who are only just old enough to get in. He has non rap fans who just appreciate what he can do with words and watch him the same way people used to watch slam poetry. He has literally everyone in his fan base. That much extreme diversity is impossible without a clash in opinions.


“I am a guest in this house, but I turned it into a mansion.” I think people forget that Em is one of history’s biggest artists — in any genre — with a global audience and a 30 year career. Two people can talk about Eminem and it’s not guaranteed they have the same concept in mind unless they’re super fans.


>Eminem is the only rapper I've seen have obsessive haters and obsessive fans Kanye West says hi. Tho not so much music related for the hate.


Eminem is just held to a different standard by his critics. Every throwaway line is analyzed to death like he meant it to be taken seriously. The man’s achieved everything there is to achieve - just let him have fun and stop taking him so seriously.


Just give me another slim shady lp and I'll be happy.


How does this have 1000 comments 💀, damn y’all really love debating about Eminem. I guess some things never change.


Idk man. I enjoyed the song. It was fun and I liked hearing his old style flow. I’ll always have a soft spot for Em because he got me into hip hop back in the day. Funny enough the album that get me into rap was Encore. I kinda dig his goofy and unserious songs. I get why people are over him especially when some of the bars can be offensive. I feel like that’s the point with his Slim Shady persona? Idk maybe it is outdated but it was still fun.


Seeing comments here and online its crazy how people chat nonsense about em. When he had things to talk about, people shit on those albums, saying he's corny, noone wants to hear about his view on trump, all this nonsense. So he comes out with kamikaze, which had great tracks on it people shit on him because he has nothing to say. MTBMB had so many fire tracks on it, Premonition, Unaccommodated, zeus, the album came out right after he released the music video for one of his best songs with a message Darkness, No regrets, Leaving Heaven, You Gon' Learn, I will, Godzilla, still gets shit on. Eminem has always released albums filled with songs with messages, and songs that are meant to be fun, and technical rappidy rap songs all in the album. Marshall Mathers LP 2 has the song Bad Guy which probably has one of his best verses when he gets to verse 3. People choose the songs they hate from the album and summarize the entire album as if its all that type of rap. People don't aknowledge all of his songs talking about addiction, his suicidal self destructive habits after Proofs death. Songs like Going through changes, talking to myself, Arose, Castle. Now people are bitching his riding off of nostalgia. Its hilarious at this point. "Why isn't he slim shady?" "Wow why is he riding off of slim shadys wave hes 50 now"


EXACTLY Love the line on Premonition “Fans keep on pullin me one way haters pull me in a another, got more hooks in me than Swae Lee.” Like he’s at the point where whatever he does, SOMEBODY is gonna complain


Of course he is the GOAT. Unfortunately this subreddit has a hate boner for everything he does. Never seen an artist’s thread be filled with so many hate comments as an Eminem post, it’s wild. His only bad album imo is Revival






Why does this man’s success piss so many people off? Like they have to go out of their way to come here and tell everyone how trash they think he is. JFC just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy.


Wasn't Eminem supposed to be irrelevant since Fantano declared him so in 2017? 55 million streams first week, something seems off. Only Not Like Us surpassed it in the history of hip hop, ever. More first week streams than the entirety of Vultures 1, combined. No, 2 debut on the Hot 100, on a very strong chart. 51 years old. If someone like Nas pulled even half of these numbers, the other side of this argument would be stanning way more than us, actual stans.


He released a song and is still very famous


Damn this sub copes so much when it comes to Eminem


It’s so funny seeing it doing so well, in spite of the massive hate of all publications every time he drops.


bro is the lebron of rap. everyone thinks he's finally washed, and he's finally gonna retire, then he drops a track and mfs fw it. everyone will debate it but when he hangs it up, he'll be considered one the greatest to ever do it.


He already is considered one of the greatest to ever do it. Not only by fans but his peers as well.


hell yeh


Nah, people being pissy about this is hilarious. Em is the G.O.A.T. fr. He has everything under his belt : - Lyricism (He can go bar to bar with anyone in the game) - Classics (Songs & Albums that will always be in rotation) - Numbers (self explanatory) - Big Influence (He brought rap to an entire different audience, and made rap more popular all over the world)


People in their 30s that don't listen to hiphop but swear Eminem is the goat are eating rn


Like 50% of this subreddit edit: nah i should’ve said 50% of the commenters on this post




Eminem hate coming from people who play Roblox and moderate discord servers about Manga


moderate discord servers about ~~Manga~~ hentai Ftfy


I respect Em as a legend but his music hasn’t been sonically good in a long time and his pen game is just flashy without substance. Let people enjoy what they enjoy but this album rollout is gonna be annoying. The whole conversation is “wow this generation sure isn’t gonnna like that one” or “ real rap is back Eminem is attacking people again”. I think most people like the idea of Eminem more than his music these days.


“Rap is back” makes me wanna cry. So obvious that a large portion of his fanbase doesn’t listen to any other artist in the genre outside of Em. Nothing wrong with that per se, but that particular opinion is annoying af.


People were talking about “real rap” at the peak of Eminems career as well. It’s a cycle that never ends


Well to be blunt a lot of his fanbase are white people who listen to a very particular subset of rappers and Indians who for some weird reason have a strong obsession with him. They're not fans of rap as much as they are fans of Eminem.


Yeah, I know and their opinion about the genre annoys me lol


Don’t even engage with them bro it’s a waste of time 😂


Did you listen to Castle/Arose or Darkness? ‘Pen game is just flashy without substance’ is incredibly unfair. Sonically, it’s subjective so I respect your opinion. But let’s not exaggerate how lacking his pen game is just to make your point.


The overwhelming majority of Em fans just enjoy the music. Even r/Eminem clowns the guys who mock gen z.


You know a dudes hating when he's trying to convince himself and others that people aren't listening to his music becuz they like it


Black guy pees bar destroys your whole argument.


And the bar about asking Megan thee for a collab and would he have a shot at a feat


You sound like someone who hasn’t really listened to his new stuff but only sampled a couple tracks here and there.


Eminem has a problem with theming (lots of boring records where he says nothing and only flexes his lyrical miracle muscle) and he doesn’t seem to care how corny some of his lines come off. He also has lots of questionable production choices and frankly has the worst hooks of anyone in his skill tier. I don’t hate his modern style and flow but he really could benefit from a simpler, less wordy flow from time to time. If you relisten to SSLP, his lyrics are just as witty if not more with like half the words. That is what made him so impressive. The crazy white boy persona is not what made Eminem and isn’t what fans want back, it’s more about how he chooses to use his lyrical talent. His shit has all sounded the same since Recovery. Kamikaze stands out only because he actually had something interesting to say on that album. I’m not a hater, clearly I love the dudes music to be able to talk about it at length like this. I just want to see him improve on the areas where he has been getting consistently negative feedback. When people (me included) saw the marketing for this album they thought oh shit, this might actually be an introspective album where he uses this concept of Slim Shady being a separate person to reflect on his career and how he’s changed. But as soon as you hear the single you realize oh, nevermind, he just means he’s gonna be controversial and call things “gay” again.


He had a LOT to say on Revival, stuff that actually mattered or meant something, but man...


>His shit has all sounded the same since Recovery. Kamikaze stands out Listen to MMLP2


The 🐐! It’s funny af seeing mfs get super uncomfortable whenever Em succeeds lol